 5 930件の口コミ

Homewood Suites by Hilton Wilmington/Mayfaire

6732 Swan Mill Road, Wilmington, NC 28405, アメリカ合衆国 場所

Homewood Suites by Hilton Wilmington/Mayfaire

ヒルトンウィルミントンメイフェアタウンセンターホテルの新しいホームウッドスイーツは、ライトビルビーチ、UNCW、ウィルミントン国際空港、州間高速道路40、歴史的なダウンタウンウィルミントン、およびエリア&アポスの主要な雇用主のわずか数分の場所にあります。ノースカロライナ州ウィルミントンホテルは、メイフェアタウンセンターにあります。これは、高級で複合用途の開発、エリア&アポスの最高のショッピング、ダイニング、エンターテイメントの一部を提供しています。 118のスイートは、32"を含む広々とした宿泊施設とモダンなアメニティを提供します。 LCD TV' S、人間工学に基づいた椅子を備えた大規模な作業デスク、花崗岩のカウンタートップ、冷蔵庫、電子レンジ、セラミッククックトップを備えた設備の整ったキッチン。私たちの新しいホテルは、ビジネスやレジャー旅行者が求めることができるすべてのものです!私たちのホテルのゲストは、さまざまな例外的な「付加価値」にアクセスできます。以下を含むアメニティ:リゾートスタイルの屋外プール&ホットタブ、プールバー、キッド&アポス、PGAスタイルのパッティンググリーン、パティオエリアが組み込まれたガスグリルと快適な座席があります...クライアントを楽しませたり、友人とリラックスしたりするのに最適な場所です。認定先の幼児フィットネスセンター。無料の有線/ワイヤレス高速インターネット。私たちのスイートは無料のホットブレックファーストビュッフェを開始します。歓迎のホームイブニングマネージャー&アポスのレセプション。 24時間のスイートショップには、食料品と雑多な製品がたくさんあります。エグゼクティブビジネスセンター、オープン24時間。最大120人の人向けの最先端の会議施設は、完全なケータリングを利用でき、最新のテクノロジーがタッチの最新テクノロジーによって駆動される完全に自動化された組み込みのスクリーンを備えた2つの天井に取り付けられたLCDプロジェクターを含む例外的なオーディオ/ビジュアルパッケージ - パッド制御。カジュアルでエレガントなロビーでコーヒーを飲み、午後にプールバーから冷たい飲み物を楽しんだり、夕方に私たちのマネージャーとアポスのレセプションでリラックスしてリラックスしたりするために、カジュアルでエレガントなロビーに参加しているかどうかにかかわらず無料の食べ物と飲み物があれば、チームはあなたを望んでいます

The Homewood Suites-Wilmington/Mayfaire is conveniently located just minutes from Wrightsville Beach, the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, and Historic Downtown Wilmington. Situated within Mayfaire Town Center, the hotel is short walk from some of the area's best dining, shopping, and entertainment. The property is central to many of Wilmington's major employers including GE, Corning, UNCW, PPD, Progress Energy, and many others. With easy access to I-40, the Airport, US-74 and the MLK Parkway, the Homewood Suites-Wilmington/Mayfaire truly is the best location in Wilmington.



Homewood Suites by Hilton Wilmington/Mayfaire
6732 Swan Mill Road, Wilmington, NC 28405, アメリカ合衆国


  • インターネット
  • 無料WiFi
  • 公共エリアでのノートパソコンで高速インターネット接続が利用可能
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • 交通
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • フロント
  • 手荷物ホールド
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックアウト
  • フロントデスク
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 離れて働きます
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • 一般的な
  • 加熱のルーム
  • 屋内廊下
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • 専用バスまたはシャワー
  • 公共エリアの冷暖房完備
  • ホテルのサービス
  • ドライクリーニング
  • 火災安全性に準拠
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • 利用可能な食料品の買い物サービス
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • アイロンボード
  • ランドリー/バレットサービス
  • オンサイトランドリー
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • バレットクリーニング
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • アウトレット
  • 雑貨/コンビニエンスストア
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子どもの遊び場
  • ファミリープラン
  • ペット可
  • 遊び場
  • アクセス可能な
  • エレベーター
  • イベント
  • イブニングレセプション
  • 会議室
  • 環境保護施設


