 5 841 omdömen

Embassy Suites by Hilton Little Rock

11301 Financial Centre Parkway, Little Rock, AR 72211, USA Tillgång

Embassy Suites by Hilton Little Rock

Välkommen till våra nyrenoverade ambassadviter Little Rock Hotel and Conference Center. Våra hotell ligger i Financial District of West Little Rock och erbjuder idealiska boende, oavsett vad ditt syfte är för att besöka Little Rock. Affärsresenärer kommer att njuta av bekväm tillgång till lokala sjukhus, företag och företag, till exempel: *Windstream *Fis *Southwest Power Pool *Dassault Falcon Jet *Entergy *UAMS *Flera sjukhus inklusive Baptist, St. Vincent & Apos, UAMS, Arkansas Heart Center Och VA-sjukhusets fritid kommer att vara väl när du bor på vårt Little Rock Hotel. Oavsett om det är det vackra utomhus, historiska platser eller shopping som tar dig till Arkansas Capital City, är vårt hotell bara ett kort avstånd från många lokala attraktioner, inklusive: *Little Rock Zoo *IMAX Theatre *Wild River Country Water Park *Big Dam Bridge *Clinton Presidential Library *War Memorial Golf Park & ​​amp; Stadium *Pinnacle Mountain *Promenade Shopping Center *Park Plaza Mall *River Market District *Arkansas Arts Center Efter en hektisk dag som utforskar Little Rock, kan gästerna varva ner med hjälp av spektakulära hotellomfattande bekvämligheter som är utformade för att få dig att känna dig hemma när du reser. Gå med i Little Rock och hitta ett urval av tidsbesparande och fritidsanläggningar till ditt förfogande, inklusive: *Uppvärmd inomhuspool *Tvätt/betjänad service *24-timmars Fitness Center-gäster på vårt Little Rock-hotell kommer att älska att gå i pension till våra rymliga sviter för kvällen. Luxuriate i vackert dekorerade rum, med bekvämligheter utvalda för din bekvämlighet och komfort, till exempel: *Två 37 & quot; HD-plattskärms-tv-apparater *Kylskåp, mikrovågsugn och kaffebryggare *Väl upplyst matsal/arbetsområde *Höghastighetsinternet åtkomst. Rock Hotel tillhandahåller ett antal företagstjänster som är utformade för att underlätta deras affärsresa, inklusive: *State of the Art Bus

Embassy Suites by Hilton Hotel - Little Rock is a beautiful open atrium hotel located in west Little Rock just off I-430 and I-630. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping centers, Outlet mall, business district and hospitals. Only 7.5 miles west of downtown and 15 miles west of the airport, a wide variety of central Arkansas' attractions are easily accessible.



  • internet
    Gratis trådlöst nätverk
  • Internet via bredband
  • Hög hastighet trådlöst
  • Transport
    Gratis parkering
  • Inomhusparkering
  • Parkering på plats
  • Parkering
  • Parkeringsplats
  • Säker parkering
  • Tåg tillgång
  • reception
    24-timmars reception
  • Bagageutrymmet
  • Reception
  • Tidig incheckning
  • Snabb in-
  • Snabb utcheckning
  • Sen utcheckning tillgänglig
  • Lagringsutrymme
  • arbeta bort
  • Skrivbord med eluttag
  • Fotokopian centrum
  • Allmän
  • Uppvärmda gästrum
  • Invändig korridorer
  • Icke-rökare
  • Privat bad eller dusch
  • Allmän plats luftkonditionerade
  • hotellservice
    24-timmars bevakning
  • ATM / Cash maskin
  • Brandsäkerhet kompatibel
  • Full service städning
  • Hårtork
  • Housekeeping dagligen
  • Strykbräda
  • Tvätt / Vaktmästare
  • Högtalaranläggning
  • Safe
  • Säkerhet
  • Övervakad rengöring
  • Wakeup tjänsten
  • utlopp
    Present- / tidningskiosk
  • Diverse / närbutik
  • Att resa med andra
  • Lekplats
  • Familj plan
  • Husdjur välkomna
  • Tillgänglig
  • Hissar
  • Händelser
  • Kväll mottagning
  • Mötesrum
  • Miljövänliga anläggningar
    Lokalt samhällsengagemang


