 9 969件の口コミ

Hyatt Regency Vancouver

655 Burrard St, VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2R7, カナダ 場所

Hyatt Regency Vancouver

ビジネス、ショッピング、エンターテイメント地区の中心部に位置し、街と山の縁取り港を見下ろすパノラマの景色を望むモダンな34階建てのタワー。直接バラードセント駅での新空港カナダラインスカイトレインおよび7の主要なビジネスの塔に接続されている70以上のショップやサービスへのアクセス権を持つロイヤルセンターモールに取り付けられています。ハイアットリージェンシーバンクーバーは、テレビの取り付けられた20驚くべきハイアットグランドベッドを装備したスイート、レインシャワー、大きなバスルームで、人間工学的に設計されたワークステーション、付きのiHome目覚まし時計と42フラットスクリーン壁を含む644の広々とした、明るく、高級な客室を備えています。ロビーにはグランドテイスティングバーやスターバックスを緩和モザイクレストラン、壮大なアトリウムラウンジで1、650西海岸のメニュー、 - 30 5のグループに利用可能な会議やコンベンションルーム。利用可能な屋外プールの無料24時間営業のフィットネスセンター。ロブソン通りでのショッピングやパシフィックセンターモールや他の多くの動的区域、ギャラリー、劇場、コンサート/競技場などのエンターテイメント、バンクーバーコンベンションセンター、スタンレーパーク息をのむ、ガスタウンやおいしい中華街を参照してくださいする必要がありますを含むすべての設備へ徒歩圏内。

Situated in the heart of the business, shopping and entertainment district. Attached to the Royal Centre Mall with access to over 70 shops and services which is directly connected to the new airport Canada Line Skytrain at Burrard St station and 7 major business towers. Walking distance to all amenities including: shopping on Robson street/ Pacific Center Mall, galleries, entertainment including concert/ sport venues, Vancouver Convention Centre, breathtaking Stanley Park, Gastown and Chinatown.



  • インターネット
  • 高速インターネットアクセス
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • インターネットサービス
  • 交通
  • オートバイの駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 屋外駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 通り側の駐車場
  • 列車のアクセス
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルエリア
  • 係員付き駐車サービス
  • フロント
  • 手荷物ホールド
  • ベルスタッフ/ポーター
  • レンタカーデスク
  • チェックインキオスク
  • コンシェルジュデスク
  • コンシェルジュフロア
  • コンシェルジュラウンジ
  • ドアの男
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックアウト
  • フロントデスク
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 格納スペース
  • テクニカルコンシェルジュ
  • シアターデスク
  • ツアー/観光デスク
  • ビデオレビュー請求
  • 離れて働きます
  • ビジネスサービス
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • 電話サービス
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • 翻訳サービス
  • 一般的な
  • 空調
  • コネクティングルーム
  • 直通電話
  • 加熱のルーム
  • 屋内廊下
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • 専用バスまたはシャワー
  • 公共エリアの冷暖房完備
  • 階段
  • ホテルのサービス
  • ATM
  • バイリンガルスタッフ
  • 利用可能なボーディングパス印刷
  • 両替
  • 当直医
  • ドライクリーニング
  • 火災安全性に準拠
  • ロビーでの無料新聞
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • 利用可能な食料品の買い物サービス
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • アイロンボード
  • ランドリー/バレットサービス
  • 多言語のスタッフ
  • パッケージ/小包サービス
  • パブリックアドレスシステム
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • 靴磨きスタンド
  • ターンダウンサービス
  • バレットクリーニング
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • アウトレット
  • ビューティーショップ/サロン
  • 薬局
  • 花屋
  • ギフト/ニューススタンド
  • 美容院/床屋
  • ショッピングモール
  • ショップや商業サービス
  • スターバックス
  • 雑貨/コンビニエンスストア
  • 婦人服
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子供に優しいです
  • 子供の保育園
  • 子どもの遊び場
  • ファミリープラン
  • 利用可能なペットの設備
  • ペット可
  • 遊び場
  • ランプアクセス
  • アクセス可能な
  • アクセ駐車場
  • ハンディキャップルーム
  • 障害者サービスを聴覚
  • 車いすアクセス
  • イベント
  • 宴会施設
  • バス駐車場
  • ケータリングサービス
  • 会議設備
  • 展覧会/コンベンションフロア
  • 会議室
  • グループのプライベートダイニング
  • ウェディングサービス


