 5 992件の口コミ

Embassy Suites by Hilton Dorado del Mar Beach Resort

201 Dorado Del Mar Boulevard, 00646 Dorado, プエルトリコ 場所

Embassy Suites by Hilton Dorado del Mar Beach Resort

ドラドデルマールゴルフコースが一時的に閉鎖され、 毎日のリゾートチャージは、宿泊料金に追加し、ドラドデルマールカジノ、ローカル電話での滞在につきテニス/ 2ボトルウォーター/日/ 10ドルのマッチプレーのゲストのインターネットアクセス/チェアとタオルビーチエリア/ 2時間が含まれます。この電荷は引用符で囲まれたレートに加えて、で、GVTは、電荷を課されていません。
毎日のリゾートチャージは、宿泊料金に追加し、レストランで1前菜の購入/ワット第二前菜を50PCTを降りる大人前菜、大人の/購入ワット古い10歳未満の子供のための夕食会で無料の食事が含まれます。ボディmassage.2のボトルウォーター/日のオフbeach.15PCTで椅子/タオル - ローカル - 1-800通話。
ちょうどサンファンプエルトリコバケーションパッケージとスペシャルのための最高のホテル先の外側に位置するエンバシースイーツドラドデルマールビーチリゾートへようこそ。当社のプエルトリコのビーチやゴルフリゾートでは、お客様を提供しています私たちのチャンピオンシップチチ・ロドリゲスは、18ホールのゴルフコース、テニスコート、暖かい熱帯のビーチの私たち自身の美しいストレッチを設計しました。我々はルイス・ムニョス・マリン国際空港/ SJUの/から車ですぐです。そこに私たちの美しい島でやることが多くがあり、あなたが到着する前に、あなたの休暇を計画するのに役立つし、当社の事業およびグループのお客様への提案を提供するように、私たちは* D。
ちょうどサンファンの外側当社のフルサービスプエルトリコのゴルフやビーチリゾートでは、すべてのミーティングイベント社交と壮大なオーシャンフロントのウェディングに最適なホテルの場所です。私達の専門家と専門チームは喜んであなたの食べ物のすべてを計画するスイートと会議室の予約からご案内します - 飲料が必要です。ヒルトンホテル*電子イベントを通してスペースとエグゼクティブ会議室を満たす25人のゲストスイート - あなた自身5を予約することができます。あなたは電子のイベントまたは任意の他のグループ予約上の任意の質問がある場合はもちろん、ホテルに直接ご連絡ください、私たちはLLプロセスを通してあなたを歩くことよりも幸せ*。 787.796.6125

Beautiful small town of Dorado, located on the North shore of Puerto Rico. Ocean front setting with palm trees, beaches with view of the mountains and Tropical Villas.



Embassy Suites by Hilton Dorado del Mar Beach Resort
201 Dorado Del Mar Boulevard, 00646 Dorado, プエルトリコ

Embassy Suites by Hilton Dorado del Mar Beach Resort




  • インターネット
  • 公共エリアでのノートパソコンで高速インターネット接続が利用可能
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • 交通
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 列車のアクセス
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルエリア
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルオフィス
  • 係員付き駐車サービス
  • フロント
  • 手荷物ホールド
  • レンタカーデスク
  • コンシェルジュデスク
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックアウト
  • フロントデスク
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 格納スペース
  • ツアー/観光デスク
  • 離れて働きます
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • 一般的な
  • 直通電話
  • 加熱のルーム
  • 屋内廊下
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • 専用バスまたはシャワー
  • 公共エリアの冷暖房完備
  • 利用可能な電話ジャックアダプタ
  • ホテルのサービス
  • ATM
  • ドライクリーニング
  • 火災安全性に準拠
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • 利用可能な食料品の買い物サービス
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • アイロンボード
  • ランドリー/バレットサービス
  • パブリックアドレスシステム
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • ターンダウンサービス
  • バレットクリーニング
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • アウトレット
  • 雑貨/コンビニエンスストア
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子どもの遊び場
  • ファミリープラン
  • ペット可
  • 遊び場
  • アクセス可能な
  • エレベーター
  • イベント
  • イブニングレセプション
  • 会議室
  • 環境保護施設