  • Kommunikation
    Gratis WiFi i rummen
  • Telefon med flera linjer
  • Två telefon
  • Telefonsvarare
  • Strö
  • Bäddsoffa
  • Badrum
  • Badkar
  • Badkar / dusch kombination
  • Mat & Dryck
    Kaffe- /
  • Fullt utrustat kök
  • Kök
  • Kokvrå
  • Mikrovågsugn
  • Mini-kylskåp
  • Wet bar
  • Underhållning
    Alla nyhetskanal
  • Kabel-tv
  • CNN availaible
  • Gratis filmer / video
  • Tidning
  • Företag
  • Dataport
  • Skrivbord
  • Skrivbord med lampa
  • Telefoner med meddelande ljus
  • Allmän
    Luftkonditionering kontrolleras i rummet
  • Väckarklocka
  • Brandlarm
  • Järn
  • Behärskad värme / kyla
  • Rökdetektorer


  • Slå samman
  • Slå samman
  • wellness
  • Whirlpool
  • Kondition
    24-timmars fitnesscenter
  • Kardiovaskulär träning
  • Motion gym
  • Gym
  • Tyngdlyftning
  • Sport
  • Löparspår
  • Tennisbana
  • Spel / filmer

Mat och dryck

  • Måltidsplan
  • Gratis frukostbuffé
  • FRI fullständig amerikansk frukost
  • särskild uppmärksamhet
    Gratis kaffe i lobbyn
  • Kostnadsfri kvällsmottagning
  • FREE i rummet kaffe / te
  • Lobby kaffeservering
  • tjänster
    Rum service
  • Miljövänlig mat
    Lokala och säsongsbetonad mat
  • utloppen skriver
    Salonger / barer
  • Restaurang


  • Gratis frukostbuffé
  • FRI fullständig amerikansk frukost
  • Frukostbuffé

husets policy

  • Incheckningstid: 16:00
  • Utcheckningstid: 11:00

Alla bokningar måste avbokas 24 timmar före ankomst värd tid om denna reservation har gjorts elektroniskt vänligen avbryta elektroniskt för att undvika förvirring och en utebliven räkning

Res med andra

Barn policy
Barn som är 18 år och yngre är gratis när de delar rum med dig.

Husdjur är tillåtna på begäran.
husdjur tillåtna - under 50 pund accepteras - 75.00 återbetalas städavgift

Talat språk

  • Engelska

concierge tips

If you’re winding down for the day or gearing up for the night, have a more relaxing evening at our complimentary Evening Reception. The complimentary Evening Reception held nightly features free snacks and beverages for guests. Choose from a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages while enjoying light appetizers and great conversation with family or coworkers. It’s more than perfect for adults and kids alike.

välkommen kapacitet

  • Antal Mötesrum: 24
  • Antal sovande rum: 251
  • Största Mötesrum Storlek: 10731 sq. ft.


  • Gratis parkering
  • Inomhusparkering
  • Parkering på plats
  • Parkering
  • Parkeringsplats
  • Säker parkering


  • Säkerhetsvakter
  • Max sittplatser


Fastighetens miljövänliga åtgärd

De miljöproblem har en inverkan på människors välbefinnande och ekosystem runt om i världen. Vi strävar efter att arbeta så effektivt som möjligt över hela värdekedjan. För framtid med låga koldioxidutsläpp, vi minska och övervaka energi- och vattenanvändningen. Som en del av vårt åtagande att minska vårt avfall till deponi, har vi skapat en övergripande strategi för avfall och arbetar med WWF för att minska matavfallet i vår verksamhet och supply chain. Ansvarig upphandling gör en skillnad: vi källan varor och tjänster lokalt som möjligt.