  • コミュニケーション
  • 無料市内通話、フリーダイヤル通話
  • 無線インターネット接続
  • 高速無線
  • 寝具
  • ホテルチェーンのために開発マットレス
  • ダブルベッド
  • シングルベッド
  • スーパー快適なベッド
  • 特別な機能
  • エンターテインメント
  • ビジネス
  • 一般的な
  • 禁煙
  • 煙探知機
  • モーニングコール
  • アクセス可能な
  • 光で火災警報器


  • プール
  • 屋外プール
  • プール
  • プライベートプール
  • ウェルネス
  • ジャグジー
  • マッサージサービス
  • ワールプール
  • フィットネス
  • エクササイズジム
  • 重量挙げ
  • スポーツ
  • ハイキングコース
  • ジョギングトラック
  • ジョギングトレイル
  • 登山
  • ラケットボール
  • ラケットボールコート
  • スキューバダイビング
  • 雪のモバイ
  • 雪のスキー
  • スノースポーツ
  • スポーツ裁判所のオンサイト
  • スカッシュコート
  • テニスコート
  • ウォータースポーツ
  • 文化的な
  • キャンプ
  • フィッシング
  • ネイチャートレイルを維持
  • ゲーム/映画


  • 食事の計画
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • フルアメリカン朝食
  • 温かい朝食
  • 特別な注意
  • 客室に無料のコーヒーや紅茶
  • ロビーのコーヒーサービス
  • サービス
  • ルームサービス
  • ルームサービス - フルメニュー
  • キッチン設備
  • アウトレットタイプ
  • エンターテインメントとカクテルラウンジ
  • 軽食とカクテルラウンジ
  • コー​​​​ヒーショップ
  • 共同バーエリア
  • ラウンジ/バー
  • レストラン
  • スポーツバー
  • 夕食のためのオープンスポーツバー
  • 昼食のためのオープンスポーツバー


  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • フルアメリカン朝食
  • 朝食はレストランでお召し上がりいただけます
  • 温かい朝食


  • チェックイン時間: 16:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 12:00




1-6夜、$ 100返金不可ペット料金が適用されます。 7月30日夜、$ 200返金不可ペット料金が適用されます。犬だけ50ポンドの重量を量ると、許可されているの下で。合計75ポンドを超えない場合は許可され2匹の犬。サービス動物は、手数料を免除します。


  • 英語


  • 会議室の数: 8
  • スリーピングルームの数: 650
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 50000 sq. ft.
  • 最大の会議室の収容人数: 2000


  • アクセ駐車場
  • バス駐車場
  • 室内駐車場
  • オートバイの駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 屋外駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 通り側の駐車場
  • 係員付き駐車サービス


  • AV装備
  • イーゼルまたは錠剤
  • 高速インターネットアクセス
  • マイク
  • ポディウム
  • プロジェクターとスクリーン
  • ホワイトボード
  • ケータリング
  • 自然照明
  • オーバーヘッドプロジェクター
  • 掲示板
  • フリップチャート及びマーカー
  • 液晶プロジェクター
  • オーバーヘッド
  • プロジェクター
  • 警備員
  • 最大座席数
  • テレビ会議
  • スクリーン





Green Key Eco-Rating Program 5


最も参考になったレビュー 9 69件の口コミ

youyeong C
4年 前 – Google


Pros: swimming pool(jacuzzi too)/ cleanness/ decent interior /good location!!!

Cons: The balcony's floor was a little bit dirty and the pigeons sit on the chairs during the day time so PERsonally I didn't want to sit on the chair even at night time. ( 25th floor is not worth it for the view from the balcony.)
It had neither a microwave(how come?) nor coffee nor sugar e.t.c in the room.

Shane Nakai
4年 前 – Google


Enjoyed the room but no restaurants or bars where open at the hotel.

Caroline Tremblay
4年 前 – Google


A 9-minute walk from the Vancouver Convention Centre, shopping, sightseeing, restaurants & bars. Beds were comfy, nice view, and convenient location in a great part of Vancouver. Extremely friendly staff.

