 916件の口コミ

Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila

5th Avenue Corner 28th Street Bonifacio Global City, 01634 Taguig City, フィリピン 場所

Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila

アスコットボニファシオグローバルシティはボニファシオグローバルシティの中心部に位置して - HSBC - - ドイツ銀行 - 富士通とエリクソンだけ離れ世界銀行などの様々な多国籍企業の現地の本社から数歩。マインドミュージアム - - ボニファシオハイストリートセントラル、フォートストリップまた、近くにはショッピングモールがあります。

ボールルーム - - 会議室 - 高級施設は、ビジネスセンター、敷地内レストラン - 屋外スイミングプール、ジャグジー、フィットネスセンターを。アクセス可能な施設と無料の敷地内駐車場 - また、利用可能なプロパティ全体で無線インターネットアクセスがあります。 24時間対応のコンシェルジュサービス - - ランドリーとドライクリーニングサービス、24時間対応オンサイトセキュリティ利用可能なサービスは、ルームサービスがあります。すべての客室には、完全にサービスされます。毎日のハウスキーピングは、ほとんどの料金プランのために提供されています。

スタジオから3ベッドルームのペントハウスに - 30階建てアスコットボニファシオグローバルシティには220アパートメントを提供しています。各絶妙に設計されたアパートメントには、自宅の滞在からの贅沢な家のための設備の整ったキッチン、広々としたリビングとダイニングエリアが備わっています。バスルームには独立したバスタブとシャワーキャビンが装備されています。このような無線LANアクセスや大型フラットスクリーンテレビなどの近代的な設備には、それぞれの生活空間の優雅さと洗練さを補完しています。洗濯機と乾燥機はすべての宿泊施設で提供されています。一部の住宅には、食器洗い機、ネスプレッソマシンが含まれます。

Ascott Bonifacio Global City is situated in the heart of Bonifacio Global City - the fastest growing business and lifestyle district in the Philippines. The property is located steps away from the local headquarters of various multinational companies such as the World Bank - HSBC - Deutsche Bank - Fujitsu and Ericsson. Guests have a ready access to unique attractions and shopping malls in the vicinity including the Mind Museum - Bonifacio High Street Central and the Fort Strip.



Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila
5th Avenue Corner 28th Street Bonifacio Global City, 01634 Taguig City, フィリピン


  • インターネット
  • 無料WiFi
  • 公共エリアでのノートパソコンで高速インターネット接続が利用可能
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • 交通
  • 室内駐車場
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルエリア
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルオフィス
  • 係員付き駐車サービス
  • フロント
  • 航空会社デスク
  • ベルスタッフ/ポーター
  • レンタカーデスク
  • チェックインキオスク
  • コンシェルジュデスク
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 格納スペース
  • テクニカルコンシェルジュ
  • ツアー/観光デスク
  • 離れて働きます
  • ビジネスサービス
  • FAXサービス
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • セクレタリアルサービス
  • 一般的な
  • コネクティングルーム
  • 屋内廊下
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • ホテルのサービス
  • 両替
  • 当直医
  • ドライクリーニング
  • 無料靴磨き
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • 利用可能な食料品の買い物サービス
  • ポルノ映画/テレビを提供していません
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • ランドリー/バレットサービス
  • オンサイトランドリー
  • パブリックアドレスシステム
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • サービスアパートメント
  • 靴磨きスタンド
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子供プログラム
  • 子供たちは歓迎しません
  • 子供に優しいです
  • 子どもの遊び場
  • ファミリープラン
  • ペット可
  • 遊び場
  • アクセス可能な
  • アクセ駐車場
  • ハンディキャップルーム
  • エレベーター
  • イベント
  • 会議室


