 5 919 건의 리뷰

Homewood Suites by Hilton Bloomington

1399 South Liberty Dr., Bloomington, IN 47403, United States 접속하다

Homewood Suites by Hilton Bloomington

인디애나의 호텔에있는 힐튼 블루밍턴 (Hilton Bloomington)의 홈 우드 스위트 (Homewood Suites)는 SR 37에서 편리하게 위치하고 블루밍턴 서쪽의 45 세에 인디애나 대학교, 블루밍턴 시내 및 블루밍턴 기술 파크에 쉽게 접근 할 수 있습니다. Hilton Hotel의 Bloomington Homewood 스위트에는 82 개의 넓은 스위트가 있으며 집의 모든 안락함을 제공합니다. 우리의 스위트는 며칠 또는 몇 주 동안 머무르는 비즈니스 및 레저 인디애나 여행자 모두를위한 편안한 숙박 시설로 설계되었습니다! 모든 호텔 스위트는 냉장고, 전자 레인지, 2 버너 스토브 탑, 식기 세척기 및 일을하기에 충분한 식탁이있는 완비 된 주방을 갖추고 있습니다. Bloomington Hotel은 무료 고속 인터넷 액세스, 스피커 폰 및 음성 메일도 제공합니다. 인디애나 여행자들은 계란, 베이컨, 소시지, 과일, 시리얼 및 수제 벨기에 와플을 갖춘 매일 제공되는 무료 따뜻한 아침 식사 뷔페를 즐길 수 있습니다. Bloomington Hotel 손님은 가벼운 식사, 샐러드 바 및 맥주와 와인을 포함한 음료를 즐기는 수요일에 우리의 손님이되도록 초대합니다. Hilton의 Homewood Suites에 머무르는 동안 손님은 실내 수영장과 스파 또는 운동 센터에서 운동을 즐길 수 있습니다. 편의를 위해 비즈니스 센터, 현장 세탁 시설, 무료 식료품 쇼핑 서비스 및 24 시간 스위트 샵도 제공합니다. 인디애나 주 블루밍턴에있는 동안 Hilton Hotel의 고급 스위스 홈 우드 스위트에 머무를 때 집에서 자신을 만드십시오.

Conveniently located 3.5 miles west of Downtown Bloomington, IN and Indiana University. Located just west of SR-37 and 2nd St./IN-45 on Liberty Drive, we are located conveniently close to Baxter, Otis Elevator, Cook Inc. and Rogers Group with easy access to the Crane Naval Base.



  • 인터넷
    무료로 인터넷 접속
  • 무료 와이파이
  • 초고속 인터넷
  • 고속 무선
  • 교통
    무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장
  • 기차 액세스
  • 프론트
    24 시간 리셉션
  • 수하물 보류
  • 일찍 체크인
  • 체크인 익스프레스
  • 익스프레스 체크 아웃
  • 프론트 데스크
  • 늦은 체크 아웃 가능합니다
  • 저장 공간
  • 멀리 작업
    비즈니스 센터
  • 전기 콘센트 책상
  • 복사 센터
  • 일반
    공기 조절
  • 온수 객실
  • 내부 복도
  • 금연 객실
  • 전용 욕실 또는 샤워
  • 공공 장소의 공기 조절
  • 호텔 서비스
    드라이 클리닝
  • 화재 안전 준수
  • 풀 서비스 하우스 키핑
  • 식료품 쇼핑 서비스 제공을
  • 헤어 드라이어
  • 객실 매일
  • 다리미판
  • 세탁 / 주차 대행 서비스
  • 현장 세탁
  • 안전 금고
  • 보안
  • 주차 대행 청소
  • 주차 대행 당일 드라이 클리닝
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 아울렛
    선물 / 뉴스 스탠드
  • 잡다한 / 편의점
  • 다른 사람들과 여행
    어린이 환영
  • 애완 동물 환영
  • 얻기 쉬운
    이용 가능한 편의 시설
  • 엘리베이터
  • 이벤트
    회의 시설
  • 저녁 리셉션
  • 회의실
  • 녹색 시설
    지역 사회 참여


