 8 914 отзывов

Mövenpick Resort El Quseir

Sirena Beach El Quadim Bay, 84712 El Quseir - Red Sea, Египет доступа

Mövenpick Resort El Quseir

Moevenpick Resort расположен в красивой бухте прямо на берегу Красного моря с славной песчаным пляжем. Рай для подводного плавания, подводного плавания или идеального пляжного отдыха. 132 км к югу от Хургады, в 220 км к востоку от Луксора, и в 6 км от Эль-Кусейр. Эль-Кусейр особенно известен своим старым городом и исторической гавани, который считается старейшим в Египте. В отеле 250 номеров и 3 апартамента в кластерах малоэтажных бунгало. Из всех номеров открывается вид на море или сад. 5 ресторанов, 3 бара, и обширные спортивные мероприятия удовлетворить всем требованиям.

Новый аэропорт Марса Алам находится всего в 87 км к югу от этого призового курорт, чья архитектура не имеет себе равных нигде в Египте. Благодаря умеренному использованию природных ресурсов и всеобъемлющей концепции окружающей среды Moevenpick Resort El Quseir не только завоевала множество наград и премий, но также имеет право использовать заветный международный экологический сертификат Green Globe 21.

Directly on the Red Sea, on one of the most beautiful reefs in Egypt, 140 km south of Hurghada, 220 km east of Luxor and 70 km north of Marsa Alam Airport.



Mövenpick Resort El Quseir
Sirena Beach El Quadim Bay, 84712 El Quseir - Red Sea, Египет

Mövenpick Resort El Quseir


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Топ-10 достопримечательностей


  • интернет
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    На территории отеля
  • Парковка
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  • Доступ Поезд
  • Транспортные услуги - локальная
  • стойка регистрации
    Сотрудники Белл / портье
  • Прокат автомобилей
  • Заезд киоск
  • Консьерж
  • Ранний заезд
  • Ускоренная регистрация заезда
  • Экспресс-выезд
  • Рецепция
  • Поздний выезд предоставляется
  • Место для хранения
  • Тур / достопримечательности
  • продолжать работать
    Бизнес центр
  • Фотокопия центр
  • Услуги переводчика
  • Генеральная
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Услуги в отеле
    24-часовая охрана
  • Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Обмен валют
  • Врач по вызову
  • Сухая чистка
  • Пожарная безопасность соответствует
  • Полное уборка
  • Уборка номера ежедневно
  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
  • Сейф
  • Безопасность
  • Услуги уборки
  • Служба пробуждения
  • Магазины
  • Салон красоты / салон
  • Подарок / Газетный киоск
  • Парикмахер / парикмахер
  • Путешествия с другими
    Услуги няни
  • Программы по уходу за детьми
  • Дети приветствуют
  • Детская детская
  • Детская игровая площадка
  • Семья план
  • Детская площадка
  • доступной
    Доступная парковка
  • Мероприятия
    Услуги общественного питания
  • Конференц-залы


  • связь
    Беспроводное подключение к интернету
  • Wi-Fi
  • Постельные принадлежности
  • Двуспальные кровати
  • Особые возможности
    Подключение номера
  • Уборка
  • Еда и напитки
    Шведский стол
  • Бизнес
  • Генеральная
    Пожарная тревога
  • Не курить
  • Детекторы дыма
  • Услуга пробуждения по телефону
  • доступной
    Для гостей


  • Бассейн
    Бассейн с подогревом
  • Открытый бассейн
  • Пул
  • Велнес
    Клуб здоровья
  • Джакузи
  • Массажные услуги
  • Сауна
  • Спа
  • фитнес
    Гимнастический зал
  • Фитнес-центр на месте
  • Тяжелая атлетика
  • спорт
    Беговая дорожка
  • Подводное плавание с аквалангом
  • Спорт суд на месте
  • Сквоша
  • Теннисный корт
  • Водные виды спорта
  • культурный
    Детская программа
  • Игры / фильмы
    Игровая комната

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Завтрак подается в ресторане
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Полный американский завтрак
  • Особое внимание
    Лобби кофейный сервиз
  • Сервисы
    Обслуживание номеров
  • Кухонное оборудование
    Барбекю Грили
  • Выходы типа
  • Продукты питания и напитки точек
  • Бары / бары


  • Шведский стол
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Полный американский завтрак
  • Завтрак подается в ресторане

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 14:00
  • Отъезд: 12:00

Отмена политики
Cancellation policy depends upon time of booking and rate. Please see rate rules for details.

