 10 955件の口コミ

Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa & Marina

100 Heron Blvd, CAMBRIDGE, MD 21613, アメリカ合衆国 場所

Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa & Marina

ハイアットリージェンシーチェサピークベイゴルフリゾート、スパアンドマリーナに脱出、コンデ「ナストト​​ラベラー誌によって世界で最高の間で投票しました。この4ダイヤモンド、4つ星ホテル、400室の高級リゾートには、ウォーターフロントの2マイルと342エーカーに位置種類の1つです。 3つのプール、2ビーチ、会議やバンケットスペース40,000平方フィート6の飲食店、ゴルフ建築家キース・フォスターが設計した18ホールのチャンピオンシップゴルフコース。また、セーリングのレッスン、カヌー、カヤックのレンタルやツアー、サンセットディナークルーズや釣り遠征を提供しています150スリップマリーナは、いくつかの名前を付けます。 18,000平方フィートのヨーロッパのスパは、南リビング誌の中部大西洋地域で最高の一つとして絶賛しました。パットパットゴルフ、子供のレクリエーションセンター、18エーカーのブルーヘロンルーカリとペットに優しいです。あなたは永遠に大切に思い出を作る来ます。



Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa & Marina
100 Heron Blvd, CAMBRIDGE, MD 21613, アメリカ合衆国


  • インターネット
  • 公共エリアでのノートパソコンで高速インターネット接続が利用可能
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • 交通
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 列車のアクセス
  • フロント
  • ベルスタッフ/ポーター
  • チェックインキオスク
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックアウト
  • フロントデスク
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 格納スペース
  • テクニカルコンシェルジュ
  • ツアー/観光デスク
  • ビデオチェックアウト
  • ビデオレビュー請求
  • 離れて働きます
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • 翻訳サービス
  • 一般的な
  • 直通電話
  • 加熱のルーム
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • 専用バスまたはシャワー
  • 公共エリアの冷暖房完備
  • ホテルのサービス
  • コインランドリー
  • 両替
  • 当直医
  • ドライクリーニング
  • 火災安全性に準拠
  • ロビーでの無料新聞
  • 無料のセルフサービスのランドリー
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • アイロンボード
  • オンサイトランドリー
  • パブリックアドレスシステム
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • ターンダウンサービス
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • アウトレット
  • ビューティーショップ/サロン
  • ギフト/ニューススタンド
  • 美容院/床屋
  • 雑貨/コンビニエンスストア
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子供プログラム
  • 子供に優しいです
  • 子供の保育園
  • 子どもの遊び場
  • ファミリープラン
  • ペット可
  • 遊び場
  • アクセス可能な
  • アクセ駐車場
  • イベント
  • 会議設備
  • 展覧会/コンベンションフロア
  • 会議室


  • コミュニケーション
  • 無料のインターネット
  • 市内通話無料
  • 無料市内通話、フリーダイヤル通話
  • 高速インターネット接続
  • 無線インターネット接続
  • 高速無線
  • マルチライン電話
  • 無線電話
  • スピーカーフォン
  • 二回線電話
  • ボイスメール
  • 寝具
  • ホテルチェーンのために開発マットレス
  • ダブルベッド
  • 可動式ベッド
  • シングルベッド
  • スーパー快適なベッド
  • 特別な機能
  • コネクティングルーム
  • メイドのサービス
  • バスルーム
  • バスルームアメニティ
  • 浴槽
  • バスタブ/シャワーコンビネーション
  • 専用のバスルーム
  • 食料と飲料
  • マイクロ波
  • ミニ冷蔵庫
  • エンターテインメント
  • AM / FMラジオ
  • ケーブルテレビ
  • 利用可能CNN
  • 無料の映画/ビデオ
  • 無料新聞
  • 新聞紙
  • テレビ
  • ビジネス
  • データポート
  • デスク
  • ランプ付きデスク
  • 直通の電話番号
  • デスクで利用可能な予備電源コンセント
  • 電話
  • メッセージライト付き電話
  • 一般的な
  • アラーム時計
  • 天井ファン
  • 変圧器/アダプタ
  • デュアル電圧出口
  • 利用可能な電気アダプター
  • ファイアアラーム
  • アイアン
  • 禁煙
  • セーフ
  • 自己制御された加熱/冷却システム
  • 煙探知機
  • ズボン/パンツプレス
  • モーニングコール
  • アクセス可能な
  • ハンディキャップルーム
  • 光で火災警報器


