 5 915 отзывов

Homewood Suites by Hilton Ankeny

2455 Southeast Creekview Drive, Ankeny, IA 50021, США доступа

Homewood Suites by Hilton Ankeny

Добро пожаловать в Homewood Suites от Hilton Ankeny. Наслаждайтесь удобным расположением в динамичном бизнес-парке, недалеко от I-35 и всего в нескольких минутах от центра города Де-Мойн, штат Айова. Посетите популярные достопримечательности Айовы, в том числе Парк развлечений Adventureland, Prairie Meadows Pactrack и Casino, а также ярмарку штата Айова-легко достигнуто из нашего Ankeny Ankeny, IA, Hotel. Почувствуйте себя как дома в удобной студии или на люкс с одной спальней. Приготовьте блюда на полностью оборудованной кухне, которая имеет посудомоечную машину, микроволновую печь, варочную панель с двойной горелкой, кофеварку и ассортимент посуды. Воспользуйтесь преимуществами нашего бесплатного услуги по магазинам продуктов и позвольте нам снабжать ваш люкс всеми вашими любимыми продуктами. Купите закуски, охлажденную еду, пиво, вино и предметы первой необходимости в 24-часовом магазине. Каждый набор в этом отеле с расширенным местом в Анкени, штат Айова, имеет отдельные живые и спальные зоны, 37-дюймовый HDTV и бесплатный Wi-Fi. Присоединяйтесь к нам, чтобы получить бесплатный горячий завтрак, подается каждое утро в нашем отеле All-Suite в Анкени, штат Айова. После напряженного дня бизнеса или отдыха наслаждайтесь бесплатным вечерним ужином и напитками* по средам. Его легко заниматься с помощью нашего крытого бассейна и бесплатного фитнес -центра, который оснащен современным оборудованием для кардио и весом. Посетите бесплатный 24-часовой бизнес-центр, чтобы поставить штрихи в последнюю минуту к вашей презентации. Проведите конференцию для 40 гостей в наших 525 кв. Футов. Конференц -зал и воспользуйтесь новейшей технологией A/V. Пусть наш опытный персонал поможет спланировать детали, обеспечивая успех вашего мероприятия. *Применяются государственные и местные законы.

Located in a business Park located directly off of I-35, minutes from downtown Des Moines



Homewood Suites by Hilton Ankeny
2455 Southeast Creekview Drive, Ankeny, IA 50021, США


  • интернет
    Бесплатный Интернет
  • Бесплатный Wi-Fi
  • Высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет для ноутбуков в общих помещениях
  • Беспроводное подключение к интернету в общественных местах
  • Транспорт
    Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Охраняемая парковка
  • Доступ Поезд
  • стойка регистрации
    24-часовая приемная
  • Камера хранения багажа
  • Ранний заезд
  • Ускоренная регистрация заезда
  • Экспресс-выезд
  • Рецепция
  • Поздний выезд предоставляется
  • Место для хранения
  • продолжать работать
    Бизнес центр
  • Письменный стол с электрической розетке
  • Фотокопия центр
  • Генеральная
  • Прямая телефонная линия
  • Дом / этаж только для женщин
  • Интерьер коридоров
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Личное ванна или душ
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Услуги в отеле
    Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Пожарная безопасность соответствует
  • Полное уборка
  • Продуктовый доступны сервис покупок
  • Фен
  • Уборка номера ежедневно
  • Гладильная доска
  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
  • На месте прачечная
  • Громкая
  • Сейф
  • Безопасность
  • Выключить сервис
  • Услуги уборки
  • Служба пробуждения
  • Магазины
    Подарок / Газетный киоск
  • Разный / магазин
  • Путешествия с другими
    Дети приветствуют
  • Семья план
  • Домашние животные разрешены
  • доступной
    Доступ объекты
  • Лифты
  • Мероприятия
    Вечерний прием
  • Конференц-залы
  • Зеленые объекты
    Участие местного сообщества


  • Бизнес
  • Генеральная
    Пожарная тревога
  • Не курить
  • Детекторы дыма


  • Бассейн
    Внутренний бассейн
  • Пул
  • Велнес
  • фитнес
    24-часовой фитнес-центр
  • Сердечно-сосудистые упражнения
  • Гимнастический зал
  • Фитнес-центр на месте
  • Тяжелая атлетика

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Шведский стол
  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный американский завтрак
  • Особое внимание
    Бесплатные коктейли
  • БЕСПЛАТНАЯ вечерний прием
  • Бесплатный кофе в номере или чай
  • Лобби кофейный сервиз
  • Приветственный напиток
  • Сервисы
    Обслуживание номеров
  • Зеленая пища
    Местные и сезонные блюда
  • Кухонное оборудование
  • Выходы типа


  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный американский завтрак
  • Шведский стол

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 15:00
  • Отъезд: 11:00

Отмена политики
Все оговорки должны быть отменены за 24 часа до прибытия, если не требуется депозит. Если эта оговорка была сделана в электронном виде, пожалуйста, отменить его в электронном виде, чтобы избежать путаницы и не показать законопроект. Политика может быть изменена.

