 920件の口コミ

HYATT house Chicago Warrenville

27554 Maecliff Dr, WARRENVILLE, IL 60555, アメリカ合衆国 場所

HYATT house Chicago Warrenville

ハイアットハウスホテルは、ネーパービルのダウンタウンから数分のウォーレンビルにある便利な場所にあります。シカゴのダウンタウン、シカゴのダウンタウン、オハレ国際空港の西30マイルのフレンドリーな近所にあるモダンでありながら住宅用ホテルは、30分で到達できます。ゲストは、ハイエンドの家具、オールスイートの客室、アメニティで自宅にいるように感じます。私たちはあなたの拡張をより快適にとどめるためにあなたが必要なすべてを持っています。私たちの広々とした住宅にインスパイアされたスイートはすべて、豪華なハイアットグランドベッドと設備の整ったキッチンを備えています。 32インチHDTV、ソファまたはソファスリーパーの居心地の良いコーナー、花崗岩のカウンタートップと無料のアメニティを備えたバスルームの虚栄心が大好きです。当社のビジネスセンターで無料のWi-Fiとリモート印刷に接続してください。毎日提供される朝食に目を覚ます。現在、無料のホットコンチネンタルブレックファーストを紹介しています。朝食をコーヒー、牛乳、ジュース、またはお茶と組み合わせてください。 Hバーでリラックスします。ここでは、SIP +スナックメニューからクリエイティブなカクテルやアプリを注文できます。思慮深く調達された地域にインスパイアされたバー・バイツの共有とプレミアムアルコール飲料をお楽しみください。屋内の温水プールでスプラッシュをしたり、自然に照らされたスペースでラウンジプールサイドを使用してください。私たちの屋外テラスのリラックスしたファイヤーピットで涼しい夜に暖まり、その後、テラスグリルでお気に入りの食事をいくつかします。 938平方フィートの会議スペース、または再会、誕生日パーティー、お祝いのための親密なレセプションで次の企業イベントを開催します。何がイリノイ州ネーパービルに連れて行っても、ハイアットハウスシカゴ/ネーパービル/ウォーレンビルでの滞在中にやるべきことがたくさんあります。私たちのホテルは、地元のスポーツコンプレックス、専門の食事、プレミアムショッピングセンター、地元のアトラクション、そして親切な屋外体験の1つにあります。

Discover the all-suite hotel that not only know you it knows what you want. Namely the things that make you feel right at home - a full kitchen and free high-speed internet. Most importantly, you'll find helpful staff who will get to know you and make your stay more relaxing and productive.



HYATT house Chicago Warrenville
27554 Maecliff Dr, WARRENVILLE, IL 60555, アメリカ合衆国


  • インターネット
  • 無料WiFi
  • 公共エリアでのノートパソコンで高速インターネット接続が利用可能
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • 交通
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 列車のアクセス
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルエリア
  • フロント
  • 手荷物ホールド
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックアウト
  • フロントデスク
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 格納スペース
  • 離れて働きます
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • 一般的な
  • 直通電話
  • 加熱のルーム
  • 屋内廊下
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • 専用バスまたはシャワー
  • 公共エリアの冷暖房完備
  • ホテルのサービス
  • 火災安全性に準拠
  • ロビーでの無料新聞
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • 利用可能な食料品の買い物サービス
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • アイロンボード
  • ランドリー/バレットサービス
  • パブリックアドレスシステム
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • ターンダウンサービス
  • バレットクリーニング
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • アウトレット
  • 雑貨/コンビニエンスストア
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子どもの遊び場
  • ペット可
  • 遊び場
  • アクセス可能な
  • アクセ駐車場
  • イベント
  • 会議設備
  • イブニングレセプション
  • 会議室


