 10 8104 отзывов

Element New York Times Square West

311 West 39th Street, Between 8th and 9th Avenue, Нью-Йорк, NY 10018, США доступа

Element New York Times Square West

Добро пожаловать в Element New York Times Square West, в 3 кварталах от огней Бродвея и в 8 милях от аэропорта Ла-Гуардия. Были в нескольких минутах ходьбы от Macys и Radio City Music Hall, и в нескольких шагах от метро для легкого доступа к Города обязательно посмотреть сайты.
Поддерживать свой баланс. Наше государство-оф-современный фитнес-центр и здоровое питание варианты помогут вам быть в лучшем. Яркие и открытые многоцелевые общественные места вдохновляющие настройки для работы, игры, общение и разматывать.
Потренируйтесь в умнее пространстве. Наши открытого потока номера предназначены для удовлетворения всех ваших потребностей, с полностью оборудованными кухнями, подпись Heavenly® кровать, и многое другое, все вдумчи- омолодить вас за работу или играть.

Situated in the heart of the city, Element New York Times Square West provides the utmost convenience whether you're visiting for work or pleasure. We're within easy reach of the area's many businesses and sought after attractions, including the best of Broadway just 3 blocks away. Indulge in some retail therapy at Macys, less than a mile from our door or spend an evening catching an unforgettable concert at Radio City Music Hall or game at Madison Square Garden, also nearby. Explore the many wonders of Central Park for a pretty and peaceful dose of nature in the heart of the city. Or step out into the urban jungle for endless dining, shopping, and sightseeing options in neighborhoods like Soho, Tribeca, Harlem, and beyond.

Get in touch with us and we'll fill you in on all the local attractions and happenings.



Element New York Times Square West
311 West 39th Street, Between 8th and 9th Avenue, Нью-Йорк, NY 10018, США


  • интернет
    Бесплатный Интернет
  • Бесплатный Wi-Fi
  • Высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет
  • Беспроводное подключение к интернету в общественных местах
  • Wi-Fi
  • Транспорт
  • Стоянка для машин
  • стойка регистрации
    24-часовая приемная
  • Камера хранения багажа
  • Консьерж
  • Ускоренная регистрация заезда
  • Экспресс-выезд
  • Рецепция
  • продолжать работать
    Бизнес центр
  • Бизнес-услуги
  • Генеральная
    Подключение номера
  • Интерьер коридоров
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Услуги в отеле
    Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Двуязычные сотрудники
  • Посадочный талон печати из имеющихся
  • Монета работает прачечная
  • Сухая чистка
  • Пожарная безопасность соответствует
  • Бесплатный газеты в вестибюле
  • Полное уборка
  • Продуктовый доступны сервис покупок
  • Фен
  • Уборка номера ежедневно
  • Гладильная доска
  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
  • Многоязычный персонал
  • На месте прачечная
  • Сейф
  • Безопасность
  • Услуги уборки
  • Услуги же день химчистка
  • Служба пробуждения
  • Магазины
    Подарок / Газетный киоск
  • Магазины и коммерческие услуги
  • Торговые автоматы
  • Путешествия с другими
    Домашние животные разрешены
  • доступной
    Доступ объекты
  • Доступная парковка
  • Лифты
  • Мероприятия
  • Свадебные услуги
  • Зеленые объекты
    Аренда велосипедов
  • Бесплатные велосипеды


  • связь
    Две телефонные линии
  • Постельные принадлежности
    Фирменная матрас
  • Предоставляются
  • Супер удобная кровать
  • Особые возможности
    Смежные комнаты
  • Затемненные шторы Шторы /
  • Звукоизолированные номера
  • Еда и напитки
    Кофеварка / Чайник
  • Посудомоечная машина
  • Плиты и чаши
  • Холодильник
  • Плита
  • Развлекательная программа
    ДВД плеер
  • ТВ
  • Бизнес
    Порт данных
  • Письменный стол
  • Эргономичное кресло
  • Телефон
  • Генеральная
  • Кондиционер с индивидуальным контролем в номере
  • Будильник
  • Железо
  • Не курить
  • Безопасно
  • Детекторы дыма
  • Услуга пробуждения по телефону


  • Велнес
    Клуб здоровья
  • фитнес
    Гимнастический зал

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Шведский стол
  • Выходной сигнал переноса завтрак
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный континентальный завтрак
  • Горячий завтрак
  • Особое внимание
    Бесплатный кофе в лобби
  • БЕСПЛАТНАЯ вечерний прием
  • Бесплатный кофе в номере или чай
  • Кухонное оборудование
  • Кухонька
  • Выходы типа
    Продукты питания и напитки точек
  • Ресторан


  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный континентальный завтрак
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Шведский стол
  • Выходной сигнал переноса завтрак
  • Горячий завтрак

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 15:00
  • Отъезд: 12:00

Отмена политики
Отмены политики будет варьироваться в зависимости от тарифного плана и / или дату (ы) бронирования. Пожалуйста, см Оценить и политической информации "при проверке наличия мест."

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Room rates include the accommodation of children (17 years old or younger) who sleep in the existing bedding of a guest room. Rollaway beds and cribs may incur extra charges.

