 984件の口コミ

Swissotel Kolkata

City Center New Town , Action Area 2D Plot No 11/ 5 , New Town, Rajarhat, 700157 コルカタ, インド 場所

Swissotel Kolkata

空港からわずか3キロとITハブセクター5エレクトロニックシティソルトレイクから15分 - - 戦略的なニュータウンに位置するスイソテルコルカタは、お客様に比類のない利便性を提供します。スイスのおもてなしスイソテルコルカタに魅力の両方の最高級で、ビジネスやレジャー旅行者に向けた、プライベート屋外ジェットバスを誇るいくつかの排他的なスイートとエグゼクティブルームを含む147モダンでエレガントな客室とスイートを提供しています。

高度なビジネスソリューションとの会議とバンケットスペースの1292平方メートルは、すべての行事のイベントのための無限のオプションを提供しています。最先端の会議テクノロジ - カスタマイズされたメニューと料理の優秀性 - - 部屋はあらゆる機会に合わせて創造的なコーヒーブレイク、受賞歴のあるサービスだけでミーティングプランナーはスイソテルから期待できることを基礎の一部です。

ローカルおよび国際的な料理を提供終日営業のレストラン - 料理製品はカフェスイスが含まれます。 Durbari - 専門インド料理レストランとスプラッシュ - 街のスカイラインの絶景と星空の下で屋上ラウンジ、バーではカクテルやボリュームたっぷりの料理の酔わせるようなミックスをトッピング。真綾 - 国際チャートに上るヒット曲をスピントークの-町DJがコルカタで最高のカクテルとカナッペを味わうために、究極のランデブー可能となる機能のクラブ。

180度の視点でウェルネストリートメントの幅広い選択肢とユニークな屋上スイミングプールを提供する設備の整ったフィットネスセンターと癒しのスパでは、リラックスしてくつろぐことができます。すべてのゲストが娯楽レジャーやショッピング施設の面で選択のために台無しに残す機能 - スイソテルコルカタはまた、シティセンターのようなモールと共存コルカタで最初のホテルとなります。

-Located at Rajarhat New Town which is Kolkata's upcoming IT hub. -3 km from the international and domestic airport. Travel time is 15 minutes. -10 km from the IT hub Sector 5 electronic city. Travel time is 15 minutes. -15 km from the city's convention center - Science City Convention Centre. Travel time is 15 minutes
-25 km from downtown. Travel time is 45 minutes. -35 km from Howrah railway Station. Travel time is 90 minutes



Swissotel Kolkata
City Center New Town , Action Area 2D Plot No 11/ 5 , New Town, Rajarhat, 700157 コルカタ, インド


  • インターネット
  • 公共エリアでの無線インターネット接続
  • 交通
  • 室内駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 列車のアクセス
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルエリア
  • 輸送サービス - ローカルオフィス
  • 係員付き駐車サービス
  • フロント
  • 航空会社デスク
  • 手荷物ホールド
  • ベルスタッフ/ポーター
  • レンタカーデスク
  • コンシェルジュデスク
  • アーリーチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックイン
  • エクスプレスチェックアウト
  • フロントデスク
  • レイトチェックアウト利用可能
  • 格納スペース
  • ツアー/観光デスク
  • 離れて働きます
  • コンセントを備えたデスク
  • フォトコピーセンター
  • 一般的な
  • 直通電話
  • 加熱のルーム
  • 屋内廊下
  • 禁煙ルーム
  • 専用バスまたはシャワー
  • 公共エリアの冷暖房完備
  • ホテルのサービス
  • コインランドリー
  • 両替
  • 当直医
  • ドライクリーニング
  • 火災安全性に準拠
  • ロビーでの無料新聞
  • 無料靴磨き
  • フルサービスのハウスキーピング
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ハウスキーピング - 毎日
  • アイロンボード
  • ランドリー/バレットサービス
  • オンサイトランドリー
  • パブリックアドレスシステム
  • セーフティーボックス
  • セキュリティ
  • 靴磨きスタンド
  • ターンダウンサービス
  • バレットクリーニング
  • バレー即日ドライクリーニング
  • ウェイクアップサービス
  • 他の人と旅行
  • 子供プログラム
  • 子供に優しいです
  • 子供の保育園
  • ファミリープラン
  • アクセス可能な
  • アクセ駐車場
  • イベント
  • 会議設備
  • イブニングレセプション
  • 展覧会/コンベンションフロア
  • 会議室