  •  Lokala och säsongsbetonad mat
  •  Lokalt samhällsengagemang


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 är en internationellt accepterad standard som beskriver hur man sätter ett effektivt miljöhanteringssystem på plats. Det är utformat för att hjälpa företag att förbli kommersiellt framgångsrika utan att förbise miljöansvaret, till exempel: • Förbättra deras miljöprestanda ständigt • Följ lokala och nationella föreskrifter och andra krav som prenumereras • Förhindra vatten-, luft- och markföroreningar • Kontroll och optimera vatten och energi Konsumtion • Främja återvinning och återhämtning av avfall • Öka miljömedvetenheten bland anställda och utbilda dem att anta god praxis i sin aktivitet • Använd Eco-Label Hushållningsprodukter • Använd hållbart skogsbrukscertifierat papper

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 är baserad på hanteringssystemmodellen för kontinuerlig förbättring som också används för andra välkända standarder som ISO 9001 eller ISO 14001. Detta gör det lättare för organisationer att integrera energihantering i deras övergripande ansträngningar för att förbättra kvaliteten och miljöledningen. ISO 50001 tillhandahåller ett ramverk för krav för organisationer för att: - Utveckla en policy för effektivare användning av energi - Fixa mål och mål för att uppfylla policyn - Använd data för att bättre förstå och fatta beslut om energianvändning - Mät resultaten - Granska hur bra Politiken fungerar och - ständigt förbättra energihanteringen.

Mest användbara omdömen 8 41 omdömen

Luke Pinion
6 år sedan – Google


Though this hotel may be an Embassy Suites in name, it doesn't really feel nice enough to fall under that classification. When we arrived in our rooms, we were greeted with an unusual smell. I think it was a combination of cleaning products and other things trying to cover up the odor of smoke seeing as how they have smoking rooms on the same floor and we therefore likely were sharing the same ventilation system. The room itself felt lacking in care. There were several weird white stains throughout (see pictures) and just little things like the fact that the shower faucet wasn't attached properly. Likewise, there was no soap for washing your hands or in the shower. I wouldn't have thought much about this until I found it from two other parties in our group that their rooms didn't have soap either! The hotel as a whole feels a bit outdated and like it could use a remodel, but this seemed especially pronounced in our rooms. It's not a make or break thing, but on top of everything else having old, ugly wallpaper, faded art, and worn furniture really didn't help the overall impression. All that to say, their breakfast is pretty good and every staff member our group interacted with was friendly. However, at this point I can't really recommend staying here to anyone else.

6 år sedan – Google


Driving from Memphis to Dallas, we stopped off and spent the night here. The location and area are nice and the people were very hospitable. The free morning breakfast was very nice and the omelet was made perfectly.
We would definitely stay here again.

Ana Prado
6 år sedan – Google


Rooms were pretty clean and overall staff was very helpful. Only issue that night was the toilet which ended up clogged after being used once at 3 am. Appeared to be a regular plumbing issue, and I had previously read several reviews regarding problems with their plumbing. A family member in the room next door kept having the shower water switch in temperature drastically throughout the entire shower. Aside from the plumbing issues, the complimentary breakfast was pretty good and staff was very friendly and quick to send someone for the toilet problems.

Rodney Hicks
6 år sedan – Google


Got there late. Had no reservation. Very polite staff. Beds were comfortable, wen though I have a sleep number. Pillows were so so. Breakfast was very good. A lot to choose from. Checking out was so easy just drop my key card in a drop box and walk out. No paperwork. Room had a fridge, microwave and coffee pot. I'd stay again.

6 år sedan – Google


Staying at this facility for an extended stay, and the shining grace is the staff. Very friendly people.

However, they advertise having laundry facilities on site, that were out of order and during my 20 day stay they apparently do not prioritize fixing these facilities as I am about to leave and they are still out of order.

The internet connection is laughable at best and do not offer secure wired connections which boggles my mind, for a facility that would seem cater to business stays.