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Дети до 18 лет и младше проживают бесплатно в номере с родителями при использовании существующих кроватей

Размещение домашних животных допускается по запросу.
$75(1-4 nights), $125 (5+ nights) 2pets

Язык общения

  • Английский

Консьерж советы

Зайдите в нашу столовую с понедельника по четверг вечером, чтобы побаловать себя в нашем бесплатном вечернем социальном обществе. Общайтесь с друзьями, семьей и даже персоналом Homewood Suites, наслаждаясь напитками и предложениями «маленькие тарелки» - они являются как раз в качестве закуски или небольшой, удовлетворяющей еды.

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 1
  • Количество спальных комнат: 92
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 644 sq. ft.


  • Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Охраняемая парковка


  • Макс вместимость

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Экологические проблемы оказывают влияние на благополучие людей и экосистем по всему миру. Мы стремимся работать как можно более эффективно по всей нашей цепочке создания стоимости. Для низкоуглеродистой будущем, мы уменьшаем и мониторинга использования энергии и воды. В рамках наших обязательств по сокращению наших отходов на свалки, мы создали всеобъемлющую стратегию для отходов и работают с WWF по сокращению пищевых отходов в нашей деятельности и цепочки поставок. Ответственные закупки делает разницу: мы источником товаров и услуг на местном уровне, как это возможно.

  •  Местные и сезонные блюда
  •  Участие местного сообщества


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 является всемирно известным стандартом, в котором описывается, как создать эффективную систему управления окружающей средой. Он предназначен для того, чтобы помочь предприятиям оставаться коммерчески успешными без пропускания экологических обязанностей, таких как: • Постоянно повышать их экологические показатели. Потребление • Содействие утилизации и восстановлению утилизации отходов. • Повышение осведомленности о экологии среди сотрудников и обучение их для принятия хорошей практики в своей деятельности. • Используйте эко-экологически чистые продукты.

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 основана на модели системы постоянного улучшения системы управления, также используемой для других известных стандартов, таких как ISO 9001 или ISO 14001. Это облегчает организациям интеграцию управления энергопотреблением в их общие усилия по улучшению качества и управления окружающей средой. ISO 50001 предоставляет основу требований для организаций для: - разработка политики для более эффективного использования энергии - исправить цели и цели для удовлетворения политики - Используйте данные, чтобы лучше понять и принимать решения об использовании энергии - Измерьте результаты - проверьте, насколько хорошо Политика работает и - постоянно улучшать управление энергией.

Полезности отзывы 9 15 отзывов

Lisa Rahja
6 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel with easy access to the interstate. Good restaurants within walking distance. Loved the king bed with pull out couch. Plenty of room for two adults and two kids. Great breakfast buffet.

Kristine Fiscus
6 лет назад – Google


We recently used the conference room at Homewood and had a great experience, it is very reasonable and you are able to bring in your own food and drink which is super convenient. Heather was extremely helpful in booking and accommodating and the staff that day was wonderful! The room is nice and has a buffet counter with plug ins available, as well as several table and chair options-also overlooks a beautiful patio with a firepit we roasted smores on. Highly recommend for graduation parties/showers or small gatherings. Thank you!

Bill Lawrence
6 лет назад – Google


Very clean and friendly. They have dishes, full size fridge, microwave and a hot plate for cooking. They also, very kindly brought me a razor and shaving cream to my room because I forgot to bring one. The breakfast was very good and freshly made. I will return again.

Dylan Foss
6 лет назад – Google


We stayed in a two room suite. The bed was very comfortable and the room had plenty of space at a very affordable rate.

Katie McKinney
6 лет назад – Google


Very nice place, worked out well with our two kids. Having the sofa couch and full kitchen was great! Only wish it had a tub. Didn't realize when we booked the room that it only offered a shower. Made bathing our 1 and 3 year old a little difficult. But the room was clean and staff was very friendly! And the social time Monday through Thursday was amazing! In the area that they do the complimentary breakfast in the mornings, they also offer free tap beer and wine, and light dinner/snacks. Almost wish we had stayed longer!

