 5 846 отзывов

Embassy Suites by Hilton Parsippany

909 Parsippany Boulevard, Parsippany, NJ 07054, США доступа

Embassy Suites by Hilton Parsippany

Этот отель находится в 100% некурящих. Добро пожаловать в Embassy Suites Parsippany NJ отеле. Наш недавно отреставрированный отель класса люкс находится всего в нескольких милях от Межгосударственного 80 и Межгосударственного 287 и находится недалеко от международного аэропорта Ньюарк. Наш отель расположен недалеко от многих достопримечательностей Parsippany NJ делает нас главное предназначение для столовой торгового бизнеса или даже романтического отдыха. Наш отель является гордым членом семьи Хилтон брендов в Parsippany Нью-Джерси.
Интересные места возле Embassy Suites Parsippany Отель * Исторические Морристаун Нью-джерси- домом для различных ресторанов специализированных магазинов и многочисленных местных событиях и достопримечательностях
* Найдите время, чтобы посетить наш район universities- Университета Дрю и Фарли Дикинсон университета
* The Mall в Short Hills- торговый центр включает в себя 170 специализированных магазинов
* Наслаждайтесь легкий доступ к местным корпорациям, таких как Pfizer EBI Cadbury Adams КПМГ Pharma Novartis Honeywell CNA Merrill Lynch ADP IMS Health Deloitte и Degussa
* В пределах 5 миль Picatinny Arsenal- штаб-квартиры национальной безопасности для штата Нью-Джерси
После того, как волнующий день посещения Parsippany отступление в свой просторный святилище, чтобы обновить ваше настроение. Гости нашего отеля Parsippany Нью-Джерси совершенно балуют роскошными номерами и все удобства в доме.
Услуги отеля Embassy Suites Parsippany Отель * Роскошные двухкомнатные люксы предлагают с отдельной спальней и просторной гостиной
* Бесплатный Приготовленные-To-Order Breakfastcarefully подготовленные нашими поварами первоклассных
* Бесплатные вечерние менеджера * с Прием предлагая прохладительные напитки и легкие закуски
* Bistecca ресторан - бар с изысканной тосканской кухни * Опыт работы в номере Питание предусмотрено Bistecca * Наслаждайтесь пышной тропической атриум, который можно просматривать на всей территории отеля
* Игристое крытый бассейн джакузи и фитнес-центр Групп и совещаний Услуги трансфера в Parsippany отеле Embassy Suites
* Гибкий отель конференц-зал в Парсиппани * Профессиональный персонал заседание как

Conveniently located at the junction of Routes 287, 80, 46 and 202. Just 35 minutes from Newark International Airport and 45 minutes from Manhattan. We are an all suite hotel in a suburban location with easy access from all major highways, many Fortune 500 Companies, Downtown Morristown & shopping.



Embassy Suites by Hilton Parsippany
909 Parsippany Boulevard, Parsippany, NJ 07054, США


  • интернет
    Бесплатный Wi-Fi
  • Высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет для ноутбуков в общих помещениях
  • Беспроводное подключение к интернету в общественных местах
  • Транспорт
    Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Охраняемая парковка
  • Доступ Поезд
  • Транспортные услуги - локальная
  • Транспортные услуги - местное отделение
  • стойка регистрации
    24-часовая приемная
  • Камера хранения багажа
  • Заезд киоск
  • Ранний заезд
  • Ускоренная регистрация заезда
  • Экспресс-выезд
  • Рецепция
  • Поздний выезд предоставляется
  • Технический консьерж
  • продолжать работать
    Бизнес центр
  • Письменный стол с электрической розетке
  • Фотокопия центр
  • Генеральная
  • Подогрев номера
  • Интерьер коридоров
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Личное ванна или душ
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Услуги в отеле
    24-часовая охрана
  • Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Пожарная безопасность соответствует
  • Полное уборка
  • Продуктовый доступны сервис покупок
  • Фен
  • Уборка номера ежедневно
  • Гладильная доска
  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
  • Громкая
  • Сейф
  • Безопасность
  • Услуги уборки
  • Служба пробуждения
  • Магазины
    Подарок / Газетный киоск
  • Разный / магазин
  • Путешествия с другими
    Программы по уходу за детьми
  • Дети приветствуют
  • Семья план
  • Домашние животные разрешены
  • доступной
    Доступ объекты
  • Лифты
  • Мероприятия
  • Вечерний прием
  • Зеленые объекты
    Участие местного сообщества