  • コミュニケーション
  • 無料のインターネット
  • 市内通話無料
  • 無料市内通話、フリーダイヤル通話
  • 高速インターネット接続
  • 無線インターネット接続
  • 高速無線
  • 無線電話
  • スピーカーフォン
  • ボイスメール
  • 寝具
  • ダブルベッド
  • シングルベッド
  • ソファーベッド
  • スーパー快適なベッド
  • 特別な機能
  • バスルーム
  • 浴槽
  • バスタブ/シャワーコンビネーション
  • 専用のバスルーム
  • 食料と飲料
  • カップ/ガラス製品
  • 食器洗い機
  • フルキッチン
  • キッチン
  • キッチン用品
  • 簡易台所
  • マイクロ波
  • プレートとボウル
  • 鍋釜類
  • 冷凍装置
  • 製氷機付き冷蔵庫
  • 銀/食器
  • コンロ
  • トースター
  • オーブントースター
  • エンターテインメント
  • AM / FMラジオ
  • ケーブルテレビ
  • 利用可能CNN
  • DVDプレーヤー
  • 無料新聞
  • 新聞紙
  • テレビ
  • フロントデスクにビデオデッキ
  • ビジネス
  • デスク
  • ランプ付きデスク
  • 直通の電話番号
  • 印刷装置
  • デスクで利用可能な予備電源コンセント
  • 電話
  • メッセージライト付き電話
  • 一般的な
  • アラーム時計
  • 変圧器/アダプタ
  • デュアル電圧出口
  • 利用可能な電気アダプター
  • ファイアアラーム
  • アイアン
  • ランドリーバスケット/衣服バスケット
  • 禁煙
  • 自己制御された加熱/冷却システム
  • 煙探知機
  • モーニングコール
  • アクセス可能な
  • ハンディキャップルーム
  • 光で火災警報器


  • プール
  • プール
  • ウェルネス
  • マッサージサービス
  • サウナ
  • 温泉
  • ワールプール
  • フィットネス
  • エクササイズジム
  • フィットネスセンター
  • 重量挙げ
  • スポーツ
  • ジョギングトラック
  • ラケットボール
  • スノースポーツ
  • スポーツ裁判所のオンサイト


  • 食事の計画
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のコンチネンタル朝食
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • フルアメリカン朝食
  • 特別な注意
  • 客室に無料のコーヒーや紅茶
  • ロビーのコーヒーサービス
  • キッチン設備
  • アウトレットタイプ


  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • 無料のコンチネンタル朝食
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • フルアメリカン朝食
  • コンチネンタル朝食


  • チェックイン時間: 15:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 12:00




ペットポリシー - 1-6夜、75返金不可の手数料。 7月30日夜、75返金不可プラス100クリーニング料金は、税金の-inclusive投与されるであろう。マックス。 RM、重量制限あたり2ペットが1ペットまたは最大50ポンド以下です。 2ペットのための75ポンド。料金は米ドルで、


  • 英語




  • 会議室の数: 3
  • スリーピングルームの数: 123
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 861 sq. ft.
  • 最大の会議室の収容人数: 100


  • アクセ駐車場
  • 無料駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場


  • AV装備
  • フリップチャート及びマーカー
  • 液晶プロジェクター
  • プロジェクターとスクリーン
  • ホワイトボード
  • ケータリング
  • 自然照明
  • オーバーヘッドプロジェクター
  • イーゼルまたは錠剤
  • 高速インターネットアクセス
  • オーバーヘッド
  • 警備員
  • 最大座席数
  • 社会的機能をホスト
  • スクリーン




最も参考になったレビュー 9 20件の口コミ

Kirsten Olson
6年 前 – Google


Fine travelers hotel. Clean and comfortable room with minifridge. Nothing close for food- and the hotel food, other than breakfast- was incredibly poor. The breakfast was great! Small pool and workout area.

Renee Stade
6年 前 – Google


The rooms were really nice and clean. The staff was very friendly. I wish the bar was open a little bit later than ten and a hot tub in the pool area would have been nice. Otherwise a good experience.

Barbara Tirtlot
6年 前 – Google


Hotel is clean smells great. Breakfest is good. Towels are soft. Bed is comfortable. Staff is very nice and sweet

Krystle Syms
6年 前 – Google


Tabitha and Jenny are so awesome! They made my 4 week stay feel like home.
Food was great, drinks were great, and the staff is great. I recommend this hotel to anyone and everyone.

