 5 815 건의 리뷰

Homewood Suites by Hilton Boston / Andover

4 Riverside Drive, Andover, MA 01810, United States 접속하다

Homewood Suites by Hilton Boston / Andover

Hilton Boston / Andover의 새로 개조 된 Homewood Suites에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 보스턴 북부, 뉴햄프셔 남부 지역을 방문하면서 여러분을 주최하게되어 기쁩니다. Merrimack Valley의 중심부에 위치한 All-Suite Hotel은 Boston 및 Manchester Airports, I-93, Routes 95 / 128 및 Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90)에서 몇 분 안에 있습니다. 매사추세츠 주 앤도버 마을에 아름다운 나무가 우거진 땅에 자리 잡고있어, 당신은 사업, 여가 또는 장기 숙박을 위해 여기에 있든 당신이 필요한 곳에 중앙에 위치 할 것입니다. 우리의 넓은 고급 숙박 시설에는 대형 스튜디오 스위트, 침실 1 개 또는 침실 2 개, 별도의 침실과 거실이있는 2 개의 침실 스위트가 포함되어 있습니다. 당신은 단기 및 확장 체류 방문객 모두가 좋아할 수있는 편의 시설과 가정의 안락함을 즐길 것입니다. 호텔 스위트에서는 다음과 같이 기대할 수 있습니다. • 풀 사이즈 냉장고, 식기 세척기, 전자 레인지, 2 버너 스토브 및 커피 메이커가있는 완비 된 주방 • 비디오 플레이어가있는 2 개의 리모컨 텔레비전 • 무료 고속 인터넷 액세스 • 2 개의 전화기 DataPorts 및 Voicemail • Iron and Ironing Board • 객실 내 욕실 헤어 드라이어 • 식사 공간 / 작업 공간 우리는 모든 비즈니스 요구에 적합합니다. 우리의 다양한 호텔 비즈니스 편의 시설은 당신이 항상 사무실에 가까이 머무르고 당신이 없을 때 생산성을 유지할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 우리의 호텔 비즈니스 기능은 다음과 같습니다. • 호텔 비즈니스 센터 • 팩스, 프린터 및 복사 서비스 • 임대 제공 이용 가능한 임원 회의실 및 워싱턴 회의실 ​​• 오디오 / 비주얼 장비 임대 • 호텔 전체의 무선 인터넷 액세스 • 동시에 드라이 클리닝 • 스위트 샵 편의성 상점 우리는 다음을 포함하여 많은 사무실 및 산업 단지 및 기타 지역에 가깝게 위치하고 있습니다. • Raytheon • Wyeth • Bearingpoint • Siemens • Verizon • Philips Medical • Putnam Investments • Putnam Investments •

Located minutes from I-93, I-495, and I-128, the hotel is centrally located. It allows easy, centralized access to the area. The hotel is nestled on beautiful wooded land in Andover, MA gateway to Boston, New Hampshire, and major technology and office parks.



Homewood Suites by Hilton Boston / Andover
4 Riverside Drive, Andover, MA 01810, United States


  • 인터넷
    무료로 인터넷 접속
  • 무료 와이파이
  • 고속 무선
  • 교통
    무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장
  • 보안 주차장
  • 기차 액세스
  • 프론트
    24 시간 리셉션
  • 수하물 보류
  • 안내 데스크
  • 일찍 체크인
  • 체크인 익스프레스
  • 익스프레스 체크 아웃
  • 프론트 데스크
  • 늦은 체크 아웃 가능합니다
  • 저장 공간
  • 멀리 작업
    비즈니스 센터
  • 전기 콘센트 책상
  • 복사 센터
  • 일반
    공기 조절
  • 내부 복도
  • 금연 객실
  • 전용 욕실 또는 샤워
  • 공공 장소의 공기 조절
  • 호텔 서비스
    화재 안전 준수
  • 풀 서비스 하우스 키핑
  • 식료품 쇼핑 서비스 제공을
  • 헤어 드라이어
  • 객실 매일
  • 다리미판
  • 현장 세탁
  • 공공 주소 시스템
  • 안전 금고
  • 보안
  • 턴 다운 서비스
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 아울렛
    잡다한 / 편의점
  • 다른 사람들과 여행
    어린이 프로그램
  • 어린이 환영
  • 가족 계획
  • 애완 동물 환영
  • 얻기 쉬운
    이용 가능한 편의 시설
  • 엘리베이터
  • 이벤트
    회의 시설
  • 저녁 리셉션
  • 회의실
  • 녹색 시설
    지역 사회 참여


