 5 919 건의 리뷰

Homewood Suites by Hilton Binghamton/Vestal NY

3603 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal, NY 13850, United States 접속하다

Homewood Suites by Hilton Binghamton/Vestal NY

Hilton Binghamton/Vestal NY의 Homewood Suites에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리의 Vestal Hotel은 Binghamton, Endicott 및 Johnson City 사이에 편리하게 위치하고 있으며 RTE 17 (미래 RTE 86), I-81 및 I-88에 쉽게 접근 할 수 있습니다. 우리는 Binghamton University 캠퍼스에서 반 마일 떨어져 있으며 소매점과 레스토랑에서 몇 분 안에 Broome, Tioga, Bradford 및 Susquehanna 카운티에서 모든 비즈니스 및 레저 요구에 완벽한 홈베이스가되었습니다. Hilton Binghamton/Vestal의 Homewood Suites는 편의 시설이있는 넓은 스위트를 제공하여 모든 손님에게 집의 모든 안락함을 제공합니다. * 풀 사이즈 냉장고, 스토브, 커피 메이커, 전자 레인지 및 식기 세척기를 갖춘 완비 된 주방. * 별도의 거실과 수면 공간. * 소파 침목. * 무료 고속 인터넷 액세스 유선 및 무선. * 무료 로컬 및 통행료 무료 전화 통화. * 37 & quot; 평면 스크린 고화질 텔레비전 및 DVD 플레이어. * 60 + 텔레비전 채널 및 쇼 타임. * 데이터 포트가있는 2 개의 전화. * 철 및 다림질 보드. * 천장 선풍기. 넓은 스위트, 완비 된 주방, 별도의 거실 및 수면 공간을 갖춘 Binghamton/Vestal Hotel은 기업 주택 및 비즈니스 여행객에게 적합합니다. NY Vestal에있는 우리 호텔은 다음을 포함 하여이 지역의 다양한 비즈니스 및 기업에 가깝습니다. 우리의 Binghamton/Vestal, NY Hotel 손님은 매주 월요일부터 목요일마다 가벼운 식사, 맥주 및 와인을 갖춘 야간 무료 홈 ® 리셉션뿐만 아니라 매일 아침 무료 Suite Start ™ Hot Breakfast를 포함하여 많은 혜택을 누릴 것입니다. 우리는 또한 늦은 밤 갈망을위한 24 시간 스위트 샵을 제공합니다. 우리는 당신을 편안하게 유지하기 위해 실내 수영장과 24 시간 피트니스 센터가 있습니다.

When you need to be away from home come home to the Homewood Suites by Hilton Binghamton/Vestal! We are centrally located in the heart of the Triple Cities, between Binghamton, Endicott and Johnson City, with easy access to Route 17, I-81 and I-88.



Homewood Suites by Hilton Binghamton/Vestal NY
3603 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal, NY 13850, United States


  • 인터넷
    무료로 인터넷 접속
  • 무료 와이파이
  • 초고속 인터넷
  • 고속 무선
  • 교통
    무료 공항 셔틀
  • 무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장
  • 기차 액세스
  • 프론트
    24 시간 리셉션
  • 수하물 보류
  • 일찍 체크인
  • 체크인 익스프레스
  • 익스프레스 체크 아웃
  • 프론트 데스크
  • 늦은 체크 아웃 가능합니다
  • 멀리 작업
    비즈니스 센터
  • 전기 콘센트 책상
  • 복사 센터
  • 일반
    공기 조절
  • 직통 전화
  • 온수 객실
  • 내부 복도
  • 금연 객실
  • 전용 욕실 또는 샤워
  • 공공 장소의 공기 조절
  • 호텔 서비스
    24 시간 보안
  • ATM / 현금 지급기
  • 드라이 클리닝
  • 화재 안전 준수
  • 풀 서비스 하우스 키핑
  • 식료품 쇼핑 서비스 제공을
  • 헤어 드라이어
  • 객실 매일
  • 다리미판
  • 세탁 / 주차 대행 서비스
  • 현장 세탁
  • 안전 금고
  • 보안
  • 주차 대행 청소
  • 주차 대행 당일 드라이 클리닝
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 아울렛
    선물 / 뉴스 스탠드
  • 잡다한 / 편의점
  • 다른 사람들과 여행
    어린이 환영
  • 가족 계획
  • 애완 동물 환영
  • 얻기 쉬운
    이용 가능한 편의 시설
  • 엘리베이터
  • 이벤트
    저녁 리셉션
  • 회의실
  • 녹색 시설
    지역 사회 참여