  • связь
    Высокоскоростной интернет
  • Многоканальный телефон
  • Громкоговоритель
  • Две телефонные линии
  • Голосовая почта
  • Постельные принадлежности
  • Диван-кровать
  • ванная комната
    Банные принадлежности
  • Ванна
  • Для ванны и душа в сочетании
  • Еда и напитки
    Кофеварка / Чайник
  • Микроволновая печь
  • Мини-холодильник
  • Мокрый бар
  • Развлекательная программа
    Все новости канала
  • Кабельное телевидение
  • CNN доступны
  • Бесплатные фильмы / видео
  • Газета
  • Бизнес
  • Порт данных
  • Письменный стол
  • Письменный стол с лампой
  • Телефоны с автоответчиком
  • Генеральная
    Кондиционер с индивидуальным контролем в номере
  • Будильник
  • Пожарная тревога
  • Железо
  • Не курить
  • Само-управляемая система отопления / охлаждения
  • Детекторы дыма


  • Бассейн
    Внутренний бассейн
  • Пул
  • Велнес
  • Массажные услуги
  • фитнес
    24-часовой фитнес-центр
  • Сердечно-сосудистые упражнения
  • Гимнастический зал
  • Фитнес-центр на месте
  • Тяжелая атлетика
  • спорт
  • Беговая дорожка
  • Ракетбол
  • Зимние виды спорта
  • Теннисный корт
  • культурный
    Детская программа
  • Игры / фильмы
    Игровая комната

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Шведский стол
  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный американский завтрак
  • Особое внимание
    Бесплатные коктейли
  • БЕСПЛАТНАЯ вечерний прием
  • Бесплатный кофе в номере или чай
  • Лобби кофейный сервиз
  • Приветственный напиток
  • Сервисы
    Обслуживание номеров
  • Зеленая пища
    Местные и сезонные блюда
  • Кухонное оборудование
  • Выходы типа
  • Бары / бары
  • Ресторан


  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный американский завтрак
  • Шведский стол

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 16:00
  • Отъезд: 11:00

Отмена политики
Все оговорки должны быть отменены за 24 часа до прибытия время пребывания если только депозита REQ. Если эта оговорка была сделана в электронном виде, пожалуйста, отменить его в электронном виде, чтобы избежать путаницы и не-шоу законопроект. Политика для изменения.

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Дети до 18 лет и при размещении в одном люксе с родителем.

Размещение домашних животных допускается по запросу.
MEDIUM ЖИВОТНЫЕ РАЗРЕШЕНЫ - до 40 фунтов. 50.00 не возвращается плата. Добро пожаловать мешок для вашей собаки или кошки.

Язык общения

  • Английский

Консьерж советы

If you’re winding down for the day or gearing up for the night, have a more relaxing evening at our complimentary Evening Reception. The complimentary Evening Reception held nightly features free snacks and beverages for guests. Choose from a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages while enjoying light appetizers and great conversation with family or coworkers. It’s more than perfect for adults and kids alike.

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 15
  • Количество спальных комнат: 274
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 1960 sq. ft.


  • Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Охраняемая парковка


  • Охранники
  • Макс вместимость

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Экологические проблемы оказывают влияние на благополучие людей и экосистем по всему миру. Мы стремимся работать как можно более эффективно по всей нашей цепочке создания стоимости. Для низкоуглеродистой будущем, мы уменьшаем и мониторинга использования энергии и воды. В рамках наших обязательств по сокращению наших отходов на свалки, мы создали всеобъемлющую стратегию для отходов и работают с WWF по сокращению пищевых отходов в нашей деятельности и цепочки поставок. Ответственные закупки делает разницу: мы источником товаров и услуг на местном уровне, как это возможно.

