 5 928 건의 리뷰

Homewood Suites by Hilton Oxnard/Camarillo

1950 Solar Drive, Oxnard, CA 93036, United States 접속하다

Homewood Suites by Hilton Oxnard/Camarillo

Hilton -Oxnard, CA, 집에서 멀리 떨어진 Homewood Suites에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리는 로스 앤젤레스와 캘리포니아 산타 바바라 사이의 중간 웨이 북동쪽 옥스 나드 (North East Oxnard)에있는 101 고속도로 (Universal Studios, the Getty Center 및 Hollywood)와 같은 명소에 충분히 가까운 101 고속도로에서 편리하게 위치하고 있지만 여전히 바다 산들 바람, 딸기를 즐기기에 충분히 멀리 떨어져 있습니다. 옥스 나드 지역이 제공하는 들판, 작은 마을의 매력 및 따뜻한 환대. Hilton의 Homewood Suites -Hilton -Oxnard, CA는 옥스 나드 캘리포니아의 101 고속도로 및 라이스 애비뉴 출구에 위치하고 있습니다. - 채널 섬과 벤츄라 항구에서 몇 분 동안 캘리포니아의 아름다운 해변에서 불과 몇 마일 떨어진 곳에서 도보 거리 내에서 카마 릴로 프리미엄 매장에서 가까운 거리에있는 다양한 현지 상점과 레스토랑 - 골프, 고래 관찰 및 근처의 기타 관심 지점 - 옥스 나드 교통 센터 및 카마 릴로 공항에 편리합니다 - 해군 기지 벤 투라 카운티, 포인트 Mugu 및 Port Hueneme에 편리합니다. 세련되게 임명 된 호텔에는 정통한 비즈니스 여행자에게 적합한 현대적인 편의 시설과 레크리에이션 게스트를 기쁘게하기위한 훌륭한 레크리에이션 편의 시설이 있습니다. 넓은 스위트는 손님 편의 시설의 긴 목록으로 수용됩니다. - 보완 스위트 스타트 ™ 아침 식사 일주일에 7 일 - 보완적인 환영 홈 ™ 관리자 리셉션 수요일 오후 5시 - 오후 6:30- 보완적인 고속 및 무선 인터넷 SER

We are conveniently located off the 101 Freeway in North East Oxnard, midway between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California, close enough to attractions such as Universal Studios, The Getty Center and Hollywood, yet far enough away to still enjoy the ocean breeze, small town charm and warm hospitality the Oxnard area has to offer.



  • 인터넷
    무료로 인터넷 접속
  • 무료 와이파이
  • 초고속 인터넷
  • 고속 무선
  • 교통
    무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장
  • 기차 액세스
  • 프론트
    24 시간 리셉션
  • 수하물 보류
  • 일찍 체크인
  • 체크인 익스프레스
  • 익스프레스 체크 아웃
  • 프론트 데스크
  • 늦은 체크 아웃 가능합니다
  • 멀리 작업
    비즈니스 센터
  • 전기 콘센트 책상
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    공기 조절
  • 직통 전화
  • 온수 객실
  • 내부 복도
  • 금연 객실
  • 전용 욕실 또는 샤워
  • 공공 장소의 공기 조절
  • 호텔 서비스
    24 시간 보안
  • 화재 안전 준수
  • 풀 서비스 하우스 키핑
  • 식료품 쇼핑 서비스 제공을
  • 헤어 드라이어
  • 객실 매일
  • 다리미판
  • 세탁 / 주차 대행 서비스
  • 현장 세탁
  • 공공 주소 시스템
  • 안전 금고
  • 보안
  • 주차 대행 청소
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 아울렛
    잡다한 / 편의점
  • 다른 사람들과 여행
    어린이 프로그램
  • 어린이 환영
  • 가족 계획
  • 애완 동물 환영
  • 얻기 쉬운
    이용 가능한 편의 시설
  • 엘리베이터
  • 이벤트
    회의 시설
  • 저녁 리셉션
  • 회의실
  • 녹색 시설
    지역 사회 참여