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Максимум 1 ребенок разрешено бесплатно в одном номере существующих кроватях родителей.

Размещение домашних животных не допускается

Знание иностранных языков

  • Арабский
  • Английский

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 1
  • Количество спальных комнат: 250
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 463 sq. ft.
  • Вместимость самого большого конференц-зала: 30


  • Доступная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Охраняемая парковка


  • Доска объявлений
  • Высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет
  • Накладные расходы
  • Проектор и экран
  • Доски
  • Общественное питание
  • Экран
  • Флипчарт и маркеры
  • ЖК-проектор
  • Проектор
  • Охранники
  • Макс вместимость
  • Естественное освещение
  • Кодоскоп

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Это наша цель, чтобы запустить нашу работу как устойчивое, как это возможно, и ограничить наше воздействие на окружающую среду. Для того чтобы стать более устойчивым, мы работаем вместе с поставщиками и партнерами по разработке интеллектуальных решений, уменьшающих воздействие на окружающую среду. Мы уменьшаем и оптимизировать потребление за счет использования мер, таких как энергоэффективное освещение, сокращение потребления воды, отходов и химических веществ, и зеленых проектов.


Green Globe

Международный стандарт Green Globe по устойчивому туризму - это схема сертификации, которая требует от отелей сообщать об их эффективности устойчивости во всех цепях поставок. Он прослеживает свои корни на Саммит Организации Объединенных Наций Рио -де -Жанейро Земля в 1992 году, где 182 главы государства одобрили повестку дня 21 Принципы устойчивого развития. Стандарты представляют собой коллекцию из более чем 330 показателей соответствия, которые применяются к 41 индивидуальным критериям устойчивости - их можно разделить на четыре темы: • Устойчивое управление • Социальное/экономическое • Культурное наследие • Клиенты окружающей среды могут рассчитать свой следов CO2E, финансовые затраты Это CO2E и отслеживает их производительность потребления энергии и воды и неработающих отходов. Сертификация присуждается только членам, которые имеют рейтинг соответствия не менее 51%. Затем награду можно поддерживать только в том случае, если участники постоянно улучшаются на 3% каждый год.

Полезности отзывы 9 14 отзывов

6 лет назад – Google


A very peaceful, clean place with a truly wonderful sea!
Every year I come back and every year I feel more and more at home.
The staff is really kind and friendly and willing to solve any kind of problem.

Sherif Halawa
6 лет назад – Google


Our stay was fabulous.. Staff are very kind and helpful..
I would say this hotel is missing only one thing just a disco or club far from the rooms and this will be the only optional entertainment method for the guests who are not there for diving..
We will come back again definitely..
Sherif Halawa

Frank Dornberger
6 лет назад – Google


I got here primarily for diving and enjoyed the stay. Food is good, rooms are nice and clean. Only the noisy generator keeps me from giving 5 stars.

Gyorgy Molnar
6 лет назад – Google


Very nice resort in El Quaseir. The service was outstanding. The stuff is always kind and helpful. You getting not rooms, but part of the building with lot of space. Roommate clean and the complimentary water is very kind. Drink it and even more to not be dehydrated. The dining is also top of the line, so get ready to gain some kilos during your stay unless you strong enough to resist the perfect cousin. Multiple restaurants are available, in case you want else, than a nude style. Beach is nice with one of the best house reefs in area - if you lucky can see dolphins and whale sharks come to the bay. For pool lovers also OK, since this resort got multiple pools. Additional activities are also available, like horse riding , archery, quad trios to the desert ... just nape it. But the best thing is the Red Sea and the snorkeling and diving. Just visit the Extra Divers diving Center at the other side of the beach.