  •  Местные и сезонные блюда
  •  Участие местного сообщества


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 является всемирно известным стандартом, в котором описывается, как создать эффективную систему управления окружающей средой. Он предназначен для того, чтобы помочь предприятиям оставаться коммерчески успешными без пропускания экологических обязанностей, таких как: • Постоянно повышать их экологические показатели. Потребление • Содействие утилизации и восстановлению утилизации отходов. • Повышение осведомленности о экологии среди сотрудников и обучение их для принятия хорошей практики в своей деятельности. • Используйте эко-экологически чистые продукты.

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 основана на модели системы постоянного улучшения системы управления, также используемой для других известных стандартов, таких как ISO 9001 или ISO 14001. Это облегчает организациям интеграцию управления энергопотреблением в их общие усилия по улучшению качества и управления окружающей средой. ISO 50001 предоставляет основу требований для организаций для: - разработка политики для более эффективного использования энергии - исправить цели и цели для удовлетворения политики - Используйте данные, чтобы лучше понять и принимать решения об использовании энергии - Измерьте результаты - проверьте, насколько хорошо Политика работает и - постоянно улучшать управление энергией.

Полезности отзывы 8 46 отзывов

4 года назад – Google


This is a really nice hotel i highly recommend this to everyone really caring staff and really comfortable also very unique 👍

Barry Gordon
4 года назад – Google


Extended stay guest. Nice hotel with good breakfast. Staff is friendly and attentive. Facility could use a facelift. Doors all slam loudly and it is crazy busy with families and kids on the weekends.

Chaitanya Joshi
4 года назад – Google


For the first time I found that the hotel was not prepared for power cut. They handed over some torches and we were asked to get into the room. are expected them to have at least inverter so that the elevator or stairways are functional or lit up.
Coming to breakfast, they serve exactly same menu everyday. I stayed for 5 days and did not find any variety. Besides that staff is very helpful. Where are so room change I readily got it. I was allotted room immediately even when I checked in early. Rooms are big spacious. They have a heated pool and health centre which are just perfect. The restaurant or bar however isn't that grade.

Tlynn Lynn now
4 года назад – Google


If you need a place to stay for a night or two and want to save a few dollars this place is fine the room we had was clean. I went to the pool with my children and it literally felt like I was at a mosh pit the room and pool was FILLED with extremely LOUD people that also were obnoxious then I needed an extra 30 ton44 minutes when checking out because my.child got sick last minute and they wanted to charge me any place else I've stayed and they always would give me.extra time under about for free I wouldn't book here again

Maria Sarwar
4 года назад – Google


This was great, the hospitality of the staff was great, the bathroom in the room was huge and it had an awesome view. We're Hilton's honors and this hotel made me feel like a member and was so helpful during my stay. I was visiting New York via this hotel and they provided me information on how to get there. This hotel is also a short walk from a bus station that takes you directly to New York which is a major plus ♡

andre mccullough
6 лет назад – Google


Really nice hotel & staff was good also. The bed was soft and room was cool, the pool was nice just that the kids was there to 10:30pm. That was too long to have kids there, but over all I will go back there.

Yonatan S
6 лет назад – Google


As most Embassy Suites and hotels are beautiful places especially inside the building this one is one of the best. Their continental breakfast is not only great and it has also outdoor seating.
They have friendly staff especially
Christian lane, she will do everything in her power to make you satisfied.
All I can say is if I can get like Christina lane every place I do business with

David White
6 лет назад – Google


Beautiful hotel. Rooms are outdated. The ceiling in my bathroom had mold and hair on it. That being said, the bed was comfortable and room smelled fresh. Dinner was great and food was fresh and very tasty. Breakfast was average and quite bland. Staff was attentive and helpful. I would stay here again but would look at other options first.

Hector Franqui
6 лет назад – Google


Overall experience was good and pleasant. As most Hiltons, check-in was very fast.

- The lobby and indoor landscaping is amazing.
- The evening receptions with one free drink for every guest is a very nice plus.
- The room was spacious and comfortable. It also was clean and neat.

