 5 920 건의 리뷰

Homewood Suites by Hilton Coralville - Iowa River Landing

921 E. 2nd Avenue, Coralville, IA 52241, United States 접속하다

Homewood Suites by Hilton Coralville - Iowa River Landing

Hilton Coralville의 Homewood Suites는 아이오와 주 코랄 빌에있는 80 번 주간 고속도로 및 1st Avenue/Hayden Fry Way의 교차로에 편리하게 위치하고 있습니다. 아이오와 시티와 아이오와 대학교 (University of Iowa)의 문지기에 새로운 아이오와 강 (Iowa River)에 위치한 아이오와 강 랜딩 (Iowa River Landing)에는 의료 시설, 소매, 레스토랑, 사무실 공간 및 특수 목적지가 있습니다. Iowa University of Iowa Health Care & APOS;의 주요 병원, 지역 VA 병원 및 Iowa University 캠퍼스는 차로 5 분 거리에 있습니다. Hilton Coralville의 Homewood Suites는 30hop 및 호텔에서 가까운 도보 거리에있는 Tribute Restaurants를 포함하여 뛰어난 식당 옵션에 가깝습니다. 또한 도보 거리 내에 백 소켓 양조장이 있으며, 수상 경력에 빛나는 수상 경력에 빛나는 수상 경력에 빛나는 맥주가 최첨단 시설에서 시음 할 수 있습니다. 손님은 다양한 콘서트, 쇼 및 스포츠 행사를 즐길 수 있습니다. 호텔에서 한 블록 미만인 Xtreme Arena에는 새로운 하키 팀인 아이오와 하트 랜더가 있습니다. 유서 깊은 Kinnick Stadium, Carver Hawkeye Arena, Xtreme Arena 및 기타 Hawkeye 공연장에서 3 마일 이내에 좋아하는 스포츠를보십시오. 우리의 넓은 스위트는 훌륭한 편의 시설을 갖추고 있으며 여행자에게 집의 모든 안락함을 제공합니다. Hilton Coralville의 Homewood Suites의 손님은 즐거움 - 무료 광섬유 광선 인터넷 액세스 - 고화질 프로그래밍 및 프리미엄 영화 채널을 갖춘 풀 사이즈 냉장고가 장착 된 완비 된 주방 - 데이터 포트가있는 2 개의 휴대 전화, 데이터 포트, 및 데이터 포트, 및 데이터 포트, 및 데이터 포트, 그리고 데이터 포트가 있습니다. 무료 현지 및 국내 장거리 통화 - 커피 메이커, 철/다리미판 및 헤어 드라이어 힐튼 코럴 빌 (Hilton Coralville)의 홈 우드 스위트에 머무르는 동안 모든 손님은 온수 실내 수영장 및 핫을 포함하여 광범위한 편리한 시설을 활용할 수 있습니다. 욕조 - 피트니스 센터 - 비즈니스 센터 - 24 시간 게스트 세탁소 - 무료 현장 주차 - IA Hilton Coralville의 Homewood Suites의 24 시간 스위트 샵

Located in the new Iowa River Landing District, the Homewood Suites by Hilton is conveniently located within a few miles of the University of Iowa and all athletic facilities (Kinnick Stadium, Carver Hawkeye Arena, Campus Recreation. & Wellness), ACT, Pearson, Proctor & Gamble, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and other Iowa City and Coralville businesses. The hotel is a block from the Coralville Marriott Convention Center. The hotel is also within walking distance of Iowas largest craft brewing facility (Back Pocket Brewing Company), Japanese restaurant featuring Sushi and Teppanyaki cuisine (Konomi) and a unique Mediterranean inspired restaurant (Vesta).