  • プール
  • 室内プール
  • 屋内/屋外プールの接続
  • 屋外プール
  • プール
  • ウェルネス
  • ジャグジー
  • マッサージサービス
  • サウナ
  • 温泉
  • ワールプール
  • フィットネス
  • エクササイズジム
  • 重量挙げ
  • スポーツ
  • ハイキングコース
  • ジョギングトラック
  • ジョギングトレイル
  • ラケットボール
  • スポーツ裁判所のオンサイト
  • テニスコート
  • ウォータースポーツ
  • 文化的な
  • \キッズプログラム」
  • フィッシング
  • ネイチャートレイルを維持
  • ゲーム/映画
    DVD /ビデオレンタル
  • ゲーム室
  • ビデオテープ


  • 食事の計画
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • 特別な注意
  • ロビーのコーヒーサービス
  • サービス
  • エグゼクティブフロア
  • ルームサービス
  • アウトレットタイプ
  • コー​​​​ヒーショップ
  • ラウンジ/バー


  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • 朝食はレストランでお召し上がりいただけます


  • チェックイン時間: 16:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 11:00

(月の最終月曜日毎年)メモリアルデーに1月 - ご到着前に15時EST 72時間前のキャンセルまたは1泊分の保証金を没収。  (9月の第1月曜日毎年)労働者の日にメモリアルデーの後 - 7日前のご到着前にキャンセルまたは1泊分の保証金を没収。  Ca - 12月31日に労働者の日(毎年)した後、



1-6夜、$ 150返金不可ペット料金が適用されます。 7月30日夜、$ 300返金不可ペット料金が適用されます。犬だけ50ポンドの重量を量ると、許可されているの下で。合計75ポンドを超えない場合は許可され2匹の犬。サービス動物は、手数料を免除します。


  • 英語


  • 会議室の数: 10
  • スリーピングルームの数: 400
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 11259 sq. ft.
  • 最大の会議室の収容人数: 1360


  • アクセ駐車場
  • 無料駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場


  • AV装備
  • オーバーヘッド
  • プロジェクターとスクリーン
  • ビデオカメラ
  • 最大座席数
  • テレビ会議
  • オーバーヘッドプロジェクター
  • 高速インターネットアクセス
  • プロジェクター
  • 警備員
  • ビデオ会議
  • ケータリング
  • スクリーン





The Green Key

グリーンキーは、世界中の65か国以上の約3,200のホテルやその他のサイトに授与されるエコラベルです。 Green Key Awardの達成には、次のようなさまざまな基準への準拠が必要です。•環境、健康、安全、および労働の分野内での法律とCSRポリシーを遵守します。•環境/持続可能性ポリシーと行動計画を準備します。持続可能性の問題•グリーンキーおよびその他の環境/持続可能性に関する情報を表示•地元の輸送および近くの公園/保全エリアに関する情報を表示•客室に節水イニシアチブを実装します。タップとシャワー、庭のスマートウォーターイニシアチブなどのフロー制限装置危険な化合物を備えた化学洗浄製品•化学製品の安全な保管•静止と紙は環境に優しい生産です。•客室に省エネイニシアチブを実装しています。エネルギー効率の高い電球、標準定義の加熱/冷却温度など•スタッフエリアは、ゲストや公共エリアと同じ要件を満たしています。•環境/持続可能性の問題について、サプライヤーや地域コミュニティとの協力を奨励する