Stacie Nguyen
4年 前 – Google


Good stay! Had 2 connecting rooms for a weekend. Beds were comfy, nice view, and convenient location in a great part of Vancouver. They brought us chocolate covered strawberries and Perrier, super nice. Nicely decorated for the holidays One drawback is parking: very expensive, and there isn’t much seating in the lobby. Other than that we enjoyed our stay.

Val D
4年 前 – Google


Probably, one of the best, if not the best, I have ever stayed at. Extremely clean, fresh, modern/contemporary design that is totally my taste. I have seen very good hotels, but most of them not that new, fresh or clean. Maybe we are just lucky to get a room with a recent remodeling.... Perfect stylish bath, chair, walls, stylish TV station, even carpet is nice, normally I hate it. The bed was very comfortable too. Don't even mention a fantastic city view (we stayed at 28 floor). Definitely, my favorite hotel from now if I come to Vancouver. Thank you!!!!

Nitin Chopra
6年 前 – Google


Hotel has been great. However, now you can see it is getting old and needs to be refreshed. I was a huge fan of this place, but after staying at the Sheraton which was recently renovated, you can feel a huge difference.

Andrew Kan
6年 前 – Google


Excellent hotel right downtown. It is right next to a transit station which is very convenient. It is located close to many shops, which is great if you like shopping. The hotel was nice and modern, and so was my room. Staff was very friendly and helpful.

Stephanie Powell
6年 前 – Google


Once again Hyatt has exceeded my expectations. This was the first time we brought the kids on a globalist booking, and I was blown away by the thought put behind our stay! Not only did we get a suite upgrade that was out of this world with a view of the water, but the thoughtfulness of having a tray of local craft brews (including local root beer for the kids!) and handmade sweets in the room was just above and beyond what we could have hoped for. Absolutely on point, and the Regency Club was delicious and inviting as usual. ♥

KidSuper Lin
6年 前 – Google


I've stayed at this Hyatt a few times throughout the years and am always satisfied with the facility and especially the services by the staff. On this occasion Sara the VIP manager was especially thoughtful to ensure that the we were taken care of by the front desk folks when checking in. This hotel location is very good too in the middle of downtown Vancouver, and the Capilano Bridge free shuttle bus stops here is a plus. Quirky elevator system but was all good. The king Bed is super comfy for sure.

Lissette Lemus
6年 前 – Google


What I love most of this place is location! Right by SkyTrain, and the buses to Whistler stop right there.
You can also walk literally everywhere in downtown, go up to Robson down to English bay then bus back and enjoy Granville night clubs.
They have outdoor pool, and you can ask for room with view to mountain.
Love it!.

Lukas Huptas
6年 前 – Google


Best place to be when you’re in Vancouver. Well located and clean rooms. Staff is extraordinary friendly and polite. All accessible via wheelchair. Doorman Terry is the best example how Vancouver is: Lovely 😍

David Lee
6年 前 – Google


Awesome high end modern hotel at a great location. Get the upgraded rooms on higher floors with amazing views of the water and mountains. Everything is top notch here, centrally located to all major attractions and neighborhoods.

KidSuper Lin
6年 前 – Google


I've stayed at this Hyatt a few times throughout the years and am always satisfied with the facility and especially the services by the staff. Sara the VIP manager was especially thoughtful to ensure that the we were taken care of by the front desk folks when checking in. This hotel location is very good too in the middle of downtown Vancouver, and the Capilano Bridge free shuttle bus stops here is a plus. Quirky elevator system but was all good. The king Bed is super comfy for sure.

Moe Faraji
6年 前 – Google


The residence is pretty clean. Cleaners do not always do their jobs properly. However my stars are mostly because of value for money. You can find a better and cleaner hotel in Vancouver with much less rate. The parking is also very expensive in that area.

6年 前 – Google


Helpful and accommodating friendly staff. Rooms were clean and modern.
Don't understand the poor reviews on food. Food was delicious; portions more than ample. However, with the shopping center right next door, patrons could easily sample other local fairs instead. Very convenient.
As far as age of building or needing to be torn down due to age? Lobby, meeting rooms and guest rooms we encountered were sleek and modern, our room had an awesome city vista.

