 5 917 omdömen

Homewood Suites by Hilton Augusta

1049 Stevens Creek Road, Augusta, GA 30907, USA Tillgång

Homewood Suites by Hilton Augusta

Homewood Suites av Hilton Augusta, Georgia ligger fem mil från centrala Augusta. Homewood Suites av Hilton har nyligen genomgått en fullständig renovering som inkluderar lobby, lodge och alla 65 rymliga sviter. Ditt hem hemifrån ger dig, våra gäster, alternativ med unika planer för ett och två sovrum. Denna Homewood Suites av Hilton Hotel är bekvämt beläget för lokala företag, sjukhus, högskolor, fabriker och shopping. Alla gästsviter inkluderar ett fullt kök med ett kylskåp i full storlek, två-brännare, mikrovågsugn, diskmaskin och gästrummet är separat från vardagsrummet. Andra bekvämligheter inkluderar gratis trådlös internetåtkomst, två TV-apparater i varje svit med ett sovrum och 3 TV-apparater i varje svit med två sovrum, en utomhuspool, svitbutik och livsmedelsbutiker-tillgängliga till en extra kostnad. Vi har också en träningsanläggning med modern konditionutrustning och fria vikter. Dina Homewood Suites erbjuder dig en gratis svitstart frukost dagligen, och en mottagning med gratis lätta aptitretare och drycker på onsdagskvällar från 17:30 till 19:30 (med förbehåll för statliga och lokala lagar). Ditt hotell ligger 1,5 mil från Augusta National Golf Course, hem för Masters Golf Tournament. Kom och njut av Georgia Hospitality på Homewood Suites av Hilton Augusta.

The hotel is located off of I-20 and Washington road in a quiet suburban location, yet close to major restaurants and shopping areas. Hotel is located 2.2 Miles to the Augusta National Golf Course. 6.5 Miles to Fort Discovery. 13 Miles to Fort Gordon. 15 Miles to Augusta Regional Airport. 6 Miles to Medical College of Georga and University Hospital and 4.5 Miles to Humana Hospital. 5.5 Miles to Augsta Riverwatch and Canal. 7.6 Miles to Riverview Activities Center. 5.7 Miles to Newman Tennis Center.



  • internet
    GRATIS internet
  • Gratis trådlöst nätverk
  • Internet via bredband
  • Hög hastighet trådlöst
  • Transport
    Gratis parkering
  • Parkering på plats
  • Parkering
  • Parkeringsplats
  • Tåg tillgång
  • reception
    24-timmars reception
  • Bagageutrymmet
  • Tidig incheckning
  • Snabb in-
  • Snabb utcheckning
  • Reception
  • Sen utcheckning tillgänglig
  • arbeta bort
  • Skrivbord med eluttag
  • Fotokopian centrum
  • Allmän
  • Uppvärmda gästrum
  • Invändig korridorer
  • Icke-rökare
  • Privat bad eller dusch
  • Allmän plats luftkonditionerade
  • hotellservice
  • Brandsäkerhet kompatibel
  • Full service städning
  • Matinköp service
  • Hårtork
  • Housekeeping dagligen
  • Strykbräda
  • Tvätt / Vaktmästare
  • Plats tvätt
  • Safe
  • Säkerhet
  • Övervakad rengöring
  • Betjänt samma dag kemtvätt
  • Wakeup tjänsten
  • utlopp
    Present- / tidningskiosk
  • Diverse / närbutik
  • Att resa med andra
  • Husdjur välkomna
  • Tillgänglig
  • Hissar
  • Händelser
    Kväll mottagning
  • Mötesrum
  • Miljövänliga anläggningar
    Lokalt samhällsengagemang