Nick Fazzini
6年 前 – Google


Clean. Good location. And some of the softest pillows I've ever slept on! This place is great for an extended stay as it has all the amenities you could want: dry cleaning, oven, full size fridge, a nice 40" TV and a small living area.

brian naden
6年 前 – Google


Very nice place. Rooms were nice. Had a semi divided bedroom from living room. Very comfortable beds. Good selection of TV channels and a nice TV that swivels. Breakfast was excellent with pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, cereal, fruit and coffee and juice.

Russell Maxwell
6年 前 – Google


Rooms a little too cozy for us. To load in the amenities It's tight. Kept stubbing my toe. Breakfast service very nice. Had trouble keeping up with the demand for coffee. Clean rooms.

John N.
6年 前 – Google


We stay here every time we're in town to visit my parents. Spacious suite, full kitchen with full fridge for leftovers, and a great free hot breakfast. The indoor pool is also nice.

Joy Piety
6年 前 – Google


Wonderful hotel and staff were outstanding. I really enjoyed the large suites and breakfast bar. Great quiet location and loved the restaurants nearby.

Crystal Taylor
6年 前 – Google


Great place to stay when traveling, beautiful hotel. Staff was amazing from check in to breakfast to check out. You can build a nice looking hotel but if the staff is mediocre than its just a building. Special Thanks to Katie in sales for being Awesomely Awesome! Best stay EVER!!!

Andrew Klein
6年 前 – Google


Stayed 2 nights this past week 6/20. Room was nice. Walk-in shower was a plus. Very pleased. Would definitely return

Alen S
6年 前 – Google


I stayed at the Hyatt Place two weeks ago and I had such a wonderful experience. I believe Beatriz checked me in, and she was very engaging and friendly. My room had separate seating area which was conformable to do work. As an IT person, I spend a lot of my time on my computer and had no issues with their internet. Overall experience was wonderful. Would highly recommend this hotel!

Monika Harris
6年 前 – Google


This was one of the most helpful people working there. They went out of there way to make sure we were accommodated. Breakfast was very good, i was able to make a waffle and a made to order omelette. Also very clean.

Justin Bowers
6年 前 – Google


Friendly staff, nice room with full kitchen, pool, bar/restaurant, and business area. They also have a small shop with some snacks and toiletries in case you forget something. All in all this is a nice hotel that I would be happy to come back to.

6年 前 – Google


I have stayed at alot of hotels this one is my favorite. Clean and professional at its highest. Breakfast is amazing you will love it to.

Jake Featherston
6年 前 – Google


Great location and easy to get to from the highway. Rooms are the right size for a single person's stay. Plenty of places to eat within a short drive. Breakfast includes a decent variety and the customer service is better than most hotels.

Dan Davlantis
6年 前 – Google


Third time that I've stayed with my family at a Hyatt House. Second time at this location. We love it! And the price is nice, too. That isn't why we chose it but sure is a nice added bonus.

Daniel Mahilraj
6年 前 – Google


Great place with friendly staff. Facilities such as gym and pool available. Recommended stay for anyone travelling

Todd King
6年 前 – Google


Clean, large, modern, spacious rooms. The staff are very friendly and personable. Many, whom I had only met once on a previous visit, remembered me on my return visit, weeks later.

Brant Boyer
6年 前 – Google


Nice clean rooms, comfortable bed and furniture. It's not home but it makes due in the mean time. Pillows are much too soft. Rooms are not very sound proof. Decor is nice and modern. would stay again.

6年 前 – Google


Ok place &most housekeeping staff is very nice(except for head of housekeeping!!-talks about you when you turn around!😡) -But women serving breakfast are both Wonderful people!!Although,breakfast should include biscuits and gravy sometimes😊 &pancakes&waffles &french toast are Always hard!😝 The managers don't even say "Hi",let alone Thank you for spending all of your $$$ to stay!! Front desk manager is Absolutely Ignorant!!-Very Cold- Zero regard for Guests of All ages!!Even Elderly!!😔
Plus there is No hot tub☹

Michael Lee Stallard
6年 前 – Google


Nice hotel. The woman working early in the early morning hours was delightful. Her friendliness, warmth and generous spirit really got my day off to a great start. UnfortunateIy I'm having an early senior moment and can't recall her name.