Kent Georgi
6年 前 – Google


Amazing Hotel, Staff is super friendly. If you're hear in the winter time you can see Gingerbread Lane. Dozens and Dozens of Gingerbread house made by professionals and by children to show off their talents and skills!

Tiffany Okel
6年 前 – Google


Check in experience was stellar. After requesting valet upon our arrival, the bell hop was considerate enough to mention how much cheaper self park would be for us over the weekend. Then, the agent at the desk, Lilian, was both helpful and knowledgeable. Though our room was not ready, which was expected since we arrived at 10 AM, she offered different available rooms as well as making sure we had club access. Conversational and friendly, she immediately made me feel welcome and comfortable at the hotel. Thank you!

Payam Fazli
6年 前 – Google


Most of the people who leave impressed and mesmerized comments need to be undeceived perhaps through more travel around the world and see how other 4-star hotels in touristic destinations (except for Istanbul!) in other parts of the world fare better in comparison with this one, when you account for the vehemently higher price that you pay for a single night in this hotel.
I stayed for about 4 nights in Hyatt Regency Vancouver, in a very beautiful (and expensive room). Obviously, as is a presupposed axiom for all 4-star hotels in the civilized world, the room was clean, well-managed, with a lovely terrace overlooking admirable scenery, comfortable bed and bedding, satisfactory toilet and bath room. However, for anything above $400, you can always gets these features so easily. Whatever happened to competitive pricing and value for money!
The staff are super nice, and they know their job really well. You feel welcomed and hosted warmly. Overall, I enjoyed my experience in Hyatt Regency Vancouver, but I believe in comparison with similar hotels, it is overpriced.

Albert Mo
6年 前 – Google


Heart of downtown steps away from shopping, entertainment, museum, and business district. Price reflects convenience. Staff readily available, well trained, professional and polite. Not a lot of food nearby. Restaurants that are walking distance are upscale, but you'll likely find something just as good for less if you cab it.

Payam Fazli
6年 前 – Google


Most of the people who leave impressed and mesmerized comments need to be undeceived perhaps through more travel around the world and see how other 4-star hotels in touristic destination (except for Istanbul!) in other parts of the world fare better in comparison with this one, when you account for the vehemently higher price that you pay for a single night in this hotel.
I stayed for about 4 nights in Hyatt Regency Vancouver, in a very beautiful (and expensive room). Obviously, as is a presupposed axiom for all 4-star hotels in the civilized world, the room was clean, well-managed, lovely terrace with admirable scenery, comfortable bed and bedding, satisfactory toilet and bath room. However, for anything above $400, you can always gets these features so easily. Whatever happened to competitive pricing and value for money!
The staff are super nice, and they know their job really well. You feel welcomed and hosted warmly. Overall, I enjoyed my experience in Hyatt Regency Vancouver, but I believe in comparison with similar hotels, it is overpriced.

Olivia Holm
6年 前 – Google


The rooms were clean, comfortable and had good views. We were very centrally located, so it was easy getting around town. However, I think the parking fee is a bit steep at $45 per day. Also, after I checked in and paid for said parking, I was given a key card that allowed me "in and out" privileges. Unfortunately, the card didn't work. When I went to leave later on, my plans were delayed because the key card read invalid. I had to reverse, re-park my car and go back through the Maze of stairs, elevators and escalators to get back to reception-- Where I had to then wait in line to get a new key card. The staff apologized for the inconvenience, but this was a hassle that could have been prevented. Other than that everything was fine.