  • プール
  • プール
  • ウェルネス
  • ジャグジー
  • マッサージサービス
  • 温泉
  • フィットネス
  • エクササイズジム
  • フィットネスセンター
  • 重量挙げ
  • 文化的な
  • ナイトクラブ


  • 食事の計画
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のコンチネンタル朝食
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • フルアメリカン朝食
  • 特別な注意
  • ロビーのコーヒーサービス
  • サービス
  • エグゼクティブフロア
  • ルームサービス
  • キッチン設備
  • アウトレットタイプ
  • コー​​​​ヒーショップ
  • 飲食店
  • ラウンジ/バー


  • 無料の朝食ブッフェ
  • 無料のコンチネンタル朝食
  • 無料のフルアメリカン朝食
  • 朝食ビュッフェ
  • コンチネンタル朝食
  • フルアメリカン朝食
  • 朝食はレストランでお召し上がりいただけます


  • チェックイン時間: 13:00
  • チェックアウト時間: 11:00

キャンセルポリシーは1泊分と税のペナルティを避けるために、ご到着日の前に24時間です。キャンセルポリシーはプランによって異なる場合があります - ポリシーのレート表示を確認します


最大宿泊人数 - 一緒に1ゲストルームで2人の子供と大人2名。  上記の年齢との子供のための有償12年



  • 英語
  • ヒンディー語


  • 会議室の数: 9
  • スリーピングルームの数: 147
  • 最大の会議室のサイズ: 7063 sq. ft.
  • 最大の会議室の収容人数: 1050


  • アクセ駐車場
  • 無料駐車場
  • 室内駐車場
  • 敷地内の駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 駐車場
  • 安全な駐車場
  • 係員付き駐車サービス


  • AV装備
  • イーゼルまたは錠剤
  • 高速インターネットアクセス
  • マイク
  • ポディウム
  • プロジェクターとスクリーン
  • ビデオカメラ
  • ホワイトボード
  • ケータリング
  • テレビ会議
  • オーバーヘッドプロジェクター
  • 掲示板
  • フリップチャート及びマーカー
  • 液晶プロジェクター
  • オーバーヘッド
  • プロジェクター
  • 警備員
  • ビデオ会議
  • 最大座席数
  • 社会的機能をホスト
  • スクリーン

最も参考になったレビュー 9 84件の口コミ

Yogesh Sharma
6年 前 – Google


The excellent service of Cafe Swiss is remarkable. Best food with the service which is charismatic. Breakfast is amazing. It was the BEST part of our stay. Fantastic restaurant with fabulous dining experience. Thank you all for your exceptional service.

Vishal Thappa
6年 前 – Google


"Cafe Swiss" What a place man how can I miss this place. I'm a hardcore foodie and my friend recommended me this place. The place is too good. After visiting this place I realized that it was my failier that I couldn't visit this place, however finally I found it and became a big fan of it. The food was too Delicious and the service guys was also very much professional. Full value for money

Khensin Thoi
6年 前 – Google


Cafe swiss is the perfect place to spend good time with your friends and family. The service was excellent and food was awesome. Still have the taste of food on my bud. The whole members of my group enjoyed the way they have treated us. This is called perfect hospitality guys. This one is my favorite spot Now on.

Shibashish Datta
6年 前 – Google


Went to try their Saturday lunch buffet. Excellent food, good variety in cuisine and exquisite taste.