Energy Star

エネルギースターは、企業や個人がお金を節約し、優れたエネルギー効率を通じて気候を保護するのを支援する米国環境保護庁の自発的プログラムです。エネルギースターラベルを獲得した建物は、平均建物よりも平均40%少ないエネルギーを使用し、炭素が35%少なくなります。 LEED-EBの建物は、認証の前提条件として特定のエネルギースタースコアを達成する必要があります。

最も参考になったレビュー 9 55件の口コミ

6年 前 – Google


We had another amazing experience at this wonderful hotel. The staff are amazing and we love the diversity of the crowd. Since we have special dietary needs, the kitchen went above and beyond to accommodate our needs. Special Shout out to Jacob and Olson for their extra sensitivity in the kitchen and to the general manager who made our anniversary getaway that much more special. You're the best!

Pei-Hsuen Liao
6年 前 – Google


A beautiful hotel with big, clean rooms and all the amenities you'd associate with Hyatt. Any less than stellar feedback is more to do with the limited tourism and dining options in the area, but that's not a reflection on the resort itself. We had a nice time, just had to understand that it would be a mellow weekend.

On The Way
6年 前 – Google


Cosy and comfortable place with very nice spots. Good for small family vocation, any kind of events as weddings or business and also for individual relaxation. Hotel is nothing without exquisite workers who really make weather here. Thank you so much for guys in pool bar. And especially for Marvin. Our favourite waiter. The level of service is simply incomparable and of the highest quality! Highly recommended! Especially for special events. High intelligence, every calibrated movement and special attention. Thank you so much for great time.

Shamon Smalls
6年 前 – Google


What's really good about this place are the amenities. It has a sprawling golf course that spans the resort. Three restaurants and a bistro near the pool area. The infinity pool is very nice and spacious with an adult side as well as a kid's side then not too far from the infinity pool or water activities where you can go to kayak jet ski or do catamarans or paddle boating depending on your preference of course. And the bedding is soft and luxurious. The reason why I didn't give this place five stars is because sometimes the service is a little bit slower than what I would anticipate for a 4-star hotel but the staff are very friendly and are helpful. Overall I would add that this is a family-friendly place and your kids would enjoy coming here. I wouldn't recommend this for adults trying to do a getaway unless you would enjoy the noise of events, kids and the other activities that are happening in and around the resort.

marc paniccia
6年 前 – Google


My family and I keep coming back to this place. My boys were here last in 2013, they were 1 and 5 yrs old, 11 and 6 this time. They liked it then but it's even better now. Weather wasn't on our side this year but we still managed a great time, thanks to indoor pool. If we had gone to the beach, like we usually do, we'd have been bored. At Hyatt we went down water slides, played indoor and outdoor pool, played tennis and mini golf, basketball in the pool, and even watched movies in the indoor pool every night. Management seems to have improved since our first year (in 2010!), no more long waits for renting equipment, food is far better than before, they now have pizza and fries (and"real" chicken fingers, as my kids would say). It's like being at the beach without the sand and sunburn.

6年 前 – Google


This was a great resort for families! I am big into tennis and we spent hours on the tennis courts. Courts are pretty good. They provide balls and rackets but only for VERY BEGINNERS! If you're a player bring your own balls and rackets. Room was spacious and nice. We had a king room on the 6th floor overlooking the golf course. Room temperature was great and the blinds kept the room dark! There is a mini fridge that was really nice to have. Overall, it was really fun and pretty dang nice. The one bad things is the five foot snake we saw on the mini golf course at night. It was big but minded it's own business.

oren kraz
6年 前 – Google


We really love this place!
Relaxed atmosphere, clean and modern rooms, amazing view and good food.
The kids had lots of fun by the pool!

The con? They should keep the facilities around the pool cleaner.
It would be nice if someone would clean the tables by the pool now and then...

Over all We had great time!!!

Ian Morrison
6年 前 – Google


The Hyatt is super kid friendly resort, sadly this was a weekend without the kids for us. We still had a great time, even as the staff learned the ropes on the fly over memorial day weekend. Dock staff was top notch - they gave us a close slip since we were staying in the hotel, gave us a ride to check in in the golf cart and to top it off the fuel dock was less expensive than I pay in D.C. to fill my car. Bed, decor, amenities, fitness room and pools were all top notch. Only drawback was the speed of service. Good times, will probably come back with the kids, might search for a different location for our next kid free weekend, but it was memorial day . . .