Homewood Suites by Hilton Coralville - Iowa River Landing
921 E. 2nd Avenue, Coralville, IA 52241, United States


  • 인터넷
    무료로 인터넷 접속
  • 무료 와이파이
  • 초고속 인터넷
  • 고속 무선
  • 교통
    무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장
  • 교통 - 지역
  • 교통 - 지역 사무소
  • 프론트
    24 시간 리셉션
  • 수하물 보류
  • 일찍 체크인
  • 체크인 익스프레스
  • 익스프레스 체크 아웃
  • 프론트 데스크
  • 늦은 체크 아웃 가능합니다
  • 기술 컨시어지
  • 멀리 작업
    비즈니스 센터
  • 전기 콘센트 책상
  • 복사 센터
  • 일반
    공기 조절
  • 온수 객실
  • 내부 복도
  • 금연 객실
  • 전용 욕실 또는 샤워
  • 공공 장소의 공기 조절
  • 호텔 서비스
    화재 안전 준수
  • 풀 서비스 하우스 키핑
  • 식료품 쇼핑 서비스 제공을
  • 헤어 드라이어
  • 객실 매일
  • 다리미판
  • 세탁 / 주차 대행 서비스
  • 현장 세탁
  • 안전 금고
  • 보안
  • 주차 대행 청소
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 아울렛
    선물 / 뉴스 스탠드
  • 잡다한 / 편의점
  • 다른 사람들과 여행
    어린이 환영
  • 가족 계획
  • 애완 동물 환영
  • 얻기 쉬운
    이용 가능한 편의 시설
  • 엘리베이터
  • 이벤트
    저녁 리셉션
  • 회의실
  • 녹색 시설
    지역 사회 참여


  • 통신
    객실에서 무료 와이파이
  • 음성 메일
  • 침구
    소파 침대
  • 화장실
    욕실 용품
  • 목욕통
  • 욕조 / 샤워 조합
  • 음식 및 음료
    커피 / 차 메이커
  • 식기 세척기
  • 주방
  • 부엌
  • 간이 취사장
  • 마이크로파
  • 냉장고
  • 환대
    모든 뉴스 채널
  • 케이블 TV
  • CNN의 availaible
  • DVD 플레이어
  • 무료 영화 / 비디오
  • 신문
  • 사업
  • 데이터 포트
  • 사용 가능한 예비 전원 콘센트
  • 메시지 빛 전화
  • 일반
    에어컨은 방에서 제어
  • 알람 시계
  • 화재 경보
  • 금연
  • 자기 제어 가열 / 냉각
  • 연기 탐지기


  • 실내 수영장
  • 웰빙
  • 소용돌이
  • 적합
    24 시간 피트니스 센터
  • 심장 혈관 운동
  • 운동 체육관
  • 피트니스 센터
  • 역도
  • 스포츠

음식과 음료

  • 식사 계획
    뷔페 아침 식사
  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 특별한주의
    무료 칵테일
  • 로비에서 무료 커피
  • 무료 저녁 리셉션
  • 무료 객실 내 커피 / 차
  • 로비 커피 서비스
  • 환영 음료
  • 서비스
    룸 서비스
  • 채소 식료품
    로컬 및 제철 음식
  • 아울렛 입력
    칵테일 라운지

아침 식사

  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 뷔페 아침 식사

주택 정책

  • 체크인 시간 : 15:00
  • 체크 아웃 시간 : 11:00

정책 취소
보증금이 필요하지 않는 한 모든 예약은 도착 호스트 시간 전날 밤 11시 59 분 시까 지 취소해야합니다. 예약이 전자적으로 이루어 한 경우 혼란과 노 쇼 법안을 피하기 위해 전자적을 취소하십시오. 정책은 변경 될 수 있습니다.

다른 사람들과 여행

어린이 정책
어린이 18 세 기존 침대를 이용할 경우 부모의 방에 젊은 머물 무료.

애완 동물 요청에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.

언어 음성

  • 영어

관리 안내 서비스 팁

월요일부터 목요일까지 우리 식당에 들러 우리의 무료 저녁 사교에 빠지십시오. 음료와 작은 접시제품을 즐기면서 친구, 가족 및 Homewood Suites 직원과 사교 활동을하십시오. 이들은 전채 또는 작고 만족스러운 식사와 같은 적절한 크기입니다.