Negatives (minor):
- The pool was *very* full and noisy. No clean towels (saw a couple of people bringing towels from their rooms)
- There's a sink in the mini bar in the room, but no dish soap.
- Self parking is $8

Kevin Smith
6 лет назад – Google


This is a good quality hotel, but because it's in New Jersey, the free happy hour is limited to 1 drink. However, Darlene, the bartender is very nice and the food is pretty good. Rooms are clean and the Internet works fine.

A M Galitzky
6 лет назад – Google


Nice lobby to spend time. Room was clean but old condition. Phone was not working, light was broken. The room overall was an old condition which can definitely use some renovation.
Climate wasn't the best it was pretty warm in the room even after putting down the thermostat to the lowest.
I was here for two nights & house keeping service did nothing other than just vacuuming & changing towels, there were no changing beds, didn't got more soap in the bathroom & bathroom wasn't cleaned at all, etc.

Cindy Boucher
6 лет назад – Google


Clean, neat, very quiet, easy access. Pet friendly. 1 free drink voucher for each adult. Easy on/off from highway. Friendly. Unfortunately they have Direct TV and storm came through and no tv reception for about 30 minutes. But great otherwise.

Anton Hu
6 лет назад – Google


The suite itself was spacious, included a microwave and mini fridge. Despite having an open indoor layout, the sleeping area was quiet for a good night’s sleep. There is typically a parking fee, unless you’re part of a larger group.

However we had a major issue with our toilet, the flapper within the tank was not closing tightly upon flushing, which meant the tank would never fully refill. After calling the front desk we were told there were no other rooms we could be switched to (at fully capacity) and no one was around to fix the issue, as we had called around 11pm.

We had the option of using the 1st floor public restrooms or manually opening the tank and fully pushing the flapper each time, which we ended up doing. The hotel manager did try to rectify by reducing the room cost but it was a big annoyance and our issue seems to echo the other reviews here regarding outdated lodgings.

Franklin Silver
6 лет назад – Google


The room I had was quite good. Comfortable, spacious, lot of amenities. Breakfast included with an omelet station and lots of choices. There was a good selection of tees, a microwave, refrigerator and a coffee maker.

Jeff Fellman
6 лет назад – Google


Typical Embassy Suites... the beds, toiletries, towels, breakfast, etc. are all up to Hilton standards. However, you can tell it was a nice hotel in its heyday, but is pretty outdated. The rooms are large, but definitely need a remodel. The rooms look like they've taken a beating over the years with lots of scars, dents, scratches on the wall. They could use some new wallpaper, carpet, etc. The building itself just needs an upgrade. If i worked at Hilton, i would try to give the rooms the Homewood Suites treatment and remodel the lobby or at least the marketplace so that it doesn't look like a store going out of business... It's an affordable option when in the area so I'll likely continue to stay there.

aaron dobbs
6 лет назад – Google


Front desk staff is nice, rooms are clean. Maintenance could pay a little bit more attention to details. Too many kids running the halls without supervision. The beds are comfortable. The breakfast is wonderful. If it was an option I would give 4.5 Stars

6 лет назад – Google


Second time here..seems too be very packed each time I've stayed here and can be on the noisy side.. Otherwise nice concept, beautifully designed. Enjoyed looking out the glass in the elevator and hearing the sounds of the water falls on the way to and from my room.

Linda Henderson
6 лет назад – Google


We had to stay during a winter storm power outage. It was a nice treat. The hotel was clean and the service was friendly. The breakfasts were more than I expected. The atrium/interior was beautiful and my son thought it was "so cool".
The pool was great, except one day we asked for towels and it was almost an hour before someone brought them, we had been finished swimming for about 10 mins. I suppose after all the good, that inconvenience was small.

Tehila Mantel
6 лет назад – Google


Pretty nice and clean. Bathroom isn't dirty its just a little old. Great staff. They are very nice and accommodating. Lovely indoor garden and fountains. Overall a great stay.

Gabby Cabeo
6 лет назад – Google


They are continually helpful at this hotel. I loved that they had mobile check in so I could go straight to my room after such a long flight.

My mum came with me and we absolutely loved the indoor-outdoor feel of the hotel's center. We truly felt like we were a part of a community in there. It felt like home.