  • Kommunikation
    Gratis WiFi i rummen
  • Telefonsvarare
  • Strö
  • Bäddsoffa
  • Mat & Dryck
    Kaffe- /
  • Fullt utrustat kök
  • Kök
  • Kokvrå
  • Kylskåp
  • Underhållning
    Alla nyhetskanal
  • Kabel-tv
  • CNN availaible
  • Tidning
  • Företag
  • Dataport
  • Telefoner med meddelande ljus
  • Allmän
    Luftkonditionering kontrolleras i rummet
  • Väckarklocka
  • Brandlarm
  • Järn
  • Behärskad värme / kyla
  • Rökdetektorer


  • Slå samman
  • Slå samman
  • Kondition
    24-timmars fitnesscenter
  • Kardiovaskulär träning
  • Motion gym
  • Gym
  • Tyngdlyftning
  • Sport
  • Tennisbana

Mat och dryck

  • Måltidsplan
  • Gratis frukostbuffé
  • FRI fullständig amerikansk frukost
  • särskild uppmärksamhet
    Fria drinkar
  • Gratis kaffe i lobbyn
  • Kostnadsfri kvällsmottagning
  • FREE i rummet kaffe / te
  • Lobby kaffeservering
  • Välkomstdrink
  • tjänster
    Rum service
  • Miljövänlig mat
    Lokala och säsongsbetonad mat
  • Köksredskap
    Grilla grillar
  • utloppen skriver


  • Gratis frukostbuffé
  • FRI fullständig amerikansk frukost
  • Frukostbuffé

husets policy

  • Incheckningstid: 15:00
  • Utcheckningstid: 12:00

Alla bokningar måste avbokas 24 timmar före värd tid om insättning krävs om bokningen har gjorts elektroniskt vänligen avbryta elektroniskt för att undvika förvirring och en utebliven bill

Res med andra

Barn policy
Barn 18 år bor gratis när de delar rum med dig.

Husdjur är tillåtna på begäran.
$75(1-4n),$125(5+n) 2petMax,dog/cat only

Talat språk

  • Engelska

concierge tips

Stanna vid vår matsal måndag till torsdag kväll för att njuta av vår gratis kvällssociala. Socialisera med vänner, familj och till och med Homewood Suites -personalen medan de njuter av drycker och små tallrik -erbjudanden - de är precis rätt storlek som aptitretare eller en liten, tillfredsställande måltid.

välkommen kapacitet

  • Antal Mötesrum: 1
  • Antal sovande rum: 65
  • Största Mötesrum Storlek: 384 sq. ft.


  • Gratis parkering
  • Parkering på plats
  • Parkering
  • Parkeringsplats


  • Max sittplatser


Fastighetens miljövänliga åtgärd

De miljöproblem har en inverkan på människors välbefinnande och ekosystem runt om i världen. Vi strävar efter att arbeta så effektivt som möjligt över hela värdekedjan. För framtid med låga koldioxidutsläpp, vi minska och övervaka energi- och vattenanvändningen. Som en del av vårt åtagande att minska vårt avfall till deponi, har vi skapat en övergripande strategi för avfall och arbetar med WWF för att minska matavfallet i vår verksamhet och supply chain. Ansvarig upphandling gör en skillnad: vi källan varor och tjänster lokalt som möjligt.

  •  Lokala och säsongsbetonad mat
  •  Lokalt samhällsengagemang


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 är en internationellt accepterad standard som beskriver hur man sätter ett effektivt miljöhanteringssystem på plats. Det är utformat för att hjälpa företag att förbli kommersiellt framgångsrika utan att förbise miljöansvaret, till exempel: • Förbättra deras miljöprestanda ständigt • Följ lokala och nationella föreskrifter och andra krav som prenumereras • Förhindra vatten-, luft- och markföroreningar • Kontroll och optimera vatten och energi Konsumtion • Främja återvinning och återhämtning av avfall • Öka miljömedvetenheten bland anställda och utbilda dem att anta god praxis i sin aktivitet • Använd Eco-Label Hushållningsprodukter • Använd hållbart skogsbrukscertifierat papper

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 är baserad på hanteringssystemmodellen för kontinuerlig förbättring som också används för andra välkända standarder som ISO 9001 eller ISO 14001. Detta gör det lättare för organisationer att integrera energihantering i deras övergripande ansträngningar för att förbättra kvaliteten och miljöledningen. ISO 50001 tillhandahåller ett ramverk för krav för organisationer för att: - Utveckla en policy för effektivare användning av energi - Fixa mål och mål för att uppfylla policyn - Använd data för att bättre förstå och fatta beslut om energianvändning - Mät resultaten - Granska hur bra Politiken fungerar och - ständigt förbättra energihanteringen.