Размещение домашних животных допускается по запросу.
Мы приветствуем одно животное в комнате весом до 50 фунтов. Отказ от прав требуется при регистрации и домашние животные должны быть упаковали, когда один в комнате. Дополнительные сборы за уборку может взиматься.

Способ оплаты


Язык общения

  • Английский

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 4
  • Количество спальных комнат: 411
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 1200 sq. ft.
  • Вместимость самого большого конференц-зала: 90


  • Доступная парковка
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Парковка


  • Полное бизнес-центр
  • Принтер
  • Ксерокс
  • Факс
  • Плата взимается за первой странице исходящих факсов
  • На территории бизнес-центра
  • Конференц-залы
  • Голосовая почта
  • Компьютер
  • Сеть / интернет печать доступна
  • Доставка на следующий день / пикап
  • Бесплатные входящие факс
  • Подключение Ethernet
  • Бизнес центр
  • Телефон
  • Бесплатный бесплатные номера

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Экономия: Element Hotels стремится удовлетворить все нужды своих гостей, оберегая окружающую среду. Все кухонное оборудование в номерах соответствует стандарту энергосбережения Energy Star. Мы также стараемся максимально использовать материалы вторичной переработки при строительстве и отделке. Повторное использование: Повсюду, где это возможно, в оформлении Element использованы экологичные материалы. Ковровое покрытие на полах на 100 % изготовлено из материалов вторичной переработки. Декор на стенах смонтирован на основе, изготовленной из старых шин. А благодаря использованию краски с низким содержанием летучих органических соединений гости и персонал могут дышать чистым воздухом. вторичная переработка: Мы используем столовое серебро и стеклянную посуду, чтобы снизить количество отходов пластиковой и бумажной посуды. Для ванных принадлежностей вместо множества мини-флакончиков мы применяем систему диспенсеров. А в номерах установлены корзины для сбора отходов бумаги, пластика и стекла.

  •  Аренда велосипедов
  •  Бесплатные велосипеды

  •  Сохранение культурного наследия
  •  Меры энергетики / экономии воды, предотвращение отходов и эффективность использования ресурсов
  •  Меры энергетики / экономии воды, предотвращение отходов и эффективность использования ресурсов
  •  Сохранение культурного наследия



Элементные отели направлены на то, чтобы ограничить влияние на окружающую среду. Все кухонные приборы для гостей имеют оценку Energy Star. Элемент также использует как можно больше переработанных материалов в проектировании и строительстве. Дизайн элемента включает в себя экологически чистые материалы, где это возможно. Полы оснащены коврами с 100% переработанным контентом и переработанными ковровыми подушками. Искусство на стенах установлено на основе, сделанной из переработанных шин. И краски с низким содержанием ЛОС (летучие органические соединения) улучшают качество воздуха в помещении для гостей и персонала. Отели используют серебро и стеклянную посуду, чтобы уменьшить отходы, генерируемые пластиковой посудой и бумажными стаканчиками. Удобства для ванны находятся в системе дозатора, а не расточительными множественными мини-дночками. А номера включают в себя утилизацию мусорных баков для бумаги, пластика и стекла. С широким приверженностью бренда отелям сертификации LEED вышли в лидерство в зеленом. Все элементы отелей будут продолжать сертификацию LEED Совета по зеленым зданию США (USGBC), всемирно принятый эталон для проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации высокопроизводительных зеленых зданий.


Элементные отели направлены на то, чтобы ограничить влияние на окружающую среду. Все кухонные приборы для гостей имеют оценку Energy Star. Элемент также использует как можно больше переработанных материалов в проектировании и строительстве. Дизайн элемента включает в себя экологически чистые материалы, где это возможно. Полы оснащены коврами с 100% переработанным контентом и переработанными ковровыми подушками. Искусство на стенах установлено на основе, сделанной из переработанных шин. И краски с низким содержанием ЛОС (летучие органические соединения) улучшают качество воздуха в помещении для гостей и персонала. Отели используют серебро и стеклянную посуду, чтобы уменьшить отходы, генерируемые пластиковой посудой и бумажными стаканчиками. Удобства для ванны находятся в системе дозатора, а не расточительными множественными мини-дночками. А номера включают в себя утилизацию мусорных баков для бумаги, пластика и стекла. С широким приверженностью бренда отелям сертификации LEED вышли в лидерство в зеленом. Все элементы отелей будут продолжать сертификацию LEED Совета по зеленым зданию США (USGBC), всемирно принятый эталон для проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации высокопроизводительных зеленых зданий.

Полезности отзывы 8 104 отзывов

Baran Correa
4 года назад – Google


The staff was exceptional, always willing to help. The concierge who checked us in was especially helpful and explained everything thoroughly. He remembered our name and was always willing to help with whatever we needed, amazing staff members! We also liked how clean the hotel was, the cleaning staff is wonderful. I will recommend this hotel to my friends and family.