Lisa Coghlan
6年 前 – Google


I have frequented the Hyatt Regency Vancouver a few times over the years for conference's. The Hotel is always clean and presentable. The staff is very courteous and helpful. And also extremely knowledgeable of other shops and services one might need in the local area

Mer luchador
6年 前 – Google


Wonderful staff, very well managed , white glove service. These guys made a point of learning the name some Behavior patterns of each customer.
All I did was come down twice around the same time at every night your brother night, sleeping around for food so what day did 10 minutes before I Disturbed night they called upstairs and said you had last night.... Those are very well designed very clean. Huge windows out of them to her beautiful view around surrounding it...
Even the bellhops on the debates were respectable.
For business hundred percent... Probably hands down the best business Hotel in Vancouver.
I had lost my passport I do not have any ID trying to check-in date but I was at the other hotels in the same city... Going to come by after instead of showing me away called around to the other hotels that I was at and found out exactly who I was and came out and check me right in.
Family following the rules and policies but also flexibility that's what is respected. Amazing work all around

6年 前 – Google


This place is located right next to the Burrard skytrain station (Expo line) so it's extremely convenient to get to by public transit. There is hotel parking as well if you drive your own car. Eating here is very convenient as there is a food court a Starbucks a bar and many other amenities in the vicinity.

Elissa Wang
6年 前 – Google


We were there for the chocolate cake, second floor lounge. I think it's called mosaic. The place was open so it didn't really feel like a restaurant or anything. Food was food and chocolate cake was amazing.

Tae Kim
6年 前 – Google


Lobby is great. Starbucks is inside. Comfortable seating area. Buffet and restaurant is good. Great view depending on where you stay. Might be harder to find front desk but it's in the corner. Connected to other businesses and food court! Huge plus!

Hubert Liu
6年 前 – Google


The bar is above average for a hotel. The staff was pretty well knowledged on local beers and wine. The cocktails looked good but I did not try. The flights of wine is my recommendation to try. They are mid level wines with supposedly 3oz pours each, but they're generous with it. My only wish is that they would get better, more appropriate wine glasses.

Stephanie Cimbala
6年 前 – Google


Though I stayed here awhile ago now with my family I would imagine that much hasn’t changed. The rooms are large, bright, clean and have the typical hotel room smell.
Beautiful view of downtown and helpful staff available 24hr. I loved the breakfast, plus dinner and drinks at the Grain was lovely

Joshua Joly
6年 前 – Google


This was my first time in Vancouver. The hotel staff was welcoming and friendly. The rooms were clean and tidy. I only ended up staying the night so I was unable to experience all the amenities available.

Kristen Knight
6年 前 – Google


Another great stay at the Hyatt Vancouver. We were only in for one night, but as aleats the service was exceptional and the room was immaculate and well appointed. I really appreciate the level of detail by the cleaning staff- there wasn't a dust bunny to be found anywhere.
We got an early check in and with the noon checkout tje next day, we really got the most out of our stay. My favourite part, though, is the beds. I have stayed in quite a few hotels, but the Hyatt beds can't be touched by any other establishment.

Karen Lai
6年 前 – Google


Great location just off of the bus stop for route #2. I attended a professional event here and the Christmas decorations as I entered the building was very nice and welcoming. Staff were also polite and welcoming. The conference room and facilities were clean and I have nothing to complain about.

Samantha Sweeney
6年 前 – Google


Beautiful hotel and a fabulous location. My room on the 7th floor was modern, spacious, and clean. There is a coffee machine in the room with Starbucks coffee, but there's also a Starbucks location in the lobby which is nice. I didn't get the opportunity to visit the hotel bar or restaurant, but there are plenty of amazing bars and restaurants in the area close to the hotel. Overall I would completely recommend this hotel for your visit to Vancouver.

Jeff Huang
6年 前 – Google


Great venue for events. Food was decent although sometimes not as fresh as expected. Air conditioning was also a bit strong though during some periods within the conference rooms. Overall a decent experience.

Peter Le
7年 前 – Google


Overall, an excellent choice to have your wedding reception at. Excellent staff members while having absolutely delicious food. The quality of their food was really unexpected. They offer beef that is tender enough for you to cut with a butter knife and with no difficulty chewing.

Henry David
7年 前 – Google


I have stayed at many Hyatt's. I have never once seen a lapse in service. The quality of the rooms and experience is more than worth the price. The service is the number one for me. This location in Vancouver is no exception. Location is ideal for convention and restaurants in Coal Harbor. It's a 5 minute walk from the light rail as well, which goes to the airport in 30 minutes.

Wayne Anderson
7年 前 – Google


Great location especially for the convention center. Nice rooms. This Regency Club is better than average. Interesting elevator system but it is faster than regular elevators. Staff are very friendly and really do go out of the way to remember you and your preferences.