One other nice touch was having the Gold Member welcome bag already waiting in our room before we arrived. It was a nice little way to make us feel looked after for our stay.

George LaTorre
6 лет назад – Google


Great place !
It's like a self contained city inside with fountains, gardens, cobblestone trails. 2 different elevator areas with glass walls. Great hot breakfast. Pool was warm but crowded. Didn't try jacuzzi this time but did last time. Great staff ! Free drinks and snacks between 5:30 pm and 7. Love this place. Even if you come for just one overnight it feels like you've been here a couple of days

paul fylstra
6 лет назад – Google


I visited for a weekend business trip. The hotel is nicely maintained. The inside is unique with a park like setting on the first floor. Rooms are spacious and nice. The only downside is the hotel restaurant is not open for lunch.

6 лет назад – Google


Stayed here while attending my daughter's baby shower. Front desk personnel was very nice and helpful. We can't wait to stay there again next month when the baby is born.

Dave Fredericks
6 лет назад – Google


Had our wedding reception room block booked here. Did our rehearsal dinner at the restaurant on site. Attentive staff, ample parking, spacious rooms, and the best deal on shuttle service we could find in the area. Accomodated all of our guests, with a nice breakfast in the morning!

Pisces Queen
6 лет назад – Google


Though a little dated, the suites could use a minor revamp. . . I love this hotel. . . It's close enough and far enough to and from home to feel like I'm actually away on a one day or weekend vacation...lol. I love the lobby of this place. It almost has an exotic feel to it.

There is an indoor pool (the reason for our stays), breakfast bar included with a cook to make things on requests, a free complimentary drink from the bar and a few other conveniences. . . I would totally recommend this hotel.

Mary Liberty
6 лет назад – Google


Overall, a pretty nice stay. One major complaint I have is that our nonsmoking room reeked of cigarette smell. Other than that, the room was nice. A few minor fixes needed but nothing big. There is a parking fee which I thought was a little odd. Hotel itself was beautiful and reasonably priced and breakfast was fantastic. Omelette station was wonderful. Probably one of the best omelettes I’ve ever had.

Camille B.
6 лет назад – Google


The Embassy Suites is a long time area leader in this area. From Sweet 16s to a place for a business meeting, the staff here will go above and beyond. Thank you for being a great neighborhood partner!

Jahan Siddiqui
7 лет назад – Google


Great resort like atmosphere, rooms are spacious, location is good. Breakfast is extensive with personal omelettes etc made on site.
Need maintenance in the rooms on minor stuff and cleanliness need to increase 4 more notches.
Restaurant staff need to be more fie

Aaron Lubben
7 лет назад – Google


Really nice note friendly staff. Good breakfast and happy drink is a nice addition. Rooms are clean, bathtub was a little old, but functioned fine and was clean.

Jonathan Biron
7 лет назад – Google


Just got in last night. Mixed review/experience so far. The blackout liner for the curtain was missing on one side so the room was very bright in the morning. Given that we got in at 3 am, the sun waking us was not our ideal scenario. Coffee maker didn't work in the morning. Guest services is supposed to be taking care of these while we're out today, so we'll see how that is remedied. Bed was comfortable, pillows were mixed. Of the three on my bed, one was great, one "okay", and one awful. The room itself was mostly clean. We pulled out the hide-a-bed and found remnants of a previous guest's celebration and there was a Patrón cork under one of the other beds. Countertops, fixtures, cabinetry are all great, but parts of the wallpaper and paint, as well as patches in the bathroom look hastily and inexpensively done. Breakfast was crowded and the staff struggled to keep up, but overall a positive experience. Will update later in trip.

Tommy Zheng
7 лет назад – Google


Hotel is was easy to access right off of Rt 287. Ample amount of parking. Once I got inside it was not anything I've seen from other hotels. Certainly unique and almost mall like. Breakfast was served and available for guests. Definitely get the made to order breakfast. The employees we encountered were friendly I would definitely come back.