Farrah Dot
4 года назад – Google


The junior suite was IMMACULATE and the girl at check-in was an angel and showed me extra attention since it was my birthday. So friendly, respectful and polite. There was a small issue with me leaving my shoes and it was said to be in lost and found but when I went to pick them up they were "nowhere to be found". After speaking to the housekeeping manager she felt bad and gave me a full refund AND said whenever I come back to call for HER and she will make sure I get one of the best rooms (as if I already didn't have one 😍). So I know where I'm taking my daughter as a graduation gift 🙌🏾👩🏾‍🎓

Chanda Hopkins
4 года назад – Google


The best thing about the hotel was the staff. One woman in particular was absolutely wonderful . I think her name was Altice or something like that. She was the manager on duty when I stayed. If only she could be cloned and put at every hotel front desk! My experience with her and the staff that helped me with my suitcases made my stay a good one.

Eddie Clifton
6 лет назад – Google


Really nice hotel located in midtown Manhattan this hotel is relatively new and the rooms are well equipped including many with a kitchenette. You have to be very quick in the morning to get the hot breakfast buffett because there is a huge line waiting for the kitchen to bring it out. If you're five minutes late you won't get breakfast :-) they have a good selection of coffees as well in the morning.

Carl Thacker
6 лет назад – Google


Good location but Family Room was small for 4 - 2 double beds in similar size room to friends single occupancy. Lifts absolute joke with long waiting times. Steep fire stairs often with bags of rubbish in way. Fire dept take note. Breakfast limited and did not have enough seating so people balancing food on laps in reception area. No proper permanent bar. 3 faulty items in room reported 3 times to reception and only 1 resolved. Saving grace is its location

Nicolás Torchia
6 лет назад – Google


Great location. Friendly and helpful staff. Nice, clean rooms, some with truly amazing views of the city. Affordable prices (compared to other hotels in the area), and did I mention there's free breakfast and happy hour?

The only issue I find is that, with only 3 elevators and 40 floors, there's too much demand and you'll often find yourself waiting in line to get back to your room. Although this may be somewhat tiring, it can be overlooked taking into account everything else this hotel does great.

If you're looking for a room in Midtown Manhattan, I wouldn't hesitate to give Element a try. Highly recommended.

Tiffany Smith
6 лет назад – Google


Great moderately priced Times Square location. Rooms have a full refrigerator, a stove, microwave, and sink. Check in was a mess. We requested an early check in and were promised a room on a high floor with a view. We were not able to check in until almost 3:30pm and had to take an available double room because we had reservations at 430 and couldn't wait any longer for a room.

The room was clean and had good space for a New York room. Most of the staff were friendly and helpful when we needed directions. The breakfast was just okay and never changed, eggs, bacon or sausage, bagels and fruit.

I would definitely recommend to someone looking for an affordable Times Square option. But don't expect to get in your room early!

Normand Champigny
6 лет назад – Google


The hotel is really ideal. GREAT staff and the bell captains are super friendly and go out of their way to assist with any questions, The rooms are clean and the free offered breakfast is ideal. I would give this hotel five stars,,,,,,but their customer service is notorious when calling and you are on hold FOREVER !!!! I had to call more than once for an issue and the hold times are crazy. I would recommend this hotel.....but DON'T ever try to call this hotel. Bouncing e around like a tennis ball...

Robert Graham
6 лет назад – Google


This is a great hotel. It's busy but the rooms are decent sized for Midtown (still small but ok) and the staff is extra friendly and helpful. Free breakfast, free drinks in the lobby at night, and a full kitchenette in some rooms... All winning in my book. Cool younger vibe to the whole place too. Seems like a lot of young travelers from Europe stay here.

Charles Rosenthal
6 лет назад – Google


Great hotel! We have been coming here for years. We love that it is a green hotel. The loaner bikes are a great touch for people to get around the city to see the sites. The free breakfast is the best we have ever had from any hotel we have stayed at. If you don't mind the construction going on in the building behind the hotel and the occasional noise you will be ok. I also like the central location to times square, Hell's kitchen as well as other cool spots. I can go on.. I recommend this hotel. Even the rates for this time were very good.

Filippo Cesare Ferrara
6 лет назад – Google


Room are a little bit older than what you can see in the pictures. Bathrooms are quite new and there is a little view from the room at the higher floors (40floors).Better to get a room at higher floors to have more chance to catch an empty elevator to go down to the lobby. There is a rooftop accessible at least until 11PM, you can bring your food and drinks there to enjoy the day/night there. The hotel offer a drink ( beer, wine, juice, cola) from 5.30PM to 7PM with some fingerfood. The hotel worth the 3.9 🌟 is currently rated

Michelle Ledesma
6 лет назад – Google


Elements of a Westin property but could use a fresh coat of paint in rooms and some minor touch ups. Overall I was satisfied with my room. Liked having a little kitchen and huge fridge. Perfect for someone staying in NY for a long period. There's even a "Butler" feature you can text room service orders to which makes it convenient.

flor estella smiles
6 лет назад – Google


Great hotel. Great location and specially the help we received during checkout from the young man at the door by the name of James Reyes. I give him a total of 5 stars. I will be gladly recommending other guest to your establishment. Dennis G rm 2102

Mario Grasso
6 лет назад – Google


We had a room with two double beds, however the room was not designed to accommodate this. Very little room to move around and very small bathroom. One of the beds was literally up against the air conditioning unit.