Kristi C
7年 前 – Google


We thought we ordered a room with two queen beds (there was four adults), but they don't it have rooms with two queens - only two doubles or one king. They accommodated us spectacularly, though, and their customer service was outstanding! The room was great and the balcony had a wonderful view. It's in a great area, close to lots of great restaurants (Bellagio has the best waffles I've ever had) and the water. The only thing I didn't like was that the hotel doesn't provide parking, and it can be quite expensive. That being said, I would definitely stay here again!

Mark Jolly
7年 前 – Google


It's a Hyatt what more can I say? It's very expensive, especially the breakfast buffet and there is no continental option. However, the rooms are a good size, the hot tub outside is excellent with good gym facilities.
The restaurant serves excellent meals and a good choice of craft beers and wines. The steak I had one night was excellent.

Rich Lazar
7年 前 – Google


Hotel was very clean. The staff was amazing. There was a mix up on the booking site we used and the hotel staff were able to rectify the situation very quickly. The room was clean and roomy. We had a good view of the downtown. The outdoor pool/hot tub area was very nice. The pool was heated and the water was not too cold. The hot tub water was not hot.

Shimon Nishimura
7年 前 – Google


A nice hotel in the downtown area. Room are fairly well equipped and renovated. Parking is not very convenient requiring multiple elevator transfers and several hallways to access parking garage from hotel. Rooms are medium size but with thin walls so noise from the hallway and next door rooms were clearly audible. Overall pretty good hotel.

Lisa Coghlan
7年 前 – Google


I went to the Hyatt Regency for a Optometric Conference. I found the hotel to in a very convenient location. Close to public transit. The staff was very accommodating and friendly. The rooms where clean. The lunches were quite nice. The only thing I found that could be a bit better is the air circulation in the meeting rooms. Other than that, it was a good experience and I would be more than willing to return again

7年 前 – Google


Not enough hooks in the shower. Pillows looked fluffy, but was actually flat.

Club lounge was disappointing. There was not a lot of food to choose from if you compare to the Hyatt in Taiwan. Better off just getting food outside the hotel.

Parking was expensive, but you probably won't find anything better in the area. Self parking cost $35.57/CAD per day (inclusive of $7.57 in taxes)

Other than that, the room was fantastic. View was wonderful. Location was great.

Max Dang
7年 前 – Google


View was nice, but desk lamp was burned out and there was left over food in the fridge from the last guest. Keep in mind that we checked in an hour late at like 5. Also, be aware that Hyatt does not own the parking garage attached to the building so you'll have to pay to park your car. Shower in the room is quaint with a rainfall-style shower head but the water pressure leaves a bit to be desired. Check-in staff were nice, gym was nice as well. I can't speak on the value of the stay because I used points, but if I payed the full ~550 CAD per night, per room, for my stay I would be disappointed.

Anthony Tassone
7年 前 – Google


My wife was at a conference and I just came for the very end it so I only stayed one night but the experience was very good. I had quick check in and quick check out. Great location in downtown around a ton of stuff. The room was big and had plenty of outlets. Just a positive experience really nothing poor in my overnight stay.

jason fox
7年 前 – Google


The manager greeted us at the desk because I requested a high room but a high floor room wasn't ready since we arrived at 11am from a cruise. She made sure all other requests were addressed before even getting to our room. She walked over to the elevator and showed us how there system worked with a touch screen for which floor and told us what elevator would take us. This was the best Hyatt experience I have seen and I'm a diamond level so I stay at Hyatt often.

Ricky Shin
7年 前 – Google


Solid hotel smack in the middle of downtown Vancouver. Service was very friendly, we had a room on the 28th floor with a balcony overlooking the harbour which was very nice. Too bad there are other highrises blocking our view of most of the water, but overall still a cool view. Room service was prompt and reasonably priced. TVs were well stocked with cool channels, parking is super convenient downstairs in the Royal Centre... can't complain, loved our 5 day stay here!