  • コミュニケーション
  • インターネットアクセス
  • 無線インターネット接続
  • 高速無線
  • ボイスメール
  • 寝具
  • フォームの枕
  • 抗アレルギー枕
  • キングサイズベッド
  • 高級リネンタイプ
  • 特別な機能
  • メイドのサービス
  • ウェルカムギフト
  • バスルーム
  • バスルームアメニティ
  • 部屋のクローゼット
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • 照明付き化粧鏡
  • 大理石のバスルーム
  • バスルームに電話
  • 専用のバスルーム
  • 独立した浴槽とシャワー
  • スリッパ
  • 体重計
  • 食料と飲料
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コー​​ヒー/ティーメーカー
  • カップ/ガラス製品
  • 食器クリーニング用品
  • フルキッチン
  • キッチン
  • キッチン用品
  • 食事に含ま - 朝食
  • マイクロ波
  • プレートとボウル
  • 鍋釜類
  • 冷凍装置
  • 銀/食器
  • コンロ
  • トースター
  • 洗濯機/乾燥機
  • エンターテインメント
  • ケーブルテレビ
  • 利用可能CNN
  • DVDプレーヤー
  • 娯楽施設
  • 利用可能ESPN
  • 無料の映画/ビデオ
  • 利用可能HBO
  • 高精細度のフラットパネルテレビ - 32インチ以上
  • 国際チャンネル
  • テレビでのペイ・パー・ビュームービー
  • プレミアムムービーチャンネル
  • ビジネス
  • チェアデスクで提供
  • データポート
  • デスク
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • ランプ付きデスク
  • 環境保護施設
  • 一般的な
  • アラーム時計
  • 変圧器/アダプタ
  • 利用可能な電気アダプター
  • アイアン
  • アイロンボード
  • ランドリーバスケット/衣服バスケット
  • 禁煙
  • セーフ
  • テーブルと椅子
  • モーニングコール


  • プール
  • プール
  • ウェルネス
  • ジャグジー
  • マッサージサービス
  • サウナ
  • 温泉
  • フィットネス
  • スポーツ
  • ジョギングトラック
  • ラケットボール
  • テニスコート
  • 文化的な
  • ゲーム/映画


  • 食事の計画
  • サービス
  • アウトレットタイプ
  • ラウンジ/バー
  • レストラン


  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ


  • チェックイン時間: 14:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 12:00

早割料金は返金不可であり、それらが確認された後の変更やキャンセルはできません。キャンセルは預金+税の完全な損失をもたらすでしょう。スタンダードキャンセルポリシー - 滞在1-6夜の長さが前に到着予定の日に午後6時(現地時間)までに48時間をキャンセルするか、1泊分の宿泊料と税金を支払います。滞在7月29日夜の長さが前に到着予定の日に午後6時(現地時間)までに48時間をキャンセルするか、2泊ルームチャージと税金を支払います。滞在30プラス夜の長さは前到着予定日の7日午後6時(現地時間)までにキャンセルまたは3泊ルームチャージと税金を支払います。







  • 英語


  • 会議室の数: 9
  • スリーピングルームの数: 220
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 1070 sq. ft.
  • 最大の会議室の収容人数: 100


  • アクセ駐車場
  • 無料駐車場
  • 室内駐車場
  • 係員付き駐車サービス


  • ビデオ会議



  •  浄水装置

最も参考になったレビュー 9 16件の口コミ

Guo Rui Lee
3年 前 – Google


Stayed for a short business trip. The location is quite good as there's shopping malls and a lot of dining options nearby. While it's not too far from the airport, traffic in between is quite bad, so it took about an hour by car.

The room was clean, very spacious, looked new and well furnished. The room that I stayed in has a nice view overlooking the shopping area. The building forms a V shape so some rooms can look in to mine. Nevertheless, it was a great stay overall.

Liza Ubina
3年 前 – Google


This hotel will help you experience living life at its fullest. Good locations within the city. Very near malls and other places to visit. Their service is at par with other 5 star hotels. Food is quite divine. Cleanliness and exceeding customer satisfaction is at heart. It is quite spacey in BGC and has all the amenities of home. Thank you for wonderful experience.

Margerie Nieto
3年 前 – Google


Place was spacious although maybe because of the pandemic, their chambermaids were few which means slower in cleaning your suite.

Marco Diccion
4年 前 – Google


We booked the 3-bedroom Executive Suite and the rooms were clean, well-appointed, and spacious. Perfect for large families. Customer service was quick and reliable and the receptionists were professional. I have a complaint though with the check-in time. Standard check-in is 2pm and we were at the lobby by then only to know that the rooms weren't ready yet. They made us wait for almost an hour. Also, there's only 1 complementary car pass even for a 3-bedroom suite? Maximum occupancy of the room is 9. How do you expect the guests to fit in just one car? Be prepared to pay Php 500+ for parking if you have an extra car. Apart from that, everything else is exceptional. Definitely coming back to this place.