  • コミュニケーション
  • スピーカーフォン
  • ボイスメール
  • 寝具
  • ソファーベッド
  • バスルーム
  • 食料と飲料
  • 食器洗い機
  • フルキッチン
  • キッチン
  • 簡易台所
  • マイクロ波
  • 冷凍装置
  • エンターテインメント
  • ケーブルテレビ
  • 利用可能CNN
  • DVDプレーヤー
  • 新聞紙
  • ビジネス
  • デスク
  • ランプ付きデスク
  • デスクで利用可能な予備電源コンセント
  • メッセージライト付き電話
  • 一般的な
  • アラーム時計
  • ファイアアラーム
  • アイアン
  • 禁煙
  • 自己制御された加熱/冷却システム
  • 煙探知機


  • プール
  • 屋外プール
  • プール
  • ウェルネス
  • ワールプール
  • フィットネス
  • エクササイズジム
  • フィットネスセンター
  • スポーツ
  • テニスコート
  • ウォータースポーツ
  • ゲーム/映画


  • 食事の計画
  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • 特別な注意
  • 無料のイブニングレセプション
  • 客室に無料のコーヒーや紅茶
  • ロビーのコーヒーサービス
  • ウェルカムドリンク
  • サービス
  • グリーン食品
  • キッチン設備
  • アウトレットタイプ
  • ラウンジ/バー


  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • 朝食ビュッフェ


  • チェックイン時間: 15:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 12:00

保証金が必要な場合を除いて、すべての予約は、事前に24時間をキャンセルする必要があります。この予約は電子的に行われている場合は混乱とノーショー法案を回避するために、電子的にそれをキャンセルしてください。ポリシーが変更されることがあります。 48時間対応の週末キャンセル



$75(1-4 Nights),$125(5+N) 2 Pets Max


  • 英語




  • 会議室の数: 1
  • スリーピングルームの数: 118
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 1248 sq. ft.


  • 無料駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場


  • 警備員
  • 最大座席数




  •  地元や季節の食べ物
  •  地域社会の関与


ISO 14001

ISO 14001は、効果的な環境管理システムを設置する方法を概説する国際的に受け入れられている基準です。次のような環境責任を見落とすことなく、企業が商業的に成功し続けるのを支援するように設計されています。•環境パフォーマンスを絶えず改善します。•地方および国家規制やその他の要件に準拠しています。消費•廃棄物のリサイクルと回復の促進•従業員の間で環境意識を高め、活動において良い慣行を採用するように訓練する•エコラベルハウスキーピング製品の使用•持続可能な森林認定用紙の使用

ISO 50001

ISO 50001は、ISO 9001やISO 14001などの他の有名な標準にも使用される継続的な改善の管理システムモデルに基づいています。これにより、組織はエネルギー管理を全体的な努力に統合して品質と環境管理を改善しやすくなります。 ISO 50001は、組織の要件のフレームワークを提供します。-エネルギーのより効率的な使用のためのポリシーを開発 - ターゲットと目的を修正するためのポリシーを満たす - データを使用してエネルギー使用に関する決定をよりよく理解し、決定する - 結果を測定 - ポリシーは機能し、エネルギー管理を継続的に改善します。

最も参考になったレビュー 9 30件の口コミ

Michelle Freeman
6年 前 – Google


201 room was well maintained, staff was awesome, especially Katie at the front desk and Sylvia in the breakfast area. The pool was fantastic. The hot tub was not very hot but was ok.

Hasu Heart
6年 前 – Google


Everything is nice and updated. Room is clean. They have really cool amenities along with the ones that you get nearly everywhere. They are serving beer, pasta, salad, wine. All of it is free. I would stay here just for that.

Amanda 1095
6年 前 – Google


Great three-star hotel. The location is close to many restaurants and a movie theater. The hotel offers free breakfast and afternoon drinks with snacks. For example, today chose from a veggie or beef burger, corn on the cob, salads, and soups. The rooms are big with a full size refrigerator, microwave, stove, and many kitchen necessities. The bedroom and living area have a large TV.

Stephanie Anderson
6年 前 – Google


Very nice and clean! The rooms are great! I love the happy hour every night during the week! :)

Bhill Hill
6年 前 – Google


It was great and clean. The staff was very polite and helpful. I was waiting on my daughter to finish a class. I waited in the lobby. I WAS a little concerned knowing the class was 4 hours long and I wasn't going to purchase anything. They also offered me water. Thanks staff for not making me sit outside or calling the police.

Cindy Gaisior
6年 前 – Google


Beautiful hotel and great rooms. Great amenities, including a crystal clear, heated outdoor pool and hot tub. Complimentary breakfast - yum! (Say hello to Ramon -he's a gem).