  • 통신
    객실에서 무료 와이파이
  • 스피커폰
  • 음성 메일
  • 침구
    유아용 침대
  • 소파 침대
  • 화장실
    욕실 용품
  • 목욕통
  • 욕조 / 샤워 조합
  • 음식 및 음료
    커피 / 차 메이커
  • 식기 세척기
  • 주방
  • 부엌
  • 간이 취사장
  • 마이크로파
  • 냉장고
  • 환대
    모든 뉴스 채널
  • 케이블 TV
  • CNN의 availaible
  • 신문
  • 사업
  • 데이터 포트
  • 책상
  • 램프 데스크
  • 사용 가능한 예비 전원 콘센트
  • 메시지 빛 전화
  • 일반
    에어컨은 방에서 제어
  • 알람 시계
  • 화재 경보
  • 금연
  • 자기 제어 가열 / 냉각
  • 연기 탐지기


  • 실내 수영장
  • 웰빙
  • 소용돌이
  • 적합
    24 시간 피트니스 센터
  • 심장 혈관 운동
  • 운동 체육관
  • 피트니스 센터
  • 역도

음식과 음료

  • 식사 계획
    뷔페 아침 식사
  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 특별한주의
    무료 칵테일
  • 로비에서 무료 커피
  • 무료 저녁 리셉션
  • 무료 객실 내 커피 / 차
  • 로비 커피 서비스
  • 환영 음료
  • 서비스
    룸 서비스
  • 채소 식료품
    로컬 및 제철 음식
  • 주방 시설
    바베큐 그릴
  • 아울렛 입력
    칵테일 라운지

아침 식사

  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 뷔페 아침 식사

주택 정책

  • 체크인 시간 : 15:00
  • 체크 아웃 시간 : 11:00

정책 취소
모든 예약 24 시간 전에 예약이 혼동을 피하기 위해 전자적으로 이루어 전자적으로 IT 취소주십시오 된 경우 보증금 요구하지 않는 한 HOST 시간과 변화에 대한 NO SHOW의 BILL 정책 주제를 취소됨되어야합니다

다른 사람들과 여행

어린이 정책
어린이 (18)과 숙박이 무료에서 당신과 함께 방을 공유.

애완 동물 요청에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.
$75(1-4n),$125(5+n) 2petsMax,dog/cat onl

언어 음성

  • 영어

관리 안내 서비스 팁

월요일부터 목요일까지 우리 식당에 들러 우리의 무료 저녁 사교에 빠지십시오. 음료와 작은 접시제품을 즐기면서 친구, 가족 및 Homewood Suites 직원과 사교 활동을하십시오. 이들은 전채 또는 작고 만족스러운 식사와 같은 적절한 크기입니다.

에 오신 것을 환영합니다 용량

  • 회의실의 수 : 1
  • 잠자는 객실 수 : 82
  • 가장 큰 회의실 크기 : 400 sq. ft.


  • 무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장


  • 최대 좌석 수


부동산의 그린 액션

환경 문제는 전 세계 사람들과 생태계의 복지에 영향을 미친다. 우리는 우리의 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 가능한 한 효율적으로 운영하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 저탄소 미래를 위해, 우리는 절감하고 에너지와 물 사용을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 매립지에 우리의 폐기물을 줄이기위한 노력의 일환으로, 우리는 폐기물에 대한 포괄적 인 전략을 만든 우리의 운영 및 공급 체인에서 음식물 쓰레기를 줄이기 위해 WWF와 함께 노력하고 있습니다. 책임 조달은 차이가 우리가 가능한 한 로컬 상품과 서비스를 소스.

  •  로컬 및 제철 음식
  •  지역 사회 참여


ISO 14001

ISO 14001은 효과적인 환경 관리 시스템을 설치하는 방법을 설명하는 국제적으로 인정 된 표준입니다. 다음과 같은 환경 적 책임을 간과하지 않고 비즈니스가 상업적으로 성공을 거두도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다. • 환경 성과 향상 • 끊임없이 지역 및 국가 규정 및 기타 요구 사항을 준수해야합니다. 소비 • 폐기물 재활용 및 회복 촉진 • 직원 간의 환경 인식을 높이고 활동에 모범 사례를 채택하도록 교육 • 에코 레이블 하우스 키핑 제품 사용 • 지속 가능한 임업 인증 용지 사용