David Pham
6年 前 – Google


Fantastic staff, friendly and accommodating. We were very well taken care of even tho they're we're multiple weddings that weekend. Our anniversary stay was just perfect.

Highly recommend Blue Point Provision restaurant if you are staying at the resort. It is located on the tail end of the resort next to the marina, beautiful location and delicious food!

Team Kai
6年 前 – Google


Super dog friendly! We loved it. Awesome food. Spectacular views. Great facilities. Lovely area. Short V-comes with dishes and dog beds. Too great!

Whitney Shelton
6年 前 – Google


Awesome! This building is so beautiful and our window looks out to the golf course. Great places to eat. My favorite is the Waters Edge grill, tonight we ate at the Blue Point Provision Company which requires quite a long walk from the hotel. It's actually near the water and people can eat on tables on the porch.

Susan L.
6年 前 – Google


It seems to be a great place for families with young children. We went Easter weekend and the week of speing break - I think the children out numbered the adults.
The Hyatt had bouncy houses in one of the ball rooms. The spa was awesome! But this was not great for a romantic get away weekend. Also there was a dead bird by the parking lot door for the 3 days we stayed at the resort.

sara lavan
6年 前 – Google


We have been coming here for over 10 years -we have always loved it —but definitely were some moments where it fell short of our expectations. Not this time!!! Unbelievable and noticeable changes under new management— the place looks gorgeous, we just love the renovations!!! Israel at the front desk was so attentive and had perfect customer service that made me feel so taken care of. I am not sure how Waters Edge would have run so smoothly without Ava’s high energy and professionalism -even under pressure. We also loved all of the new menu items and additional activities . There were a few managers I did not catch their names that were obviously making the experience amazing for everyone— as they ran around from room to room making sure everything was taken care of and stepping in whenever needed.
I cannot wait to go back

Sam Kim
6年 前 – Google


Wife and I came here for a quick getaway. We were very pleased with our experience.

Quick note: there is a resort fee in addition to your per night cost. However, this includes wifi and access to lots of different activities at the resort.

We arrived around 5pm and were promptly greeted at the front desk. There were lots of families around as it was during spring break. As a result, there were also a lot of activities. 3 swimming pools, waterslide, mini golf, volleyball court, fitness center. In addition there were several dining options. The grounds are beautiful with some options for walking "trails".

The resort feels very private and we felt very relaxed. We will definitely be making more getaways here in the future.

Elder Keisha Jones
6年 前 – Google


Really nice resort. Incredible spa! Great and caring staff in the spa and really yummy food in the restaurant on site...huge rooms! Housekeeping supervisor was apologetic and timely about getting on top of a cleanliness issue regarding the bathroom towels that had hair on them and a fried spider blasted from the dryer upon check in. He resolved the issue and gave a $50 gift card to dine. I plan to definitely return and take full advantage of the spa. Best I've been to in a while.

Antonio Dickerson
6年 前 – Google


Room was great!! Plenty of amenities. Pool, golf,pool tables great time. Room service was horrendous. Extremely unhappy about the breakfast. Definitely wasn't worth the price. Other than that, you'd love the stay.

Theresa Mortimer
6年 前 – Google


I love it here. Clean rooms, friendly staff that is very attentive. Ask for Noel, she is great! If you need anything she will get it for you.

Suzanne Butler
6年 前 – Google


Hyatt River Marsh Golf Club is home to a championship golf course that ranks with some of the best in Maryland. This tree-lined and open parkland layout provides a wonderful test for your all-round game, with many attractive, skilfully crafted and challenging holes to enjoy. A must play if you are in the area.

Carvel Milligan
6年 前 – Google


It's like a touch of heaven there everything is so beautiful. The staff is great some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I don't drink but the food there is always excellent. There is a beautiful view of the Choptank River.