  • 통신
    객실에서 무료 와이파이
  • 스피커폰
  • 음성 메일
  • 침구
    소파 침대
  • 화장실
    욕실 용품
  • 목욕통
  • 욕조 / 샤워 조합
  • 음식 및 음료
    커피 / 차 메이커
  • 식기 세척기
  • 주방
  • 부엌
  • 간이 취사장
  • 마이크로파
  • 냉장고
  • 환대
    모든 뉴스 채널
  • 케이블 TV
  • CNN의 availaible
  • DVD 플레이어
  • 무료 영화 / 비디오
  • 신문
  • 사업
  • 데이터 포트
  • 메시지 빛 전화
  • 일반
    에어컨은 방에서 제어
  • 알람 시계
  • 화재 경보
  • 금연
  • 자기 제어 가열 / 냉각
  • 연기 탐지기


  • 실내 수영장
  • 적합
    24 시간 피트니스 센터
  • 심장 혈관 운동
  • 운동 체육관
  • 피트니스 센터
  • 역도
  • 스포츠
    조깅 트랙
  • 게임 / 영화
  • 게임방

음식과 음료

  • 식사 계획
    뷔페 아침 식사
  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 특별한주의
    무료 칵테일
  • 로비에서 무료 커피
  • 무료 저녁 리셉션
  • 무료 객실 내 커피 / 차
  • 로비 커피 서비스
  • 환영 음료
  • 서비스
    룸 서비스
  • 채소 식료품
    로컬 및 제철 음식
  • 주방 시설
    바베큐 그릴
  • 아울렛 입력
    칵테일 라운지

아침 식사

  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 뷔페 아침 식사

주택 정책

  • 체크인 시간 : 15:00
  • 체크 아웃 시간 : 11:00

정책 취소
보증금이 필요하지 않는 한 모든 예약은 도착하기 전에 24 시간 취소해야합니다. 예약이 전자적으로 이루어 한 경우 혼란과 노 쇼 법안을 피하기 위해 전자적을 취소하십시오. 정책은 변경 될 수 있습니다. 현금으로 지불하는 경우 300 달러의 보증금이 필요합니다.

다른 사람들과 여행

어린이 정책
어린이의 연령과 부모의 방에 무료 젊은 체류 18 세 기존 침대를 사용하여

애완 동물 요청에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.
$75(1-4n),$125(5+n) 2petsMax,dog/cat

언어 음성

  • 영어

관리 안내 서비스 팁

월요일부터 목요일까지 우리 식당에 들러 우리의 무료 저녁 사교에 빠지십시오. 음료와 작은 접시제품을 즐기면서 친구, 가족 및 Homewood Suites 직원과 사교 활동을하십시오. 이들은 전채 또는 작고 만족스러운 식사와 같은 적절한 크기입니다.

에 오신 것을 환영합니다 용량

  • 회의실의 수 : 1
  • 잠자는 객실 수 : 79
  • 가장 큰 회의실 크기 : 870 sq. ft.


  • 무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장


  • 경비원
  • 최대 좌석 수


부동산의 그린 액션

환경 문제는 전 세계 사람들과 생태계의 복지에 영향을 미친다. 우리는 우리의 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 가능한 한 효율적으로 운영하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 저탄소 미래를 위해, 우리는 절감하고 에너지와 물 사용을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 매립지에 우리의 폐기물을 줄이기위한 노력의 일환으로, 우리는 폐기물에 대한 포괄적 인 전략을 만든 우리의 운영 및 공급 체인에서 음식물 쓰레기를 줄이기 위해 WWF와 함께 노력하고 있습니다. 책임 조달은 차이가 우리가 가능한 한 로컬 상품과 서비스를 소스.