  • コミュニケーション
  • マルチライン電話
  • スピーカーフォン
  • 二回線電話
  • ボイスメール
  • 寝具
  • ソファーベッド
  • 特別な機能
  • バスルーム
  • 食料と飲料
  • フルキッチン
  • キッチン
  • 簡易台所
  • マイクロ波
  • ミニ冷蔵庫
  • ウェットバー
  • エンターテインメント
  • ケーブルテレビ
  • 利用可能CNN
  • 無料の映画/ビデオ
  • 新聞紙
  • ビジネス
  • データポート
  • デスク
  • ランプ付きデスク
  • デスクで利用可能な予備電源コンセント
  • メッセージライト付き電話
  • 一般的な
  • アラーム時計
  • ファイアアラーム
  • アイアン
  • 禁煙
  • セーフ
  • 自己制御された加熱/冷却システム
  • 煙探知機


  • プール
  • 屋外プール
  • プール
  • ウェルネス
  • ジャグジー
  • マッサージサービス
  • 温泉
  • ワールプール
  • フィットネス
  • 心血管運動
  • エクササイズジム
  • フィットネスセンター
  • 重量挙げ
  • スポーツ
  • ジョギングトレイル
  • スキューバダイビング
  • シュノーケリング
  • スポーツ裁判所のオンサイト
  • ウォータースポーツ
  • 文化的な
  • ゲーム/映画


  • 食事の計画
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • 特別な注意
  • ロビーで無料のコーヒー
  • 無料のイブニングレセプション
  • 客室に無料のコーヒーや紅茶
  • ロビーのコーヒーサービス
  • ウェルカムドリンク
  • サービス
  • グリーン食品
  • キッチン設備
  • アウトレットタイプ
  • コー​​​​ヒーショップ
  • ラウンジ/バー


  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • 朝食はレストランでお召し上がりいただけます


  • チェックイン時間: 16:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 11:00

すべての予約は、ご到着前ホストtimeunlessのデポジットが必要72時間をキャンセルする必要があります(7日ホリデー/ 14 daysDec23-31)。この予約は電子的に行われている場合は混乱とノーショー法案を回避するために、電子的にそれをキャンセルしてください。変化へのポリシーの対象。**%のEDF **



Service Animals are Permitted. Please contact the hotel directly with any questions regarding pet or service animal policies.


  • 英語
  • スペイン語


If you’re winding down for the day or gearing up for the night, have a more relaxing evening at our complimentary Evening Reception. The complimentary Evening Reception held nightly features free snacks and beverages for guests. Choose from a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages while enjoying light appetizers and great conversation with family or coworkers. It’s more than perfect for adults and kids alike.


  • 会議室の数: 13
  • スリーピングルームの数: 174
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 8639 sq. ft.


  • 室内駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 係員付き駐車サービス


  • 警備員
  • 最大座席数




  •  地元や季節の食べ物
  •  地域社会の関与


ISO 14001

ISO 14001は、効果的な環境管理システムを設置する方法を概説する国際的に受け入れられている基準です。次のような環境責任を見落とすことなく、企業が商業的に成功し続けるのを支援するように設計されています。•環境パフォーマンスを絶えず改善します。•地方および国家規制やその他の要件に準拠しています。消費•廃棄物のリサイクルと回復の促進•従業員の間で環境意識を高め、活動において良い慣行を採用するように訓練する•エコラベルハウスキーピング製品の使用•持続可能な森林認定用紙の使用

ISO 50001

ISO 50001は、ISO 9001やISO 14001などの他の有名な標準にも使用される継続的な改善の管理システムモデルに基づいています。これにより、組織はエネルギー管理を全体的な努力に統合して品質と環境管理を改善しやすくなります。 ISO 50001は、組織の要件のフレームワークを提供します。-エネルギーのより効率的な使用のためのポリシーを開発 - ターゲットと目的を修正するためのポリシーを満たす - データを使用してエネルギー使用に関する決定をよりよく理解し、決定する - 結果を測定 - ポリシーは機能し、エネルギー管理を継続的に改善します。

最も参考になったレビュー 9 92件の口コミ

Edgar Ortiz
4年 前 – Google


I will give 5 stars I covid affected the quality of course but very awesome view and location it beats San Juan 10 times easy access and lot pf food and stores near by.

4年 前 – Google


This place is excellent, but you have to pay. All costs are separate parking, rooms, etc. I have a great time the breakfast is not like the other embassy hotels but is worth it. The selection is descent. The happy hour is the highlight of the day. Bartenders are very attentive and professional. This place need more pool space, because it gets crowded. Overall is a good bang for your buck. Will visit again; 4 stars.