6年 前 – Google


This hotel is so amazing! It has a big lobby room with plenty of people with help desks. There is a huge library that people can go sit down and relax. Starbucks is here!! The pool is really nice, but the arcade center is better. The pools outside are clean too. This place will be packed in the summer; highly recommend people coming here.

Aaron Boyd
6年 前 – Google


Beautiful place. No complaints. Staff was friendly and accommodating. Lots of things to do during any free time. Very kids friendly as well

Marianne Noble
6年 前 – Google


I loved everything there. The best part was the gluten free menu. Also the rooms were more sound proofed then lots of other places I stayed. I will go back when I can explore more of the hotel and grounds.

Iris Odor
6年 前 – Google


Hotel was beautiful to behold, relaxing and clean. Staff was friendly and attentive to the needs of guest as well. However, only one elevator was operative for the whole weekend and they informed us that stairs were for staff use only...

Tim Hayes
6年 前 – Google


My kids and I have enjoyed each of our 4 or 5 trips to the Hyatt. There seems to be plenty to do, whether you come in summer or winter. The bouncy houses are especially fun when the weather turns cold, but make sure to ask if they will be available during your planned visit.

Darrell Jones
6年 前 – Google


This resort is very nice. Everything is modern and clean, and the rooms are large and well put together. The location by the bay is beautiful and the convention center was great for a huge venue like our company holiday party. I'd like to return for a weekend romantic getaway and enjoy the atmosphere more.

Rachel Meloy
6年 前 – Google


I was there for a conference and did not stay in a room, but from my coworkers who did stay overnight I heard the rooms were very nice. The breakfast and lunch provided for the conference was good and the wait staff were very friendly and accommodating. The conference rooms and the bathrooms were neat and clean. There was another conference going on in the same hall and I only encountered one problem. The other conference had their breakfast and lunch in the hallway/ lobby (ours was in one of the rooms) and it was not clearly marked for their conference so there was some confusion. When myself and a coworker arrived in the morning, we mistakingly got ourselves coffee from the wrong table before we realized it wasn't for us, but it wasn't a big deal. Overall my experience was a very positive one.

Mo Amin
6年 前 – Google


I highly recommend a visit during the summer if you enjoy a lively family atmosphere. It seemed to be a lot more quiet and relaxed during our winter vacation.
We enjoyed our visit due to all the activities available at the resort and around it. Our favorite activity was probably kayaking on the bay, the water was a rough one of the days but it helped us work an appetite for dinner at the Water's Edge Grill.
Looking forward to a future visit for sure.

Leah Steppe
6年 前 – Google


We were fortunate to have a small wedding reception at this lovely venue. Hilary Jones, the Events Manager was wonderful to work with! She and the other Hyatt staff made my son & now daughter-in-law's wedding reception very special. I would highly recommend the Hyatt!

Jacob L. Perry Jr.
7年 前 – Google


My partner and I spend at least two days a year staying at this gorgeous property during the "off" season (winter). The food and service are OUTSTANDING...even by Hyatt's very high standards. Try the Sticky Bun French Toast or the Crab Benedict for breakfast! Heavenly!

Nadine Gombakomba
7年 前 – Google


I had one of the best hotel experiences here. There are many dining options available. Our room was always cleaned. We had a nice view of the bay. The walks in the morning were very relaxing. The staff was nice as well.

Kyle Lounsbury
7年 前 – Google


Absolutely beautiful! Great location and amenities. Delicious food. Nice updated rooms. Good service. I would recommend.

Rebecca Flanagan
7年 前 – Google


This was our third time here and we are now considering this our annual runaway from home trip. We all love it here. There is so much for the kids to do and its great for adults as well! The staff is fabulous. Thanks Hyatt for allowing us to relax and forget about reality!