But the cherry on the pudding was Mr. Debankur. The way he made us comfortable and welcomed us was outstanding. Full marks to him. It was a pleasure meeting and interacting with him and I'll surely come again soon.

Best wishes to the entire team.

Abul Kalam
6年 前 – Google


I'm really happy with the service as well as the food of cafe Swiss. People are awesome as well as chef also. If you will say about buffet again is really nice. Specially brijesh and his team. Thank you cafe Swiss restaurant team.

Benaifer Bodhanwalla
6年 前 – Google


Well maintained rooms. Beautiful bathrooms! Warm and friendly staff. Good Buffet layout. Check in and check out was quick. Close to the airport. Has a mall nearby. So one can go there and eat and shop. Convenient location. Overall a great experience!

vineet kumar sharma
6年 前 – Google


Each and every department is out there to help u, support u and to provide the best possible services. Whether it's the check ins or the restaurants or the banquet team one can see 100% professionalism clubbed along with humane touch. My good wishes to of the most happening hotels of Kolkata.

Abhirup Gupta
6年 前 – Google


I was a part of the wedding ceremony which took place there and it was mesmerizing. The food was lovely and appealing. The services provided by them was really superb. Specially the view of the hotel it was really astonishing. Hope to visit that place soon.

poushali ghosh
6年 前 – Google


The hotel is conveniently located near to the airport . Hotel has all the facilities. Restaurant serves all types of cuisine. Rooms are well maintained. Mirrors are clean. Housekeeping is quick and up-to the mark. Perfect place for the weekend gateway .

rina banerjee
6年 前 – Google


A warm and friendly welcome with fantastic customer service! Your hard work and consideration were very much appreciated. The food was absolutely wonderful, from preparation to presentation, very pleasing! On behalf of us all – thank you for making our evening such an enjoyable one! Sorry for late feedback.

Suman Shekhar Rajhans
6年 前 – Google


One of the best hotel in the vicinity. Not sure about stars but probably it's 3-4 star hotel. As the name suggest has some influence of the Swiss hospitality. Located beside the City Centre 2, it is flooded with guests round the year.
The room service is excellent. Rooms, Facilities and services it provides is par excellence. Parking facility in the basement.
Access to the Mall is available for quality time.
Overall a great place to plan a stay at.

Chhan Chhani
6年 前 – Google


Fantastic Hotel. A true luxury you can feel here. Food is delicious. Chefs are great. They prepare finger licking authentic food . Cafe Swiss food and service is Excellent. If you looking for personalized service and amazing food , Swissotel Kolkata is a place.

Aajay Yadav
6年 前 – Google


Good place to have breakfast. (I only had breakfast there). Valet parking is there. Security, reception and the employee there is cafeteria is good, soft spoken and cooperative. Food quality and quantity is great. Good atmosphere to sit and have food. Overall a great experience visiting there and having food. Love to visit again

Subrata Banerjee
6年 前 – Google


The hotel is amazing place to be when in Kolkata. Hotel is very clean. Rooms are well maintained. Housekeeping staffs is quick to attend to all the needs. Restaurant has great varieties. The hotel is undoubtedly the best.

Bikash Deb Roy
6年 前 – Google


It's close to my friends' home, parking services are great. The nearby Mall - City Centre has a great hangout zone. Plenty of classy restaurants around too, including McDonald's. Room service was okay, staff were a little unprofessional but nothing much to object. Rooms were neat with requisite facilities. Room was tasty, the ambience was pleasant. Servings were timely.

sumana kundu
6年 前 – Google


Should be your first choice if you wanna make your dinner with your loved ones a memorable one. Been in Darbari... awesome ambiance, mouthwatering food... excellent hospitality. Just loved it.

Joydeep Acharya
6年 前 – Google


Swissotel is the best choice when you are in Kolkata. Hotel is conveniently located near to the Airport and the mall. Clean hotel and aesthetically pleasing. Rooms are well maintained with all the modern amenities. The quality of food is outstanding and Durbari must be in your list to experience. Staff is friendly and courteous.