Espy Danine
6年 前 – Google


This is one of two hotels on the same campus, the other being Hyatt Place. Both are relatively newer hotels, with easy access to the interstate. House has a great pool and also an excellent snack area plus lounge for guests to relax in and socialize

Steve Dalton
6年 前 – Google


Nice clean room where everything was functional. Pretty cool layout, with her effeciency setup. It's all what you'd expect from a Hyatt property.

Deanna Heller
6年 前 – Google


The room was spacious and nice for a large family. It was also very clean. The bathroom was incredibly tiny! My only problem was witinin 10 minutes of checking in, we had a noise complaint. It was only 8:15 pm!! The front desk saw our four kids and didn't give us a chance to get settled or explain to the guest who complained that we just arrived. Not happy!

Hollis Sheena Paxton
6年 前 – Google


Location is convenient. The staff is very friendly and helpful. Didn't care for the room. They gave us an accessible room, and we didn't ask for it. The shower didn't work correctly and the room set up is not what we were expecting. But it fit everyone in our group comfortably. The breakfast is really good. Yummy buffet with French toast and waffles. Also has cage free eggs.

Isaac Carter
6年 前 – Google


Great service. Room wasn't thoroughly clean though. Everything else excellent.

6年 前 – Google


Nice place &most housekeeping staff is very nice,as is women serving breakfast!Although,breakfast should include biscuits and gravy sometimes😊 &pancakes&waffles &french toast is Always hard!😝 The managers don't even say "Hi",let alone thank you for spending all of your $$ to stay!
Plus there is No hot tub☹ But Very Clean& Neat!

GeorgeandKristin Visser
6年 前 – Google


Good area. Close to the highway. Close to family. Good breakfast. Good price .Will probably stay there again.

Shruti Bagla
6年 前 – Google


It's a very nice hotel. The room was great. Staff was very helpful. The breakfast was a delicacy. Loved everything about this place.

cpark04 Parker
6年 前 – Google


It got pretty good reviews-however when I walked in there was someone sprawled out sleeping on a bench in the restaurant, I went to the room they gave me in the bathroom door didn’t close so they had to move my room, and then in the second room there was a bug on the window blinds-it didn’t look like a roach some kind of beetle nonetheless not a good first impression. Will see how the remainder of my stay is and check back in with an update.

Matt Yager
7年 前 – Google


Awesome rooms. Really cool fire pit and outside tables to just chill. Loved the attention to detail.

The carpet need stretched. Be careful if you have a little unsure footing.

Sterling Williams
7年 前 – Google


The food and drinks were really good. I like the loved the location because you are within 5 minutes or less of restaurants, stores, bowling, and the movies. You're also maybe 10 minutes away from downtown Naperville if you want to go to a bar or clubs.

Amy Popke
7年 前 – Google


Our wedding party is staying here.Elevator out of service & our room is on the 5th floor. Stairway to heaven on a record breaking 100 degree day...Cardiac workout anyone? Bees some how are getting in our room as well.

Amber Ray
7年 前 – Google


Our first night there the smoke alarms were going off because a guest "forgot" they were cooking food. Another guest informed us that this has happened 3 times in the past 3 weeks they have been staying there. We had to stand in the cold with our 4 week old baby for 45min. The room is nice though.

C.L. Becker
7年 前 – Google


The room was amazing! Modern, clean, layout was the best I've had and I've traveled extensively with work. The staff was top-notch. Professionally, yet personably, greeted by front desk person. The bartendress was the funnest and most understanding person I've met. She was extremely personable and outgoing. Fantastic stay!! Wish it we're longer.