Mandy O'Halloran
7年 前 – Google


Always a fun time here. Beautiful property. Their restaurants are pretty bad though. Blue point is okay, and their in house restaurant is less than okay and very pricey! One family meal at either place could easily equal the price of your room, so be prepared! Aside from the underwhelming food, our stay is always great! It's vet family friendly, and is well maintained. I think the rooms have been recently renovated too!

Travis Fiorina
7年 前 – Google


Boated over as part of a bachelor party and docked right out front, very convenient. The hotel has impressive pools and family amenities. There are sand volleyball courts, mini golf, and they showed a movie on a projection screen at the indoor pool. We ate some good food at the downstairs bar where a band was playing. The only difficulty was getting out to the town. There is no shuttle available and had to pay an employee getting off their shift to drive us to rat, the brewery. Once we got back, the room was comfy. I would go there again.

Vonnie Brown
7年 前 – Google


Stayed here this past weekend with my family. Everything was extremely nice. Beautiful resort, you will feel like you are on a tropical island!! Jose, our bell hop, was EXCELLENT! Upon helping us with our bags, he told us places to eat around town as well as everything the Hyatt had to offer (lots of activities durning the day and night). One thing to keep in mind, the rooms do not have microwaves and it's 50 dollars a night to rent one. Rates were $399 a night, but I believe this was due to the time of year.

Vanessa Werner
7年 前 – Google


Great place for families with small kids. We stayed in a petite family suite and it had plenty of space for all four of us (two adults, a toddler, and a baby). The crib they brought in for our baby was nice and not a pack-and-play like most other hotels, they even provided us with baby shampoo, powder, and lotion plus actual crib sheets. While there was a balcony in our room, it was basically unusable due to size (really small) and structure quality -- but we already knew that based on previous reviews so we were not counting on having one. The hotel restaurant food quality is fantastic, would recommend eating at Water's Edge Grill for dinner.

BK Moto
7年 前 – Google


Wonderful all around. Great location with astounding views of the bay. You can catch some wildlife early mornings and even late at night- everything from herons to deer! Nestled in its own little space with all the amenities needed for office retreats- conference halls and shared bedrooms. There's a gym, health classes, swimming pools (indoor and outdoor). a golf course and even a gaming room! The food here was decent but could be better and bit more diverse. Also, they really should give guests water options- perhaps filling stations considering they are in a ecological fragile area. Overall, great experience.

Mike Frischmann
7年 前 – Google


Beautiful lobby, the location was gorgeous. My room was nice, but could had be been vacuumed better. They had some nice local beer selections at the bar. Also a nice basic burger at the pool bar.

Raj Rana
7年 前 – Google


Beautiful location, attended a business meeting here. Great and friendly staff. Wasn't able to explore or avail myself of any of the amenities, but they looked very nice from afar. Would love to come back and explore further.

Andrew Bagsic
7年 前 – Google


We met up with a couple of friends staying at the Hyatt. The grounds were beautiful and appeared clean. There was a game room which had ping pong, shuffle board, foosball, and a couple of other video game machines. We stopped in at the little gift shop for coffee and ice cream (which were both great) while waiting for our dinner reservation. At dinner all of the food was pretty tasty and the staff were friendly.

Dennis Elwell
7年 前 – Google


We had a wonderful time during our stay. There is so much to do, but also quiet enough to do nothing @ all. The location of hotel is great. Not too far but still away from everything. Our room was well maintained with a beautiful view of the river. All staff interactions were great from the front desk to restaurant to random person waking down the hall.

Dennis Grey
7年 前 – Google


Here for a conference. Staff was attentive and friendly. Was in a recently renovated room. Very nice, clean and modern. Food was good.

Tina Watson
7年 前 – Google


Grounds and facilities are beautiful. Staff is friendly and efficient. Rooms were gorgeous. The bed was comfortable. The food, however...

Ed Saylor
7年 前 – Google


Over all very nice resort. Grounds and public facilities are excellent. Unfortunately some simple things are not handled well and are below Hyatt standards. Hot water on the floor I was on was an issue. Housekeeping wasn't great. Staff knowledge about pool times was not accurate. Most of what's wrong here is a management issue. Still, it is a nice place.