Maureen Hornecker
7 лет назад – Google


I attended for a business seminar and it has been excellent. The lobby is gorgeous and calming to walk through. Everything is clean, and they are so attentive with making sure we have water, coffee, and other refreshments. If I see Embassy Suites as a site for another class, I would take it in a heartbeat.

Denise Carr
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel doesn't quite live up to the standard of other Embassy Suites, perhaps a star rating below. But the rooms are clean, beds comfortable and breakfast is good. No showers for the pool and poor changing area (rest room). I bought a cotton dressing gown and flip flops with me, so wasn't a problem. Complimentary drinks pared down to one drink.

Joshua Yurman
7 лет назад – Google


Great staff, clean rooms. Great pool. They even were 100% on special requests; pack n play and extra towels were waiting for us on arrival! Details matter. They nailed it

Sean Quach
7 лет назад – Google


Beautiful open air floors overlooking a natural scenery indoors. Spacious rooms and complementary breakfast. Fitness center appears modern.

al blu
7 лет назад – Google


We booked a hotel block for our wedding on July 22, 2017 at Embassy Suites of Parsippany because it is my wife's favorite hotel - and I can absolutely see why! From our first meeting, Christina Lane was so very friendly and attentive as she helped us plan for over 50 guests. Many of our guests commented on the cleanliness and spaciousness of the suites, as well as all of the incredible amenities, including complimentary breakfast. Our wedding day went off without a hitch thanks to the complimentary shuttle service to and from the venue! We were so delighted to find a bottle of champagne, box of chocolates, and personalized note waiting for us in our bridal suite the night before the wedding. Christina and Samantha were a pleasure to work with and we felt proud to share Embassy Suites with our guests!

Louis Cyphere
7 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel. Live plants in the lobby, palms make look it like a tropical forest. Open design makes it looks spacious. There is a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Pool is heavily chlorinated. Rooms are spacious and modern. Plenty of free parking.

Elliot Posner
7 лет назад – Google


Was here for a full weekend in middle of July,
The lobby was taken care of but my rooms n my friends rooms air condition didn't work even for a second n that's after I complained 3 times to the manager (that's besides the fact that he was behind the front desk n gave bad attitude for everyone who spoke to him).
I booked over the phone and requested a crib for a baby that told me I will have it, then by arrival I asked again do I have a crib they say yes it will be by you shortly, after n hour I went back to front desk (to same manager as above) and asked about the crib he replies with 2 words not even looking at me "no more cribs"
He couldn't care less about his costumers it really looked like I'm doing him a real favor for staying in this place, Crazy!
Josh the supervisor is a great guy great service n good attitude.

Mustafa Lawrence
7 лет назад – Google


The rooms are nice and clean and they let you do you! And party friendly. That's all good at this Hotel. The Best in the tri state. The staff is the best to. Always here for parties.

N Little
7 лет назад – Google


The listing of the hotel is pretty decent as it's located off of route 46W near some restaurants and retail stores. The rooms are clean and we'll maintained. The staff is very helpful abs ready to sissy with all of your needs. We use this hotel for our children's birthday parties.

chris staniunas
7 лет назад – Google


The staff at the front desk told us our rooms would be ready for check in at 12pm, then at 12pm that time changed to 1230pm, then at 1230pm the time changed 1pm for check in, then at 1pm, they were starting to tell us our room wouldn't be ready for check in until 3pm, when someone else intervened and basically told them that they have changed the time on us 3 or 4 different times now, while we waited out in the parking lot to check in and that enough was enough. Magically our rooms were suddenly ready for check in! After that, the stay was great, hotel was nice, complimentary breakfast in morning, and evening has free drinks and snacks from 530pm to 7pm (I think).

Nayadez Carmichael
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel is beautiful! I love interior of this hotel with live foliage...plants and trees everywhere!!! It is full of natural light!!! The staff is excellent and very accommodating!!! They have buffet breakfast and cook-to-order omelette station. If you're passing by and need a place to lay your head...Stop by the Embassy Suites Parsippany, you will not regret it!!!

Tj Spe
7 лет назад – Google


This hotel is remarkable! The lobby is spacious and filled with live plants and trees, including a fountain. It's breath taking. The staff is kind and helpful and go out of there way to assist you with whatever you need. I would recommend this hotel for anyone wanting the 5 star experience!