Mest användbara omdömen 9 17 omdömen

Adrianna Martinez
6 år sedan – Google


Beautiful hotel and Amazing complementary breakfast! Amazing staff! Sweet and helpful

Igor Prokopenko
6 år sedan – Google


Great location for Golf, Food and general Augusta vacation. The hotel is about 15-20 minutes from downtown and medical district. As always the same amenities can be found in this Homewoods Sure with a full size fridge, kitchen, utensils pots and pans. There is also breakfast in the mornings and beers/snacks around 5-7:30pm.

Rande Gregg
6 år sedan – Google


Great staff and hotel.The free breakfast and managers social Monday-Thursday cant be beat. Convenient to everything.

Donna Herfurth
6 år sedan – Google


Amazing! Homewood Suites Augusta is a breath of fresh air after our experience a couple of weeks ago at the Homewood Suites on Gordon Parkway in Augusta. From the moment we arrived we were greeted as Diamond members and made to feel welcome. All of the staff are very nice and accommodating and really seem happy to have you as a guest. The sweetest woman Dora, runs the evening social and goes out of her way to make sure you feel comfortable and have everything you need. There is no 2 drink limit (as it is on Gordon Highway) and the social is actually very fun and relaxed feeling. This Homewood is much more in line with previous Homewood Suites we have stayed in, in other cities. The best part is you actually get a suite with 2 separate rooms. The first has a full kitchen and living room with a TV and there is a door separating the bedroom and bathroom which has a 2nd TV. This is perfect for us because we mainly travel for my husband's work and he can work while I'm in a separate room. This is also perfect for families because you have some separation from each other. The outdoor pool is wonderful and offers outside seating in and around the pool area. They have a free full hot breakfast every morning from 6:30 until 9:30 and again the wait staff are wonderful and the food is delicious and includes something for everyone. The location is excellent and within walking distance of a wine and spirits store as well as a Mexican restaurant and other places to eat. It is a little older than the Homewood Suites on Gordon Parkway, but the feeling of being welcome and the way you are made to feel appreciated totally make up for the lack of flash. I would highly recommend this hotel. Our room was very clean, well maintained with awesome air conditioning. We booked 2 more visits before we even left.

Tomoko Sommer
6 år sedan – Google


BF 6-9, around 8:30, food was not enough and new food was cold. Some equipments in the room were dirty. Beds were comfortable and clean.

Ash Asbell
6 år sedan – Google


Price was decent, rooms were very dated, breakfast not good at all

Preston Davis
6 år sedan – Google


There are a few cosmetic and minor functional issues with the room. The bottom of a drawer in the kitchen isn't attached properly, there are marks on the dishwasher. However, the staff is friendly and the room itself, while older than other Homewood locations in the area, is still very nice and the important stuff like a/c, water, etc all function just fine. And the one bedroom suite has two closets, which is nice.

Nathalia Walker
6 år sedan – Google


Very accommodating to us. They had a pack and play for my son and they helped us get to our room when they saw how busy and packed we were. Very friendly staff and the rooms were clean.

Michael Sutton
6 år sedan – Google


3.5 stars. Great stay as usual. Great suites with up to date furniture (by that i mean n not wore out). Nice n quiet at night n a fairly good breakfast notwithstanding not having a beef or turkey sausage only having pork.