Daniel Krueerke
6 лет назад – Google


The Mövenpick resort in El Quseir is an excellent location. Especially in combination with the marvellous organised Extra Divers diving centre, their superb infrastructure and service and the wonderful house reef. A pearl of the read sea for all Scuba diving, Freediving and snorkelling enthusiasts.

Marco Radaelli
6 лет назад – Google


If you like excellent food, if you look for a very clean and charming hotel, nice atmosphere, superb service, and by the way a beautiful home reef for snorkeling and diving, this is the place to go. But please do it only if you are ready to appreciate, love and respect this very special place and the people.
For these reasons, I return there since 20 years, to the place where I feel at home.

Walter Andreetto
6 лет назад – Google


Nice location, friendly staff, cleanliness, well cooked food, comfortable rooms, beautiful beach and sea.
The only problem was too windy ... but it's not the hotel's fault !!

6 лет назад – Google


probably we will not come back again, as the system with signing everything can not be necessary. There must be another system as all other hotels have. Also the possibilities for eating are bad as diver, the times of the dives do not fit good with the times where you can eat something in the restaurants, and we made the experience that people did no like to serve something at the bar at the time when the divers restaurant was still open, so they wanted us to send us there instead of having us at the bar. Overall everything to complicated.

Sonia Porru
6 лет назад – Google


Amazing place, good service, delicious food, smiling staff and very professional (not intrusive)

Peter C. Maier
6 лет назад – Google


It was again a very pleasant experience to stay at the wonderful Movenpick resort in El Quseir. A perfect beach, a nice room and an astonishing citchen with exiting food. Everyboby can find his preferred dish. We'll come back in a years time to spend our holidays at this very nice and friendly place. A big "thank you" to all staff for their friendliness and effort to serve the guests at all times.

Thomas Koch
6 лет назад – Google


Been in the resort the 5th time - last time was 12 years ago. Many things really "aged" and are not state of the art any more. The Nubian Suite we lived in is been told to be the flagship of the resort ... old sunbeds and not closing doors, many ants everywhere and old furniture is not what we expected for > 200$/night

On the resort there are some places that urgently need a refurbishment too - like the multi-purpose court, this looks like a junk-yard - what we haven`t seen 12 years ago when even the fences of the tennis court had been polished shiny.

The staff is divided: 50% are extremely friendly and helpful - highlight is the kids care with Saffah - such a nice nanny for our daughter - we want to take Saffah with us to Germany.

On the other hand there some staff members who are not too motivated - and please tell the drivers not to drive like F1 Pilots on the road from ElQuseir to Hurghada (we met many guests who complained about the hell-trip)

The Diving base is a little bit disappointing, the change from Subex to Extra divers has not improved the quality. However, the house-reef is still one of my favorite dive spots.

The beach still is a little bit noisy, a wall between the street and the beach would be a good idea.
On the beach some the umbrellas and wind-shelters are old and rusty - like in many places a little bit of painting would work wonders.

Best of all and outstanding is the food - in many many vacations in so called 5-6 Star resorts I did not experience any thing that is coming close to the delicious food served here. Especially the local cuisine served in the restaurants is unbelievable good.

Food: 6 Star - excellent - outstanding - fantastic

Room: Nubian suite disappointing - old furniture - ants - old sunbeds (for >200$ night!)

Resort: Lot of work to do .... replace sunbeds, take some color for painting old and rusty equipment and then it would be one of our favorite places in the future again.

Staff: 50 / 50

Rudi Yamaha
6 лет назад – Google


My orded room was excelent . In the Orangerie was the selektion of the food very great ... !
All the day , breakfast-buffet , lunch and dinner-buffet are super .
the service are all very friendly . The beach is very well looked after . the way into the red sea is
very easy ; to snorcel at the coral reef !
All in all a nice place for doing holidays !

Ali Alsharif
6 лет назад – Google


I went with my wife, and we were looking for a quite holiday by the beach ...and we found it , wonderful hotel resort with its own unique style, the staff is extremely helpful and friendly and professional, the room was cleaned daily and all our requests were met promptly for example we asked for a special pillow from a selection of pillows they offer, an extra chair for the balcony , electric kettle and cups and they were all provided excellent service. The food is excellent open buffet or a la cartè , the head chef who is German is always visible, helpful and knowledgeable. We had a wonderful holiday and am recharged and recommend the movenpick alqusair to anyone visiting the red sea Egypt

Birgit Goldstein
6 лет назад – Google


Your staff is extremly helpfull and friendly. Specially your guy at the small bar at the beach.
The food is good, but i miss more fresh cooked food as usually in Robinson clubs. The diving base is very good but very busy. We missed a good teacher in Yoga and Pilates ( Woman).