부동산의 그린 액션

환경 문제는 전 세계 사람들과 생태계의 복지에 영향을 미친다. 우리는 우리의 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 가능한 한 효율적으로 운영하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 저탄소 미래를 위해, 우리는 절감하고 에너지와 물 사용을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 매립지에 우리의 폐기물을 줄이기위한 노력의 일환으로, 우리는 폐기물에 대한 포괄적 인 전략을 만든 우리의 운영 및 공급 체인에서 음식물 쓰레기를 줄이기 위해 WWF와 함께 노력하고 있습니다. 책임 조달은 차이가 우리가 가능한 한 로컬 상품과 서비스를 소스.

  •  로컬 및 제철 음식
  •  지역 사회 참여


ISO 14001

ISO 14001은 효과적인 환경 관리 시스템을 설치하는 방법을 설명하는 국제적으로 인정 된 표준입니다. 다음과 같은 환경 적 책임을 간과하지 않고 비즈니스가 상업적으로 성공을 거두도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다. • 환경 성과 향상 • 끊임없이 지역 및 국가 규정 및 기타 요구 사항을 준수해야합니다. 소비 • 폐기물 재활용 및 회복 촉진 • 직원 간의 환경 인식을 높이고 활동에 모범 사례를 채택하도록 교육 • 에코 레이블 하우스 키핑 제품 사용 • 지속 가능한 임업 인증 용지 사용

ISO 50001

ISO 50001은 ISO 9001 또는 ISO 14001과 같은 다른 잘 알려진 표준에도 사용되는 지속적인 개선의 관리 시스템 모델을 기반으로합니다.이를 통해 조직은 에너지 관리를 품질 및 환경 관리를 개선하기위한 전반적인 노력에 더 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다. ISO 50001은 조직에 대한 요구 사항 프레임 워크를 제공합니다. -보다 효율적인 에너지 사용을위한 정책 개발 - 정책을 충족하기위한 목표 및 목표 수정 - 데이터를 사용하여 에너지 사용에 대한 결정을 더 잘 이해하고 결정합니다 - 결과 측정 - 검토 얼마나 잘 검토 정책은 작동하며 지속적으로 에너지 관리를 개선합니다.

가장 유용한 리뷰 9 20 건의 리뷰

Ryan Park
6년 전에 – Google


Very nice and clean. The rooms are quite spacious. I would consider staying here again.

Nicholas Mole
6년 전에 – Google


I made a trip to Iowa for a week long stay. This hotel is centrally located, has a phenomenal staff, above par hotel decor, and very personable. This staff is one of the reasons that I'm a loyal Hilton Diamond member. For any of my future visits to this area I'll be staying here. This staff enjoy what they do and it shows.

Raven Timm
6년 전에 – Google


Nice new hotel that is very clean. Suite was a good value for a family of 4 plus one grandparent. Bed were comfortable, staff was great. Only thing preventing great sleep was the horribly noisy a/c unit that rattled every time it turned on or off. But I'm noise sensitive.

Pique Labala
6년 전에 – Google


Great updated hotel with friendly staff. Breakfast was nice but hey ran out of all healthy options by 9:00 so get there early for best selection

Kezia Masoner
6년 전에 – Google


Wonderful night. Lovely breakfast. Staff was friendly. Pillows were flat. Shower head was weak and small so the shower was alright. Wish it would have been better pressure

Paul Gardner
6년 전에 – Google


Hotel was clean and accommodating. Room was spacious. Amenities were great. There isn't an on-site restaurant but one isn't too far away. Would stay again.

Donn Green
6년 전에 – Google


Couldn't have stayed at a better place. The staff is very professional and caring. The facility is clean and well maintained. As an extended stay, there is plenty to do within walking distance or a quick 5 minute drive to the mall.

Hannah Mulein
6년 전에 – Google


Great breakfast! Comfortable bed and beautiful room. We requested a handicap accessible room the same day as check in and they were able to accommodate us. The bathroom/shower was great. We will definitely be staying here again when we come Coralville/Iowa City and I would recommend this hotel to my friends and family.