Sergei Fitzgerald Fih
4年 前 – Google


Secluded location in Dorado city PR, you are closed to everything from here you will find a few steps from the hotel fast food and Restaurants, stores, pharmacies and more. The hotel offered Breakfast, private beach, private parking, at night live singers on the Lobby, and an excelent food. Familiar place for families with children, elderly and relaxed atmosphere. No clubs or ball room. The casino is closed but will be open soon, the facilities are way too better that Ponce Hilton's where I started my vacation this time but complimentary breakfast is way too better at Ponce Hilton compare to this Embassy resorts, I had a nice balcony here!!🥰🥰. Staff and housekeeping are great!! I like it!!

6年 前 – Google


Great location, 35 minutes from the airport. Self parking is a little far from the lobby. Great facilities for the family. They have a nice pool and a private beach. The hotel is inside a close community so security is top. The town Dorado has many restaurants, movie theater , fast food restaurants at reach.

Daisy Valdivia
6年 前 – Google


Never stayed at any Embassy suites but I will think and verify any events before booking any hotels. With this location in Dorado, Puerto Rico it was out of the way. The parking was a block away. They didn't let me check in I was with my 80 year old Mom. What made it worse was that I
was not told the Embassy Suites was have a beer festival. So the next day we could not use the pool because the didn't take out the lounge chairs nor did they give us towels. It was the most unpleasant experience I have ever had with any hotel. :( Upon checking out the Director Isias Rodriguez did not pay attention to my check out he was to busy mingling with the doorman, that he did not stamp my parking ticket. The parking was a block away I had to walk back and get it stamp. I ask him his name
and he went back to get a business card REALLY didn't even apologize or even say thank you to me the nerve of him. He definitely needs customer service training!! It's a nice hotel but I WOULD NEVER STAY THERE AGAIN.

Rose Eshay
6年 前 – Google


The hotel is very beautiful and many rooms include (delicious) buffet breakfast and other small perks (such as a " happy hour" with drinks and nachos), but it is smaller when compared to the Isla Verde Embassy location (the pool might be around the same size). All rooms are comfy suites and unlike the hotel in Isla Verde, these include balconies and a wonderful beach in sandy Dorado, PR with beach chairs and towels included. In either case they are beautiful and very luxurious.

Luis Boria
6年 前 – Google


Great place to stay. All staff are excellent; very customer oriented. Highly recommended... Always our first choice to stay.

Cloud Stars
6年 前 – Google


Been here a couple times and everything is just so comfortable. It feels relaxing and calm all day. The ambient, the beach, its beautiful

Jomayra Ramos Mojica
6年 前 – Google


Really nice place to stay with the family. The people are amazing good breakfast, pool it’s nice. Everything it’s close by the beach, pharmacy, good restaurants end places to just visit and have fun with the fam. Even if you want to go party at night really good places around. Definitely recommended!!

Dee M
6年 前 – Google


This hotel is beautiful. I used to work here many years ago and I can assure you they work everyday to provide the best service. The employees are friendly, bilingual, and willing to make your stay unforgettable. Price is not bad considering the beach is right outside and there is an awesome pool. Breakfast and happy hour included. Parking is not bad just a couple of feet away from the entrance. I wish the rooms were nicers but it wasnt bad either. Like I said the staff is amazing here. This hotel is in a gated community, so there is a long walk to get to the shopping area or restaurants if you plan to walk out to the town. My kids loved it so much here. Thanks Embassy.

renumi •
6年 前 – Google


An alright hotel resort, the lobby area and entrance are beautiful; nothing short of magnificent in the waiting areas. The rooms though were good at best. They seemed to be a bit dirty and a tad bit rundown (using that word very loosely). The beds weren't all that comfortable and (in my room/experience) one of the lamps above the two beds didn't even work, the other had a broken switch (although workable). The pool is amazing; no complaints there. The beach is gated and very spectacular too. Staff were very nice and approachable with any query or complaint, which is something good to note for a resort. All in all, a pretty good experience for me and my family and worth visiting/staying again (if you don't mind a 3/5 room).

Alía Maité
6年 前 – Google


We had our graduation there. It was amazing. Beautiful place

Zuly Vazquez
6年 前 – Google


Good service! Excellent breakfast. Gym area very comfortable!! Gazebo in the swiming pool is not pretty.