Štěpán Macháček
6 лет назад – Google


We come repeatedly because it is the best hotel on Red Sea shore in Egypt. Our only recommendation is regarding ventilation contra flies and mosquitos: we had a room with openable window. In March weather it would be very nice to open the window for night to have a fresh breeze instead of using the AC. But the mosquitos would come. So a net in the windou would be extremely hepful. We would also welcome a mosquito net above the bed. Otherwise everything is top! The kitchen under the Ralf´s baton is excellent and Simone is skilfully managing wonderful staf!

Gisbert Hoyermann
6 лет назад – Google


Very friendly staff, great hospitality, enjoyable dinner, cosy beds - i have been there 10th time and wiull return next year.

Wolfgang Wangorsch
6 лет назад – Google


Fantastic stay at your place. Exelent service. Upsolutely friendly people. Very clean. High standart.
Minibar service not exact enough. Guests have to be shown the content more clear.

Mohamed Abdelwahab
6 лет назад – Google


The best service and food in Red Sea area

Tony Micallef-Jones
6 лет назад – Google


Great layout and truly beautiful location and swimming, snorkeling, diving. Water is crystal clear. Amazing staff can't say enough. Highlight of my stay. However amenities were okay, they looked great but too oftenhard to book and figure out. Food at buffet was very good but at the restaurants it was a terrible rip off. Avoid at all costs and eat at the buffet. The flies are merciless, they will ruin your sleeping, eating and beach experience and they detract from the whole experience.

elif kleber
6 лет назад – Google


We were all in all very satisfied with our stay. The staff is extremely friendly, the rooms and all pubic areas are clean, the food quality is good. A little bit more choise of grilled food at dinner would be excellent.
The room we stayed in was rather dark due to small windows and for the adults with the third bed the room was very small.
We were very happy with the dive center Extra divers in the hotel and loved snorkelling at the house riff.
We will surely recommend your Hotel to others and come again.
Thanks for the excellent holiday.

Chris Stone
6 лет назад – Google


Small but fine hotel. Very special are the extremely friendly employees - from the director to the simple security guard.

Per Høst
6 лет назад – Google


A very nice place.
Quiet. Very close to the Red sea.
Cleaned every day!
Staff:Nice and polite people.
Food: Very good.

Michael Moehrle
6 лет назад – Google


The very nice hotel
The quality of the food
The nice weather every day at the beach
The diving experience
The proposed and well organised activities
And not least the kindness and humour of the staff
Made our experience really excellent...

Rolf Huber
6 лет назад – Google


Very good service and friendly staff. Clean and nice resort. Good to very good food - always enough food in the buffet/pots. Just the dessert was to much repeating and rather from average to good quality.
The all inclusive card/choice for the drinks is not satisfying. And why is it not allowed to take drinks to the beach? Why is there no snack bar at the beach for all inclusive? We stayed all day at the beach and did not use the included snacks because they are only in the Serena bar available.
The generator for electricity is far to loud for many bungalows nearby - consider to move it to another place. We moved to another bungalow because of the generator's noice and hat to pay 15 Euro more per day to have a more quiet but also a smaler room. Thats not really OK especally because it was low season and we were surprised that we were only offered to change to a room (with a masterbed) with an upgrade.

Barbara Jakob
6 лет назад – Google


As it has been the 4th time we were at Mövenpick El Quseir, it was like "coming home" and we enjoyed it very much. First time in January though and we were lucky to have 5 days with not much wind and could swim and enjoy the sun!
The food was just excellent as always and we are happy to choose the delicious "Go Healthy" dishes - as well as the unique mousse au chocolat ... Heard other guests, who were there the first time, say that the buffet was extraordinary compared to other hotels in the area they had been before. We agree!