Scott Huesgen
6 лет назад – Google


The room was superb, slept well...had a full kitchen and large shower/bathroom area. Good breakfast selection and social events/happy hour in the evening. The complementary Wi-Fi was a little hit and miss, but that was the only issue I had.

Alireza Saboori
6 лет назад – Google


Very friendly staff. It seemed like the hotel building and the furniture were very new. Had a lot of amenities. The dinner was a little weak. But everything else was great. Definitely would go back if I were in the area again.

Ben Rickman
6 лет назад – Google


Very clean. Nice pillows. I got my own kitchen! Breakfast is better than some of the other local hotels.

Matt Sims
6 лет назад – Google


This hotel was very easy to find, just right off the interstate. Parking is free and plentiful. Upon entering the lobby I was always greeted with a warm smile and a sincere welcome. The staff was always very cheerful and helpful. My room was spacious and very nicely appointed. I had a desk to work from using the free WiFi. The desk converted to a dining table as well, which is nice if you cook a meal in the full kitchen (minus oven). The only downside was the walls were a little thin so room noise from other guests was almost bothersome. I will defiantly stay here again.

Kyle Winter
6 лет назад – Google


Great location just off I-35. Very nice, spacious rooms. Full size fridge, dishwasher, and stovetop in kitchenette area. Great complimentary breakfast. Highly recommend!

6 лет назад – Google


Very enjoyable experience. Very clean, easy to find, very friendly and helpfull staff. Pool and hot tub were great. Breakfast had very wide fresh variety. Shopping, restaurants, and coffee places nearby!!

Jake Van Dyke
6 лет назад – Google


I was just visiting some relatives at this hotel, but it was super nice. The rooms included a fridge, microwave and stove! They also have a happy hour with beer and appetizers from 5:30 - 7:30.

Christine Peterson
6 лет назад – Google


Traveling, needed a pair of boots that actually fit me and had an hour to spare. After sizing my feet and talking about what I was looking for, the first pair they found for me fit like a glove. They pulled a few more styles so I could be sure. Then we found that some of the holes in the leather didn't go all the way through, so they took them to the back and fixed it. Great customer experience - I will definitely be back the next time I am in the area.

Jean Mienders
6 лет назад – Google


The rooms where great and the hotel staff was excellent! When are grandson was injured at State Wrestling they where understand about us canceling our rooms the following night. Thank you Homewood Suites and staff!!

Celeste Burns
7 лет назад – Google


Always a pleasant stay. Nice accommodations, polite staff and welcoming atmosphere. The back door kept freezing making entry impossible. Otherwise great stay! See ya next year!!!

Janet Brown
7 лет назад – Google


My son recently graduated from Iowa State. The location of the hotel was close enough to both the university and Des Moines (where we had our celebration dinner).

Our experience at the hotel was very positive. The staff were both friendly and helpful; the hotel lobby had a warm, welcoming atmosphere; and our suite was spacious, clean, and nicely decorated. Furthermore, the breakfast buffet offered a variety of items. We would definitely book a room here again if ever in the area!

Matt Holub
7 лет назад – Google


Hreayrooms and super nice staff. Bed was a little soft for my liking but o erall a great place to stay

Jeanne Long
7 лет назад – Google


We really liked this hotel. The rooms were well appointed and clean. They had a really nice community brunch room and I'd like to say it was really more high end than I thought it would be. Really nice furniture and finshings. The beds were fairly firm and very comfortable. The bathrooms were really nice! I loved the little kitchens with refrigerators and stoves kitchen/desk areas and living room with a couch and two chairs. The price was very affordable.TV mounted on wall. The bed was higher up so they must have used a higher end mattress or bed.
There were only 2 staff someone had called in and it was packed to full capacity. I only know this because I was standing at the desk in line for a long time. The staff were running like chickens with their heads missing...or something like that old cliche. They kept it together and all with a smile!
There was a soccer tournament happening so there were tons of kids and it was a bit loud at times. Some parents literally yelling at their kids on and off for what it seemed like hours.A few parents were walking around drinking beer out of paper bags...uhhh...I heard one of them say they worked for the department of human services...uggghh!!!
There was something up with their washer because it left black muddy tar all over my husbands white t shirts so I would make sure they are clean before you put your wash in especially if there is a tournament which I heard them say it was a regular thing.There was a line for the washer (only 2 washers 2 dryers) so we ended up leaving there with a bag of wet dirty clothes. Nothing was done to remedy the situation. But I think it was due to the hectic atmosphere that lead us to simply give up. There was no way to get their attention because they were literally running and dealing with so much I felt sorry for them. They probably would not have heard me anyway because of the kids screaming and parents yelling :-) This is not their fault.
Other than that it was a very comfortable stay and the free breakfast was great. They had so many choices and the food was exceptional. Friendly busy somewhat frazzled atmosphere but I have to say quite entertaining. It was a nice break from a rather long ride through Nebraska so we were ok with that. No offense Nebraska.
But the front desk did a great job given what they had on their plate.I give it 5 stars because it was comfortable, clean (except for the snickers bar that was squished on the carpeting in the hall that stuck to my shoe and of course the dirty washer and long lines in the laundry room causing us to haul a bag of dirty wet laundry all the way to Minnesota. Fun times! I will post pics soon :-)