Tabitha Stewart
6年 前 – Google


It's far from the metro in a nice quiet area. Beach access, with 2 pools. One restraunt is still closed due to hurricane. Family friendly with playground and shallow pool. The gym only had one working treadmill, bike, and elliptical. Free and pulley weights are available. There's a Walgreens about .25 miles away. Old San Juan is close if you take the ferry otherwise it's 45 min.

Kofi H
6年 前 – Google


Amazing beach. This place is perfect for a family trip hotel. It can be noisy on the weekends.

Jose San Inocencio
6年 前 – Google


Very nice area and environment.
Very good service and product.
Many gastronomic alternative in town

Elvin Vega-Cruz
6年 前 – Google


Nice hotel. Heavy load of frogs. Nice table serving inside, good oriental food restaurant outside. Access to the beach. Large pool with a nearby bar were you can buy cold beverage and also order good food. Not much to do. Be aware during May because that this place is popular for local schools graduation and heavy use of the pool.

Elmer Flores
6年 前 – Google


Now, can be better if they add a familiar activities and attractions in available facilities like former casino and golf club which are unoccupied (ex. shows at nights and others in day different than only pool and beach). Parking lot may be less expensive.

Rolando Maldonado
6年 前 – Google


Warm and cozy but has no night life

Dana Mccallister
6年 前 – Google


Great place to visit with a love one or kids. The staff here is wonderful and very friendly too. Breakfast is complimentary and you can eat as much as your stomach can hold. There's a gym laundry room and game room. Oh I almost forgot to mention the woman who does yoga on Saturdays and gives the most excellent massages. There's an outdoor bar, pool, and hot tub. Is even a beach that you can walk out on. This place is amazing!!!!!

Dana McCallister
6年 前 – Google


The staff is exceptional they go above and beyond for their hotel guests not to mention the free breakfast the food is good there was also a cafe and a bakery here there is also an outside bar pool and access to the beach I stayed here for 10 days and enjoy myself all 10 I would highly recommend this for any family traveling with the kids or someone just wanting to go on a romantic getaway

Gabriel Lago
6年 前 – Google


Stayed here for my 8th grade graduation and it was good. Very comfy bed and nice tv. Free breakfast was great a lot to choose from, there was a line to get in though because of how full it was. Nice pool no slides or anything. You can go to the ocean if you don't like the pool its literally a 30 second walk from the pool to the beach. Elevators worked with your hotel room card so make sure not to leave it or lose it or you will have to ask someone from the same floor to take you up. I wasn't allowed to enter the gym because of my age, so I never saw it. Nice experience overall. Would recommend.

Natasha Brocks
7年 前 – Google


This place was just okay. This was not like a resort that I was expecting down in Puerto Rico. Yes the sweets were big and spacious but there was a lot a lot left to desire. The breakfast was the same old same old breakfast and you had to ask for bacon how well at least it was free. Then we had issues with room service, our menu was apparently old and the price it had changed so they charged us higher prices for a food than we were expecting. Don't you think you need to update your menus? Several nights we ate at the restaurant which really wasn't a restaurant since we said in the foyer but all in all the food was good. They have happy hour free drinks but the snacks were still but the popcorn was good. I asked the bartender to get me a Tom Collins when everybody order their drinks everybody got to but yet she gave me one why was that? I'm glad we had a rental car for the week so we can get out of the hotel / Resort I will be back to Puerto Rico but not this hotel.

Barbara Taylor
7年 前 – Google


Juan, bartender, is the best! Live music during the week. Pool is refreshing and hotel is close to ocean. Front desk staff wasn't very friendly. Valet team is great.

LaShawn Lao
7年 前 – Google


Fairly clean ... but couldn't believe this was on the bedskirt; a bathing suit liner.
Next, upon arrival at ANY place I sleep at, I check for bed bugs. This mattress looked like it was dragged across the parking lot - it was like this on 3 of the sides - I couldn't see the top of the mattress, at the headboard. Even with the dragging, the bed was comfortable.
Not a five star, so I didn't expect immaculate! The breakfast, happy hour and Very Friendly & helpful staff members will keep people coming back. Room 502 ... Player remove the liner.

MiCasita Sports Bar
7年 前 – Google


Staff Nice , Location was great plus great view of the beach, beautiful pool, Rooms Very Clean & Nice, and breakfast was great great great. Hands down great hotel. Just wish they had a Casino. But other than that great hotel. 5 stars!!!!