Callie Wright
6년 전에 – Google


Great customer service but didn't have the keys ready for my group. They have very nice meals and very clean rooms. Plus, within walking distance of everything in the Iowa River Landing.

Shannon Mussmann
6년 전에 – Google


Love it!
Kevin at the front desk was very polite and kind. He has great people skills and was very knowledgeable. The hotel was clean, and the rooms where super awesome. Comfortable beds and furniture. Coming back at the end of the month for another stay.

Dan Hoffman
6년 전에 – Google


Nice suites, very friendly staff, and gives a very comfortable feeling. The free happy hours on weekday evenings are great. Not the best food in town, but certainly the most convenient with a nice variety.

willis barr
6년 전에 – Google


I love this hotel! Me and my wife have stayed here before and we were just as impressed as the first time. The staff is helpful and kind always with a smile. Location is excellent, right off of I-80. The room we stayed in was large. Kitchen with stove, refrigerator, freezer, microwave, dishwasher. Bathroom room with a very large shower and separate room with toilet. Large vanity with closet. Nice view from the room to the shops below. Very clean weight room and a pool with hot tub. Will continue to stay at this hotel in the future.

John Word
6년 전에 – Google


I enjoyed my stay at this Homewood Suites. The evening reception was the equivalent of dinner with beer and wine. The breakfast was very good and the staff very professional and polite. I’m in Iowa about once a month. I plan to make this my home away from home.

Adam Bjorklund
6년 전에 – Google


Fantastic place, really! We stayed here and had to make a last minute stop on a road trip and were able to find a room with these guys. We were traveling with a baby who needed a nice dark and quite room to fall asleep in and that's when we discovered the magic of the suites fully closed off bedroom. We are hooked on these guys and plan to make Homewoods part of our travel plans for all our future road trips. Bonus points for the great complementary breakfast spreads these guys put together.

Christine Slauson
6년 전에 – Google


Great place to stay, very comfortable. Great service. We used our reward points. Room was nice, but was the farthest room from the lobby and hard for a handicaped person with a walker. Also toilets in room too low.

6년 전에 – Google


Beautiful place. Very clean. The most friendly and attentive (not force but genuine) staff I have met in any hotel. I completely recomend you stay here.

Dave Smith
6년 전에 – Google


Every time that I am in Cedar Rapids or Iowa City I reserve a room. The staff is always friendly and upbeat. Rooms are clean and spacious. The gym and indoor pool are well maintained and there is a complete line of exercise equipment. The breakfast and evening meals are super.

Robert Connell
6년 전에 – Google


Our second time staying here. Both times have been great. Love the week day evening socials with free food and drinks, but do wish they offered it on weekends too. The room is comfortable and quiet, breakfast is good, and the pool is nice.

Chad Singleton
6년 전에 – Google


Good location. Nice rooms and great staff. Good selection at breakfast. However some items they fix are horrible, not sure if it's because they are reheated over and over or what. Would give it 5 stars if the all breakfast items were fresher.

Kent Schmidgall
6년 전에 – Google


Where has this hotel been my entire life? Warm and inviting lobby, spacious and quiet rooms, great water pressure, strategically placed outlets, etc. Details matter, and Homewood Suites has it figured out. In addition, this hotel is located in the Iowa River Landing, a wonderful development. Five high-pressure showers out of five.

Ronda Pellatz
6년 전에 – Google


Clean room and bath. Decent sized room. Excellent food, tons of breakfast choices and a great dinner! All staff friendly and welcoming. Free and easy parking. Great place to stay!

Joe Cornwall
7년 전에 – Google


Nice location in a new planned facility w restaurants, shopping, parking and meeting spaces. There is an interesting nature preserve along the river that makes for a nice walk

Kris Lowell
7년 전에 – Google


Very nice hotel with a lot of small shops nearby. The suite we were in was very comfortable and seemed very new. The included breakfast was above average for this type of establishment.