Jacob Hastings
7年 前 – Google


I've stayed a quite a few Hyatt locations in the Midwest and this was a very good experience! It was very easy once I arrived to unload my things at my own pace and there was no rush. I did not experience the bar and market personally but the atmosphere when I arrived was nice and pleasant making this place unique. Staff was very friendly and helpful! The only negative thing I had was the placement of the closet in the room. It was a big closet inside the bathroom and not accessible if multiple people were staying in the room. Besides that, the room was beautiful!

jeff stark
7年 前 – Google


Parking free and plentiful.
Lobby was efficient and clean
Check in was quick and efficient.
Room: good size King bed suite with a couch with a pullout sleeper. Office desk with lamp and phone. Full sized closet able to fit suitcases inside with no problem. : Kingsize bed very comfortable with nice firm pillows.
Noise from the 4th floor was minimal not much traffic outside-but there was some earplugs on one of the two nightstand.
Room darkness-probably not the most attractive of curtains, but all hotels should have curtains that close from left to right. That eliminates that annoying middle leakage of lights. I have a similar setup at home-keeps the room dark.
HVAC efficient and quiet A/C unit.
Bathroom fairly large with shower door. No bathtub.
Amenities: Full size Refrigerator, Microwave toaster & Flat screen TV that spins to face couch, stovetop, dishwasher, dishes, pots, pans if you are staying for a length of time.
Breakfast complimentary with omelet made to order very decent selection.
WiFi free
Fitness center various aerobic machines bikes, treadmills, recumbent bike, various dumbbells open 24hours/day with key.
Evening snacks available after 5pm
Would stay again when in the Chicago/Naperville area.

David Nunez
7年 前 – Google


From the moment I arrived it was a pleasure. A welcome bag with a pleasant hand written note was in my room. Housekeeping was fantastic and above expectations. I am staying here for 3 weeks for business and couldn't be happier with the accomodations.

Hannah Guffey
7年 前 – Google


We absolutely loved our stay at Hyatt House Naperville. I never write reviews but I was so impressed with this hotel that I couldn't resist. Everything was in great shape and the rooms were HUGE (we stayed in a 1br king). Everything was well thought out from the big things to the small. From the full sized kitchen with full sized appliances to having a separate desk area to ample plug ins to a list of things you can borrow if you forget (flat iron, board games, headphones, etc). The staff was friendly, check in and out was a breeze and the breakfast had tons of options. We loved it so much that we decided to specifically seek out Hyatt House for future stays in other places.

Brett Sawyer
7年 前 – Google


Terrific Cust service & very nice rooms. May get different rate quotes if talking to different people but they will honor the lowest rate stated after talking with them.

Charles Anderson
7年 前 – Google


Everything was great to the smallest detail but me and my guest were having issues with the employees helping us check in. We were told different things that made us have to drive to the bank and hotel 2-3 times before getting checked in.

Cindy Camacho
7年 前 – Google


Friendly staff. Very surprised at how big the kitchen area was. Even more impressed how furnished the kitchen was. It was loaded with all the necessities. Nice sized room for a family of four. Complimentary breakfast was awesome. Lots of options to choose from. I would definitely go back to this location for sure. Hyatt house would be the first place I would look into for our next accommodation needs.

Richard ALLEY
7年 前 – Google


Wonderful service. Nice people, and extremely clean rooms. All in all a pleasurable stay.

Karthikeyan Ramalingam
7年 前 – Google


I have been here couple of times before, but now the quality of service seems to have gone down a bit. Poor service during Breakfast, but also lack of friendly Front Desk staff, who doesn't even know the check in time is at 3PM and not 4PM.

Matthew Barth
7年 前 – Google


Very pleasent place to stay. I was at the warrenville location in room 233. Everyone working is very nice and willing to help. They even tracked down a package for me. Will definitely stay here again.

Artur Ankowski
7年 前 – Google


The studio is a great option when you're traveling as a couple. It has a modern look and features fully equipped kitchenette. You can use the swimming pool and breakfast is included. Nice stay close to Fermilab.