Lisa Baylor
7 лет назад – Google


Nice one night stay. Room could have been cleaner. Quite a bit of hair (not mine) in the bathroom and carpet looked pretty dingy. Breakfast was good, as usual. Check in and out was quick and easy.

Kelly Ford
7 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel or giving it four stars because aren't toilet wouldn't flush despite having maintenance come up with an auger to try to help and fix the problem. The problem was not fixed and we were told that they are just low velocity toilets. Eco friendly so the poop stays in the tank and floats around. Don't think we will go green any time soon.

Joe Schofield
7 лет назад – Google


I am a native of Parsippany NJ and have frequented this place on occasion but never as a guest. Knowing it's a quality location I figured I'd give it a shot and was sourly disappointed. When I first arrived and I got into the room, I was met with a foul odor, for which I called the front desk only to be placed on hold for 15 minutes. Hanging up and calling back I was met with disgust on the other line that I was calling to report an issue, to which they said they would send housekeeping to refresh the room. Fine, fast forward hours later where we pull out the sofa bed, only to be met with bodily fluid stains on uncleaned sheets. Calling back into the front desk, I was again placed on hold, then promised a visit by housekeeping, who never came. 2 strikes with a lack of support from the front desk make me a non-returner to this location.

Andre Hunt
7 лет назад – Google


They did an awesome job with setting up the room for my surprise birthday. Staff was friendly and the breakfast was the best I had at all the places I have stayed. The pool is great, courtyard was pleasant. The suites are comfortable and thick walls, for those moments the people next door, need to let loose. Unforgettable!

Lisa Wu
7 лет назад – Google


Convenient location for work trips (lots of companies in the area). The indoor garden/jungle themed atrium is a bit kitschy, but points for effort. Rooms are very spacious and free breakfast is a plus. There are also free shuttles that will drop you off and pick you up at work.

Geoffrey Babb
7 лет назад – Google


Great rooms, older hotel. Nice bedding and well-kept common areas. A little dated, but easy to access from the highway, great breakfast and simple happy hour. Easy for business travel.

Ricky Beauchamp
7 лет назад – Google


I stayed at the hotel for a few weeks for work. The room was clean and the front desk staff were very nice. The restaurant downstairs was convenient, and had a free drink for guests each night. The hot water in my shower was intermittent at best and when I called the front desk (2 separate days), they sent an engineer up and he turned the water on and said it was hot and just left, only to have the problem reoccur. There were a couple days throughout my stay (maybe 2), where house keeping didn't come to my room, which is no big deal. However, the day before I checked out, I came back to my room late after a long day only to find the contents of my trash cans dumped into the toilet in my room. Seriously, who does that? The person at the front desk expressed her concern and was helpful during the situation, but I doubt the person responsible will be reprimanded, which is a shame. I've stayed at this property plenty before and never had problems, but this experience wasn't the best.

Krystal Gardner
7 лет назад – Google


Nice staff. Very clean hotel with tropical florida theme inside. Breakfast was good. They have a hot tub for adult which my boyfriend and I really enjoyed. Hot tub open until midnight and its very warm amd relaxing. I enjoyed my stay. 2 thumbs up

Robert Gross
7 лет назад – Google


Nice large sweet and clean. Large swimming pool. Large atrium lobby setting. Staff was very friendly and helpful, would definitely stay again.

Jason Brown
7 лет назад – Google


For all intents and purposes, it was OK. Rooms and hotel are a little dated. Hilton needs to look at the Embassy Suites brand as a whole and come up with an update plan, most across the country are falling into this situation. Really disappointed that a 7:45 pm, I could not order food at the bar and was instructed that room service was about a 2 hour wait, would be best to order food outside hotel and have it delivered. I have never experienced this at a hotel before especially this time of the evening. Front desk staff was friendly and helpful. Not sure I would stay here again when back in town for business. Once again, it was just OK.