Michael Silicz
7年 前 – Google


Happy with my stay! Gym is good (has machines and free weights) and staff was very friendly. Would recommend this Hyatt. I attended the 2017 Responsible Investment Association of Canada annual conference here and the facilities were great. Love love love that they're sustainable re: Bullfrog Power, too.

thebigtimegamer 99
7年 前 – Google


Hyatt Regency is located in the heart of downtown close to the Coal Harbour which makes it very convenient if you're taking a cruise line or if you're traveling Vancouver for business. It is a busy hotel with great service and offers lots of choices of attraction closest the core downtown. Would recommend

Kevin Y
7年 前 – Google


Had dinner at the Mosaic Bar & Grill and enjoyed great service as per usual. I've actually eaten here on a handful of occasions and have enjoyed it each and every time. The food is priced well and tastes great. The service provided by the wait staff has never been anything less than great. Ask about the free birthday cake if you book your dinner there. It's such a rich and decadent cake but so delicious. You'll definitely need more than one person to finish it off.

Lara Ebert
7年 前 – Google


The waiter was friendly and had lots of great recommendations. Black current martini was delicious! Food was super good too and prices were very reasonable and comparable to other pubs.

JC Adriana
7年 前 – Google


Love the key less elevators! Always consistent. Clean, well maintained, and staff that is never intrusive! Lounge has delicious food and cocktails. Great Downtown location. Perfect for the business traveler.

Aaron Roderick
7年 前 – Google


The Hyatt Regency serves as a high class hotel in the heart of downtown Vancouver. It looks very modern, very contemporary, very high tech. It features numerous Starbucks restaurants in the area, including one in the hotel, bell service, concierge service, fine dining in the building and an even more renowned fine dining experience just one block over at Hotel Georgia (for those looking for the high end thing.)

Michelle Vu
7年 前 – Google


Most hotels in downtown Vancouver are pretty modern and up to date. We were lucky enough to get a good deal on the Hyatt which was our primary reason of stay. The hotel is in perfect walking distance to Gastown, Olympic Cauldron, and mainstream shopping. It is not a far bike or car ride to Stanley Park. There are a ton of great eateries near by.

Chuck Baldwin
7年 前 – Google


Very comfortable, modern room. Quick and and painless check-in. Reception said we can leave our bags, and even shower, after we check out but before our plane leaves. Fine accommodations for the conference we are attending. Delightful city. A bit rainy though.

Nigel Reedman
7年 前 – Google


It's a high end downtown hotel, you get pretty much what you'd expect. Clean, nice rooms, friendly staff. Here for a conference, facilities for that are excellent as well. The doors between the rooms could use some sound proofing can hear the neighbours fairly clearly, but otherwise it's 5 star.

Michelle Lala
7年 前 – Google


Staff were friendly, hotel was spotless, cookies and ice water with fruit were served in the lobby. We were able to upgrade our room for a very reasonable amount. Heated outdoor pool and hot tub were an excellent way to unwind. Overall great experience.

Hasan Askari
7年 前 – Google


The room is great. The restaurant is really nice. The staff is very polite. All round it was a good stay minus the fact that there was a power outage for 6 hours at night. It was planned in Pre communicated but still it was in the middle of a major event

Shira Bergman
7年 前 – Google


Centrally located and easy to get to all parts of the city. Gym is perfectly adequate and it even has a year-round outdoor heated pool and hot tub. Staff is extremely friendly, at times too much so. Only strange thing is housekeeping comes really early. If you don't remember to put out your privacy signs, they came knocking around 9am on the weekend and 8am weekdays. They also vacuumed the hallways around 8:30 am on a weekday.

Leah Evans
7年 前 – Google


Great Service at the Grain restaurant. Server got us mixed drinks that weren't on the menu. Food and drinks came quickly. Definitely look forward to visiting again.

ally knight
7年 前 – Google


Wonderful place to stay. The rooms are beautiful and have amazing views. Service is top notch and all the staff are friendly. Also has all the things you need near by. Deffinetly a place to stay if you're looking for the downtown experience.

mary story
7年 前 – Google


My daughter and I enjoyed an overnight stay in a lovely room on the 21st floor. The room was spacious and immaculate; our beds were wonderfully comfortable and welcoming. I look forward to another lovely stay at the Hyatt soon.

7年 前 – Google


Good location, close to many retail stores. Great customer service. The pillows didn't provide much support.