Samantha Berg
7年 前 – Google


We felt very welcomed at this resort. Very nice catering, activities, and staff. Location is perfect to for you to go anywhere within 10 minutes.

Ryan W
7年 前 – Google


Our stay was nice overall but nothing blew us away. The bed they claimed was a king is not actually as wide as a king. I even took a tape measure to it and it was about 4 inches less wide than an actual king sized bed. There were also several flies in our room that seemed to be invincible. Other than that the grounds were beautiful and the food we did have on site was nice.

Jason Brackens
7年 前 – Google


Went to easter day celebration. Hawk demo, bounce houses, mini golf, cookie decorating. Lots of fun.

Shaina Rae
7年 前 – Google


I stayed overnight here for a work offsite event. The room was great, food was great and there were plenty of activities. The hiking trails are lovely and there are some incredible views. I would visit again.

Dan Murphy
7年 前 – Google


Guest rooms fall short on the details. Towels/wash cloths sparse. Alarm set for waking you up at 4 am. TV channel guide out of date. Main entry light is a fluorescent bulb that flashes like a welding stick. One bathrobe for a two occupant room. Table lamps that are built for 3 way bulbs that have single wattage bulbs. "Balconies" are as wide as the sliding glass door and stick out about a foot and a half. Non-valet parking is about 200 yards from the main entrance. It was difficult to distinguish the valets from skateboarders at the main entrance.

Rayshon Yopp
7年 前 – Google


Rooms were great, very clean and home-like feeling. Great customer service as well. Had a problem with keys that didn't work, but issue was handled promptly. Overall, a great experience.

Charlene Beckford
7年 前 – Google


Picturesque views of choptank river. Seamless service. Luxirious and clean accomodations. Numerous activities. Child friendly. Great fishing/crabbing pier nearby.

Tawanna Browne Smith
7年 前 – Google


The location right on the Choptank River can not be beat. On a warm sunny day walk out to either piers for a peaceful moment and great photos. The view from my room, 3424, looked out over two fountains and the golf course.

The walls were VERY thin. I could hear absolutely every word and movement my neighbor made.

The food at the Grille was tasty. Complements to the chef. I enjoyed a bowl of cream of crab soup with tons of lump crab at the bottom and a super deliciously cheesy bowl of Boursin Mac and Cheese - rich and delish!

Gym was nice, clean and well kept machines. Game room onsite for kids as well as indoor/outdoor pools, miniature golf, and other recreation courts.

I also used the market shop to get some coffee. I was sad that they weren't an official Starbucks dealer so that I could use my Starbucks card but not stars deducted because of that.

Although I slept through the night, my bed wasn't the most comfortable of beds. I could hear and feel the springs when I sat on either beds. The iPhone alarm clock and charger is a nice modern touch to rooms.

The coffee machine was also nice to have though very basic.

The bathroom was clean and offered the basics: exfoliating soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion.

Front desk staff didn't go above and beyond in friendliness so that was also on the disappointing side. The guys who were assisting with bags and valet were much more amiable and welcoming.

Lamar Ray
7年 前 – Google


Winter rates... cant beat the price. Nice and friendly staff

Ayo Oseni
7年 前 – Google


Its a beautiful place. Unfortunately the hotel was fully book and I was stuck in room that must had someone who was smoking in it previous to my stay. The staff tried to clean it but the odor remained.

Philip Mastandrea
7年 前 – Google


Rooms were nice. Due to a lack of proper supervision the hot tub was shut down repeatedly while in use. Wait service at bar was poor and slow. Restaurants on site were nice.

Joe Dodd
7年 前 – Google


Awesome location. Really great amenities and comfortable rooms. Lots to do and see attention hotel and around d the Eastern Shore.