Vikas Kapoor
7 лет назад – Google


Great rooms, great staff..free break fast, free high speed wifi and free evening food with wine and beer Mon-Thur....nothing can go wrong

Kayla S
7 лет назад – Google


This hotel is amazing. The staff is courteous and goes out of their way to ensure you have a pleasant experience. I am a long term guest currently and am thrilled that the rooms are spacious and make me feel more at home.

Stetson Banks
7 лет назад – Google


What a great hotel!! The rooms are amazing. Perfect layout for getting some work done during the day on the handy desk, watching some tv from the couch and getting some sleep on the very comfortable bed with the best pillows I've ever had! Seriously, I wanna find out where they got their pillows from and get some at home. Everything in the room is very modern and sleek. There's a really nice kitchen area with a stove, microwave, sink, dishwasher and a full size fridge. The shower was one of the best hotel showers I've ever had, very roomy with a real cool shower head. The gentleman working the front desk who checked me in was so courteous. I checked in at 4 pm and went out for awhile. I got back at 11 pm and he said, "Hey Mr. Banks, how'd your night go?". The breakfast was one of the best I've had at a hotel. I had a bowl of yogurt and granola that was very delicious because I'm trying eat healthier, but I had a hard time turning down the rest because the eggs, sausage and biscuits and gravy looked really delicious too.
The next time I'm in the area, I'm definitely staying there again!

Myrle Hornocker
7 лет назад – Google


The place was clean, and every thing worked well. The morning meal was out of this world. If you went hungry it was no fault other than yours.

Troy Dake
7 лет назад – Google


Great hotel, nice staff, clean rooms. Would definitely recommend to others

Jeanne Long
7 лет назад – Google


We really liked this hotel. The rooms were well appointed and clean. They had a really nice community brunch room and I'd like to say it was really more high end than I thought it would be. Really nice furniture and finshings. The beds were fairly firm and very comfortable. The bathrooms were really nice! I loved the little kitchens with refrigerators and stoves kitchen/desk areas and living room with a couch and two chairs. The price was very affordable.
There were only 2 staff someone had called in and it was packed to full capacity. I only know this because I was standing at the desk in line for a long time. The staff were running like chickens with their heads missing...or something like that old cliche. They kept it together and all with a smile!
There was a soccer tournament happening so there were tons of kids and it was a bit loud at times. Some parents literally yelling at their kids on and off for what it seemed like hours.A few parents were walking around drinking beer out of paper bags...uhhh...I heard one of them say they worked for the department of human services...uggghh!!!
There was something up with their washer because it left black muddy tar all over my husbands white t shirts so I would make sure they are clean before you put your wash in especially if there is a tournament which I heard them say it was a regular thing.There was a line for the washer (only 2 washers 2 dryers) so we ended up leaving there with a bag of wet dirty clothes. Nothing was done to remedy the situation. But I think it was due to the hectic atmosphere that lead us to simply give up. There was no way to get their attention because they were literally running and dealing with so much I felt sorry for them. They probably would not have heard me anyway because of the kids screaming and parents yelling :-) This is not their fault.
Other than that it was a very comfortable stay and the free breakfast was great. They had so many choices and the food was exceptional. Friendly busy somewhat frazzled atmosphere but I have to say quite entertaining. It was a nice break from a rather long ride through Nebraska so we were ok with that. No offense Nebraska.
But the front desk did a great job given what they had on their plate.I give it 5 stars because it was comfortable, clean (except for the snickers bar that was squished on the carpeting in the hall that stuck to my shoe and of course the dirty washer and long lines in the laundry room causing us to haul a bag of dirty wet laundry all the way to Minnesota. Fun times! I will post pics soon :-)

Meghan Bochek
7 лет назад – Google


Each time I enter the property they are warm and welcoming. The food service attendants are genuine as well. Room cleaning service is prompt and courteous. Rooms are spacious.