Francis Li
7年 前 – Google


Rooms: Top notch clean rooms. Stayed here several times and enjoyed all my stays here.
Service: Great service but sometimes forgets stuff when I ask for some amenities.
Food: The room service food is great. My favourite is the steak.

Alex F
7年 前 – Google


I recently stayed at the Hyatt Regency for five nights and was very pleased by my experience. The room was spacious, well maintained, and the bed was very comfortable. The room included a mini-fridge and free high-speed wifi, which is a rarity in Downtown Vancouver. Best of all, the staff was very helpful and friendly. I will definitely consider staying at the Hyatt Regency on my next trip to Vancouver.

Kris Wong
7年 前 – Google


My company has our Christmas party here every year. Nice rooms. Good food. And nice space.

Jason Akers
8年 前 – Google


Location is excellent - extremely close to public transit and close to many many bars, restaurants, and clubs. The hotel has an unusual elevator system where you order a specific elevator for your destination using a touch screen system. The rooms have the typical Hyatt standard feel including dark wood and granite. This particular hotel includes rain head showers that have very small shower heads, which I did not like. I did not interact with the hotel employees aside from a quick checkin, but they seemed friendly. Overall a good hotel choice for the area.

Paul Luo
8年 前 – Google


Located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, Hyatt provides easy access to North shore as well as airport. The chocolate cake at the Mosaic bar was excellent. The professional event that I attended was catered and the quality of the food and service were very good. The hotel staff was attentive to the needs of the guests. I would recommend the conference room facilities for future bookings.

Debbie Johnson
8年 前 – Google


Fabulous visit! We were met with a warm smile at the check in desk by Jon. He was polite, very friendly and knowledge of the hotel's amenities, which he pointed out to us while escorting us to the elevator. We would highly recommend to any friends visiting Vancouver.

Dbebs Accouns
8年 前 – Google


Nice hotel that's clean and safe and has easy room access. It's right beside the sky train stop and has many close convenient restaurants and convenience stores. I used to stay at the Sheraton wall center but now prefer the Hyatt. It's better overall and usually a bit cheaper.

Mike Heavers
8年 前 – Google


Comfortable, and easily the quietest room I've stayed at in awhile, the room was very large with an ample balcony and a spacious desk for getting work done. Wifi access was easy and worked well. The gym consists mostly of aerobic equipment (treadmills, stairmasters, and bikes), but has a small assortment of weightlifting stations and free weights. The pool is outdoor, small and tends to be pretty crowded - it was undergoing maintenance for most of my stay, and there is a fairly large hot tub which seemed nice. A Starbucks in the lobby is also very busy, and the hotel bell hop was timely and generous enough to let me keep my bags stowed there for an additional day after my checkout. Checkout itself was painless and quick.

Tabby E
8年 前 – Google


Comfortable rooms. Wonderful pool, hot tub, gym option (which promptly closes at 10pm). Staff is amazing. Kudos to the concierge! So amazing! Grain, the hotel bar, was open late so wet could get drinks street singing on late flights. The waitress had great recommendations. Super decent breakfast buffet considering the price. Very close to all downtown amenities and transit.

Frank Xie
8年 前 – Google


The hotel itself is a bit old, but well-maintained. Room is pretty nice, and very quiet. Breakfast buffet on second floor was a great experience! (It might not be included in the room rate)

8年 前 – Google


We had a staff event here. The meeting and conference rooms are nice. Some of us also stayed the night. The actual hotel rooms are beautiful.

Staff is friendly and helpful.

Reviewer The
9年 前 – Google


Great clean rooms and a nice Starbucks. However, horrible swimming pool, and " I can not help you with your request because I am a Concierge, not housekeeping".

leiel lalo
9年 前 – Google


Good location, nice rooms.
WiFi is free if you're a guest, and not as mentioned in other reviews.

Kurleigh Martin
9年 前 – Google


An amazing hotel! Great rooms great service and centrally located

Calina Hung
9年 前 – Google


We attended the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. awards and dinner event on Feb 6, and was really impressed with the great food that Hyatt has provided, and the GREATEST service we've had, provided by our server, Matthew (table 11). Just wanted to say thank you for the great service and the most positive experience!