Subarna Mukherjee
6年 前 – Google


Great ambiance... beautiful setting...went to the Swiss cafe...very courtious staff members...good food... The presentation could have been more classy though. The lunch buffet was good but main course lacked variety and only had one non veg option... Breads variety was good and fresh... But overall the buffet lacked the ingredients to encourage gastronomical interest...

Rachna Das
6年 前 – Google


Went there to attend an event. Had a great experience. Staffs are professional and helpful. Their service is prompt. The hotel was clean as expected from washroom to lobby. It is near city centre and can be noticed from normal traffic.

Lawrence Tirkey
6年 前 – Google


Swissotel Kolkata is the best choice when in Kolkata. Hotel is very clean. Rooms are always well kept. Bathroom is clean. Towels are fresh and new. Amenities are of very good standard. Love the infinity pool. Like to come back.

Debashis Bhattacharyya
6年 前 – Google


Nice place.. food is really very delicious.. good place for spending quality time. Visited 3times.. shipping also available just besides... Behaviour of the stuff are remarkably good..

Rumjhum Goswami
6年 前 – Google


Recently visited Swissotel. Very near airport. After a long flight I was feeling very relaxed at the room and has amazing breakfast at Cafe Swiss. Met Hygiene officer at restaurant which was amazingly surprising and pleasant at the same time. Quality of food was very good special all fruits were freshly served. Keep up the good hospitality.

vinayak mutgekar
6年 前 – Google


Swissotel is amazing place to be when in Kolkata. The hotel is well kept always. The floor is very clean. Bathroom floor is clean. No stains on floor. Staff is superb and always there for your. Housekeeping is the best. Love coming back to this place.

Vikash Parmanandka
6年 前 – Google


I stayed at 10th floor of the hotel. The airport was clearly visible, if one likes to see flights landing and taking off.

The room was spacious, clean and maintained.

The service offered was prompt and 5 star. The sleep quality was good enough too.

Didn't use the pool but there's an infinity pool at the top floor.

Good place to stay.

Ankita Ghosh
6年 前 – Google


I have been there couple of months ago. Housekeeping is very good there. Staffs are very friendly, rooms are clean, hallways are very clean and up to the mark. Toilets are clean too. Rooms are very spacious. I like the place so much. Would recommend the place for everyone... Wanna visit again if I get a chance..

Kaustav Bhattacharjee
6年 前 – Google


This hotel is best place to be. Rooms are clean Bathrooms are well kept. Corridors are well kept. Room has all the facilities. Very convenient as it's near to the airport. Love being here.

Kaushal Gupta
6年 前 – Google


Swissotel Kolkata is beautiful property situated near to the airport and next to the mall. Rooms are clean and specious. Bathroom had all the modern amenities.Lobby has pleasant smell. Restroom are clean and corridor are well maintained. Loved this Place. Five stars to the Team.

Rahul Joshi
6年 前 – Google


I have attended a Dance program in 3rd Floor. The Banquet Halls are very spacious. Only concern is the folding area is in long corridor style, and if u want to sit and dine , then u have to take items from buffet and walk a bit to enter the Halls again.

Subrato Bose
6年 前 – Google


Location is very good. Most of places you can cover on foot. In house restaurant. Helpful staff. Staff did a great job in general, but at times the response was slow. I wouldn't worry much though. The rooms are spacious and so are the bathrooms.location is great too. The restaurant was surprisingly very good. Worth the money paid.

Vishakha Syangden
6年 前 – Google


Amazing ambience and great food. Staff members are very courteous. Special thanks to the manager at the reception who was extremely accommodating and helpful. Great concierge service as well for organising city-tour in such short notice. Highly recommended.

Sreya Chakraborty
6年 前 – Google


This hotel is conveniently situated near to the airport. It has a mall adjacent to it. The rooms are clean and specious,with all the modern amenities.
Bathroom Cleanliness is of high standard. The hotel is well maintained.
Restaurant service also outstanding.