  • 통신
    객실에서 무료 와이파이
  • 다중 회선 전화
  • 스피커폰
  • 두 회선 전화
  • 음성 메일
  • 침구
    소파 침대
  • 화장실
    욕실 용품
  • 음식 및 음료
    커피 / 차 메이커
  • 식기 세척기
  • 주방
  • 부엌
  • 간이 취사장
  • 마이크로파
  • 냉장고
  • 환대
    모든 뉴스 채널
  • 케이블 TV
  • CNN의 availaible
  • 신문
  • 사업
  • 데이터 포트
  • 책상
  • 램프 데스크
  • 사용 가능한 예비 전원 콘센트
  • 메시지 빛 전화
  • 일반
    에어컨은 방에서 제어
  • 알람 시계
  • 화재 경보
  • 금연
  • 자기 제어 가열 / 냉각
  • 연기 탐지기


  • 온수 수영장
  • 야외 수영장
  • 웰빙
  • 소용돌이
  • 적합
    24 시간 피트니스 센터
  • 운동 체육관
  • 피트니스 센터
  • 스포츠

음식과 음료

  • 식사 계획
    아침 식사는 레스토랑에서 제공
  • 뷔페 아침 식사
  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 특별한주의
    무료 칵테일
  • 로비에서 무료 커피
  • 무료 저녁 리셉션
  • 무료 객실 내 커피 / 차
  • 로비 커피 서비스
  • 환영 음료
  • 서비스
    룸 서비스
  • 채소 식료품
    로컬 및 제철 음식
  • 아울렛 입력
    칵테일 라운지
  • 레스토랑

아침 식사

  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 뷔페 아침 식사
  • 아침 식사는 레스토랑에서 제공

주택 정책

  • 체크인 시간 : 15:00
  • 체크 아웃 시간 : 12:00

정책 취소
보증금이 필요하지 않는 한 모든 예약은 24 시간 호스트 시간을 취소해야합니다. 예약이 전자적으로 이루어 한 경우 혼란과 노 쇼 법안을 피하기 위해 electeonically 취소하십시오. 정책은 변경 될 수 있습니다.    조기 취소 수수료 50.00.

다른 사람들과 여행

어린이 정책
어린이 18 세 기존 침대를 이용할 경우 부모의 방에 젊은 머물 무료.

애완 동물 요청에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.
$75(1-4 nights),$125(5+) - 2 pets Max

언어 음성

  • 영어

관리 안내 서비스 팁

월요일부터 목요일까지 우리 식당에 들러 우리의 무료 저녁 사교에 빠지십시오. 음료와 작은 접시제품을 즐기면서 친구, 가족 및 Homewood Suites 직원과 사교 활동을하십시오. 이들은 전채 또는 작고 만족스러운 식사와 같은 적절한 크기입니다.

에 오신 것을 환영합니다 용량

  • 회의실의 수 : 1
  • 잠자는 객실 수 : 129
  • 가장 큰 회의실 크기 : 950 sq. ft.


  • 무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장


  • 경비원
  • 최대 좌석 수


부동산의 그린 액션

환경 문제는 전 세계 사람들과 생태계의 복지에 영향을 미친다. 우리는 우리의 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 가능한 한 효율적으로 운영하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 저탄소 미래를 위해, 우리는 절감하고 에너지와 물 사용을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 매립지에 우리의 폐기물을 줄이기위한 노력의 일환으로, 우리는 폐기물에 대한 포괄적 인 전략을 만든 우리의 운영 및 공급 체인에서 음식물 쓰레기를 줄이기 위해 WWF와 함께 노력하고 있습니다. 책임 조달은 차이가 우리가 가능한 한 로컬 상품과 서비스를 소스.

  •  로컬 및 제철 음식
  •  지역 사회 참여


ISO 14001

ISO 14001은 효과적인 환경 관리 시스템을 설치하는 방법을 설명하는 국제적으로 인정 된 표준입니다. 다음과 같은 환경 적 책임을 간과하지 않고 비즈니스가 상업적으로 성공을 거두도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다. • 환경 성과 향상 • 끊임없이 지역 및 국가 규정 및 기타 요구 사항을 준수해야합니다. 소비 • 폐기물 재활용 및 회복 촉진 • 직원 간의 환경 인식을 높이고 활동에 모범 사례를 채택하도록 교육 • 에코 레이블 하우스 키핑 제품 사용 • 지속 가능한 임업 인증 용지 사용

ISO 50001

ISO 50001은 ISO 9001 또는 ISO 14001과 같은 다른 잘 알려진 표준에도 사용되는 지속적인 개선의 관리 시스템 모델을 기반으로합니다.이를 통해 조직은 에너지 관리를 품질 및 환경 관리를 개선하기위한 전반적인 노력에 더 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다. ISO 50001은 조직에 대한 요구 사항 프레임 워크를 제공합니다. -보다 효율적인 에너지 사용을위한 정책 개발 - 정책을 충족하기위한 목표 및 목표 수정 - 데이터를 사용하여 에너지 사용에 대한 결정을 더 잘 이해하고 결정합니다 - 결과 측정 - 검토 얼마나 잘 검토 정책은 작동하며 지속적으로 에너지 관리를 개선합니다.