  •  로컬 및 제철 음식
  •  지역 사회 참여


ISO 14001

ISO 14001은 효과적인 환경 관리 시스템을 설치하는 방법을 설명하는 국제적으로 인정 된 표준입니다. 다음과 같은 환경 적 책임을 간과하지 않고 비즈니스가 상업적으로 성공을 거두도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다. • 환경 성과 향상 • 끊임없이 지역 및 국가 규정 및 기타 요구 사항을 준수해야합니다. 소비 • 폐기물 재활용 및 회복 촉진 • 직원 간의 환경 인식을 높이고 활동에 모범 사례를 채택하도록 교육 • 에코 레이블 하우스 키핑 제품 사용 • 지속 가능한 임업 인증 용지 사용

ISO 50001

ISO 50001은 ISO 9001 또는 ISO 14001과 같은 다른 잘 알려진 표준에도 사용되는 지속적인 개선의 관리 시스템 모델을 기반으로합니다.이를 통해 조직은 에너지 관리를 품질 및 환경 관리를 개선하기위한 전반적인 노력에 더 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다. ISO 50001은 조직에 대한 요구 사항 프레임 워크를 제공합니다. -보다 효율적인 에너지 사용을위한 정책 개발 - 정책을 충족하기위한 목표 및 목표 수정 - 데이터를 사용하여 에너지 사용에 대한 결정을 더 잘 이해하고 결정합니다 - 결과 측정 - 검토 얼마나 잘 검토 정책은 작동하며 지속적으로 에너지 관리를 개선합니다.

가장 유용한 리뷰 9 19 건의 리뷰

Delroy Green
6년 전에 – Google


Quite refreshing and satisfying. A little on the small side but excellent place to stay for the weekend !

Rhonda Green
6년 전에 – Google


When we arrived, found they had a large thank you gathering with steaks and chicken. Cannot beat a great meal after a long day of travel. This is the second time we have stayed while visiting family.
Great reception area and the front desk check-in always is smooth. Charlie welcomed us like family!

Candy Comb
6년 전에 – Google


Great place to stay if you're in town for a quick stop or a long stay on a business trip. Breakfast in the morning and complimentary social hour food during the evening. The kitchen comes with everything need to cook a meal. The room and bathroom is very spacious. I will stay here again if I had to stay in the area again. Fran was our regular housekeeper for our 2 month stay and she was super nice, helpful and attentive

John Russo
6년 전에 – Google


Charlie at the front desk was amazingly helpful.
Great suites, no complaints.

Elise Ekrem
6년 전에 – Google


The staff was very kind and the room felt like home. It was clean and a comfortable stay.

Daniel Radle
6년 전에 – Google


Amazing hotel! beautiful room. Not only was breakfast included it even came with a free dinner. If we had breakfast and dinner out it would cost as much as the room so in my eyes we stayed for free!

Maxim Zhdankin
6년 전에 – Google


Good staff, room is reasonably nice and is clean. Internet is decent.

Amanda Lawrence
6년 전에 – Google


Room was very nice. Pool was small but clean. Breakfast was good, too.

Dee Nuwin
6년 전에 – Google


Great hotel. The breakfast was very good. Check-in was painless. The room was clean. Price was comparable to others but we chose this over others because os reviews

Rob B
6년 전에 – Google


Room was great. A lot of space for the price. Nice continental breakfast. Did have the chance to use the pool but it looked nice and clean.

Elisha Decker
6년 전에 – Google


beautiful hotel, very clean room with great layout. only disappointment was breakfast. the menu was great but didnt taste great.

Danny Levy
6년 전에 – Google


Decent place to stay. The hotel seems as though it was refreshed within 2-3 years. Room was clean, bathrooms were adequate and staff was friendly. Nothing superb nor terrible, but the blankets and towels weren't great. Pricing was a little high, which is why I give this 4/5.

Paulina Phu
6년 전에 – Google


Rooms are great and spaceous. Perfect for 1. Currently staying while I'm waiting for my apartment to be ready since I'm working here now. Free breakfast everyday and light dinner at night Monday-Thursday. Front desk people are so nice. I'd stay here again.