Parking availability is atrocious, especially on weekends.

I would consider staying again for a short or leisure trip, but never again for extended business stays.

Robby Deal
6 år sedan – Google


Nice place. I was here for an event. Food was ok, dessert was good. Everything went smoothly for the event such as microphones and projectors and the like. The service was very friendly. They have a large parking lot and a parking garage too. The place is easy to find, not far from the hwy, and close to on of the bigger shopping areas of town.

Mackenzie Dillavou
6 år sedan – Google


Great hotel! Great service! Tentative workers,clean rooms, located in an area where there are plenty of places to eat and or shop! Our experience was great! Kidd checked us out and handled a high stress situation caused by my three year old very well, my daughter pulled the fire alarm and caused the alarm to go off, she was very sweet about it and handled it in a very professional manner! I would recommend this hotel to anyone!

ilea mathis
6 år sedan – Google


Friendly staff. Clearly a busy frequently used hotel for meetings and business travelers. I stayed during a meeting and it was extremely busy at breakfast. The selections were tasty, fresh fruit was available and attendants made sure everything was well stocked. I had to wait a bit to find some place to sit. The room was reasonably clean, albeit a bit dated. The AC clearly had seen better days sitting at 62 and it was still just comfortable. The mattress was pitifully backbreakingly hard. This isn't my thing. Still the linens were clean and the location is convenient to Starbucks which is within walking distance across the street. Would I stay again? I probably will stick with a more business traveler friendly location next time. With a meeting center here it I'd prefer a less hectic hotel.

Patrick Gullett
6 år sedan – Google


It's another great Embassy Suites from Hilton. The evening reception and made-to-order breakfast provide so much value for what you get. The rooms were clean. I appreciate the parking garage for rainy days. I'll definitely be back (I've actually already booked a room for my next two visits to Little Rock)

Rodger Wille
6 år sedan – Google


Check in staff were less than helpful requiring me, the guest, to ask about things like breakfast tickets and parking. To my question about how parking worked, I was told, "park anywhere around the hotel, but good luck, we are packed". Driving around the hotel, every spot was taken, except the parking garage, which was empty and required a code to enter. So, after a long day driving, and in the pouring rain, I had to go back in to the check-in desk and request the parking garage code... something that should have been offered up front. Every Embassy Suite offers a free breakfast buffet... apparently not all offer the same quality as this location puts the very basics (scrambled "eggs", potatoes and pastries) within reach of the guests, everything else (any sort of meat) requires standing in a long line of guests making custom omelette and egg orders. Hotel rooms booked for 5 guests should come with enough towels for each guest, but not at this location. I understand Embassy Suites is not a posh hotel or even remotely close, but this particular location, on my visit, fell far short of my experience at other Embassy Suites Hotels.

marshall campbell
6 år sedan – Google


Front Desk staff is not professional to normal Hilton standards, rooms are not the cleanest windows are filthy. The Gentleman who cooks breakfast is great, very friendly and makes a great omelet.

Kayla M
6 år sedan – Google


We love the Embassy Suites. They always have oversized rooms with a fridge microwave bar area plus sitdown area.... bedroom has a door to the sitting area. WE LOVE THE DAILY HAPPY HOUR WITH CLAUDIA! She's the best. They offer snacks and free open bar! Also the complimentary breakfast with to fresh to order omelets are great. We always have a great stay at embassy, it is our go-to hotel & we know we will be happy.

pa Jo
6 år sedan – Google


Omelets and french toast was good. Rest of breakfast was lacking compared to other Embassy locations.

Room was nice but wasnt as clean as it should have been.

Sabrina Mathis
6 år sedan – Google


Absolutely the most beautiful hotel I have ever stayed at. The rooms are huge. The staff goes above and beyond to accommodate you and they are super friendly. I love this hotel.

Tina Sparks
6 år sedan – Google


We booked our room months ago for the marathon. When we arrived, there was something going on that has several young children in the pool and hot tub. We came down to the hot tub an hour later to discover it was broken. Management hoped it would be fixed on Saturday.