Parker M
6年 前 – Google


Gorgeous, spacious room, great for relaxing. Even the smaller studio suites are sure to allow you to take your mind off whatever you're running away from. Good selection of pots and pans in the room.

Studio suites look like they come with a sliding door shower where full suites look like they come with bathtub combo showers. Nice quiet hotel, elevator is usually where I left it for at least 7 minutes after.

Good selection of breakfast too

Krista Chastain
6年 前 – Google


This has been one of the cleanest hotels i have ever stayed in. Great breakfast and snack area/variety. Even has a bar in the lobby for those who need a stiff drink after a long day or drive. Pool and hot tub are very well kept. Small gym available as well. Rooms are very clean and nicely sized. Beds clean and super comfy. The suite we stayed in was like an apartment and the small kitchen provided us with more than we needed!!

Natasha King
6年 前 – Google


Every single employee has been so helpful and pleasant. The renovations are great. We got to enjoy the heated outdoor pool even in March. I have stayed here in the past and was impressed. I will always stay here when visiting Wilmington.

Renee B
6年 前 – Google


Nice, clean, breakfast included! Highly recommend. Great for families. Upscale shopping at Mayfair right next to hotel.

Nickie Flambures
6年 前 – Google


Loved the rooms. Each room has a sink dishwasher microwave and refrigerator. The rooms are large there's a desk for computers and the AC and heat are easy to control. Staff is very friendly and the evening happy hour is a nice way to relax breakfast is a great way to start the day.

Cameron Davis
6年 前 – Google


Recently renovated hotel. The last floor (1st) is undergoing renovations currently. Everything else is pretty much done. Very nice and clean accommodations, nice renovation job, coastal decor. Comfortable bed. We did have a fire alarm while there which disturbed us at 5am and the breakfast Monday morning was slightly cold but overall a very nice hotel with friend staff.

Nicole Gargiulo
6年 前 – Google


I stay here for business a few times a month. Rooms are redone and look great. Nice updates throughout the hotel. Entire staff is very friendly and personable. I will only stay here now in Wilmington.

j summers
6年 前 – Google


You seriously cannot find a better place to stay! The service is absolutely top notch, the rooms and amenities are terrific, and the value is unbeatable. It's hard to imagine it's a corporate chain, as the staff are the most personable and pleasant people you will ever encounter, while being consummate professionals. I honestly did not want to leave...do yourself a favor and stay there! The location is also stellar

Alan Cleeland
6年 前 – Google


Newly remodeled rooms and overall facility. Exceptionally clean & fresh. New bedding and linens. Essential breakfast buffet with courteous attendants. Pleasant stay, thanks.

Ken R
6年 前 – Google


Great place to stay in Wilmington. This rating is relative to other hotels in Wilmington. Place is clean and rooms are spacious. Fold out bed is small and minimally padded but ok for little kids.

jjdubs W
6年 前 – Google


Clean, friendly, helpful. Great breakfast spread. Room was nicely laid out, with a pull out couch separate from bedroom so my teen could have privacy. I'll come back here next time!

Kirsten Gravely
6年 前 – Google


Excellent staff, beautiful rooms and great location!

Kevin Tinnin
7年 前 – Google


The Homewood suites is a wonderful hotel with an extremely helpful staff. They helped us with everything from grilling by the pool too lighting the fireplace in the evenings. The rooms are modern and clean. Maid service was spot on and very friendly. The location is perfect. 3 miles from the beach and just a few miles from the rest of Wilmington. The only downside is the breakfast. It's not what I've come to expect from this caliber of hotel. We will definitely be staying here again.

Elizabeth Farro
7年 前 – Google


The suite is very comfortable, and the beds are great. The hotel staff is very nice, and the location is ideal. All hood things. We'll stay here again!

Sandi Ebeling
7年 前 – Google


Comfy, clean rooms. Great staff. Breakfast could use just a bit of help but overall good experience. Highly recommended.

melissa w
7年 前 – Google


This was our first time staying here. When I checked in, the staff was polite and I loved our room. It was spacious enough for a family of five. I appreciate the assistance with the additional items we needed for our room. I gave 4 stars because the pool was hot and it seemed heated. We were there during the 11pm fire alarm went off in the middle of a storm. No discount was offered and I thought that at least we would be given one due to the circumstance.