Robert Neve
5年 前 – Google


An amazing place to stay. Very luxurious. Dress up if you are having breakfast in the hotel (its fancy). The breakfast buffet has a wide range of food that changes daily. Bring a water bottle with you, you can get ice and water on level 2, and at the pool bar when it is open.

Shane Dev
6年 前 – Google


Update. Extremely disappointing, I am back and this time they have no internet. I reported it yesterday and today it is still not working. As a business traveler this is a deal breaker, I wont be coming back to this hotel. Old review starts here .. Beautiful hotel, really top quality for the fort! Breakfast could be better but overall really a nice hotel.

Anastasia Anisa
6年 前 – Google


My photos are dark, doesn't justify how luxurious and spacious the place is. The photos in the website for the premium apartment are real.

The people are friendly, polite, but not too much. They also take the effort to remember your name. Getting in and out of the restaurant for breakfast only once but they managed to already call out my name.

I love everything about my stay here so far.

Ronald Edwards
6年 前 – Google


My favorite place to stay when working in the Philippines, hotel, staff and amenities are excellent. Truly feels like a home away from home, condo style rooms are perfect to relax and enjoy your stay with all the creature comforts of home. Gym trainer Edward is your guy if you want a good workout and enjoy some diverse training methods. Love this place!

Grace D. Canlas
6年 前 – Google


Check in and check out was a breeze! The hotel amenities and facilities were good. It was clean and of good quality. This is one of the few hotels in the metro that has a kids playroom which is a big plus when you have kids with you. We really appreciate the staff, they were all very profesional and courteous.

Mark Plaza
6年 前 – Google


Class and elegance are two words that describe Ascott. It combines minimalism and glam. The wood and glass finish of the lobby and main halls are outstanding.

Maria Ceferina d
6年 前 – Google


Topnotch in so many points
1. Ambiance. Lobby, rooms smell clean, heavenly and expensive
2. Guest service. Most courteous, attentive and pleasing
3. Food. Breakfast spread is delicious.
4. Room. Super worth it. Comfiest pillows, towels and sheets
5. Accessibility. Walking distance to every bgc highlights.
Will come back here again and again.

Uttara Sharma
6年 前 – Google


Friendly staff at the hotel. Good spacious rooms that are designed like apartment homes. Ideal for people who stay long durations as the rooms have a kitchenette with induction cooking, microwave, 3 door refrigerator and washing machine.
Food is the only disappointment. They have a very very limited menu for in room service as well as the restaurant. While the breakfast spread is ample, it mostly caters only to English and South East Asian palettes.

Saeed Alomary
6年 前 – Google


Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila offers They global travellers the comforts and little lavishes that make them their home of choice away from home.

The serviced apartments are spacious and elegantly furnished with contemporary furniture, encapsulating the very idea of sophisticated global living.

Apartments come in various sizes, ranging from studios to three-bedroom apartments that come fitted with a walk-in closet in the master bedroom, and a well-equipped kitchen, as well as laundry machines perfect for the long-term guests.

In addition, each apartment is fitted with floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing an abundance of natural light to fill the rooms, televisions complete with home theatre systems, en-suite bathrooms, daily housekeeping and complimentary Wi-Fi connectivity.

Roberto Scaramuzza
6年 前 – Google


it could deserve 4* or 5* but...

1) avoid the S**t transportation service to and from airport... ascott is so brave to ask you to go in the "transportation LOUNGE" (nissan/hertz room... no AC, screaming locals drivers, tv runnig louder) ... if a good hotel staying starts with your arrival in airport ... well was an hell. also cause disorganized and car was not present at scheduled time.

2) the breakfast selection is quite boring (ALWAYS THE SAME) and narrow.

BTW the rooms (i was in a 2 rooms, bedroom + living room/kitchen + bathroom are nice).
You can expect to have a jacuzzi at this level... but... NO also on this matter.

3) if you need a power cord to worknon desk, ask in in advance because it will need 3 hrs to get... amd no power sockets on desk

4) the kitchen (ALTO) IS NICE AND DELICIOUS.. try the burger, better is BUNLESS (the bun is so and so.

5) around the hotel is full of restaurants and for pizza lover's (as me!) there is also MOTORINO pizza (the best in Singapore, here to try)

Oliver Calasanz
6年 前 – Google


Attentive service. Spacious basement parking. Clean bathrooms.