Iuliia Nestorovych
7年 前 – Google


Overall was ok. Nor very large or tadty choice of food on the buffet, salmon was great. The sound was way too loud, considering that it was a social event, not a nighy club visit. and people were trying to talk to each other. Plus was scaring small children.
Overall, hotel looks clean and even fancy

Melanie Mishra
8年 前 – Google


The service was very good service. The food was good, but a few times they forgot to put some items out on buffet. Considering the price point of this hotel,the room were clean, but the iron didn't work and the ironing board was crooked. They seemed to take a longer than typical time to service the rooms. Overall a lovely place.

Keaton Cintorino
8年 前 – Google


I can't think of anything to complain about at this resort. Everything was clean and nice. The pool was facing the bay which was nice view. They offered plenty of activities (kayaking on the bay, jet skiing, etc.). The food at the restaurants was good. Overall a great experience.

Anja Pierce
8年 前 – Google


This hotel is insanely beautiful, right on the Choptank River. The staff is phenomenal, greeting you happily at the door and engaging you in conversation wherever you may run into someone. Parking is a little wonky, quite the walk from the lobby or room. Beds are either doubles or kings. It's been a really long time since my husband and I slept on a double, took some situating. The grounds are gorgeous, and having multiple choice pools is a bonus, with the water slide being some wicked shine on the weekend.

Kristen Reed
8年 前 – Google


We were doing engagement photos at the Hyatt while we were dressed up. It was a gorgeous place, and we were thinking about the possibility of staying there one night. We made sure we were out of the way of any guests. A guy came up and told us we were not allowed to take pictures because our photographer didn't call them first, even though he knew him and hadn't had issues there before. I have no desire to stay there due to his rudeness. I wouldn't have taken offense if he came to us gently and told us the situation instead of treating us like dirt.

Marisella Wilson
8年 前 – Google


WOW!!! It is the BEST place to vacation. I wish they would bring back the Chesapeake Bay Experience. The rooms, the spa, the wait staff, the jet ski, the pools / jacuzzi and the Restaunts onsite are just AWESOME! The quality of service you receive as a guest is absolutely GREAT! This is my 3rd year going and I plan on attending again next year, God willing.

David Auterson
9年 前 – Google


Very nice hotel, huge property. Here for corporate event and very impressed. Nice decor, excellent food and beverage service and efficient staff. Large nicely appointed guest room, large open lobby and restaurant/bar. Spacious outdoor and pool areas and really nice conference facilities.

Anne Garnier
9年 前 – Google


I think that the amenities are wonderful. Particularly for a family with small children and extended families, it is perfect.

It is noisy in the corridors on the first floor, where our two rooms were located. I heard dogs barking during the day and into the evening hours quite often, which took a little getting used to. And I love dogs.

My only real complaint is the buffet on Thanksgiving day. I feel that it was very disappointing. Having been at Tides Inn in Irvington VA last Thanksgiving, I was beyond disappointed by the eye appeal of your buffet, which goes with the overall presentation.

I was told when I made reservations for the buffet that there were two options for the Thanksgiving buffet: the full buffet and the modified buffet. For that reason, I looked forward to not being overwhelmed with too much food. I am a very small person.

When we arrived in the ballroom, I asked how the modified buffest was handled. I was told that there was no information about such a thing. I spoke with and made my 12:30 dinner reservation with the kitchen/food division of your hotel weeks before the holiday itself.

You can imagine my surprise when no one knew of the promised deal. I had a modified meal - not very much - as did my husband. The bill came and the same surprise occurred when I asked the floor manager the same question. We paid for the full buffet with no more questions. I asked the front desk. Still no information

SO - I feel that your Thanksgiving buffet was a huge bust. It was not hot, was not very inviting, and was very limited. I so appreciated the lavish and beautifully presented buffet we had enjoyed the year before at Tides Inn.

The rest of your food service was fine during our stay. The staff could not be more wonderful. Nothing was too much. But the holiday dinner was not very good and even if I had been able to eat copious amounts of food, it was not tempting. It was easy to eat very little. The desserts were pathetic.

I am glad to have tried your hotel. Many of the experiences were above average. I hope my remarks will make next year's dinner more special. We will not be back for Thanksgiving.

Many thanks.