Bill Knust
6 år sedan – Google


Good spot to stay for the Masters. Close to Augusta. Nice sized rooms.

Chandra Patteson-McNeil
6 år sedan – Google


Great continental breakfast. Good friendly, home away from home.

Aimee Caron
7 år sedan – Google


Convenient location. The hotel could use some updates, there was masking tape holding the wall paper down in the bathroom and no chain to adjust the ceiling fan. The hotel had good customer service.

Andrew Pobrica
7 år sedan – Google


The rooms were very nice they had two beds and a pullout bed in a separated living room, the room was nicely furnished however it was in need of matinence.

melinda pratt
7 år sedan – Google


Had issues with our Room but the manager was awesome

7 år sedan – Google


I used to stay downtown Augusta but now I will start staying at this location and hotel awesome place and staff✌️

Lonita Humphrey
7 år sedan – Google


This is great lodging. Just know that if you are in Augusta.. you will get what you pay for. I am a traveler, by trade, and I really appreciate a safe and comfortable stay. Also, the breakfast and dinner are complimentary.

Big Murch
7 år sedan – Google


Seemed to be a bit older hotel but still nice and comfortable. Bed was a little bouncy / sagging (maybe older) but still slept pretty good

Robert Behm
7 år sedan – Google


Great stay, great people, great room, great mining breakfasts.... just great!

Valley Yarnie
7 år sedan – Google


Our four night stay here was fantastic. This is the nicest hotel we've ever stayed in and it easily accommodated our family of 11. We did have 2 cots with us to help with the sleeping arrangements. The staff was always kind and attentive. Breakfast was good, and different every day. The only thing I would have wished for would have been an oven in the kitchenette, but all in all we would stay here again in a heartbeat.

Neil Smith
7 år sedan – Google


Friendly service with clean rooms. The pool area needs to be improved and more pool maintenance.

Willis Madden
7 år sedan – Google


Great Rooms, kitchenette,with dishwasher, full sized Fridge, sink, and dishes. Sofa, chair and TV in living room area, with another tv in the bedroom. All for about the same price as a room which would not have had as much. Also... Breakfast and Happy Hour M-Th is included. Free food and Beer during happy hpir...and I don't mean chips either. First night in was there they had Hamburgers and potato salad and soup!!

Uneeda Gurley
7 år sedan – Google


The cook was very nice ,he made sure HOLC members had everything we needed while we were in town

shawn barnes
7 år sedan – Google


Absolutely no issues at all with this Hotel, staff was super friendly, room was clean and in great condition and it is right neat everything in town. Would stay again in a heartbeat.

Rebecca Hill
7 år sedan – Google


The breakfast was very good, great choices. The evening social was a great surprise with complimentary beer and wine. We also utilized the pool side grill. The staff was very helpful throughout my two week stay.

elias leighly
7 år sedan – Google


The two room suites are like a little top of the line apartment.

Shaun Leighly
7 år sedan – Google


The rooms are very large and accommodating for large families. The breakfast was good too.

Ralf Illig
7 år sedan – Google


Layout of rooms as used when it comes to Homewood Suites by Hilton. Don't look into details. Everything !! could use a makeover. When you look for service, they hide usually in the small room behind the front desk. Don't touch the front door, you'll need a hand sanitazion immediately.

Harrison Weeks
7 år sedan – Google


Pretty standard. Big rooms. Hard to find though.

Rachel Martin
7 år sedan – Google


Nice place but they made me wait a long time for a room.

Chris Kleszics
7 år sedan – Google


Clean rooms, everyone is very courteous, good breakfast.

Ginger Oxford
7 år sedan – Google


Awesome rooms & polite customer service

Marc Anthony Gomez
7 år sedan – Google


LOVED IT! WILL BE BACK! The place looks SO GOOD! They treat you right and are very attentive to your needs! Definitely my new place to stay!

Ty Woodhouse
8 år sedan – Google


Newly renovated in 2016. Rooms are good.