Espy Danine
7年 前 – Google


One of two "twin" hotels from Hyatt next to each other. House is more warm feeling and has more homey features and amenities such as more seating options in the lobby. In addition it has countertop area with area to eat and have drinks. The hotel is relatively newer and much of the decor is modern, but not gaudy. The rooms are wonderfully lit and are quite ample for one to enjoy one's stay

Robin Fisher
7年 前 – Google


First time staying there. I stayed for a week, it was a great experience. The late night female desk clerk was extremely pleasant and helpful. My next visit, I will only stay here.

Inzajeano Latif
7年 前 – Google


Brilliant service. Very comfortable stay. Good breakfast and great location.

Munir Kaderbhai
7年 前 – Google


Awesome choice for a family. Full kitchen with all cooking utensils in suite. Nice pool and friendly staff.

Kevin Tubbs
7年 前 – Google


Took great care of me when I was there for a long duration. Staff knew me and others by name and were attentive and professional.

Chad Huizinga
7年 前 – Google


Nice and clean hotel. Would have been better if the fire alarm didn't wake everyone up because of burnt toast.

Nicholas White
7年 前 – Google


The staff is excellent. They go above and beyond to help. The rooms are standard. Good for what they are.

Guess It
7年 前 – Google


Clean and quiet rooms. Enjoyed our stay for half the price of a sketchy room half a mile away. Lovely place would stay again.

Rajesh Kumar
7年 前 – Google


Excellent place. I enjoyed my stay in their studio which had all the features of a small and complete home. Staff was extremely helpful and friendly. They have free shuttle for anywhere to go in a 5 miles radius. Must go place.

Betty Harris
7年 前 – Google


I would definitely stay here in the near future. The rooms were like apartments, with a lot of space. I love the fact that the kitchen was stocked with utensils, cups, bowls, plates, etc. My favorite part was the spacious bathroom and shower.

Mikayla Tate
7年 前 – Google


I've been at Hyatt House for a night and I'll be here for aboit three more weeks due to my house being under construction. So far there's good service. The pool is really warm, but there isn't a hot tub. Breakfast goes until 10; I went down at about 10:20 and was able to snag the last of the food which was fine but not amazing though it'd been out for a while. The hotel itself seems nice and modern. Very clean. I'm in a 2 king suite. The living space is nice with a good sized couch and tv. The kitchen is open with a full sized fridge, microwave, and stove, as well as a breakfast table big enough for 4 or 5. The bedrooms are on either side of the common area, each rooms has its own tv, desk, and bathroom. Not a ton of storage space but I expect I have a bit more stuff than someone only staying a few days. Overall I'm satisfied but it's too early to tell more. Hope this helped.

Timothy Stuker
7年 前 – Google


I booked a room hoping that I would be able to get two beds, but was unaware that this option was unavailable. I visited the front desk after seeing my room and they were kind enough to upgrade me and my family to a 2 bedroom suite on New Year's Eve. Great management making this customer very happy. Very cool property for the road warrior or for a close to home getaway with the kids. Nice pool and breakfast is very yummy! (Waffles, pancakes, French Toast, juice and coffee, and much more)

I highly recommend this property. Very roomy guest accommodations with large living room with a full kitchen. We cooked frozen pizzas and used the microwave quite a bit. Love, love, love this place!!

Paulette Curry
7年 前 – Google


On December 26,2016 through Decenber 28, 2016 I stayed at the Hyatt House in Warrenville Il. I love the layout and how this place were described as cozy, quiet and relaxing. The hyatt was the exact opposite of what I expected. I wasn't able to enjoy my stay. My first overnight stay at the Hyatt House the fire alarm woke me up out of my sleep around 11am. My second and final stay at the Hyatt house the fire alarm went off around 1:30am sending me outside the building in the cold with my pajamas. The fire alarm went off again about 4 minutes after re-entering my hotel room. I felt that management/front desk personnel could have offered an apology about the incident or made people aware of what was going on. I had to inquire about what was going on with the fire alarm. When I spoke to the front desk/management they wasn't to concern with my stay or opinion. I do not recommend this place to anyone.

Lashaunna Burnett
7年 前 – Google


Great location. Layout of rooms were very comfortable. Customer service was excellent.