The buffet breakfast was average and for three days the only bread available contained, what I think was, caraway seeds.

The three elevators that service the hotel were slow and there was often a long wait. One of the elevators seemed to break down often while we were there.

The location was good, close to a subway station and walking distance to Times Square, Broadway and Empire State Building.

Praveen Khems
6 лет назад – Google


Good place, right in the heart of happening places, good breakfast options was part of my room booking. No parking from hotel, there is an option of paid parking opposite to the hotel, for a day or two should be okay but not any will prefer to drive into NYC, however if you still need to have a car, then be prepared to shell out $60 per day. Rooms are preety decent size for the prime location.

David J. Salcido
6 лет назад – Google


The place is a great budget option, and the location is not great, but you can walk to better spots easily from here. Give yourself extra time for the elevators. They get full very quickly and the maids use it during the day so they are often occupied an take forever. The free breakfast and happy hour are nice, but very basic and you'd have a better time pretty much anywhere else in Manhattan.

Monique Claassen
6 лет назад – Google


A brilliant place. Great value for money. Bed is super comfy, room was equipped with kitchen area (great to make quick snacks), full laundromat in hotel, so great for a lengthy stay. Decent gym, very close to key attractions, super fast WiFi and super friendly staff. I would highly recommend it!

Radioactive Titan
6 лет назад – Google


Was very nice inside and it has a gym However some rooms did not have a very good view of New York. The breakfast had good bacon but there was not much different choices of cereal and not that much of each type. The beds were very comfy and it was comfortable even with a broken leg but the tables were too close to the bed. The staff were very kind to us especially James who helped us with suitcases and he gave us directions to us English people. The air con was a bit loud but was a good temperature. The shower was decent but was quite cold or too hot and some shower heads were too small but outside of the hotel there was a lot of bin bags but James kindly moved them out of the way for us. Room service was very kind and very fast.

Victor E. Mancusi
6 лет назад – Google


Element is a peculiar hotel. The street it's located on is a bit seedy at night, less so during day. Many pan-handlers to say the least. The hotel is safe and the rooms are decent, but tend to be small for my tastes. Some have a mini kitchen w sink stove and fridge and utensils/eatery which is nice.
The front desk is helpful and friendly and they lock the entrance at night so be sure you have your key card with you at all times for access.

The bonus of the location is you can get great rates here, under $100 sometimes. I wouldn't call it a family place necessarily. I mean it's fine and all but just from experience, it attracts a certain customer type that, while no real danger to you, are often up to sketchy things. To be fair, let's say I'm making educated guesses but they're still guesses I suppose.

Oh and the breakfast service in the morning is excellent!

6 лет назад – Google


This is a long overdue review! This hotel is awesome. The staff was incredible; everyone from the front desk to the bell desk. They stored our goods so we could eat out while our room was being prepared. The cool bellman was in shock of how heavy one of our suitcases was - lol :) But... the room was very nice. We had a nice kitchenette. We stayed at a higher floor. No issues with the elevator. And make sure to put a DO NOT DISTURB sign if you do not want to be disturbed, since they will clean the room otherwise. Breakfast was delicious. Fond memories of being here, and will be back for our 10 year anniversary.

Mariia Berezina
6 лет назад – Google


The room is 5 stars for the price and the location. We were located on further from the elevator and it was very quiet with amazing sound isolation from the street noise. The hotel is small but very tall, which leads to a big issue (and the reason it gets 3 stars from me) — many people in the lobby all the time. Because it’s so narrow, hundreds of people have to crowd in a small dining and lobby area. Elevators are actually not slow, the amount of people trying to get into them is an issue. If you are a tourist visiting NYC for a few days, it’s a good option. If you are in NYC for business or for longer than a few days, you might want to pick another hotel.

Mariana Martinez
6 лет назад – Google


Ok rooms with kitchenettes, bathrooms are modern and have mirrors with good lighting, rain showers. Comfortable beds. Public areas and elevators are getting shabby and need a remodel. During peak hours in the morning and afternoon sometimes you have to wait up to 20 minutes for an elevator. Free breakfast with hot and cold options. Staff generally really friendly and helpful. Sometimes you can find excellent deals on the rooms here. Otherwise no real incentive to stay here vs. other hotels.

Arthur Chung
6 лет назад – Google


This is definitely a family stay type of hotel. Check in process was smooth and quick. Elevators are slow, small, and not very clean. Rooms are lare and as defined, but pictures definitely make it nicer than they actually are. The actual rooms do not show well as there is a lot of damage to the furniture and not entirely clean.

Tyler David
6 лет назад – Google


Very nice room at a modest price with all the amenities needed. Great location to Times Square and PABT as well as subway access. The only issue was the elevators, there are only 2 for a 40 floor hotel so it took about 10 minutes to wait for an elevator downstairs to check-out.

abhisek mondal
6 лет назад – Google


Very conveniently located in the heart of New York City. The rooms are spacious and has a decent sized bathroom. The bathroom is very modern and updated. there's a kitchen too in the room too and they are well equipped along with full size refrigerator for quick fixes. The hotel also have breakfast and evening snacks and drinks, which are great perks for any kind of guests be it business or leisure. I did face some weird issues with my stay. I had some noisy neighbors which kept me up at night. Other was that both the bathroom sink taps was for hot water. Like I said, very weird. Otherwise it was a convenient stay.