Subhajit Paul
6年 前 – Google


Rooms are well decorated neat and clean. Washroom are well maintained. Good staff behavior. Location wise also it is just beside city center 2. Specially i like the pub inside.

Shubhashis Dey
6年 前 – Google


It's a very beautiful and luxurious hotel beside city center 2 , Newtown. Conference Hall is so beautiful and food is so delicious. It's environment makes you feel happy. One of the best hotels in Kolkata.

Imraan Lunat
6年 前 – Google


Staff are excellent, catering team will go above and beyond to make your meal a delight
Transport costs are sky high so Best to stick to Uber or Ola
Rooms are spacious and airy with some amazing airport views. Mall view is acceptable.

Vicky Rajbhar
6年 前 – Google


Memorable day spend with school friends.... Good food unique ambience and trained staff... Delicious taste of chicken curry made by the chef Soumyadeep..

Anu Ghosh
6年 前 – Google


The buffet opened late during the social event. However the food was good. Desserts were great. The ballrooms were well decorated. The location was nice and the lounge and exception were inviting.

Swarnendu Das
7年 前 – Google


Amenities are really good and appreciated. Food quality could have been better. Restaurant is on little expensive side.

Aly Seroor
7年 前 – Google


Neat & clean, Near to airport, food is good, attached to Mall & good seevice

Manik Kundu
7年 前 – Google


Best hotel to stay.Great management. Friendly staff. Very good hospitality. Specially cafe Swiss food and service was great.

Ishita Singh
7年 前 – Google


SWISSÔTEL KOLKATA Didn't know about this hotel before but now this is the only hotel in my head
And no other hotel can reach the expectations as this hotel and services impresses
Food and bars are just so perfect u can't just get enough of it.
Located right next to mall that will be added advantage to this
Brunch has huge options and lavish buffet. Totally worth

Suvodeep Roy
7年 前 – Google


Good place to say.. Staff are very kind and polite. Always ready to help. Room was very clean and good condition. The location of the hotel is also very good. My room was properly cleaned and equipped with sufficient amenities. Housekeeping and room sevice boy was very caring. Wish i will again visiting this hotel in future.

Kuna Pa
7年 前 – Google


We stayed in swissotel kolkata for 2 nights and the room where they were staying was very good and cleaned. The housekeeping staff was very polite and caring. He always use to take care of us and very kind to us. Wish whenever I will be coming to kolkata I will be again staying in this hotel. And the quality of food is also very good.

Subhadeep Banerjee
7年 前 – Google


Very nice service specially Housekeeping. Staff are very polite and helpful. Would recommend everyone to visit.

Rohan Ranjan
7年 前 – Google


It was nice dinner in durbari.
Awesome food made my Chef Soumyadeep. Thanks to giving reason to come back again and again!

Dipayan Nath
7年 前 – Google


Awesome atmosphere and ambience. Food was also quite nice. Good times.

Lakshmi Rai
7年 前 – Google


Visited Durbari restaurant and Had an awesome experience..ambience was good and staff attending us was humble. Excellent food done by Chef..special mention to mutton rann and chicken...kudos to Chef soumodeep ...keep up the good work!!

Brijesh Gupta
7年 前 – Google


One of the Best hotel in town. Top swimming pool view is awesome. Spend hours by sitting beside pool. Nice dinning.

Zubair Khan
7年 前 – Google


Spacious good rooms and the showers are very nice. The location is okay since it's connected to a mall. The Indian restaurant available is also nice, extremely well appointed rooms and the individuals helping you at the front desk are very good as well. I really enjoyed my stay here and would love to visit again.

Rizz Ahammad
7年 前 – Google


Got a good location. Service is satisfactory. Just adjacent to city centre so good for shopaholics.

Ritesh Kumar
7年 前 – Google


Nice ambiance. Staff was very courteous. Good restaurants options overall a good place in Kolkata to put up at.