가장 유용한 리뷰 9 28 건의 리뷰

Joe Add
6년 전에 – Google


One of the most wonderful staff of people at the front desk you will ever meet. We were stranded after our car had broken down on the local freeway, Enrique, amazing guy, checked us in and then directed us to the deli dinner they were serving. They made our difficult situation into a pleasant transition. Thank you guys!

Jared Berry
6년 전에 – Google


The Homewood Suites by Hilton Oxnard/Camarillo had one of the best staff's I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. The rooms are well keep and the beds are comfortable. They place multiple pillows with varying degrees of softness on the bed so you can find the best one for you. Every room has a full kitchen and they offer dinner on Monday through Thursday nights as well as breakfast every morning. This is our go to hotel whenever I have work in the area.

Daniel Starr
6년 전에 – Google


The rooms are large and make living here for a longer stay much easier. Each room has a full size fridge and small stovetop. The hotel offers breakfast every day and dinner on weeknights. I travel a good amount, and this is one of the nicest places I have stayed.

Carol e
6년 전에 – Google


Wonderful place. We stayed in one of their suites a few weeks ago with our family. Very clean, comfortable beds & roomy. Excellent breakfast every morning & clean eating area. We also enjoyed the nice pool with outside sitting area. What I appreciated the most was the very friendly & helpful staff we encountered when booking and again every day during our stay from the front desk attendants, the cleaning staff, the kitchen staff and the maintenance staff. It is not very often that we have had all around professionalism in one place during our travels. I certainly recommend others to stay here & will return here myself again. Thank -you to all your staff!!
CL Canada

Nira Bhattacharjee
6년 전에 – Google


I'm more familiar with this place than I'd like to be because we stayed for two weeks (not a holiday). The lights in the bathroom are motion sensored, so they turn off if you're behind the curtain taking long showers. The floors are worn and a little grimy, as is much of the furniture. But. The staff are lovely, and very welcoming, the free breakfasts and dinners make this a cost-effective hotel for families, and the kitchens are well stocked with cutlery and cookware.

Jacqueline Toy
6년 전에 – Google


Room was great size. Very clean. Full kitchen. Provided full hit breakfast. Overall great service. Would stay again!

greg robinson
6년 전에 – Google


Very comfortable rooms and excellent service. The staff goes above and beyond to make sure your stay is excellent. Heated outdoor pool, and morning breakfast are just a couple of the amenities that will bring me back.

Cole Christensen
6년 전에 – Google


This hotel is amazing! The staff is very friendly, helpful, and attentive. The food they serve at dinner is actually pretty good too! This is my favorite place to stay in the area!

Kayla Hageli
6년 전에 – Google


My husband and I just stayed here and our room was great. We were supposed to have a big king sized bed but it wasn't ready at check in so they "upgraded" us to a room with what was supposed to be two queen sized beds. They felt smaller than our queen at home and honestly we got the room for the king but we made due. The room was still nice and had a kitchen with a fridge mini stove top and all the utensils and kitchenware you might need. We happily used the icemaker in the fridge and cuddled up to our shows on the couch in our living room. Spacious rooms!

Katie Sides
6년 전에 – Google


It is such a nice place to stay at! All of the staff is very welcoming and helpful when needed. I've stayed there 2 times and both times were good experiences. Although, the only thing is that they have a very slow elevator and I do not know why but it is literally this one elevator that is just very slow.

Damir Grljevic
6년 전에 – Google


Rooms come with microwave, full-sized fridge, dish washer, everything you need to feel right at home. The lobby serves fresh coffee and fruit water all day, every day which is a bonus! Super friendly staff and the breakfast is great!