Darrin S
7年 前 – Google


Nice pool. Large rooms / suited. Good for families. Nice happy hour. Complimentary breakfast.

Chad Pearman
7年 前 – Google


This is a nice hotel for families. I wouldn't stay here with just my wife, but it is fine with the kids. The evening reception is super crowded, maybe by design. The breakfast is not designed well from a flow standpoint. These are not a big deal to me. The people are nice and the room is clean. The pool and beach are nice.

Renee Hodges
7年 前 – Google


The property is beautiful. Family oriented. Prices are good. Although they could do some renovations inside to make the rooms and decor more modern/up to date.

brandi griffin
7年 前 – Google


Free breakfast was great! Staff was friendly. Free drink reception every evening was awesome! The food in the hotel restaurant and pool bar was also great. The only thing that I did not like was the parking was $15 or $18 for valet per day in top of the daily resort fee. You can not park anywhere else so you have no choice but to pay for the parking. That was only the thing that I did not like. The location is awesome if you want peace and quiet and want to be away from big crowds this is the resort to go to. It is on a private beach and there are 3 pools and a hot tub. The scenery is beautiful. Kids loved it and so did we. We will definitley stay here again.

J Peterson
7年 前 – Google


The hotel is quite nice. It's located directly on the beach. Abundant pool area with plenty of chairs. The hotel room itself is quite large with two separate rooms.

Dally Castillo
7年 前 – Google


With attention to Detail the staff accommodated our grandson's third birthday party, chocolate cake was wonderful, Thank you Jose Rosado! Everything was set up just right and the buffet was just great! Thank you Nelson for the mimosa's (you did a great job improvising). Thank you all for going out of your way.

Roger Rodrz.
7年 前 – Google


Very nice beautiful pools nice staff the rooms are nice amazing but they're pretty the restaurants in the area are very nice I can get some sushi good place for coffee and some very yummy desserts this is just a great hotel to completely chill.

Calixto Vazquez
7年 前 – Google


Nice people. Maybe five minute walk to get to the beach. The hotel pool backs right up to the beach. It's a nice compromise between a regular hotel and an all inclusive hotel. It's tucked away from a lot of the locals and offers good privacy. The rooms are nice enough for my standard and the breakfast is decent. Mixed drinks are good and the general drink selection I'd say is good.

Jimmy Fox
7年 前 – Google


Wonderful experience here! Great staff, lovely room with a great view, couldn't ask for more. We're seeing the entire island while we're here, so this was a convenient spot to stay. Perfect scenic drive into San Juan, too. We'd stay here again!

Susanne M Johnson
7年 前 – Google


Hotel is nice and clean. Location is wonderful on the beach. Beach is private and clean. Hotel staff is polite and friendly. Manager's reception from 5:30-7:30 rum punch was wonderful, but light snacks of pretzels and popcorn is great for kids, but what about some appetizers for adults too. Seemed low budget. Bartenders were friendly and polite. Breakfast is good, but go early because once a food item runs out, they don't refill it. Difficult if you have children because not always able to go to early breakfast. Disappointed the breakfast isn't refilled and fully available for the full time frame stated. Not very many people at the hotel this week of February 17-25 so surprised there's not enough seating available at breakfast or at the pool or beach. Pool is beautiful and clean. Food at restaurant by pool is good, but a little pricey. Rooms are fairly basic. We have room 2720 on the 7th floor and the thermostat is stuck at 65 so have to turn it on and off manually. Not fun at night :0(

Dawn D
7年 前 – Google


The beach and pool are awesome. However the first 15 minutes there I was "threatened" by towel guy that if my towels weren't turned in by 5 I'd be charged for the towels...the pool was open until 11..also he yelled at me to not move my pool chair. This wouldn't have bothered me except the children were running wild...jumping from rocks, cannon balling in pool , and in hot tub..signs stated none of this was allowed, there was no enforcement of rules...also Valentine's Day we asked the day before and morning of if we needed reservation and were told no. Guess what we needed one. The manager said she would address it but didn't seem to care we were going to go somewhere else...also it's impossible to get a cab or uber to get anywhere, you are trapped there unless you walk.....overall Iwould not recommend. There are several other hotels in San Juan proper that are excellent with great beaches and many more options for dining, tours,etc.