Billie Jo Scott
6년 전에 – Google


We used to live in Endicott and whenever we come to town to visit family we stay here. Beautiful, clean hotel. Certain rooms a bit noisy the beds are kinda hard for my liking but all in all it's safe and clean. But we just got back from a trip there and I realized when we got home and unpacked that we forgot 2 6 packs of specialty beer (still in the grocery bags) in the refrigerator. We only took them inside due to it being so cold out and we didn't want them to freeze in the car. So I called them same day we checked out and told them what we had left... I kinda figured that they would say tough luck it was never found! And they did. Why can't there be honest people in this world. I mean seriously. It just sucks. I have been to many hotels and have left things, once a necklace (in PA) they were so nice and even paid for shipping to ship it home to me. Now that is customer service! And no, I was not asking for them to ship it to me... I was going to have my daughter pick it up... or they could have offered to refund the money for it as I am sure they kept it for themselves.

Suzy D'Angelo
6년 전에 – Google


The staff are excellent, professional, & always ready to help! Complimentary breakfasts are delious, rooms are clean & comfortable. Yes, they have an indoor pool.

dustin corbett
6년 전에 – Google


Mr. Beach and his team are terrific. This is the only place our family will stay when we're in town. No questions. Great staff, great rooms, great amenities. Feels like home!!

Jacquelyn Bahnuk
6년 전에 – Google


The general manager was very helpful and professional. The front end worker was kind and friendly. I lost my phone and the utility manager was professional and quick in helping me retrieve it.

Malyssa Anders
6년 전에 – Google


Nice location near lots of shopping & restaurants. Very friendly staff. Complimentary breakfast was fantastic! And the rooms were clean and quiet. Highly recommend if you're in the area.

Shawn Coffta
6년 전에 – Google


This place is very clean. Staff is friendly. Rooms are reasonably sized. Oh and great internet.

Scott Leard
7년 전에 – Google


The rooms are big and clean. The bed is comfortable. The dinner servise is excellent. The guy running the evening meal is on top of things. The breakfast attendant, not so much. I didnt get breakfast one morning because everything was empty and i only had 15 minutes to wait. I hung around 10 minutes then went to Mcdonald's so i could get something to eat.

Benny Mei
7년 전에 – Google


Friendly staff, delicious meals, comfortable rooms - Homewood Suites is simply fantastic. I always stay here when I am in the area.

Ross Barringer
7년 전에 – Google


Clean suite, quiet enough for my baby to sleep in the main room, while my wife and I were very comfortable in the bedroom. Small eat in kitchen with full amenities was awesome. I really liked this place.

Melissa Green
7년 전에 – Google


Beautiful hotel. The ground and hotel where A+. The staff as well. My only dislike was the temp of the indoor pool. The kids didn't mind but adults couldn't enjoy the pool. Breakfast service was great. Good hot food, coffee throughout the day.

geoff Delott
7년 전에 – Google


Very clean hotel. Nice changing breakfast menu. Nice workout room. Its nice having a separate room with TV for the kids

latoya spring
7년 전에 – Google


Very nice place. Makes you feel like your right at home

Josh Allor
7년 전에 – Google


I dropped a colleague off here. It was relatively easy to get to and seemed very nice. He said he enjoyed his stay there.

Kim Fina
7년 전에 – Google


Clean room, and the gent at front desk was extremely helpful! Good breakfast and a nice cocktail hour offering. Can't beat it!

Rahilah Taylor
7년 전에 – Google


Absolutely loved this place! My kids and I had a great time! The staff was so wonderful and made certain to bring xtra pillows for my boys each night. We will definitely be going back here!

Uzoma Attah
7년 전에 – Google


Good breakfast, clean rooms, hot showers, friendly staff, close to a lot of food and shopping places

Ajinkya Lonkar
7년 전에 – Google


Convenient loacation. Many good food options near by. Very nice and clean room and the kitchen definitely helps. Breakfast is pretty standard.

Andres Alonso
7년 전에 – Google


Binghamton doesn't have any nice hotels. My room was cheap and clean, but the other group in my party complained about uncomfortable beds. Overall, this is a no-frills place to sleep near SUNY Binghamton. Don't expect deluxe accommodations.

Steven Kennedy
7년 전에 – Google


Cozy hotel with good prices. One of the better Hilton's I've been at.