Raj A
6년 전에 – Google


I spent a weekend with my family at this Hilton. Pretty good accommodations, amenities. Kitchen was quite stocked with crockery, pots & pans. Stove top, microwave, fridge, dishwasher all worked great. My children don't like the typical continental breakfast so every morning had to make them their own, just like home. Laundry machines are available , you'll need some quarters tho'. There's a common workout room, spacious lounge, dining space, couple of heated pools. The staff is nice. However, as our room was at the farthest corner of the building & there are multiple entries & exits, no one guided us to the nearest one. As a result, we had to walk a long way to get to our room every time we left the place. With 3 children, bags & whatnot, it's quite a task! There are 3 Hiltons in this location & all of them are top class.

Danielle legend
6년 전에 – Google


This place has extremly comfortable beds with wonderful, kind, helpful people on staff. The place is very clean, the food is delicious! The pool is heated and very warm. Family friendly as well as a very peaceful place to get away. We feel very much at home here and will have to back as soon as possible.

Michael LaRue
6년 전에 – Google


Homewood Suites has the amenities one would want when attempting to find a secure, all-frills included hotel. Breakfast was served daily, there's a weeknight dinner social (with beer and wine included), the rooms are vast, and a single suite could conceivably hold up to two adults and two children (or four adults who don't mind getting snug.) Why the 4-stars instead of five? Apparently sound carriage is an issue, as I had two people complain about either my voice carrying over into the next room or the sound of my walking patterns into the room underneath me (I admit, I was cutting a non-PG wrestling promo when the first person complained at 7 PM, but I never had a problem with either item before at any other hotel I've stayed at on either business or leisure.) I opted to check myself out early rather than request a more secluded room to be respectful to the staff and to the other occupants. Recommended for seniors, well-behaved families with kids ages 8+, and business people who are quieter than I am - Anyone who might be in a boisterous or amorous mood should at least ask for a room away from everyone else, if not consider a different option entirely.

Michael Palmer
6년 전에 – Google


This Homewood has the best staff on the planet. The service, professionalism, and family atmosphere is off the charts. Rooms are big and comfy, house keeping is world class. I wish all of the Hilton properties were this good. This place is a role model to the hospitality industry.

nathaniel newman
6년 전에 – Google


again.like that I can stay above by visiting the complimentary Gold's World gym down the street from this facility. The gym is one of the best i have ever used. For any price, this hotel is the best around. Forget everyone else, this place is well equipped and the staff is amazing. Everyone who has been here comes back when they are in town again.

Dinner and drinks are free from 5:30-730 pm and a real breakfast is also free from 6-9am

Rob Burr
6년 전에 – Google


Friendly staff, nice room with full kitchen. Close to freeway easy to find. Comfortable bed large bathroom. Room has a couch and desk. Very nice place

Steven Davis
6년 전에 – Google


Was recommended this place by a co-worker. I normanly stay at another location during travel. Wonderful friendly staff (AJ at the front desk, Ray at the Happy hour), free breakfast and happy hour dinner. Clean, up to date rooms with a solid maid staff. Grounds were well kept. Overall, an enjoyable experience at this location. Will stay here again.

Melanie Alt
6년 전에 – Google


Great staff and nice rooms. Their breakfast buffet was delicious! Super confused by no fan in the bathroom and no pen/paper in the room. They had a sundries section but the food fridge wasn't stocked. They had snacks and drinks. It was quiet.

Ted Alan
6년 전에 – Google


The personnel at this Hilton facility could not be more professional, more considerate, or more conscientious. From the front desk to the hotel engineer's, they have all been exemplary in their service to us.

We have had to make this facility our second home due to the Thomas Fire, and we could not have found a better facility to be at.

Our deepest thanks to Hilton Hotels for a job well done.

Carola Fourie-Williams
6년 전에 – Google


Nice and clean with friendly staff. Only thing, it's a bit of a weird vibe here. We stopped over here while on holidays and usually at a Homewood there's a lot of other holiday makers, here we seemed to be odd ones out. Most people were either here for work or living here long term.

Amanda White
6년 전에 – Google


Very nice stay at the Homewood suites. Aj at the front desk was very nice and helpful with my questions on laundry. Room was very nice, large with an oversized hot tub thing in there. I was only staying for a little bit and leaving early the next day so I didn't get a chance to check it out but it looked great

Yorbellyt Guzman
6년 전에 – Google


Staff is very nice and friendly. The rooms are very clean and has many accomodations; there's a fridge, stove, dishwasher, bathtub, shower, chimney/heater. It's a really nice hotel!