ISO 50001

ISO 50001은 ISO 9001 또는 ISO 14001과 같은 다른 잘 알려진 표준에도 사용되는 지속적인 개선의 관리 시스템 모델을 기반으로합니다.이를 통해 조직은 에너지 관리를 품질 및 환경 관리를 개선하기위한 전반적인 노력에 더 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다. ISO 50001은 조직에 대한 요구 사항 프레임 워크를 제공합니다. -보다 효율적인 에너지 사용을위한 정책 개발 - 정책을 충족하기위한 목표 및 목표 수정 - 데이터를 사용하여 에너지 사용에 대한 결정을 더 잘 이해하고 결정합니다 - 결과 측정 - 검토 얼마나 잘 검토 정책은 작동하며 지속적으로 에너지 관리를 개선합니다.

가장 유용한 리뷰 9 19 건의 리뷰

Madison Young
6년 전에 – Google


The front deso lady was so wonderful! The evening chef has knife skills for sure! Super friendly staff. They really helped us in a stressful time!

Brett Mitchell
6년 전에 – Google


It's a nice, new hotel. Rooms are clean and there are decent shops and restaurants nearby.

Madi Friendly
6년 전에 – Google


The evening chef was a wonderful man full of skill and charisma. The front desk lady was beyond helpful and sweet. I am thankful the sales director was kind and attentive. Wonderful!

Jiddu Villarin
6년 전에 – Google


Polite and helpful staff.
Good food at breakfast daily and a free social in the evening from Monday to Thursday.
They have laundry on the 4th floor with 1 washer and 1 dryer. $2.25 for the washer and $2.00 for the dryer. Washer takes 30 minutes
and has a timer. The dryer has no timer and takes about an hour to finish. I gave up after 57 minutes.
One recommendation would be to have trx equipment in the gym and to add more washers and dryers.

Beth Welker
6년 전에 – Google


Everyone who worked there was very pleasant and helpful and friendly. It was located in pretty decent area which was accessible to all the area attractions. Everything was clean the pool area was very nice hot tub was nice. All in all very wonderful place to stay.

mr cool guy
6년 전에 – Google


Very clean and comfy. Kid friendly environment. Loved the kitchen in our suite! We were able to cook instead of ordering out! Best yet!

Sanj Jones
6년 전에 – Google


Very quiet. Great night's sleep. Good breakfast. Room to spread out.

Stephanie Schulte
6년 전에 – Google


Homewood Suites by Hilton Bloomington was a very nice and clean hotel! There was a slight musty smell on the 3rd floor when we got off the elevator, but the smell went away when we were in our room. Breakfast was great with many options. There were several workers cleaning and restocking food. The front desk worker was very nice too!

Pam Massie
6년 전에 – Google


Recently renovated rooms. Free appetizers and a limited selection of free beer and wine in the late afternoon Monday through Thursday. Suites were nicely equipped with a full size kitchen. Rooms are spacious.

Ashley Van Sky
6년 전에 – Google


Great price room was awesome kitchen.. living room area.. and bedroom 100 pernight clean staff helpful and friendly

Jeremiah James
6년 전에 – Google


Everything was great but need to limit people with trailer's parking lot is small enough without their headaches twice had to use handicapped parking since there was at least 6 trailers

Scott Larimer
6년 전에 – Google


Nice hotel. Friendly staff. Off the beaten path, so you have to drive where ever you want to go.

Ryan Fernandez
6년 전에 – Google


Great room and great service. The breakfast was delicious.

Barbara Pulliam
6년 전에 – Google


Nice clean rooms. Dinner in the evening was a nice plus

Kent McKesson
6년 전에 – Google


Nice clean rooms, excellent location, and convenient amenities. Well worth the stay.

Markus Carrison
6년 전에 – Google


Had a 1 bedroom king with a pullout. The room was clean. Nice big stand up shower. The shower fan pulled the steam out well. Pullout bed was typical for those, not very comfortable. The bedding for it was clean and fresh though. The bedroom t.v. only received the Hilton channel. Couldn't get to guide as on main room tv. Was too late to call so just dealt. The breakfast was ok as usual. Unfortunately at 2am the fire alarm went off. We sat in our car for around an hour as the firemen moved about the pool area. Turned out that a motor in the pool room was overheating and smoking. While I was pretty grumpy about the disruption of sleep, things happen and it was good that the systems detected the smoke before a fire.