Bertrand Nocella
6年 前 – Google


Ascott is a great hotel, ideally located in Bonifacio Global City. I stayed there for two weeks straight and I highly recommend it as the price for the room is not exorbitant. I had a studio with a washer dryer which was great because I could wash my clothes during my stay. It offers a wide range of services with an accommodating staff. The breakfast is included and very diverse. I wish they had fresher pastries though. Their gym is really good and spacious and the gym trainer even offered me complementary boxing classes throughout my stay. The trainer was awesome and very friendly.

Natalia Sierra
6年 前 – Google


Incredible hospitality! The rooms are very clean, the property has wonderful amenities, such as a wonderful breakfast, pool and gym, but most importantly the staff is so welcoming and helpful. I looked forward to coming down for breakfast every morning and getting such a warm reception from Amalia and Fae.

tj tolentino
6年 前 – Google


This place is the best! Our family stayed here in one of their 3 bedroom suites and it was a blast! We had fun and their internet connection is so awesome! The rooms are spacious and the temperature is amazing! The kitchen allows you to cook and do whatever you need for family use. There is also a comfort room for every bedroom. The dining table is spacious and can accomodate the whole family. The kids can run around and play since the living room is very spacious and kid friendly. The televisions are equipped and cann be used for console gaming or karaoke. Cook food or order room service. The coice is yours!

David Motley
6年 前 – Google


In my opinion the best in Manila, cannot fault it. Location is excellent, rooms so clean. Best shower ever. Breakfast is average but the room and price for BGC , you cannot compete. Lovely Concierge, Front Desk and doorman. Great Gym that is 24hrs and goo sized pool. Location is excellent, just downstairs you have so many restaurants to choose from, highly recommend wildflour and Faramacy. Also Motorino for pizza. Perfect for long term business travellers, families and large groups. I will stay here again and again. Shangri-La the fort cannot compete when it comes to room and price.

Nathan Thai
6年 前 – Google


Friendly people and warm hospitality, all within a modern city within a city. Ascott BGC is conveniently located within walking distance of ammenities and services.

Mark Anthony Inandan
6年 前 – Google


The Ascott is really a beautiful and luxurious hotel in BGC. This residence is perfect for business traveler. The ambiance of the place is really good plus it is centrally located in the heart of BGC. What I love about it is that the people are friendly and the service is really prompt. They also have a spacious gym, a lap pool, a kids play area and a sauna which I love. The L’Occitane toiletries is something you need to try.

Isabelle Segui
6年 前 – Google


I'd like to personally recommend Ascott and its crew for the superb service! I was really in for a surprise. The valet service is very convenient. If you will take notice of my googles reviews, I give heavy reviews on valet services of establishments that I had went to and Ascott offers a very convenient valet service. And if you did check in at Ascott, the valet is free (please make sure upon check out, the front office person have your ticket validated)! One of the things I would like to give commendation on is the check in process. My check-in time was early (2 hours early) and the front office person understood the urgency. She was able to provide a room right away. We were then given 2 key cards. I booked for a 1 bedroom Executive room and the room is absolutely majestic.

Our luggages were then brought by Mr. R. Mr. R politely introduced himself. He walked us through all the amenities in the room.

I went straight to the bathroom and found "L'occitane bath amenities." You will find find in my uploaded photos their very sleek designed bathroom.

I personally think Ascott is a really nice place to consider when planning on a staycation for a day or two. Honestly, there are so many things to do here... Get a massage by the pool or in your own room, relax at theirsauna, get your fitness together at their fully equipped gym center, dip into their hot tub, or just experience their infinity people (that is absolutely perfect for sunset or night swimming).
Here are some of their superb services and ultimate conveniences:
- Laundromat (yeap inside your own room)
- Laundry service
- concierge
- luggage storage
- dry cleaning
- safety deposit box

If you are the active parent and would like to brings your kids, Ascott is definitely kid-friendly as this place also offers a playground, kids swimming pool, kids club, and babysitting service (yup perfect for dads and moms out there who would like to have few drinks by Ascott's poolside bar). I did hangout by the pool but I was so consumed by the information being provided to me by the pool guy that ascott is this and that I ended up in their fitness center.

Seriously, GREAT STAFF! I enjoyed everyone.. really. I highly recommend ASCOTT!