Morgan Richter
6 лет назад – Google


I had a great 7 night stay with my partner over Christmas. Yes, the elevators get rather busy at certain peak times (I personally never saw more than 15-20 people waiting at a time), but we would tend to stay out quite late and by 10pm the lines were non existent, so if you're doing NYC right you shouldn't have a problem ;)
We didn't try the free breakfast, as we decided to make the most of our in-room facilities which, by the way, were fantastic! Especially ideal for Christmas day when we spent the day in bed, watching movies and stuffing our faces :)
We had a slight issue with the heating halfway through our stay, but a quick talk with the front desk on our way out for the day meant that our room was nice and toasty upon our return that afternoon.
I honestly can't fault the place - for a hotel with in-room kitchen facilities, right around the corner from Times Square, during the busiest time of the year, we were more than happy with the price and service that Element provided us.
Thank you!

6 лет назад – Google


First off when you want to park it's across the street and it cost $50 no matter what. That is cheap for the city, but it's still a daily cost.
The building is very close to the Lincoln Tunnel and not too far away from the heart of Times Square and across the street from Penn Station, so it's very very convenient.
As you enter the building especially on a winter day it's extremely windy and cold in the lobby, even the people behind the desk where in coats hats and scarves.
The elevators are small slow and cramped.
Thankfully we used Starwood points, because at $490 a night I would think I would at least get a reach-around or a happy ending, instead I got a bad continental breakfast that was extremely overcrowded kind of like a soup line in the depression.
The bed was fairly comfortable, its a small efficiency apartment, the water pressure is decent there is enough hot water.

Sena Kayasü
6 лет назад – Google


Our room had a kitchenette, complete with pans and place. We were very happy with our stay. However, the elevators are completely insufficient for the volume of people using them - retrieving a forgotten item from the room is a nightmare! Breakfast was good, but similarly insufficient (great food, but I dare you to find a table!).

Jennifer La Spina
6 лет назад – Google


Overall a good stay with a few glitches. The rooms we've stayed in on the higher floors (30s both stays) have been very quiet from street noise. Despite having adjoining rooms, there is nearly nothing heard between rooms, much less than in other hotels in a completely separated room. Nice views too. The rooftop terrace is a nice little space to take some pictures. The standard kitchenettes in every room are great - even for storing and reheating leftovers or storing drinks, snacks, breakfast. There was even a few frozen food dinner and breakfast options you could buy and heat in your room - incl. a gluten-free Lean Cuisine chicken dinner. Sweet snack options were too limited though (Milky Way and a Hershey's bar). Coffee downstairs was way too bitter and in the room way too weak. Breakfast being included was great, but for someone gluten-free, it was disappointing that they alternated eggs with pancakes since they only offer 2 hot items (1 meat, 1 main dish). Expanding to both eggs and a carb along with a meat would be greatly appreciated. Tea and coffee in the rear lobby is nice, but often not kept stocked (rectified upon request). The bed was pretty comfortable, but I found the pillows to be very uncomfortable - despite getting my requested firm ones. My neck is now uncomfortable. Bring your own if you need great neck support. Housekeeping was not informed of our late check-out, so they knocked a little before standard check-out which could've woken us up. My husband tried to inform a housekeeper on our floor a little earlier, but the language barrier prevented him. Both times we've stayed we've seen damage near the window caused by guests. This time the blackout shade was damaged from being pulled from the bottom instead of being pulled by the chain. It may be confusing since there's a chain on both sides of the window - 1 for the sheer shade and the other for the blackout liner. Perhaps a sign would prevent this. The blackout liner is awesome and even has side tracks to keep light from streaming out the sides. On our last visit in July the A/C window unit was cracked with a rattling noise (and dysfunctional) - likely from people having guests sit or lean on it for a picture. So if guests are careful and respectful, the setup is great. Guest service gets extremely mixed reviews. They repeatedly didn't answer the phone when we called prior to check-in. Some (Iman?) went above and beyond to help while others neglected a very important request.

Stephanie Kaiser
6 лет назад – Google


The hotel was quite full due to the NY Marathon but it was quiet from the inside. Comfortable beds, nice big bathrooms, well equipped kitchenette with good sized fridge. No soap in the bathroom until the 3rd night. Large crowds at breakfast which was nothing special.

Kirsty Stephens
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel is in great location with easy access to the subway. Although the room was quite spacious the hotel does need a few improvements. The elevators are really slow and the breakfast room just isn't big enough to accommodate for the number of guests. Price was right though and if you don't really want to spend a lot of time there, it does the job :)

Abel Bautista
7 лет назад – Google


It’s a nice hotel for the price. I think they can do a better job on the cleaning part. Other than that the staff is good and breakfast also. My stay here wasn’t bad there is a staff member his name is James. This guy was really friendly looks like a hard worker and he really has good customer service he made my stay here more comfortable. I wish him the best! Thanks!