Apple Gutierrez
7년 전에 – Google


I stayed here few months ago, I forgot to leave a comment and rate it 5 stars. It was a beautiful hotel every staff is so nice. All my needs was accommodated, I will definitely come back here when I visit Oxnard to see my FAMILY AND FRIENDS.

Matthew Marvin
7년 전에 – Google


Great place to stay in the Oxnard area. Rooms very modern/up to date. Included breakfast very good coompared to other similar hotels I've stayed at. Would recommend to anyone looking to stay in the area.

Brad Russ
7년 전에 – Google


I only stayed here one night with my girlfriend in May 2017 we were going to stay additional nights but the price was beyond our budget. It is cozy and feels like a apartment. I would like to come back here.

Vincent Tulino
7년 전에 – Google


This hotel knows how to treat you as a guest! They have a Manager's Appreciation every afternoon which includes food and drinks. Free breakfast in the mornings as well, so they essentially provide two meals a day. Pool and spa are great, plenty of areas to sit and relax at the poolside with shade. Rooms are like mini apartments. I think I'll be staying here for now on!

David Mongeau
7년 전에 – Google


Nicely done, nicely run. Room was roomy and comfy. Staff is amongst the friendliest I've ever encountered. Complimentary breakfast, rare enough these days for a CA hotel, is trumped by complimentary dinner - a first for me anywhere. (Offered Mon-Thur only.) I will stay here again when I return to Oxnard.

7년 전에 – Google


We were pleasantly surprised how much we enjoyed the Homewood Suites in Oxnard. The room we had was a king bed studio. The room was comfortable with the exception the sheets on our bed were stiff to the point of "crunchy". Our room overlooked the 101 freeway and we expected a noisy night however did not hear any traffic noise nor were we disturbed by guests in the hallway. The staff was very friendly and they all welcomed us with warm greetings. I want to emphasize all staff welcomed us and this was to include maintenance and housekeeping staff. Breakfast was substantial to include various selections from all the food groups. We usually stay at Hyatt hotels and we were very surprised the breakfast at Homewood was much better. We also read their flyer about serving dinners during the week. Bottom line is that we would recommend to anyone and stay at Homewood Suites again.

7년 전에 – Google


This was by far the best stay I've had at a hotel. Staff was amazing even when there was an issue they rose above and provided excellent caring service. Our room was amazing and comfortable. We will defiantly be using this location again.💙❤💛💚💗

Lydia Hall
7년 전에 – Google


This place is immaculate! The room was quiet. The breakfast was actually really good! And the pool water was lukewarm. Staff incredibly nice!

Nick Rodriguez
7년 전에 – Google


Easy to reach, but the hotel is a bit dated. Rooms and bed are comfortable enough, and the place is relatively clean. The parking is free and convenient and lots of restaurants and shopping within a few minutes drive.

Eldon Fish
7년 전에 – Google


The staff were very friendly and they have large suites that comfortably hold 7 people. The rates were very reasonable. Breakfast was included, and they had some type of food available each evening for those on a tight budget. I'd absolutely stay there again!

Priscilla Martin
7년 전에 – Google


The staff here are fantastic! They constantly going above and beyond what is required or expected. The night of check-in we arrived 3 hours past what we expected due to traffic. Understanding that we would be coming in from a long drive, the staff saved my husband and I a couple plates of food and had them brought up to the room so it's would be one less worry. I love the Hilton experience, but this by far has been the best to date.

Rachel L Stevens
7년 전에 – Google


The rooms are very spacious and clean, and the staff is exceptional! I've stayed at plenty of hotels and this staff was the most friendly and helpful I've ever met. I truly felt welcome.

Dom Jordan
7년 전에 – Google


The room's location was ideal, easy access to the pool and grills if we wanted to use either. The room was amazing and the service provided was very accommodating. Even with forgotten items, going back to the hotel or calling to retrieve them was made simple and easy.

Jared Berry
7년 전에 – Google


The hotel is extremely clean and nice. They serve breakfast and dinner on the weekdays and they have fantastic amenities. There actually isn't anything I would complain about.

Adam Bramwell
7년 전에 – Google


Had a great overnight stay at this hotel last week with my wife and family. Reservation and check in all went very smoothly. Room and property was well kept. Breakfast was solid. Only complaint was that the wi fi was slow as a two legged dog.

David Arensdorff
7년 전에 – Google


Very nice hotel. Facilities are well kept. Rooms are very nice. Staff is awesome. I would stay here again!