Wild Kiwi
7년 전에 – Google


It is always a pleasure staying here. The staff are friendly and very welcoming. The rooms are large, quiet, and clean. Great amenities.

sam parris
7년 전에 – Google


Nice rooms but the breakfast wasn't so great. But it's free so not really any major complaints.

Jeffrey Sitterley
7년 전에 – Google


The staff here was wonderful. I got stuck here because of the snow storm and they were helpful with shoveling and cleaning off the car. They helped each other with rides and it gave me a great impression of how this place is like "family". Made me happy to stay! Thank you!

Peter Berlin
7년 전에 – Google


Great ambiance. Friendly staff. Food was good. Variety of food options was not as ideal. Drinks looked good, but I didn't order any.

kelly hanrahan
7년 전에 – Google


Yes we love this place its like having own little apartment and we coming back too stay nice peaple the breakfast was nice and its better than holiday express too you can also buy beer and snack has big pool no pets. And no smoking in rooms

Albert Restaino
7년 전에 – Google


New building nicely appointed. Beautifly lobby, rooms etc. Smoothest elevator ride ive ever been on, seriously.

edward cloninger
7년 전에 – Google


Great staff and nice and clean rooms. It doesn't have scenic views, but much better than other places in the area. Will stay here again when in the area and they have an amazing complimentary breakfast!

Michael Mohr
7년 전에 – Google


Nice rooms, great staff.

Gary Leenhouts
7년 전에 – Google


What you expect from Hilton: consistency and no drama. They go the extra mile to brush off guest cars in the early AM hours after an overnight snowfall. That's classy!

Noel Read
7년 전에 – Google


Great location. Hotel was clean and comfortable. I've stayed at a few hotels on this Parkway, and this was easily the best one.
Didn't love the breakfast though. Food was cold/stale.

Overall, I would stay here again next time I am on the Parkway.

Matty Seibert
8년 전에 – Google


Very nice rooms, location is very close to SUNY Binghamton, service is great

Miles Conforti
8년 전에 – Google


Only went there for a few min to see a friend, nothing much else. It was pretty dope and the food was nice hehe xd

Zabiel Figueroa
8년 전에 – Google


The staff is really helpful. I have stayed here in the past and will continue to stay at this location. Everything you need is within driving distance.

Sonal Patel
8년 전에 – Google


Great property, five minutes from Johnson City Mall/stores, convenient and quiet. Great staff, would stay again.

Ryan Hinman
8년 전에 – Google


The room was amazing, everything looked very high class. We used the pool which was clean and comfortable. The hot complimentory breakfast in the morning was great. Me and my wife only get these one night trips a couple times a year and Hilton hotels have become by far our favorite places to stay!

Emily Bernstein
8년 전에 – Google


Nice hotel. Close to Binghamton University. Polite and friendly staff.

Chris Thornton
9년 전에 – Google


Nice hotel for visiting suny Binghamton. Room was great, we had a king bed and our younger son had a pull out couch in the living room. So we all had room and privacy. Wifi was good. Workout room was good. Breakfast was so-so, but better than avg. We will stay there again.

Gary Gartley
11년 전에 – Google


I normally never give such high reviews but this is simply the best hotel I have ever stayed at. Luxury rooms at an non luxury price.

From the start the staff is willing to go out of their way to help you. They even let me check in early without issue. Walking through the lobby you can see how warm and modern the hotel is. The rooms are luxury and I was stunned when I walked in, everything is highly modern and clean. The bed itself is very comfortable and television featured a flat screen and even had a DVD player.

The free breakfast blew me away because they actually have good food (this is rare for a hotel). Hilton has thought of everything in regards to what the consumer wants. My only critic if you could call it that is no hot tub, but the pool is very warm so no complaints here. 5/5 stars and I would stay here because they are well priced and offer so many comfort features. I also will add the maid service is very professional and curious and did an amazing job. Great for a simple business trip or place to stay with the family or loved ones.

Mandy Saffer
12년 전에 – Google


Excellent hotel and staff. We arrived at check in late and all rooms with 2 queen beds were full. The front desk attendant allowed us to get 2 studio rooms instead of 1 king for no extra charge. The staff is extremely helpful and friendly and the hotel itself is clean and gorgeous. Spacious rooms, nice tvs, comfy beds and more! Wouldn't go to any other hotel after coming here!