We voiced our concern about not having a hot tub, and the manager was willing to not charge us a late check out if we could find another hotel to transfer to. We were unsuccessful because rooms were booked at places with hot tubs in that area.

The next day we spoke to the manager and he discounted our stay in order to make up for our inconvenience. I had considered a lower rating, but, honestly, the staff and amenities were so wonderful, that even with this mishap, I would highly recommend this hotel. We can't control when things break, but he went above and beyond to make it right, and that is worth a lot in today's world.

Drinks, snacks, breakfast & bar services were all amazing. Staff was so friendly and helpful, including maid service. Very pleased!

Terri Mitchell
6 år sedan – Google


First and foremost, let me start by saying I absolutely love the lobby, main floor atmosphere. It is very relaxing and beautiful with the greenery and water. The breakfast and happy hour are awesome.

My experience with the rooms is quite different. The rooms are outdated, not well maintained, and the couches are not clean. The bathrooms have cracked and chipped caulking and the furniture is scratched and showing a lot of wear and tear. I used to be able to go to any Embassy Suites and have a great, clean room. That is not the case anymore. I travel quite a bit and normally choose Hilton properties. Lately whether it is Chicago, Tulsa, Little Rock, etc, I have had a mixture of experiences. I can't remember which one, but it actually had roaches. They gave me mega points, but you can't erase that memory from your mind.

I am still acting on my emotions of 1985 when i stayed for the first time at the Embassy suites in Dallas, Tx. It was wonderful back then. Please, please management, owners, take the time to remodel the rooms or at least get someone to clean the couches, touch up the wood furniture and recaulk the bathrooms ! It would be well worth the investment!

Susan Axelroth
6 år sedan – Google


I didn't stay there this year, but was there for a convention. The staff was incredibly courteous. The facilities were kept clean despite heavy usage.

Gordon Brown
6 år sedan – Google


The one thing we where looking forward to, the hot tub was broken. The sent maintenance down to look at it. He looked at it for maybe 5min at best and said I can't get parts until Monday. I said what's wrong with it. He said I don't know. Oh so you mean you don't wanna screw with it. Thanks for nothing pal. Won't be staying here again.

Lizzie Ronsick
7 år sedan – Google


Complementary snacks, breakfast in the morning, plenty of elevators. They cleaned the room everyday and made the bed. Didn't have anything stolen or broken while we stayed here and they treated us very respectfully.

Christy Carpenter
7 år sedan – Google


I stayed here for a work seminar and was very impressed. Beautiful hotel inside! Friendly staff. Nice bars in the lobby. The glass elevator scared me a little as we were on the top floor. The room was a suite with a great view overlooking the interstate. The bathroom could have used a little more cleaning, but overall it was a nice stay.

Kaddy Love
7 år sedan – Google


It's a beautiful place. The rooms are a little eh compared to the lobby, but they're still pretty nice. The staff is nice! The location is kinda hard to get to, but worth the area. There's so much right outside the hotel.

Mrs. Sparling
7 år sedan – Google


Rooms were large but bathroom could definitely use renovating and thorough cleaning. Odd odour in the room. Breakfast was fine but not great. Staff is excellent.

Jenifer Prather
7 år sedan – Google


Great location close to freeway, attentive staff, decent breakfast. Rooms are nice, bathrooms are a bit outdated, smells like a heavy form of potpourri is being vented into the rooms. If not for the potpourri smell I would most likely stay there again. If you don't have an aversion to heavy perfumes this shouldn't be a problem. The pool, hot tub and sauna are nice delights so be sure and bring your swim suites.

Rachel Honeywood
7 år sedan – Google


Pet friendly. Great housekeeping staff. Normal Hilton breakfast/free drinks at evening reception. Hotel is pretty, but room did show quite a bit of wear in multiple places. Pool is nice, but was really cold. Parking in garage is only $5 a day though website says $10.