EP Pack
7年 前 – Google


Homewood is our "go-to" place to stay when we travel. Having a small but nearly full kitchen: refrigerator, stovetop, microwave, dishwasher, pots, pans, and dinnerware make a stay with options most hotels can't provide when traveling, especially when you have children in the party. The choice of a standard one room or a multi-room suite is perfect when traveling with other adults. Adding a free full breakfast is "icing on the cake". Service is always impeccable.

Patricia Thomas
7年 前 – Google


This is one of my favorite hotels! Not just in Wilmington but in most of my business travel on the East Coast. Why?

-staff is ALWAYS friendly, every visit, every shift change
-always more than enough food (breakfast, happy hour or dinner)
-rooms are always clean
-rooms are spacious
-location is perfect with food and shopping in walking distance
-plenty of parking

I do not have a critical thing to say! I wish more hotels held themselves and their staff to the same standards.

Andrew West
7年 前 – Google


Great location. Convenient to the beach and downtown Wilmington as well as restaurants and shopping. My six year old loved the pool and hot tub. The room was very spacious and the living room was a definite plus. Very clean with comfortable beds. The staff was very friendly. Free breakfast was good as well. We will stay here again.

Antonio Price
7年 前 – Google


My go to hotel when I'm in town. Clean spacious rooms. Great location near shops and restaurants. Short trip to the beach.

7年 前 – Google


Visited my daughter for Easter weekend. Had a great stay. Rooms were clean and staff were friendly. Standard hot breakfast buffet. Kids really enjoyed the pool and this is one of the few hotels in the area with a hot tub. Convenient location to restaurants, shopping, and various recreational activities.

My reason for the four star review was that our room had an obvious fish odor upon arrival which remained throughout our stay. I didn't ask to switch rooms because I knew it was a holiday weekend and they were booked. Also, if you have the option, try to get a room on top floor so you don't have to worry about stompers. Beds were a little too firm for my taste. Other than that, we would definitely stay here again when visiting the area.

Reezdeez Reezdeez
7年 前 – Google


Love this hotel! Staff are the nicest people around!! If I were a millionaire I'd love in 😂😂

Jim deBerjeois
7年 前 – Google


Good location, room was clean. Hotel staff was probably the most friendly staff I have seen. Would definitely stay there again.

Delly Mellor
7年 前 – Google


My mother stays here every time she visits us in Wilmington. Beautiful facility, great location in the middle of Mayfaire shops and restaurants, drop in daycare plus quick drive to the beach. Nice staff, clean, modern hotel with spacious rooms. Generous free breakfast and weeknight free dinners are delicious. Highly recommend.

KP Kelly
7年 前 – Google


GREAT hotel! I enjoyed my week at this hotel. GREAT staff. Large comfortable clean rooms. The pool area is a great place to relax and the location is near everything. Highly recommend this hotel.

Tom Brouillette
7年 前 – Google


The rooms were clean and very well. The location was great and the staff was very friendly and helpful

Beatriz Gonzalez
7年 前 – Google


The staff were so friendly, the location for us was perfect and also near to great restaurants. Highly recommended

Chris Grant
7年 前 – Google


My third week staying here for business. I like this hotel a lot. Great breakfast and pretty good dinner.

david iacovelli
7年 前 – Google


My favorite place to stay in Wrightsville Beach. Pool and hot tub are great. The staff is friendly.

Felicia Jones
7年 前 – Google


I came in to see a room a week before check in. Robbie Gasser was more than accommodating, he answered all my questions, plus more. Every staff member made my family and I feel at home. Had only introduced my son to Robbie once (day we came to make sure the room was what my son wanted), we got to Homewood Suites day of check in and they had set him up as honorary guest of the day (it was his birthday present going there). They made his day/weekend.
I can not say how pleasant our stay was. Anyone looking for a home away from home this is the place to go.
Thanks to all the staff!

Haley Baker
7年 前 – Google


Location was simple to find, the staff were very friendly and accommodating with our early check-in and questions. The hotel was very clean, had a nice atmosphere and great, smiling service. We used the pool, hot tub and gym, and all were clean and of good quality.

Bradley Hair
7年 前 – Google


Nice clean rooms, very friendly staff. Prices are fair for thr number one rated motel in the area. Only a 15 minute drive to River st., and there is a bunch of restaurants and stores near by. Will defiantly stay again.

Jack Shattuck
8年 前 – Google


The location was great and easy to find. Daily breakfast featuring different items every morning better than other hotels we have stayed at, and events during the evening for guests. Cleaning staff did a great job and the room was kept up to par all through a 5 night stay.