Scott O
6년 전에 – Google


Terrific hotel. Very impressed with the room. The complimentary breakfast and dinner was high quality.

Bill S
6년 전에 – Google


Great hotel!! Complimentary manager's dinner every evening is great, thanks to Glenda who makes it especially enjoyable. Look forward to my next stay!

Brandon Capalbo
6년 전에 – Google


Renovations were full-scale during my visit. Despite this, staff appeared to be friendly and the repairs were not obtrusive. Overall, a pleasant experience.

Leann English
6년 전에 – Google


Very nice room, comfy bed, friendly staff. I'd definitely stay here again. Can't wait to see the upgrades as the remodel was under way, but we were not inconvenienced in the leart.

Luis Leon
6년 전에 – Google


Nice comfortable hotel. The staff is friendly and helpful. One of better hotel in the area.

Nicholas Strauser
6년 전에 – Google


Currently under renovation, still clean and great services offered. Rooms on 2nd floor showing signs of were, carpet pulling back. TV services not most user friendly.

Doug George
6년 전에 – Google


Love it here. Very nice staff. Clean and comfortable. Relaxing atmosphere. We will definitely be back when coming to this area.

Mike Lutt
7년 전에 – Google


Nice place but I forgot to drop my key off had breakfast remembered it took it back 15 after 11 was charged $30 on my card!!!

Brendan Bellows
7년 전에 – Google


Awesome hotel. Very comfortable and spacious room. The lobby and common areas are well kept and we'll furnished. The front desk staff was great to deal with.

Matthew F
7년 전에 – Google


Great staff...rooms nice and clean . Only conplaint was shower water pressure in my room not the best.

Jason Monaco
7년 전에 – Google


Very clean hotel. Wonderful continental breakfast. The suite room is an excellent choice with to separate bedrooms and a great kitchenette.

Rosh Dhanawade
7년 전에 – Google


Super clean great staff

Mark Pieper
7년 전에 – Google


It was very clean. The room was big for a suite. I loved the free hot breakfast.

Chip Mattis
7년 전에 – Google


Great accomodations! Good food and great room for a family. The service was really kind and welcoming.

Suzanne West
7년 전에 – Google


Last summer our apartment lost power (too lengthy to explain). Our apartment complex put us up here while the problem was resolved. It was AMAZING. People were extremely friendly and very accommodating. The rooms were neat and clean, the kitchenette was fully stocked with cooking utensils, pots, pans and a dishwasher. Felt like home. The best part...NO BED BUGS, because in a University town...that is important to know. I highly recommend this hotel.

Michelle Rogers
7년 전에 – Google


Stayed there with my daughter and a grew friends for her 12th birthday. The room was large and clean. The pool area and hot tub were great. Hotel staff was friendly, and the free breakfast was definitely above average. Good value, too! Highly recommend.

DePriest Henderson
7년 전에 – Google


Great location surrounded by stores... guest services are very polite and courteous during my stay

Cody Breedlove
7년 전에 – Google


Stayed in a 1 bedroom suite. The room was very nice with plenty of space and the amenities were more than adequate. The provided breakfast was much better than a typical hotel breakfast. My only complaint would be that the furniture in the room was hard and a little uncomfortable.

8239pascoe Pascoe
7년 전에 – Google


The hotel was clean and fully prepared. We rented a suit and the kitchen was fully stocked with everything you would need to coom simple meals.

Erin Ware
7년 전에 – Google


Rooms were clean. Staff was friendly. The breakfast was wonderful!

Frances Lewis
7년 전에 – Google


Very spacious living area it's a full furnished kitchen, dining table with 4 chairs. Both the living room and bedroom had large flatscreen tv's. We had the suite with 2 queen beds they very very comfortable with lots of pillows. Bathroom area had a separate room with toilet and tub with a door separating it from the vanity area. Nice for more than one person getting ready. Breakfast area was well stocked and kept clean. Outdoor there is a patio with chairs and a fire pit that was beautiful. Staff was all very friendly.

Jessica Demoret
7년 전에 – Google


Amazing. Far exceeds expectations. The rooms are very clean and the beds are really comfortable.