Arlen Miller
7 år sedan – Google


This is an older property, but the area where the hotel is located is in the financial district and it is a good bit nicer than outside Little Rock. Friendly hotel and friendly guests. Not entirely spic and span but overall good. Friendly people make up for it. Try to meet Darrell and Maria. They are excellent in the hospitality department!

Dustin C.
7 år sedan – Google


They worked with us to overcome a booking issue from double beds to king. The room was spacious, clean, and the bed was comfortable. I did not hear any other guests either of the nights we stayed. The breakfast was really good, especially the omlette bar. We will definitely stay again next time we are in Little Rock.

Bryan Salerno
7 år sedan – Google


The hotel is nice and clean. Rooms are spacious and it's a good place for business or personal travel. The free breakfast buffet is very good. The staff was very friendly and helpful, even though they had a big event there.

Mike White
7 år sedan – Google


We have our annual company summit here every year. The hotel is always clean and very accommodating of our group of 100. Most of our employees stay the evening I'm the hotel, always a nice stay. I recommend you book your event here. You won't be disappointed!!

simon guevara
7 år sedan – Google


I often drive Michigan to Texas and this Embassy Suites in Little Rock is a favorite stop. A clean and attractive space greets us each time and the breakfast is the best among any other hotel chain. The pool is a nice place to stretch out plus there's a sauna and a hot tub. The beds are clean and fresh.

But what really sets this location apart is the people. Exceptionally friendly and professional. Not only the front desk but also the breakfast assistants, custodians and security personnel. Each one seems like they enjoy being there and making sure we have a great stay. See you again!

Warren Zant
7 år sedan – Google


Dirty grout around the bathroom with dirt in the corners. The bath tub was a cheap steel tub that actually sloped to the middle. The tub was so slick as to be dangerous. The elevators interiors where musty and the stainless steel doors were stained with liquids. The room was way to warm and it was 5am before the suit cooled off. Now the beds were clean and comfy, breakfast was wonderful. Now the trouble we had checking is another story.

Kenneth Butler
7 år sedan – Google


No matter what state or city Embassy Suites has always been my family choice for a place to stay. No matter if its for business or pleasure. It's worthy every penny. They have a great breakfast which is free, manager's special every evening, and their hospitality is the best. Don't let me forget they have the most cozy and comfortable beds.

Manuel Delgado
7 år sedan – Google


Windows need to be cleaned from outside, top floor can't see any view. Bathrooms haven't been updated to Hilton modern look yet. Bed was comfy. Breakfast was super oily, not that great. Pretty clean, but could be cleaner.

Sharia Lassiter
7 år sedan – Google


Did not have any washcloths. Saturday night stay is a party atmosphere. Kids running around everywhere, a lot of people standing outside due to a club/bar, wet towels from pool in front of doors, hotel needs updating, $50.00 per night incidental charge added to card (get it back when you check out), overall just an older hotel. On the other hand, employees are very helpful, nice and courteous. Check in was an easy process & very quick. Used my points for the stay, but will scratch this hotel off my list the next time I pass through Little Rock.

David S
7 år sedan – Google


I was on a professional panel in one of the conference rooms. The hotel was very nice. I also loved the atrium and the restaurant downstairs. The little stored carried Coke Zero so I was pleased with it too.

Michael Maresco
7 år sedan – Google


Great staff. Rooms were comfortable and clean, if a bit dated. You can't beat the comped breakfasts and happy hours. Would go back.

David Russell
7 år sedan – Google


I attended a supervisor/manager forum here. The rooms we rented out were spacious, the food was decent, and the overall feel was very nice. It's located right off the main strip, so it's very easy to notice. I can't wait to attend next years event. Keep up the great work Embassy Suites and your employees!

Sean Evans
7 år sedan – Google


Did not stay in the hotel as a guest, only attended a conference there. The lobby was very nice, as well as the bar area. If the rooms are as nice, it will definitely get a 5-star rating.