Kathleen Best
8年 前 – Google


The room was nice, clean, and very spacious. The staff was helpful and friendly. My only complaint was that the complimentary breakfast was a little meh. The potato patties and french toast sticks were a little soggy. That being said, it is a free breakfast and most everything else they served wasn't bad.

Lee Glunt
8年 前 – Google


Location in Mayfair is great, proximity to Wrightsville Beach is awesome, and the hotel itself is beautiful.

Jeff Taylor
8年 前 – Google


Stayed here for one night recently with family while on a beach trip. We haven't stayed much at this particular Hilton chain before, but we really liked the size and layout of the room. Ours was a 2-room (Queen/Queen) suite. The kitchenette and family room were separated by a door from the bedroom which is really nice when you have kids. Everything was clean and new. The courtyard area with the pool was the highlight, plenty of seating, nice landscaping, warm pool and hot-tub, and they even had 2 large grills for use by guests. This area connected to the breakfast area which really helped during the busy breakfast time on weekends to allow for more seating.
I only have a couple of complaints:
1) They were full (labor day weekend), so we were stuck on the 1st floor near housekeeping and an exit. There was definitely noise at night and in the morning from the hallways. It wasn't horrible, but definitely not ideal. I'm a Hilton Gold member and my preference is high floors, away from elevator, but they couldn't accomodate me. I understand it was a holiday weekend and they were full...but still, not a customer-pleasing situation.
2) The sofa bed was a little dirty. When we pulled the cushions off, it was obvious that they hadn't vacuumed underneath the cushions in a little while. Since there is a sofa bed there, I wish they would be more diligent with the cleaning. Again, nothing huge (actually the norm with sofa beds), but would have been nice if it were clean.
3) The sink area is open to the bedroom. The sink is basically in the bedroom so it's very hard to get ready for bed or get up early and get ready (like brushing your teeth) without disturbing anyone else who might be sleeping. But if everyone gets up and goes to bed at the same time, no problem.
Negatives: Our room location (125) was not great, near exit and housekeeping. Sink area is open to bedroom.
Postives: Separate bedroom and living area, new, clean, pretty nice courtyard and pool.

Dion W
8年 前 – Google


Really great place to stay. Accommodated my whole family and food is good with adequate variety. Very good house coffee.

Martin Nadon
8年 前 – Google


Staff is great and super friendly. The hotel is very clean. The pool area is very nice. The hotel is at a walking distance of stores. The beach is only at approx. 10 min. Drive; not bad. We go there every year for family vacation and we love it.

Brittany Crowder
8年 前 – Google


I cannot say enough great things about this hotel!! We loved the staff! We also loved the location (near shopping, restaurants, etc.) We also accidentally left a necklace and they called right after we left and then mailed it to us!! I was soooo impressed!!!

Gina Racca
9年 前 – Google


Highly recommend! The rooms where very clean and the staff went out of there way to make sure we had everything we need. I reserved the rooms again for our Sept visit!

Serena Wang
9年 前 – Google


Great stay. We got a nice suite for entire family. Room was clean. The couches are very stiff and that's exactly we love and they are comfortable. We could even cook our lunch in the small kitchen. Definitely stay here next time we come to beach for vocation.

Barbara Anderson
9年 前 – Google


We loved our stay there this past weekend. Everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. We especially enjoyed spending time with the bartender. He was very friendly. We had a king suite that was very roomy and comfortable. We highly recommend this hotel. We will definitely stay here again.

Alexandra Almeter
10年 前 – Google


Good for a budget hotel! The customer service experience has been consistent and good during the multiple stays we've had at this Homewood Suites. The hotel's location is great for shopping and running to the 2 grocery stores nearby. The beds are comfortable and the rooms are clean. I thought the rooms had good lighting with several windows throughout the room. The couches are stiff and not very comfortable. The overall experience has been good. We have stayed here several times and will likely continue going to this hotel or the Hilton Garden Inn across the street for our visits to Wilmington.

Chris Varner
11年 前 – Google


My daughters and I had a wonderful experience here at Homewood Suites at Mayfaire. The room, breakfast, and location were awesome. Lots of magnificent shopping and restaurants right around the hotel. The beach is an easy ten minute drive. I was totally impressed with the service. Everyone was so friendly and polite. The general manager even offered us a free room for our next stay because part of our party had to go home before we even checked in because of a car accident. I will definitely stay here again.