Ashley Tatro
7년 전에 – Google


I went for a work meeting. Wasn't there long but seemed well maintained and like a good place to stay.

Dennis Cooper
7년 전에 – Google


Great location and excellent service. Breakfast is very nice.

Matt Mok
7년 전에 – Google


Great hotel, serves free breakfast and dinner. The meals are great and they also serve free drinks at dinner. Rooms are very spacious and clean. I would definitely stay here again.

Craig Sutton
7년 전에 – Google


Very clean and nice place. Staff is excellent and very helpful. I would recommend this place to anyone needing a place to stay while in the area.

Emma Stroup
7년 전에 – Google


Good breakfast and dinner options. Rooms are clean and spacious. The only odd thing was there didn't ever seem to be someone at the front desk. You always had to use the phone and call them.

Kevin Anthony
7년 전에 – Google


Big clean rooms. Has full kitchenette which is very convenient. Free breakfast and diner. Breakfast was way better than holiday inn, unfortunately i was never able to try the diner, but they have free alcoholic beverages with diner.

Bart Schutz
8년 전에 – Google


Love this place. The rooms are comfortable, spacious and homey. The hotel is located in a great spot in Bloomington with easy access to the interstate and local surroundings. I just recently realized the outdoor patio area, nice area outside of the pool with grills and seating.

Joe Dix
8년 전에 – Google


Room was clean and feet didn't feel dirty after walking on carpet with bare feet which is always a plus. Beds were comfortable but lots of noise. Thin walls. Breakfast was good and hotel staff was great.

8년 전에 – Google


I attended a reception there and the facility was very clean amd orderly. The patio was a very nice place to socialize.

8년 전에 – Google


The only reason I'm giving it four stars is because both the pool and the hot tub are closed, but it doesn't state that on their website/when you book.

This was an overnight "staycation" with my 17 year old son. Literally all of our friends are in Florida for spring break & he has to work/we couldn't afford to go. I looked over reviews closely & this hotel had the most stars in the "loved it" department. We spent our day out in Bloomington, came back to check in, went to the pool after we unloaded, and found a "POOL CLOSED" sign on the door. I would have spent $50 less at another local hotel that had their pool clean, had I known this one was closed. VERY disappointed, to say the least.

Clean rooms, friendly staff, great breakfast. Everything else was perfect, but please let possible patrons know when you haven't cleaned the pool for use.

Nicki Kleinbauer
8년 전에 – Google


It's at a nice location across from Menards. The rooms are small but just enough room for even a family gathering. 2 large beds in one room connect to a nice bathroom. On the other side connected by a door is the living room with a TV and couch. That connects to a nice kitchen with a normal size fridge, not a mini, like most. You can adjust the tempature with a thermostat. Overall a nice hotel to stay in.

Chris Leisring
9년 전에 – Google


Room was nicely furnished. Breakfast was better than some, but not the best. Comfortable lobby. Easy access from parking lots. Little pool area for kids. Spa was nice enough.

Aubrie Maxwell
11년 전에 – Google


We had a fantastic stay and found the hotel staff helpful.

Brian Fisher
11년 전에 – Google


Made a reservation on the main web site for Hilton. Needed to cancel. Turns out it is non refundable. Did not mention it at the time it was booked. Called the hotel their response "tough I do not know what the main web sight does" really? I will never stay at a Hilton property again. I cut my Hilton Honors card up. Marriott is my new choice. I hope they enjoy the $267 bucks for 1 night stay. I know it will not hurt such a big chain if I never stay again. This is just a warning to check to be sure they do not play these sneaky games with you and you're hard earned money.

John Doe
11년 전에 – Google


Actually things weren't too bad when we checked in. Everything looked nice, good facilities, seemed clean. Seemed clean, that is, until I'd been laying in bed for about 30 minutes and was prepareing to turn off the light. Thats when I saw 3 reddish-brown specks on the comforter. Yup...bedbugs. We had a large group using two rooms and the rest of the hotel was full so at 1:30am we all had to pack up and leave. To make things worse, the manager on duty refused to refund the other room because he thought we all should have just stayed in there. Sleep on the floor of a hotel where I've already found BED BUGS?! I don't think so!!!