Shane Dev
6年 前 – Google


Beautiful hotel, really top quality for the fort! Breakfast could be better but overall really a nice hotel

renu seetharam
6年 前 – Google


Excellent room and superb service from the professional and courteous staff. In particular the breakfast service is extremely hospitable and i get personalized service from Jhun that makes every morning at the ascott a memorable experience

Durante Vindex
6年 前 – Google


I visited this hotel to attend a conference. The ambiance is good and I love its aesthetics. Just be wary of the traffic going in and out of the Bonifacio Global City. Plan your trip ahead specially for those who plan to use public transport.

Devin Keogh
6年 前 – Google


Beautiful, new hotel. A little pricey but you get what you pay for. The breakfast is 4/5 at best, not amazing, but great for a free meal. The room was spotless and the staff were very friendly and helpful. This is probably my go-to hotel from now on.

Doy Tabilog
6年 前 – Google


Great place. The suite 3 bedroom has accomodated a family reunion of almost 30 persons. It was really spacious. We were noisy and laugh very loud, but we were not even warned or notified

gaurav bhatli
7年 前 – Google


Good location. Ascott is possibly best option for ling business travel. U will find plenty of options of food outside witin 100 mt radius...

Corrine Cueto
7年 前 – Google


Clean rooms, fluffy bed covers, decked out kitchen with glasswares, TV in all rooms --- a wonderful surprise of comfort and a little luxury. The pool area is crowded with kids though, so that's not really idyllic if you're expecting a nice pool. The breakfast buffet is alright. I wish there was a bidet in the bathroom.

Glenmor Sapinoso
7年 前 – Google


Very comfortable and safe. Spacious and fully furnished room with good air-conditioning. I love the ambience and view from our room and the staffs are very accommodating and pleasing. 😊

Dustin Ancheta
7年 前 – Google


Exemplary service coupled with amazing facilities. Definitely one of the best in the area. The only reason they don't get a perfect five-star rating is that the food is average (in taste, not quality) for high end hotel.

Pierre Veri
7年 前 – Google


They're very good! Very nice hotel, super luxuous, nice pool and gym. Just a little noisy next to my room because there was a kid. And the breakfast is... delicious!

Spencer Ball
7年 前 – Google


If your office is in Bonifacio, this is a superb location. Good variety of dining options directly below you too.

7年 前 – Google


Very nice and comfortable hotel. Great wiev on pool. Clean and spacious apartament. Breakfast is a mix of european and asian food - very tasty. And service is very helpful. We realy enjoyed our stay there.

Erick Bautista
7年 前 – Google


I had very pleasant stay. The rooms are clean, large and very luxurious. The staff are very helpful too. Thank you!

Enoch Owen
7年 前 – Google


Great hotel for extended stays. Very hard to book a room however, as the hotel is almost always fully booked.

Laura Canton
7年 前 – Google


The service is great. The free breakfast has a decent amount of variety and the gym is relatively big for a hotel gym

Jan Jury
7年 前 – Google


Great hotel / apartment hotel. Good service and spacious reception areas. Rooms are clean and large enough with large comfortable beds and well stocked and equipped bathrooms and kitchenettes. Gym and pool are excellent

Jan Jury
7年 前 – Google


In my experience (and I lived in BGC for over a year) this is the best hotel / apartment hotel in BGC. Polished reception and service. Good breakfast if a little limited for the standard of hotel. Rooms modern and clean with huge comfortable beds. Great spacious bathrooms with good choice of bathroom products. Kitchenette well stocked with good appliances. Great pool and gym with boxing equipment as well.

Stewart McGregor
7年 前 – Google


Have always loved the Ascott brand.... This is a great hotel however as a smoker the smoking rules are a bit restrictive.

Megan B. Rice
7年 前 – Google


There is not a place in this world I would recommend more for short and/or long-term stay. The staff is the best part of Ascott, and became close to family by the time I had to leave. The staff knew my name, and I knew theirs. They were extremely accomodating around the clock, and made sure that no matter how long your stay was for, it was perfect.
Breakfast in the morning offers options for a worldly pallette and features international cuisines to make guests feel right at home from wherever they come from.
The rooms are kept immaculate and give you a feeling of luxury and comfort. Depending on what floor you're on, the views of BGC are breathtaking.
The fitness center and pool are wonderful and kept just as immaculate as the rooms. The fitness center has a view of the entire city for the perfect morning run.
If you are staying in beautiful BGC for awhile, you definitely want to stay here.