Fabian Egloff
6 лет назад – Google


It was a wonderfull stay.
We feld very welcome.
One of the best dive base we ever saw.

We will come again.

Dina Sherief
7 лет назад – Google


Amazing place...beautiful and very quiet.

7 лет назад – Google


wonderful, clean, well organised ... swiss management.

Samar Saad
7 лет назад – Google


Wonderful beach and landscape. High cleanliness stander. Helpful and professional staff. Breakfast is very special. I had to stay longer to enjoy every facility .Thanks to the whole staff members. We will be back again for sure.

Dominique ERNOTTE
7 лет назад – Google


The Movenpick resort in El Quseir enjoys an exceptional location on the coast, with stunning preserved coral reef which allows for very enjoyable snorkeling. The property is very beautiful and graced with hundreds of superb palm trees, well-trimmed hedges and green lawns. However, the distances between the lodgings and the restaurants or beach are quite far. Be prepared to walk some distances. April is not an ideal time as it may get extremely windy for days on end.

About the hotel :
The hotel is well staffed, well-equipped and well kept, with nice gardens and superb buffets. Everyday there is a very impressive choice of foods to suit even the most demanding gourmet. Eating on the terraces with see and pool view is very nice but lots of small flies may convince you to retreat indoors.

Our room enjoyed a very nice ample well-designed adjacent bathroom. It’s a pity, however, the sleeping room was dimly lit and the duvet cover too thick for the season. There is a need for an extra window and more or more accessible closets.

Somewhat dull and pale decoration and paintings in the various main building areas lacks the character one might find in countries such as Morocco.

I cannot comment the atmosphere amongst clients at the hotel as it was non-existent during our stay. Nobody seems to mingle. Most clients we came across (to say we actually met them would be inexact) appeared offstandish, the sort of people that make you feel like you’re expected not to speak to them (and not to be spoken to). Come prepared and do bring your own party.

The hotel staff is numerous and definitely helpful. All employees are ready to help. But it seemed rather like a put on act. In fact, we found most are obsequious. While most people fail would enjoy this, we did not.

To end on a excellent note : the beach is wonderful, well-kept, with superb sand, ample umbrellas. Beach service with food and beverages is readily available. And amazing snorkeling is only meters away.

Gamer Geek
7 лет назад – Google


best hotel with the best food and best rooms

mishmish nader
7 лет назад – Google


One of the most beatiful places in egypt . Excellent food . Helpful and smily staff . play area specially for my kid . I love it so much 💖💖

Lionel Berger
7 лет назад – Google


Wonderful hotel very well located and offering EXCELLENT food and a great choice of activities. I can only recommend!!!

Hatem Aboelkhair
7 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel

Ahmed Nashaat
7 лет назад – Google


Awesome peaceful with a lovely team

stefano cattaneo
7 лет назад – Google


Holiday resort right in front of the Red Sea coral reef! The resort is well kept, clean easy to orientate very kind personnel international cuisine. Perfect if you are a scuba diver, the resort has it's own center which offers dives for every level and thanks to a long dock you can dive directly beside the reef without the need for a boat.

Mohamed El Hagrasy
8 лет назад – Google



Youssuf Abd Elrahim
8 лет назад – Google


Lovely and quiet place! Best reef in south egypt.

Mr X
8 лет назад – Google



Andrea Hicker
8 лет назад – Google


Schöne, einstöckige Anlage mit freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Mitarbeitern. Zweckmäßige Zimmer und super Essen . Für schnorcheln und tauchen sehr zu empfehlen.

Hassan Aglan
8 лет назад – Google



Martin Reuvers
8 лет назад – Google


Stayed at the Mövenpick resort with a party of 5 people, 3 of us are scuba divers. The German-run Diving Centre is located on the premises. From the beach and/or jetty you have immediate access to the wonderful house reef: a lively aquarium for both snorkellers and divers. The hotel is great: good food and service and lots of organised trips such as camel riding and quad racing through the desert.

Jehan Mostafa
9 лет назад – Google



Marco Luiselli
10 лет назад – Google



Marco Luiselli
10 лет назад – Google



Bakr Sayed
11 лет назад – Google


Good hotel