R.Ranga Rao
7年 前 – Google


Good hotel. Neat accommodation. Good and polite staff. Food is very good. Staff in the dining area are very nice and helpful. Recommend to stay.

Suryaprakash Vankamamidi
7年 前 – Google


Right from the minute of check-in to the time I left, the hospitality was something that I will remember. Being close to the airport is another big advantage. Not to miss, the view from the 10th floor where I could literally see the airport.
Definitely the choice close to airport for stay and good food.

Sudip Bhakta
7年 前 – Google


Very good and classy hotel and banquet. A very good service available. Can book for corporate programs.
Has a good place for parking.

Shubham Jha
7年 前 – Google


It is a good hotel on the main road but it doesn't have ample space like the other five stars hotels of Kolkata has.

Kunal Bhowmick
7年 前 – Google


Durbari is a fine dining restaurant..attached to Swissôtel...
The ambience of the hotel is very classy, seats are cozy and lit accordingly...neither much bright..nor much dull...
The service is prompt...
Non veg kebab platter is something not to be missed which consists of four kinds of kebabs...the chunks of kebabs are quite large compared to other restaurants...also the accompliments are something not be missed...
Along with that Durbari raan, Missi roti, Dal Durbari, Prawn Lababdaar...and all this can be washed down with beer...
And to end it all...try the ice creams...
for washing hands they give soap bowl with rose petals...
Ofcourse being a fine dining restaurant it is quite expensive...

Vedansh Goenka
7年 前 – Google


The halls on the 3rd floor is beautiful and the catering food is amazing. The names of the areas refer to places in Switzerland. Which is a great touch. Rooms are amazing as well. The direct access to City Center is a big advantage.

Ayanant Bhowmick
7年 前 – Google


The hotel is situated near Rajarhat, just beside City Center 2. The ambience was pretty good. The location is near the airport. The food was decent. The staffs were helpful & professional.

Gaurav Atul
7年 前 – Google


Nearest 5 star hotel from Netaji Subhash Chandra International Airport. Excellent service and nice parking space available

Arun Agrawal
7年 前 – Google


Nice cozy hotel, 5 star from Neotia group of Ambuja. Great banquets for corporate events. Just next to the City Centre II. Quite close to the airport.

Sangita Das
7年 前 – Google


Me and my husband stayed at this property for two days from 4th June to 5th June.We had booked executive suite room with Jacuzzi which included buffet breakfast.The stay was awesome.Food was awesome at the Cafe Swiss.Jacuzzi was fully operational.It helped us to relax,enjoy and gave us a feeling of a private swimming pool where you can spend personal time without being bothered by anyone.

We had access to Swiss executive lounge where one can go and have a sip of coffee while hanging out. There was a plethora of evening snacks and wine/beer which were all complimentary. The staffs were quite friendly and well behaved. Mr. Viraj and Miss Angana were very friendly and looked after our needs well. Overall we had a homely feeling away from home.

Avra Bhaduri
7年 前 – Google


Good staff, awesome rooms, affordable rates n excellent staff

Shibojyoti Dutta
7年 前 – Google


Nice place... I'm sector-II City Centre Rajarhat area. However most staffs are young and have limited knowledge of package. Wi-Fi was not working until IT guy suggested a way out.

Pranjal Bordoloy
7年 前 – Google


Avant Garde design. Good for conventions. Located in City Centre III with multiplex and shopping arcade

Claudio Di Stefano
7年 前 – Google


Very comfortable hotel close to Kolkata airport. Clean rooms, very comfortable. Buffet not really vary but anyway good overall quality.

Ankur Jain
7年 前 – Google


great place to stay and dine..awesome food..beautiful rooms, quality of service and amazing experience..it is next to city center so you can go for a movie or shopping straight from room

GDM Technics
7年 前 – Google


Does not star status, lots of service failures in the rooms, not worth the price you pay, people only prefer due to nearness to airport.