Mayie San Juan
7年 前 – Google


Interiors are very classy not just at the lobby but also in the function rooms. Hotel staff are helpful. Location is perfect as it's right across the stretch of establishments in the BGC area.

Jon Bailey
7年 前 – Google


Beautiful hotel. Very friendly and helpful staff. The food and service in the restaurant are excellent. Gym was small, but very well equipped, and the infinity pool was the perfect way to cool off following a workout.

Michael Kome
7年 前 – Google


Very nice hotel, friendly staff, comfortable accommodations and they offer a large, varied breakfast option that is included

Lilia Caguisa
7年 前 – Google


very nice i'll be there on 15th of june with my honey ,he booked already love it,,,

mary maculate biso
7年 前 – Google


A superb experience the services of the hotel receptionist to the room needs are excellent. I love the room smells fresh and during our stay wayback2015 it was new so its like everything at its finest.
Its like a 2nd home away from your own house staying in Ascott BGC.

Callum Finlayson
7年 前 – Google


Excellent hotel, exceedingly attentive staff and great facilities. Almost all the rooms are suites or serviced apartments, and even a 1 bed is very spacious. Great value. Minor letdowns would be breakfast was a little inconsistent, and aspects of the decor felt a bit old.

Sarah Wischmann
7年 前 – Google


Nice and clean rooms, great service. Food is not good though.

Daniel Peters
7年 前 – Google


Amazing service and beautiful property. Oversized rooms with washer/drier combo and separate shower/bath tub are nice bonuses. Immaculately clean. Huge gym - best I've seen in a long time at hotels around the world.

Robert Jr. Ty
7年 前 – Google


Nice and clean rooms with a nice living room. Polite and helpful staff.

7年 前 – Google


Had a lovely stay here. Breakfast was a never ending feast!

Dirk Gardner
7年 前 – Google


The room quality is second to none and if you need a bit more space while traveling then their larger rooms are spacious and include impeccably outfitted kitchens.

Eric Weber
7年 前 – Google


Large and modern rooms. Clean. Friendly staff

Antoine Toitoine
7年 前 – Google


This hotel is very nice ! I've never slept, only went for company meetings but the salon is so huge ! And so nice !! Of course price follow, but for companies who want to takes care of their host, it's perfect

Leonardo Manalastas
7年 前 – Google


Very clean and spacious rooms. Good location for shopping and strict security.

Juanita Dimla
7年 前 – Google


We had an unforgetable experience when we held an event .awesome place the food is good .The staff are very accommodating Its really a great place.
Everybody must try

Mark Brule
7年 前 – Google


Outstanding hotel. Clean, elegant, comfortable rooms.

Taap Poudpongpaiboon
8年 前 – Google


The room is great and comfortable. The service at restuarant and pool bar is still room for improvement. Waitress forgot our drinks or request and need us to repeat.

Raymond Condes
8年 前 – Google


Fancy. Big apartments. Clean. Toilet bowl has no bidet though. haha

Michael Doig
8年 前 – Google


Previously stayed at the F1 when I visited BGC Manila - this time the Ascott. What a world of difference! The room is spacious and I love the amenities in the room - fridge, washer, dryer... it makes the two week stay all the more comfortable. The staff were always incredibly friendly - the breakfast buffet quite decent. I'd definitely stay here again.

Aimee Alcanites
8年 前 – Google


Stayed here for our wedding. It was a great experience! The rooms are very spacious and complete with appliances. The breakfast has a wide and yummy selection, especially the bacon! And definitely better priced than hotels. The staff are friendly and accommodating :)

Ryan S Campbell
9年 前 – Google


Great place to stay! Fully furnished adjustments including fridge, washer and dryer, TV, etc. Location is ideal in the Bonifacio Global City, so I can literally walk to our Philippines office. Finally, the free breakfast is impressively large and well presented. I would give this facility a solid 5 starts!

Mommaby Shop
9年 前 – Google


Rooms are the best! It is sooo complete and big that could fit a community. Love the soft sheets and the convenience of its location. Food and service is excellent!

Joel Bonilla
9年 前 – Google


Highly recommended. The rooms are well designed with the executive in mind. Well within the BGC center ans close to restaurants and bars. Will difinitely go back.