Kelly Henry
7 лет назад – Google


The people here are some of the friendliest we've ever encountered at a hotel stay! The concierge is very helpful for navigating the city in the subway system! We stayed here a year ago and loved it so much because it's centrally located we decided to choose this hotel a second time.

Jessie Parkinson
7 лет назад – Google


Great location, clean, close to subway station. They serve breakfast included in the price. Really nice staff, super nice rooms and super extra comfy beds. Rooms have kitchenette and big fridge, kitchen utensils and such. If I ever go back to NY I will book this hotel again. My family of 5 really enjoyed our 2 day stay.

7 лет назад – Google


First the good: The location is great for where I need to be in New York. Also, the front desk staff is very friendly and helpful. Now the bad; The elevators are badly in need of updating; recently, I was on the eighth floor and trying to descend with luggage (to much to use the narrow stairs). The elevators, loaded with people from higher floors, were bypassing me. Solution (ridiculous) was to ride up in order to come down. Also, the breakfast is distinctly sub-par for an Element (I've stayed in several), with a poor selection and broken equipment. Specifically, the bagel cutters are so old and worn out that they squash the bagels more than slice them. Also, one of the two toasters was down. The elevators would be expensive to upgrade, but the breakfast could be made better at little additional cost.

Markus Lang
7 лет назад – Google


A good hotel for a good price, but not as green as they told.

Stayed here for 7 nights. It is a good hotel, with a great location near Times Square.
The noise from the street was audible, but okay. Also the view from the room was great.

+ big rooms and big bath
+ friendly employees
+ great location
+ quiet fridge

- dirty shutters
- dusty rooms because of the a/c
- they use plastic dishes for the breakfast

Tom Biscardi
7 лет назад – Google


I only stayed here 1 night, but it was an okay experience. Staff was friendly once they realized I was in line trying to check in. I requested a room on a high floor online, and did get what I requested. Room had a great view! Breakfast in the morning was packed, but the bagels were good. I did end up waiting for the elevator a few times, but I brought that upon myself requesting the highest floor available. I really wanted to check out the roof area, but didn't get a chance. I judge hotels on their bathrooms, and this one was great! I'm pretty tall, and the shower was perfect for me.

Ki Shore
7 лет назад – Google


The room was not bad at all. Quite nice actually. It's because of the really bad set of elevators that I'm giving this place only 3 stars. Be prepared to add 15-20 minutes for *each* trip on the elevator because it never seems to stop on your floor. There are only 3 elevators that are ultra weight sensitive. So, if there are more people one an elevator than it can handle, it will just bypass your floor, doesn't matter if you press the up or down elevator.

Everybody at the hotel during my 4 day stay was frustrated with this. This gets really bad
a) during the morning breakfast hours when everyone is trying to either come down to the lobby for it or go back up to their rooms.
b) after breakfast time is over at 9:00 AM. when people are trying to check out and coming down with their luggage.

Hanadi Jaber
7 лет назад – Google


Well located hotel, with a nice happy hour in the evening. Cons are the sizes of double beds are smaller than queen, the AC is very noisy and the two elevator are not enough for a 40 stories building. It takes ages to go up and down.

Kris Carter
7 лет назад – Google


First impression is very tired and worn out. The customer service was good and they were all nice. But that is expected.

One elevator was broken and out of service entire time. The other elevator was being used for service when we arrived and the other one for us had line all the way through lobby to front door.
Been a long time since I have seen a stairwell with people on it in a line going both up and down.

Bed is clean. Towels are car towels and rough. There is a kitchen right next to bed and the dishwasher flooded floor when housekeeper ran it to wash one glass

I did not enjoy my stay

Gabriel Nicolau
7 лет назад – Google


Great room with double beds, small studio style kitchenette with full fridge. Only thing is that the elevators aren't well optimized -- only 3 for the entire place and in the mornings it takes forever with the elevator stopping on nearly every floor. Other than that though, great hotel to stay in with free happy hour drinks and free breakfast.

Moe Moeson
7 лет назад – Google


Clean rooms with kitchenette are nice, and with up to date equipment,except for the AC units, which are old and loud. Large "rainfall" shower heads and walk-in showers, although the floor is inexplicably sloped away from the drain, causing water to pool. The building itself is modern.

The elevators are insufficient for the amount of rooms and floors in this building, meaning long wait times in the morning getting to the lobby, and long lines of people in the lobby trying to get back to their rooms. Plan at least an extra 10-15 minutes of elevator wait time.

The "full breakfast" mentioned on their website as being included in the rate is not actually a full breakfast. Instead, it's bagels, muffins and some cereal, along with coffee and juice. There is no hot or warm food, although you can special order hard boiled eggs.

Vince T
7 лет назад – Google


It's a decent hotel but not a good value. It's the little things that spark quality and it's these little details that fail here. The shower floor slants away from the drain so water puddles up. The air conditioner unit is loud and old. And as everyone else noticed, the elevator banks are slow. It seems that they could use with a dedicated service elevator. The staff has no qualms about holding an elevator on a floor indefinitely. But location is very convenient, and rooms are clean.