Swarnendu Das
7年 前 – Google


I didn't stay at their hotel but I did get a chance to have a team lunch over there. The ambience is quite good. Rooftop swiming pool and other amenities are also quite good. But the food do not taste that great what I hoped. Overall pretty good, but indeed very expensive.

Abhishek Shaw
7年 前 – Google


Good food. Very friendly staffs. We went for a friend's wedding. They have a banquet hall which is very spacious and well decorated.

Sadikk Islam
7年 前 – Google


Premium hotel in the North Kolkata and Airport area. It's a four star property located within a shopping mall. Best places for foreign tourists.

Daniel Philip
7年 前 – Google


Great and gracious staff, too many good ones to mention by name. Very clean hotel and rooms. Very secure hotel, no worries about safety. There's a mall next door with almost anything you'll need including a movie theater, and about a 10 minute walk from a larger mini-department store with more household types of items. I had a jacuzzi, and it was clean and private. Buy lots of water at the mall, no tap water in Kolkata is potable. The tap water seems clean, but better safe than sorry.

Saket Sinha
7年 前 – Google


You are bound to give a great review if you are literally pampered. They take great care of their guests and have great food.

Abu Sayed Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman
8年 前 – Google


Great place for holding seminars and conference. Adjacent to city center shopping mall. Hotel service was good.

Parna Ghosh
8年 前 – Google


Just checked in. Seems to be a good stay for 4 nights. Tried their western culinary today. Was really good.

Power cut was unusual. 2 minutes everything stopped. And interestingly no emergency lights in the room. Very strange situation.

Subrat De
8年 前 – Google


Less than pleasant experience. Had to wait for 30 min as the room was not ready during arrival in spite of prior confirmed reservation. In house service quite delayed required reminders.

Karthi Keyan
8年 前 – Google


this is our short trip and we really enjoyed that.This is certainly a five star hotel.Just beside of the city centre 2. The security is very visible when entering the hotel grounds. There is a gate with security person on duty 24 hrs a day. The welcome is amazing, you are met with the most friendly of staff and a cool drink. There is an airport type security before you are even allowed in reception, which is repeated each time you enter. This is very re-assuring as the hotel could not be more central. The rooms are spotless and quiet with a key code for the elevator to each floor. Breakfast is what you would expect of a five star hotel, nothing is too much trouble for the Staff.i really want to mention one stuff M/S Baby.She is really helpful.Always ready to guide.Thanks goes to her only. They had a collection from airport service,its super. I would certainly recommend this hotel to my friends, relations and business associates.

Shayne Mathews
8年 前 – Google


This is a regular business hotels. The rooms are what you would expect. Clean and minimalistic. The breakfast buffet was rather nice. The fact that it is connected to a shopping mall is helpful.

Amit Chauhan
8年 前 – Google


Recently stayed in the property. Very well maintained and imaginative décor. Liked the lounge and the Indian restaurant. The breakfast spread is excellent with a wide variety of options. Also the staff is extremely courteous and polite and happy to help at every occasion. Dibakar ( from front office) was extremely helpful and deserves a special restaurant.

Kuldeep Singh
9年 前 – Google


Review for Splash Lounge. Some observations:

1. No outside view from rooftop. Covered on all sides.
2. Too many mosquitoes in Splash Lounge.
3. Waterfall is noisy.

Dine n Wine are ok

Jesper Langpap
9年 前 – Google


Good choice when in Kolkata. But why have they removed the nespresso machines in the rooms.......
Good selection of restaurants and food.
And good gym.
Nice and clean rooms

Arun Chawla
9年 前 – Google


Very comfortable, located near IT park. Good restaurant and serve delicious food.

anindita roy
9年 前 – Google


I was there last year on month of February and from there I get my love in my life back.so I love Swiss

Arman Khan
10年 前 – Google


Very nice experience living here for four nights. The rooms were clean and good. The beds were good and sound proofing has been done in all the rooms to avoid the hustle and bustle of the shopping mall just next to it. The food in the swiss cafe i.e buffet as well the durbari restaurant was good. Truly a five star. Keep it up.