Alex Watts
7 лет назад – Google


The service has always been very friendly, the rooms are very clean, has one of the best complimentary hotel breakfasts, and the hotel is close to New York without the New York prices. Overall a very good value

Audrey Beatty
7 лет назад – Google


The atrium and fountain were wonderful! The room was spacious and comfortable. It was fairly clean as well, though there were a few unimportant things (like the bed skirt and lower part of bathroom vanity) that seemed slightly less than clean. Otherwise very nice though!

zach Miller
8 лет назад – Google


The hotel looks nice.
Breakfast was good. Especially the omelets.
Management seems to be pretty good but not quite so for all the staff. It was really busy on a weekend and too crazy for my three year old to swim in the pool. And when we were waiting for it to open a staff member said my three year old couldn't sit but the hot tub(not in but on the edge of it). So I had to take my crying son back to our room.

Rosana Altoveros
8 лет назад – Google


My husband and I stayed on Labor Day weekend, and the room we stayed in absolutely needs updating, maintenance and a more thorough clean. When we checked into our room, the existing towels were damped. Nothing more disgusting than finding damp towels when you've just checked-in. So I called guest services only to wait 30 min to get new towels, which I had to eventually get myself from the front desk. Finally when we got towels, I proceeded to shower only to find that the tub clogged easily - this is the worst (eeeww). I had to quickly shower so I can get out of the tub immediately. In less than 5 minutes, the standing water was already up to my ankles that I had to additionally wash my feet separately before stepping out of the tub. What a bother. Embassy Suites Parsipanny, please update, maintain, and clean the rooms better. Thank you.

Meir Weiser
8 лет назад – Google


The hotel is nice. Nice roome and lobby with lots of sunlight, waterfalls, and seating. Great for families and kid friendly. Some of the staff however, weren't that nice, especially towards our religion. They also don't have any food other than breakfast and dinner hours.

It would've been nice to get some coffee when I woke up late on the weekend.

Louis Berger
8 лет назад – Google


We were staying at the Embassy Suites last weekend. We had no idea what to expect. But judging from the pics, the place looked pretty decent. Especially the gardening which really looked awesome.

Long story short. We ended up taking 2 suites for the entire family. My wife n kids absolutely enjoyed their stay, and we were all pleasantly surprised how stunning the indoor landscaping was. An absolute dream garden. The waterfalls, the palm trees, the exotic flowers. I mean this is Jersey for crying out loud... Find me any place like that in this State... Seriously speaking.

So again, overall service of the property was good. But this place takes the cake because of the gardening that's out of this world. We hope that besides a little facelift to the suites, this place never change... We would absolutely come back again and again.

Tishanda Page
8 лет назад – Google


Great stay I would recommend this hotel to all. During my stay I received a texted message asking how was my stay? I immediately texted back that I needed extra towels and pillows....5 minutes later it was delivered. This was Awesome! You get a chance to let managment know how they are doing or resolve any issues or concerns. Keep up the good work Josh M.

Sean Searfoss
8 лет назад – Google


Was attending PGA Championship and found this hotel. We ended up in a presidential suite. Rooms are a bit dated but overall nice. We had free access to the vending which ran out of items very quickly. Individuals at front desk were nice. Brought food back to room and had no silverware. Went to the front desk to acquire and was told they would bring to our room. They hopped right on it. After waiting for about 15 minutes in the room, I went back down to see if they had any luck. The same person at front desk was standing there. It seemed I was not on the agenda. There were a few other incidences but minor enough not to list. Mind you that it was a full house this weekend. When we complained about a few things to the front desk, they immediately responded. We thank them for their understanding and for compensation. Overall I gave them a 4 out of 5 for their response and for being a full house.

8 лет назад – Google


A friend and I stayed there March 2015. We had a very clean and well appointed suite on fourth floor...loved it and even my dog was welcome! Very friendly reception desk...hope to go back march 2016...would love to have that same room....breakfast was most enjoyable!!

Dmitry Tkachenko
8 лет назад – Google


Still angry at the staff for not letting me swim in the water fountain, but great overall experience otherwise.

Brian Klein
8 лет назад – Google


The hotel staff is always welcoming, the bar staff is great. I stay here weekly and it's always nice to get recognized