Roxana Mercado
7 лет назад – Google


Great Location, room has solid surface flooring which is nice, Enjoyed small Kitchen in the studio. Elevators were an issue, waiting for more than 10 minutes. Breakfast is included and a good offer but the area is too small, warm, crowded most of the time. Not replenished or cleared out often enough, very uncomfortable. Employees were friendly. Lobby needs refreshing.

Takaki Makino
7 лет назад – Google


Location is very close to Porr authority bus terminal and has easy access from airports. The room was cozy and the bed was so comfortable. The room has a kitchen and nice for long stay. They offered free beer and drink at 5:30-7:00pm on Monday to Thursday and that was nice. -1 for breakfasts, had no salad and were almost the same everyday.

Keith Young
7 лет назад – Google


Good location, central to quite a few points of interest. Service is friendly, complimentary breakfast is good. Rooms are nice if a bit small, but if you're in NYC you're probably not spending that much time in your room. So far, my only negative is the lack of enough conveniently placed electrical outlets to charge devices from. Otherwise, I'd probably stay here again on a future return trip.

Fabricio Barbosa
7 лет назад – Google


It is a great hotel, very well located and has bigger rooms than great part of NY hotels. The complimentary breakfast is good and helps a lot. The staff could be a little more kind.

Shannon Assad. . j
7 лет назад – Google


Awesome staff! My husband had a medical emergency during our stay & numerous staff members went above and beyond to assist us. From house keeping, to front desk & management... We were grateful for the additional help from everyone. It's very overwhelming to be visiting from out of state and experience an emergency situation like we did. We really appreciated their assistance! They even extended our checkout time to accommodate our late flight.

Noah Lebowitz
7 лет назад – Google


Hotel is really nice. Very modern inside. Only complaint is the walls in our room had a ton of scuff marks and needs to be painted. Also white marks on the wallpaper.

The showers were amazing, got instantly hot, which was great during the blizzard!

Kathy kaiden
7 лет назад – Google


Great location. Not far from Times Square. Safe area. Clean and nice room. Room is small but for the price it's a great value.

Christina Weintraub
7 лет назад – Google


Service was fine, other guests were quiet and we'll mannered but the overall scenery of a 4 star hotel could have been more appealing. The rooms were a bit small for the price. It was a bit noisy outside from cars honking their horns bit that is of course not the hotels fault.

Kelvin Chirnside
7 лет назад – Google


Customer service was excellent, room was very clean and of good size. Had all utensils, plates, mini kitchen, coffee machine etc great size room, nice shower and bathroom. A couple of blocks away from Times Sq so everything you need is on the doorstep. Would definitely use Element in the future.

Anushka Gopeechund
7 лет назад – Google


I enjoyed my stay. The bedding is superb, the view I had was on the new york times building. The rooftop view is amazing. Breakfast is alright and the free snack and drink on Monday-Thursday 5-7pm is a great hit. Love it. Missed a star because the amenities and coffee refills were not daily and I had to go down to the front desk often to ask for them.

Jerrell Underwood
7 лет назад – Google


Good Hotel, Bad Experience -

My girlfriend and I stayed at this hotel for four days 01/26 - 01/29. Check-in for our suite was fairly seamless and the staff was helpful. Getting up to the room took a while because one of their elevators was temporarily disabled (which seemed to happen around the same time everyday), and the other two took forever going between the 30+ floors.

The first thing we noticed was that the room, while clean, looked nothing like the suite we booked online. The layout was entirely different and MUCH smaller, the view - nonexistent (but that was expected) and the furniture available was not what we expected based on the site. To make it worse, no other suites were available.

We were also greeted by the fabulous sounds of construction 15 ft. outside our window 3 of the 4 days we were there (Sunday being the exception). Hammering, drilling, saws, you name it, we heard it, 6 am - 5 pm , all day! On top of that, there was scaffolding on the other building that just so happened to be directly level with our room, meaning they could and DID see clearly in our room, everyday. My girlfriend got out the shower and two of the workers were standing at an opening in the building and we had to immediately close the curtains. This forced us to have to keep everything closed at all times, but overall I guess that wasn't so bad since there were nothing but old, rundown buildings to look at. However, the perverted construction workers we could have done without.

1* - Clean hotel
1* - Helpful staff
-* For misleading pictures and descriptions on their website
-*No mentioned of the tremendous amount of noisy construction with sight lines that lead right to your bedroom
-*Extremely small room/bathroom with little room to maneuver.

Needless to say, won't be staying at this hotel again should we take another trip to NYC.

Jean-Sebastien Normandeau
7 лет назад – Google


I really enjoyed the breakfast and happy hour they provided. As well the friendly staff was very helpful with recommendations and help guide use to where we needed to go. I would recommend this place to anyone wanting to stay in New York.

Chareen Lim
7 лет назад – Google


Small room, typical of NYC. Small kitchenette and large fridge are nice features. Large gym with plenty of treadmills, some nautilus machines, and free weights. Breakfast had write a bit of variety though the crowds made eating in the lounge area difficult. Since there are 40 floors, usually a wait for the elevators. Very friendly staff, especially the cleaning crew.