Lori Burgett
7年 前 – Google


Bathroom is slightly outdated, but everything else is outstanding. Excellent view of the pool and beach, great food. The pool area is beautiful and a hotel card gate connects you right onto the stunning beach. You can rent peddle boats, standing paddle boards and kayaks for a fairly reasonable fee. There is no free parking but as long as you are pre-warned about the $15/day to park it doesn't sting so bad.

Jeff Devine
7年 前 – Google


The good, the free breakfast omlet bar and the free drinks in the evening. The pools and the beach access were also good. The not so good, the room was not well cleaned grime in the bathroom, mold in the tub calking, a wad of gum in the corner and a dirty sock under the bed skirt. The sliding glass door to the balcony was very difficult to open or close.

Author, Neva Rodriguez
7年 前 – Google


Beautiful hotel! Private beach, complimentary cocktail hour and amazing breakfast. I would stay here again.

Joseph McDonald
7年 前 – Google


Great stay with very friendly and helpful staff. Stayed 4 nights and didn't want to leave. I'll be back. Pool bar staff was great.

Will Knox
7年 前 – Google


Decent place, seems to be more of a local hangout than a tourist trap. Seems to be quite a few hidden fees. Hotel isn't really updated. Much nicer public beaches across the island. Beach at the hotel is rocky and pretty rough, not well maintained. Has a nice pool though.

Iron Ash
8年 前 – Google


The service was wonderful, everyone was very nice and spoke near excellent english. The pools were warm, as was the ocean. Speaking of, the ocean had a sheltered bay that made the waves smaller- you can view this as either a good or bad thing. Overall I greatly enjoyed my stay

Matthew Case
8年 前 – Google


Lovely location in a nice quite area. Close to everything you would need. The facilities are nice but there could be more local flair added to the breakfast and evening reception. The staff has all been very friendly and helpful. I would stay here again.

Devon Case
8年 前 – Google


The view is very pretty. The pool seems nice. The staff is friendly. The rooms are nice but feel a little stark. All in all a nice place but not the best embassy suites we have ever stayed in.

Luay Allous
8年 前 – Google


They have wonderful service...amazing breakfast....the staff was helpful....and the happy hour @530-730 was awesome. This place was beautiful. It was our first time and we will be back.

Rostik Borenko
8年 前 – Google


Very nice and comfortable place to stay. The complimentary breakfast was decent but may become repetitive after a week. The wifi is inconvenient to set up and barely fast enough for medium video quality. You could find better wifi at an inn or in public places. The pool was amazing and unique. Not the typical rectangle or blob. The beach however was disappointing. The shore was clean but there was a ton of seaweed just a few feet from shore. The room was clean and cozy. The bed is decent and the sofa bed was surprisingly bearable. Disappointed that it was typically loud until midnight. This hotel needs to enforce quite hours. Otherwise great stay unless you want spend the whole time at the hotel beach.

Jose Bustillo
8年 前 – Google


Great hotel, included breakfast is really good, and if you get there by 8am it is surprisingly relaxing.

Pool is great for the kids, service was good.

Elevators are ridiculously slow, takes ages to go to/from suite. Valet parking was lacking, long waits for the attendant to arrive, it was easier to just leave my keys at the lobby reception.

Stayed June 2016, traveled with family

Emilia Reyes
8年 前 – Google


Very pretty and relaxing. The service is amazing and the breakfast is always delicious! Love staying there.

Patricia Rivera
9年 前 – Google


The place was awesome...stunning views...poolside and beach. The food was great. This was a dream come true. Ricardo Torres, Amantina, Omahr and several other servers made the stay exemplary. We will definitely be back and make recommendations.

Dominique Jacques
9年 前 – Google


Excellent customer service. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. The free breakfast is awesome!! A buffet with a variety of food to choose from. From bagels, cereal, and doughnuts to eggs pancakes bacon and sausage. Happy hour is also great, free drinks (including alcohol) and snacks 5:30-7:30. The rooms are very clean & the pool is nice great for the kids. A very family-oriented hotel. Would definitely recommend!

Jerry Cervenak
9年 前 – Google


The staff was great. The view is breath taking . The place is clean. A very peaceful and beautiful setting I would recommend it

Shannon Alberts
9年 前 – Google


Excellent. Food, rooms, staff, beach, happy hour, pool, location... All top notch. Only complaint is $9 drinks. Free drinks during happy hour makes up for it.