4 44
7年 前 – Google


Stayed here a few weeks ago on business and I still keep wondering who their interior designer was! I love the use of the space! It made me feel like I could live in a small space and actually enjoy it! It's like a small apartment with everything you need! Obviously I totally dug it. LOL

Browning Nixdorf
7年 前 – Google


The hotel is lovely and we love the complete kitchen. That said, the soundproofing between the rooms and halls is lacking. Children in the room across from ours playing and laughing until the wee hours kept our toddler awake.

Espy Danine
8年 前 – Google


Very clean and modern hotel. The staff is very helpful and friendly, quick to provide information about dining options.
The hotel and its twin, the Hyatt Place, are conveniently located off Highway 88, and just down the road from shopping and dining/entertainment. Also not far is Downtown Naperville with many walking areas and views.

aqua marine
8年 前 – Google


Loved that place! Clean and cozy. Very quit abd yummy breakfast just had a problem with broken eleveter for one day the one was next to my room had to go all the way and hold my heavy stuff..

Daniel Finn
8年 前 – Google


We used the Hyatt house for our wedding block. He rooms were very nice and at a good price. There were a few issues when setting up the block, but for the most part they got worked out

Edgar G
8年 前 – Google


My room had a kitchen. Service is great

Tony Buck
8年 前 – Google


We have had all my grandchildren 's fifth birthday parties here. They have art least two different sized rooms, both very nice. They come with a stove top, a real refrigerator and a dishwasher. The one bedroom suites have two TVs, the studio had one that turns so you can watch it from the bedding arts or the living area. Either room is a nice size, and the bathrooms are a nice size too. The staff is excellent, always very helpful and smiling. I totally recommend this place for any occasion, it's awesome.

Henry Incer
9年 前 – Google


Nice hotel, nice staff, prompt service, great breakfast, shuttle service to restaurants, and a nice comfy bed. No complaints here.

Michael Barr
10年 前 – Google


Pros... The room itself was spacious and nice.


Housekeeping made the beds... That's about it. They didn't take out the overflowing garbage. They didn't replenish the soap, shampoo, etc. We had to go downstairs to get more.

When we took the kids to the pool, there were no towels there. We had to go to the front desk, where they could only give us hand towels rather than full - size towels.

For most of our stay, the wifi was out more than it was on.

And the deal breaker was no hot water. Out of our four night stay, I was able to get just one hot shower. And that one didn't last long before the water turned cold. The other three days, the water would only get warm and only briefly. Each time, I had the faucet handle turned as far as it would go. Pathetic! I've never been to a hotel that didn't have got water... Even in 3rd world destinations.

I did call the front desk about these issues. They politely said they'd look into them. Nevertheless, my last shower before checking out was a cold one. Just lovely.

We won't stay at the Hyatt House ever again.

Patricia Rodriguez
11年 前 – Google


I cannot believe this hotel has only 3 stars! The bed was SO comfortable. The entire place is very new, modern, and bright- with granite counters and full size stainless steel appliances. I travel often for work and have never noticed carpet, but even the carpet was really nice. And the natural stone bath was huge. Our TV swiveled to face the pull-out couch or the huge comfy bed.

The staff was very friendly, professional and accommodating. They even offer free shuttles to downtown Naperville (they may even go other places as well, I am not sure)

The food was far better than expected from hotels that offer breakfast complete with a staffed omelet station, waffles, pancakes, very fresh fruit, nice meats 5 different breads and several fruit and vegetable juice options, and delicious happy-hour snacks including free wine and beer!

The pool was perfect as and the gym was bright and cheery. The outdoor fireplace and seating area looked very nice, although we didn’t have time to use it…

Sam Ryles
12年 前 – Google


This is one place that I will refer!

Montressa Ward
13年 前 – Google


I was a long term stay( 9 months). It felt like an apartment with a cleaning service. Free wifi (slow), free breakfast (good), Monday-Thursday free appetizers(good), 24 hour fitness room (good), pool (good), no jacuzzi (bad). Market Place (convenient,pricey, but good).