Farhana Bandukwala
7년 전에 – Google


Nice service. Clean rooms. Good value. Family oriented

Lawrence Haynes
7년 전에 – Google


The rooms are each their own fully functional house with its own kitchen. Very cozy and inviting.

BrandonColleen Tarnutzer
7년 전에 – Google


AJ and Apple were great! Very professional, helpful, and friendly! Made my long work week enjoyable.

Joachim Rasmijn
7년 전에 – Google


Great hotel....free happy hour with snacks. The rooms all have kitchenettes and a living room style area. The fitness room was ok and you had to drive to find outside restaurants with the exception of an Outback within walking distance.

Lawrence Martin
7년 전에 – Google


Great place great sevice overall best hotel in oxnard if you have to chose a place this would be it you won't be sorry relax and soak in the leisure and fun and have a great night sleep when your done

David Tran
7년 전에 – Google


Good hotel with standard amenities. Rooms could be more up to date though and the complimentary WiFi is slower than other hotel chains.

ashley lee
7년 전에 – Google


You couldn't ask for a friendlier and helpful staff. Everyone from the front desk to housekeeping. The breakfast was great and the kitchen staff very helpful and friendly. Clean and well maintained building and room. We will be back.

Mohit Arora
7년 전에 – Google


Great service. Loved the stay. If I go to Oxnard again, I will definitely stay there.

richard little
7년 전에 – Google


This type of service is unheard of. The Hilton is an awesome place to stay. Free dinner free breakfast oh my Lord what has the world come to.

Elyssa Marley
8년 전에 – Google


Very comfortable stay. The staff are all great and seem to really love their job. We came in time for the manager happy hour with food and wine, fantastic! Also the Thursday morning managers inlet bar was a great touch in the morning.

Aaron Marley
8년 전에 – Google


The rooms are great, but the real standout at this place is the staff. Everyone is extremely friendly and they work hard to make sure your stay is comfortable. The food served is a plus, there's always a snack served in the lobby when I arrive in the evening, and the omelette bar they provide through the summer is excellent.

Dang Vu
8년 전에 – Google


Everything about this particular Homewood suites is awesome! From the nice clean rooms to the free dinners and even free bag tags. And the staff and managers are all so friendly here. Future return customer here for sure.

Matt Kenworthy
8년 전에 – Google


Fabulous place to stay. Easy to find off U.S. 101 and impeccably kept both inside and out! People were extremely hospitable and the room was one of the best I've stayed in recently. Very clean, very spacious and the kitchen was just the right size and tucked away nicely from the sleeping quarters.

Would highly recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a great nights stay!

Jill C
8년 전에 – Google


Awesome service and helpful staff, as always. Clean rooms. Great breakfast bar. All the amenities provided. Love this place

Lynn Chouw
8년 전에 – Google


I stayed one night at Homewood Suites. Chris at the front desk was very helpful and friendly. The location was close to the freeway so very accessible to the rest of the area. The room was very nice. The fridge was a bit loud and for some reason I didn't sleep well but couldn't pinpoint the reason.

Mikey C
8년 전에 – Google


Great place recommend to everyone

Matt Lomeli
8년 전에 – Google


Room was great. Only issue I had was trying to find parking.

John Kraljic
9년 전에 – Google


Friendly staff, clean rooms, and clean pool/spa. I live 6.5 miles from this hotel and we came here for a one day vacation from home. Very relaxing and one of the nicest hotels I have ever stayed at. The kids had a blast at the pool which has a large 3 ft deep area that they enjoyed. The room is equipped with a nice kitchen area and everything you need for a comfortable stay. Highly recommended!

cassandra durler
9년 전에 – Google


This is by far the best hotel I have stayed at. I travel every week for work and have stayed in dozens of hotels. They serve an amazing breakfast that actually tastes great, as well as an evening social/dinner on the week days. Free beer and wine is always a plus. Every member of the staff is polite and HAPPY. They always ask about your day and make casual conversation. The rooms are EXTREMELY clean and the beds a comfy.

I typically say in town two or three nights a week and have made this my go to hotel. the front desk always remembers my name and even will surprise me with a free upgrade from time to time. Nothing like getting a hot tub right next to your bed!

gilbert joyce
10년 전에 – Google


Because I'm Happyyyyyy!

Great hotel. A home away from home. Each one of my family members were very comfortable and extremely satisfied.