Dri Bayer
7 år sedan – Google


This hotel is pretty nice. It looks and feels upscale (even if decor is a little dated). The 2 room suites are spacious. The beds and pillows are super comfy. The shower pressure, though, is lacking. Hot complimentary breakfast was yummy, especially the inlet bar. We're also here for a marriage conference, which was a great! The staff was off the hotel was very kind and helpful with some noisy neighbors.

Bev Cooper
7 år sedan – Google


We were greeting guests arriving for a conference. All staff were friendly and courteous. Guests did keep asking where the trash was. I would expect a trash receptacle in the lobby. We did ask for an employee to refill water dispenser and he told us to ask anther employee. It would have been nice if he had offered to do that. Another staff offered us bottled water and granola bars.

Grant Heard
7 år sedan – Google


Great convention area! The main hall is spacious and welcoming. Some of the lecture halls are quite small and become packed really easily. Friendly staff! Enjoyed the convention.

Enrique Guerrero
7 år sedan – Google


One of the best hotels I've ever stayed at. Very accommodating to my large family of toddlers, great breakfast bar and you can't beat free drinks at happy by the pool, watching the kids play. Still didn't like the fact they charge you for parking at the same hotel you just paid $150/night at...

Amber Thomas
7 år sedan – Google


The customer service was superb. Breakfast amenities great. They make to order omlets. Free evening happy hour. There were a couple tiny maintenance issue, but they were working on them. Overall very happy with this hotel and staff.

Blake Cannon
7 år sedan – Google


The staff was very friendly and the room we were in was very nice and clean. The atrium area did get a little hot but overall very nice. My kids love the fish swimming around throughout the atrium.

Jimmy Peterson
7 år sedan – Google


We arrived at the Embassy Suites/Little Rock around 6 pm Traveling caravan style with friends on our way through Little Rock to Dallas for a WeighDown Workshop Conference. We arrived at the hotel in time for the evening reception in the atrium, and felt this this was a true picture of what Heaven must look like. We all parked our gear in our rooms, and then convened in the lobby for an impromptu meet & greet. It was PERFECT. The hotel staff was completely gracious, and accommodating, and the happy hour drinks & snacks set the perfect stage and made it so easy for our big group to easily fellowship. A completely refreshing oasis! Thank you.

Linda Flatt SouthernRidge
7 år sedan – Google


We were staying with a large party, adjoining premium rooms. The rooms were clean and well stocked. Service was efficient. The pool area was clean. Everything was good until about 9pm. It was a very busy Saturday night with apparently many very large parties. The pool ran out of towels, they were able to partially restock once but ran out again within minutes (people were waiting for towels to leave), handing us "the only towels left" which were a few bath mat towels. We also requested another blanket, which we were again told there were no more of. A security guard by the front desk was able to find a couple for us though. Breakfast was good. A good hot or cold variety. That morning there was a "to order omelet" option.

Hien Nouanesengsy
8 år sedan – Google


Stayed one night to celebrate my birthday with friends. Room was clean, and evening social and breakfast were great. My biggest complaint is when I called to request some forks and plates for a cake we had brought. Called the front desk, was rerouted to the restaurant, no answer. Called room service, no answer. Finally called the concierge and was told that we would have to go down to the restaurant and get it ourselves. Lastly, the housekeeping staff was practically stalking our room before checkout. Although we still had time before checkout, we were not apparently leaving fast enough.

Kryistina - Lung Ma
8 år sedan – Google


A truly exemplary customer service experience! The event spaces are perfect for both large and small events, with a variety of room sizes for every need, and are easy to navigate. Made to order complimentary breakfast includes custom omlette, the most expansive oatmeal topping bar that I've ever seen, and the full array of breakfast beverages, along with an adequate breakfast buffet. The evening complimentary coctail hour is something I have never experienced before, and the friendly staff tie the whole experience together beautifully. The is also a cash bar, a gift shop, and complimentary copies of several local and national newspapers. The rooms(they are All suites) need a bit of work on some minor cosmetic issues that the average person would likely never notice, but come fully equipped with coffee maker, microwave, and a large mini fridge. I was delighted to discover that the indoor fountain/ waterfall and its accompanying stream contains live fish! The decor is impeccable, natural, and timeless. I am a mystery shopper, trained to notice the little details, who travels a lot for business. I would give this hotel a solid 9.3/10!