Easie Flo
7 лет назад – Google


The rooms have a decent view and are full of amenities. A full kitchen in the suite made it super simple to want to stay a week or more. Convenient location to activities and good food.

Jean Martin Hemmi
7 лет назад – Google


Very good location near to shops and time square. Room space is good and equipped with a kitchenette. Only pain are the elevators really bad programmed. In the morning it take sometimes up to 20 mins to get one.

Patrick Woo
7 лет назад – Google


Wasn't as great or nice as other element. However it's in the mid of Manhattan and for such a big hotel it's not bad at all. Biggest complaint is the waiting time for an elevator could take as much as 10-15minutes in the busiest hour.

Gabriel Woo
7 лет назад – Google


Great location 5 minute walk to times square. Very small elevators typical small hotel building in NYC. Rooms are decent size. Make sure your room isn't beside the elevator shaft.

Vivek Katarya
7 лет назад – Google


Element New York Time Square West offered a pleasantly comfortable stay on a budget. It's a stone throw away from the heart of Time Square and literally everything is in walking distance. The neighborhood is quite decent and the amenities at the hotel are just great. Imagine, a complementary happy hour and snacking for the hotel guests. The breakfast had limited options but one cannot really complain given it was, yet again, complementary and tasted quite good. Loved the stay, enjoyed the view from the 22nd floor, definitely recommended.

Aaron Drew
8 лет назад – Google


Location is great. Staff great. 3 elevators for 40 floors though is VERY painful. Can take 15 minutes to get down from 10th to ground. It's easier to take the stairs. Also, the rooms have ancient air-con units that sound like freight trains when they start up - bear in mind if you're a light sleeper.

Helen Cheung
8 лет назад – Google


The room was very nice with a cute mini kitchen. The staff were friendly as well, provided detailed answers if you had any questions. I didn't utilize most of the service there so I wouldn't know how they are but my experience was good. The only problem were the elevators. There are 3 but it would miss our floor a lot because the system might have been reset and we would have to constantly press the button to make sure it would come to our floor. Other than that, everything was neat and clean and I didn't hate my experience there.

David Meier
8 лет назад – Google


Likely the worst SPG hotel I've ever stayed. Rooms are newer, but not particularly clean which is due to the extremely high volume this property does on a daily basis . The elevators are ridiculous. Each morning it took us 20 minutes to get out from the 23rd floor onto the street. Also, hotel is very touristy. Breakfast each morning packed (I mean packed) with non English speaking people buzzing around the free breakfast as if they've not eaten in a week. Hot, smelly, lobby ensures you know you're in NY. Very unpleasant stay. On a positive note, the staff was excellent whenever needed both in checking in late and leaving late.

Richard Maizell
8 лет назад – Google


If the room itself is the basis for rating, the the hotel deserves 4 stars. Comfortable and well equipped (light out in shower stall). Also great midtown location, helpful staff, and decent rates for NYC. The elevators during peak time are a disaster. Waited ten minutes for an elevator on the way down and going up it seemed to have a mind of its own, going up to the 22nd floor, then down to the basement (we were going to 37.). Breakfast was mobbed and the A/C was off so the room was sweltering. Guests spilled into the lobby to find a place to sit. Very unappealing.

Justin Kramer-Ramirez
8 лет назад – Google


My stay here, overall, was not bad. Just don't expect the "free breakfast" to be edible - or pleasant. You have grown adults shoving through a breakfast line to grab some dry "eggs" and pathetic potatoes before running to grab a seat. As long as you don't factor in the breakfast as part of the overall value - you may not be disappointed (except by the location, which is 'central' but also disgusting, dirty, and crowded).

Quentin Smith
8 лет назад – Google


Location is pretty good; it is a block from one of the entrances to the 42nd street ACE station. The hotel has modern flourishes like brand new sinks and showers. Unfortunately, the rooms are clearly tired underneath. My room's door frame was twisted and couldn't even be locked without leaning my whole body against the door. The room wasn't clean with visible dust on the floor and in the air conditioner grill. Basically, this seems like an average NYC hotel to me. If you can get it for a good price, great. But check around; there are a ton of nearby hotels, some even on the same block. You might find a hotel that has a better price for a similar room.

Arjun Seth
8 лет назад – Google


Built for the traveling corporate worker in town for a few days, this hotel is bolstered by its location and proximity to all things NYC: cabs, the train, the West Side, all touristy targets, and Midtown rooftop bars.

Aside from that, it could really use more attention from the Westin Company. Understaffed and slow, this hotel is NOT for the visiting family of 4 that want to enjoy the convenience of being near Times Square without paying the big bucks.

James Johnson
8 лет назад – Google


The hotel is conveniently located and offered some nice amenities. But a lot of broken items in the rooms, lobby and elevator. Like the owners minimized maintaining the building over maximizing revenue.

Shenna Pinkett
9 лет назад – Google


Location! Location! Location! Loved staying here. You have to check out the rooftop views. The only reason I'm giving 4/5 stars is because the elevator wait can be quite long especially if you're in a hurry.