Nicole Carson
7년 전에 – Google


Had an amazing time here! Only got to stay one night, but enjoyed ourselves very much! M-Th night, they have a dinner/reception with serve-yourself wine and beer! The pool was clean and warm, the hit tub was hot, the room we had even had a door to separate the living and sleeping space! The kitchen was a really good size with a full fridge, half a stove and a sink! Breakfast in the morning had plenty of options!
The weather while we visited was incredibly hot, and the A/C froze in the living room. It was still cold, but made a huge watery mess on the floor. We informed the front desk, and they were very friendly. We didn't want to bother with moving to a new room, but it would have been nice if they had discounted the room a bit for us. Other than that, no complaints!!
Would highly recommend!

Ellen MB
7년 전에 – Google


Love this place! Has everything we needed for three adults. Staff is exceptional. All about customer service. Location is central for all the activities we wanted to do. Definitely would recommend to others and will certainly come back.

Tablet Locate
7년 전에 – Google


great place to stay. wish we could stay another night. clean large rooms at a reasonable cost. beds are comfortable and the room was quiet. we slept good.

Breakfast was a dissapointment. it may be a cultural thing, but the scrambled eggs were "gooey" and the home fries were mushy. the boiled egg had the texture of saw dust. all the fruits seemed to have no taste except the grapes were good. the sausage cake and waffle were good and the coffee was good.

Aaron Keehan
7년 전에 – Google


This place is fantastic. Large comfortable rooms in a very nice area. However I expected a little more out of the free breakfast.

Jane Marcotte
7년 전에 – Google


Very nice rooms..incredible staff! I enjoyed the complimentary breakfast and dinner! I would definitely recommend this hotel to anyone traveling in the Coralville area!!

Samantha Fox
7년 전에 – Google


We decided to stay here after we had a HORRIFIC experience at the Best Western Cantabury Inn and ended up cancelling our reservation there. Well I am SO happy we ended up here. The front desk staff were kind, courteous and polite. The room was extremely spacious with a full kitchen, including a full size refrigerator, 2 burner stove, plates, bowls, silverware, cutting boards, knives and a pot too cook in. The king size bed was clean with comfortable linen. The closet included extra pillows and blankets. The view was wonderful and the room darkening shades a great addition. The pool was on the smaller side but the hot tub was a good size. The breakfast served was hot and filling but about the same as any other continental breakfast I have had. All in all we had a wonderful stay and would absolutely stay here again.

Ryan Benton
7년 전에 – Google


Very nice rooms with full refrigerator and stove. In a great location with a very nice and new complimentary breakfast.

Jackie Benton
7년 전에 – Google


Loved the suite room, only stayed one night but it was great to have the extra room and amenities. The continental breakfast was great and in a lovely area to eat. Will definitely stay again next time in town.

Dustin Wedlund
7년 전에 – Google


I stayed here for the Iowa AD show. When I walked into my room I doubled checked to make sure they didn't book me for the wrong room. I realized it was a full blown suite. Everything was fantastic. Full breakfast in the morning and great comfortable beds! Don't hesitate to stay here when you are in the area.

Kurt Beyer
7년 전에 – Google


Great hotel. Excellent breakfast, clean room, bonus meals for free during the week.

Amy Lloyd
7년 전에 – Google


Very spacious room. Comfortable beds. Very clean. Friendly staff. Quiet.

Kaden Weinert
7년 전에 – Google


Great room cheap price. Clean room comfy. Ok parking.

Harold Johnson
7년 전에 – Google


We often stay at the his hotel. The staff is welcoming and always helpful. Both checking and departure are easy. Parking is adequate. The complimentary breakfast is delicious and includes a prepared to order omelet station.

Ottis Bunning
7년 전에 – Google


Very nice hotel in a great location. Staff is excellent

Theresa Graziano
7년 전에 – Google


I feel very welcome the minute I walk through the door. Homewood is very clean. I just enjoy staying there when I go to Iowa City.

Corinne W
7년 전에 – Google


Wonderful hotel. great accommodations for handicapped individuals. Breakfast included and some overnight social events with food included. they really take care of guests. Highly recommended.