Darren Vaughn
8 år sedan – Google


Queen beds were not queen sized. Breakfast was mediocre at best. AC worked great in one room and none another.

Harry Houghtaling
8 år sedan – Google


Easy access to interstate and local fun. Great plan for the handicapped with several suites available.

Ross Gagnon
8 år sedan – Google


Rooms were excellent quality and staff was very friendly.

M Toth
8 år sedan – Google


Nice hotel right off the highway with alot of restaurants around to enjoy.

Sallie Daniels
8 år sedan – Google


Great service! Great people! Everyone was supper friendly and very helpful. The room was clean and just wonderful.

Keia Yuna
8 år sedan – Google


There is complimentary breakfast and the rooms are great. The people working the front desk are expecially friendly, everything you expect from Hilton!

Christy Allison
8 år sedan – Google


Great, professional service. Very clean room and the breakfast and evening snacks were delicious.

Katie Peninger
8 år sedan – Google


That was a wonderful stay. Everyone was very welcoming yet not to the point then I felt looked down upon. I felt liked I was home lol. Everything was great at breakfast as well. My only issue, and it surprised me, was that we killed 3 roaches and a few\ants. Again, I'm extremely critical and would normally make bugs a deal breaker but it was very clean so I just assume they're getting out of the heat too

Bryon Black
8 år sedan – Google


Was a little bit bummed that they were being remodeled while we were there, which meant 1) had to use a side entrance, 2) no hot breakfast, and 3) dust everywhere. We weren't told they were being remodeled ahead of time, and as far as I know, there was no discount given. Staff was awesome though, and our room was nice as well.

Donald Mertz
9 år sedan – Google


I travel a lot for business and always try and stay at a Hilton property. I ended up at this hotel for my trip this time, I would highly recommend this Homewood Suites. The hotel and my room was very clean, the folks working the front desk, cleaning crew and the eating area were very pleasant and seemed to enjoy the guest company. I would without a doubt stay here again. My opinion of some of the reviews they were a little harsh, I almost didn’t stay here because of them, I’m glad I gave Homewood Suites a chance. Thanks for the great service, will see you next time I’m in town.

A Google User
11 år sedan – Google


Very impressed by the service staff. Room and facility were good, but i rarely see A+ service on multiple days involving different staff members.

A Google User
14 år sedan – Google


I almost never do this, but this hotel was great! We stayed here the night before our son was admitted into MCG Children's Medical Center. We were able to reserve a suite for a military rate, which was $82 at the time. The suite had a nice kitchen with a normal sized refrigerator (with ice maker), cabinets (with dishes and silverware), counter space, microwave, 2 burner stove, and a table that doubled as a desk. It even had dish detergent and dish towels! The living area had a pull out sofa bed and was separated from the bedroom by double doors. Both the bedroom and living area had their own TVs, of course. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because there was only one bathroom, which was in the bedroom suite. So my mom (who was staying with us) had to come through our bedroom to go to the bathroom. I don't know if they offer a suite that has a half bath in the living area, but if they do, I would try to reserve that next time. The hotel was clean, and the decor was modern and pleasant. The continental breakfast was far above average, and the breakfast area had a nice atmosphere. There were breads, cereal, yogurt, juices, coffee, scrambled eggs, hash browns, fresh fruit, sausage biscuits, and more. The manager was in the breakfast area drinking coffee and talking with the guests. The entire staff was very friendly and accommodating. The breakfast area leads out to the outdoor pool area, which was very nice. Our son was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and we tried to get a reservation at this hotel again before we drove home. However, all their military slots were full so we wound up staying at Hilton Garden Inn, which was half the hotel for twice the price! When I called to give my compliment to Homewood Suites, I found out that Hilton Garden Inn is owned by the same company, so I don't know what happened there. Homewood Suites definitely has more amenities for a lower price in my opinion. The next time we are going to be in the Augusta area, we will call ahead and make sure we get a room at Homewood Suites!