Dre AKBAD Thornton
8 år sedan – Google


The main reason why I gave this place five stars was because of the actual breakfast served in the mornings. When I say breakfast, I mean an actual breakfast is available for people who stay at the Embassy Suites. Not just donuts and coffee. I'm talking about an actual breakfast!

Mark Cullum
8 år sedan – Google


I was the guest of a guest. Everything and everyone that my friends and I came in contact with was no less than top notch. I was here for a company Christmas party two years ago, and I know this establishment to be excellent. I live locally, but I'll look for other locations when I travel myself!

Britton Stice
8 år sedan – Google


I love this hotel because they are pet friendly. Of course there is a fee for pets to stay, but it's nice to have that option!

Nicole McCoy
8 år sedan – Google


Our company rented a room out for our Christmas party. The Embassy Suites staff was absolutely superb. The folks that helped with making sure our food was set up and that we had tea and water always filled were super kind and very attentive. The guy who worked the cash bar was also super awesome and nice. My only complaint is that there's not enough parking close to the front door but I can't really say too much bad about that because the rest was absolutely wonderful.

jessica clark
8 år sedan – Google


LOVED my stay here ...the FREE evening reception was great! Let's not even discuss how f'n great that FREE all you can eat HOT breakfast was!!! I ate way too much bacon lol. Also had a great workout room! I'll b back !!

Leslie Harkins
8 år sedan – Google


I was there seeking employment. I didn't visit above the first floor but the hotel is lovely. I entered through the working quarters and they were extremely clean and orderly. The overall feel of the place was excellent and the service provided to guests was fantastic.

Tiffany K
8 år sedan – Google


Stayed there this past week a few days. I think HSK could be improved... Will say... Front desk, Nick provided excellent customer service! Cedric, our "Olment Man", went ABOVE AND BEYOND our expectations!!! Such a pleasure to have met, Mrs. Claudia..... (CS Supervisor) Everyone was extremely nice and accommodating .... Again, housekeeping can definitely use improvement...

Ramona Smith
8 år sedan – Google


I had to make a reservation for an unexpected overnight in little Rock. We had stayed at this same hotel before and enjoyed it. I booked online. It was for 2 adults and 3 kids plus two dogs. We were on the road for 10 hrs and couldn't wait to fall into bed. We go to check in and are told are room was given away and there are none left. That they had overbooked and they had called us to let us no. No missed calls or voicemails on either phone. Very upset. They offered us a room at another hotel so we took that. Very disappointing experience

Luke Pinion
8 år sedan – Google


I liked the level of comfortability at this hotel. We were able to snack downstairs in the evening and linger during breakfast as well. Likewise, there was a pretty good selection at breakfast. The custom-made omelette was delicious! The service was excellent as well and the staff was pretty friendly.
The only downside I'd mention is that a lot of the furnishings seemed worn and outdated.

Joshua Wolf
8 år sedan – Google


Excellent hotel, beautiful grounds, friendly professional staff. I stayed one night for a 2 day conference at the hotel, the food was great the meeting facilities were very nice and the staff was plentiful always refilling empty drinks and coffee pots and coolers full of soda, tea, and water. I would highly recommend this hotel.

Sheila Miller
9 år sedan – Google


First time staying here and we were very impressed. Nice room, exceptionally friendly service. The full breakfast and evening reception nightly were every week done. We will definitely stay again on our next trip through little rock

Nakiya Neal
9 år sedan – Google


I stayed here last week for a weeding and I really enjoyed my stay! The valet was awesome, Martavious Tate. I recommend suggesting him for your valet parking!