Andrew Steiner
7년 전에 – Google


Nice place to meet up with some friends, good staff and service for the night we stayed there.

Rick Mandigo
7년 전에 – Google


The hotel is super nice but the people who work there are the best!! Jose who works there helped find and return my missing Apple Watch!! Thanks Jose

Keith Bohr
7년 전에 – Google


The location is minutes from Carver-Hawkeye Arena and Kinnick Stadium. The hotel was very clean and the staff was extremely friendly. The bed was the most comfortable hotel bed I have slept in. Highly recommended!

Jeremy Carter
7년 전에 – Google


Nice hotel. Great breakfast and evening meals for free, friendly staff. Quick to address any issues. Will stay here next time in the area.

Spencer Davis
7년 전에 – Google


Room was spacious and had a very comfy bed. Mini kitchen was excellent as well.

Keith Davis
7년 전에 – Google


Rooms were clean, comfortable, and spacious. Public spaces were nice as well. Breakfast was above average for a hotel continental breakfast.

Jeff Niemann
8년 전에 – Google


I really enjoy this place. Homewood Suites are really nice properties in general, and this one is located the River Landing area, a sort of "up and coming" neighborhood in the Coralville/Iowa City area. This time we stayed in a one bedroom 2 queen suite. The room was spotless, and the feel is very clean and modern. The kitchenette featured a two burner cooktop and the refrigerator is full-sized. The kitchenette is also fairly well stocked with cookware and tableware and should be good enough for most occasions. We only stayed for one night this trip so we really didn't take advantage of it. The complementary breakfast offered plenty of options, but as seems usual on weekends, the breakfast area can be a bit crowded if you don't arrive really early. The River Landing area is very new and since there is no through-traffic it's very pedestrian friendly. There are several decent places to drink or dine within short walking distance. My favorites are Konomi (for sushi) and Vesta. A solid 4 stars, and would be 5 but for the price. I think it's just a bit too high for the area and the level of service.

Shabaz Mohammed
8년 전에 – Google


Nice and prime location. Parking is at a distance since the hotel is in downtown location. Great staff. Loved my stay.

Alex Rebling
8년 전에 – Google


Down by the Iowa River Landing. Lots of good restaurants nearby. Room is clean and managers are helpful.

Steve Koscinski
8년 전에 – Google


I had a suite with a king bed. It was very nice and very clean. The staff was very friendly. It is close to wonderful restaurants.

Wendy Burrows
8년 전에 – Google


Location was very convenient to the U of I hospital, room was spacious and clean, the suites style set up included a sitting room, full kitchenette, very nice bedroom. The breakfast was great and staff were friendly.

Greg Green
8년 전에 – Google


Clean rooms, great extras like free dinners nd breakfast, friendly staff. Ver accommodating! Would recommend to anyone.

Tanner Nimke
8년 전에 – Google


Had a great stay at the Homewood suites. The location is great with shops, stores and resturants surrounding the hotel. The area is developing rapidly, so by the time you read this there will probably be even more to do.

The staff was very friendly as well. I was part of a very large group, and they still were excellent. The rooms were excellent as well. Each had a living room space as well as a kitchen space with a full sized refrigerator. All in all, for sure one of the better hotels I have ever stayed in.

John F. Valencia
8년 전에 – Google


Excellent place, great rooms, excellent staff...Cassie is very nice.

Justin Watkins
8년 전에 – Google


The rooms are very clean and the breakfast and dinner reception make travel so much more convenient.

Nadine van Riet
9년 전에 – Google


Fantastic Service and really large suite rooms. Loved my stay here and would definitely stay again!

Susi Wilkinson
11년 전에 – Google


Beautiful Hotel with superior customer service. When I stayed there last week I left my suitcase at the hotel. They sent an employee 20 miles to meet me on the interstate with my suitcase and a cheerful smile. What a blessing.
My room was great and I enjoyed their evening meal and hot breakfast in the morning. This hotel is definitely worth your stay!!

K Al-Suwaidi
11년 전에 – Google


Very nice hotel. Very clean. Very cozy and homy... I really loved my stay there