America Flores
7 лет назад – Google


During our trip in Iowa, we were very satisfied with the services displayed by the Homewood Suites. We stayed there for about 11 days and felt right at home. When we got to our hotel suite, we were very impressed. They had everything you could possibly want and dream of in a hotel. The suite had a kitchen and dining room, a living room, a separate bedroom with 2 beds and a bathroom with Neutrogena products. The suite was practically perfect in every way, along with the rest of the hotel. The hotel included a laundry room, fitness room, swimming pool, and outdoor patio with it's own little bar and fireplace. The staff was very nice and understanding. Not to mention, they served delicious meals during their complementary breakfast and social dinner hours. Everything about the hotel was absolute perfection. My family and I have nothing but great things to say about the Homewood Suites by Hilton. All we can say to the staff is thank you. You have all made our stay a joyous one and we hope to return in the coming year.


The Flores Family

Tom Lasky
7 лет назад – Google


Clean room. GREAT amenities! Paio with fire pit and two grills! Free breakfast and evening drinks with light snack dinner (ie bbq chicken sliders). Internet is not the best but tv options make up for it.

chase hodgeson
7 лет назад – Google


Beautiful rooms with kitchens, very welcoming staff and atmosphere! Definitely 5 stars in my book!

Scotty B
7 лет назад – Google


Good over all. Only thing was we arrived around 7. Dinner was posted to be served until 730, but the hamburgers, the main part of the provided food, were nowhere. Good rooms. Easy to use A.C. system.

Brooke Brayman
7 лет назад – Google


I stayed from the 16th of July to the 11th of August for work Staff was very kind and introduced themselves to us. They have tons of ammenities. And our room was mostly cleaned spotless every day. Would recommend to a friend.

Ken Foster
7 лет назад – Google


Great place. Very nice and new

Steve Postma
7 лет назад – Google


Rooms were clean. The suite was big. The pool was small and had too much chlorine.

Camden Sandusky
7 лет назад – Google


Pretty nice place to stay overnight. Breakfast was decent but not much to eat. I loved the room though. Keep at it my dudes!

Eric Cornell
7 лет назад – Google


Very clean. Great staff. Comfortable beds. Great location

Jayden Grupe
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel is very good. Friendly staff and a good atmosphere. I would have rated it five stars, but the bathroom in my room was not very clean upon my initial arrival.

Kristy Ozburn
7 лет назад – Google


The room is very spacious and clean. Ot was very cozy.

Nathan Christian
7 лет назад – Google


Clean room and great atmosphere. Staff was very will to work withe pepole and make the stay and nice as possible.

Gary R
7 лет назад – Google


Lots of room and updated room. Stayed one short night. There is free breakfast but I didn't try it ... Coffee wasn't bad, staff were nice and helpful

Robert Lichtenberg
7 лет назад – Google


Nice Rooms Great breakfast. Good central location

Joe Schneider
7 лет назад – Google


Clean. Nice. Would love to stay again. Good breakfast and mgr special at night.

Tyler Dormanen
8 лет назад – Google


Called in for an early check in at around 10 in the morning and they couldn't tell us whether or not we could because it depended on housekeeping. Then when we got in to the desk, I had checked in on my app, the front desk person started the process all over again and someone else came around her and saw our information and then quickly handed our keys to us. The hotel is great and wish the service was a little better. But the breakfast is decent in the morning and we like the rooms.

Melissa Block
8 лет назад – Google


Room itself was great, walls are very thin had a guest snoring in the room next door so loud it kept us up most the night. TV's are so dim hard to see screen. But very nice staff, and overall nice hotel.

Sheri Guinn
8 лет назад – Google


This lives up to Home wood Suites standards. Clean, friendly, spacious, and in a safe, easy-to-get-to location. Also, complimentary breakfast and Monday thru Thursday Happy Hours with drinks and free snacks.

Andrew Whitlatch
8 лет назад – Google


Clean, comfortable rooms. Good breakfast, modern flat screen TVs. Will stay again.

Ken Struble
8 лет назад – Google


Great newer property with an outstanding staff. Hilton quality all the way with very good evening reception.

8 лет назад – Google


First night of a few so far pretry good. Guy at front desk was super pleasant.

Carla Ghaoui
8 лет назад – Google


Best hotel in the area in my mind. Rooms are large and clean. Staff is really friendly. Each day they offer free breakfast and snacks with drinks in the afternoon

Kristopher Blanchard
8 лет назад – Google


I love Homewood Suites! The evening dinner was wonderful - had three teenagers with me and they all loved it. Breakfast was incredible - again the kids enjoyed it as well. We had a two room suite so the kids were able to talk and watch TV while I was able to sleep. Great experience!

Yvone Ramirez
8 лет назад – Google


Clean room. Nice atmosphere.
The complementary breakfast was lacking plates, bolws and food.