  • 통신
    객실에서 무료 와이파이
  • 초고속 인터넷
  • 침구
    소파 침대
  • 화장실
    욕실 용품
  • 음식 및 음료
    커피 / 차 메이커
  • 식기 세척기
  • 주방
  • 부엌
  • 간이 취사장
  • 마이크로파
  • 냉장고
  • 환대
    케이블 TV
  • 사업
  • 사용 가능한 예비 전원 콘센트
  • 일반
    알람 시계
  • 화재 경보
  • 연기 탐지기


  • 실내 수영장
  • 야외 수영장
  • 웰빙
  • 소용돌이
  • 적합
    24 시간 피트니스 센터
  • 운동 체육관
  • 피트니스 센터
  • 스포츠

음식과 음료

  • 식사 계획
    뷔페 아침 식사
  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 특별한주의
    무료 저녁 리셉션
  • 무료 객실 내 커피 / 차
  • 로비 커피 서비스
  • 채소 식료품
    로컬 및 제철 음식
  • 아울렛 입력
    칵테일 라운지

아침 식사

  • 무료 조식 뷔페
  • 무료로 전체 미국의 아침 식사
  • 뷔페 아침 식사

주택 정책

  • 체크인 시간 : 16:00
  • 체크 아웃 시간 : 12:00

정책 취소
보증금이 필요하지 않는 한 모든 예약은 24 시간 전에 취소해야합니다. 예약이 전자적으로 이루어 한 경우 혼란과 노 쇼 법안을 피하기 위해 전자적을 취소하십시오. 정책은 변경 될 수 있습니다. 75.00 일찍 출발 요금이 적용됩니다.

다른 사람들과 여행

어린이 정책
어린이 18 세 기존 침대를 이용할 경우 부모의 방에 젊은 머물 무료.

애완 동물 요청에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.
애완 동물 출입 가능. 최대 크기 : 중간 - 65 파운드 75.00 USD 환불 불가 요금

언어 음성

  • 영어

관리 안내 서비스 팁

월요일부터 목요일까지 우리 식당에 들러 우리의 무료 저녁 사교에 빠지십시오. 음료와 작은 접시제품을 즐기면서 친구, 가족 및 Homewood Suites 직원과 사교 활동을하십시오. 이들은 전채 또는 작고 만족스러운 식사와 같은 적절한 크기입니다.

에 오신 것을 환영합니다 용량

  • 회의실의 수 : 2
  • 잠자는 객실 수 : 82
  • 가장 큰 회의실 크기 : 594 sq. ft.


  • 무료 주차장
  • 현장 주차
  • 주차
  • 주차장
  • 보안 주차장


  • 최대 좌석 수


부동산의 그린 액션

환경 문제는 전 세계 사람들과 생태계의 복지에 영향을 미친다. 우리는 우리의 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 가능한 한 효율적으로 운영하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 저탄소 미래를 위해, 우리는 절감하고 에너지와 물 사용을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 매립지에 우리의 폐기물을 줄이기위한 노력의 일환으로, 우리는 폐기물에 대한 포괄적 인 전략을 만든 우리의 운영 및 공급 체인에서 음식물 쓰레기를 줄이기 위해 WWF와 함께 노력하고 있습니다. 책임 조달은 차이가 우리가 가능한 한 로컬 상품과 서비스를 소스.

  •  로컬 및 제철 음식
  •  지역 사회 참여


ISO 14001

ISO 14001은 효과적인 환경 관리 시스템을 설치하는 방법을 설명하는 국제적으로 인정 된 표준입니다. 다음과 같은 환경 적 책임을 간과하지 않고 비즈니스가 상업적으로 성공을 거두도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다. • 환경 성과 향상 • 끊임없이 지역 및 국가 규정 및 기타 요구 사항을 준수해야합니다. 소비 • 폐기물 재활용 및 회복 촉진 • 직원 간의 환경 인식을 높이고 활동에 모범 사례를 채택하도록 교육 • 에코 레이블 하우스 키핑 제품 사용 • 지속 가능한 임업 인증 용지 사용

ISO 50001

ISO 50001은 ISO 9001 또는 ISO 14001과 같은 다른 잘 알려진 표준에도 사용되는 지속적인 개선의 관리 시스템 모델을 기반으로합니다.이를 통해 조직은 에너지 관리를 품질 및 환경 관리를 개선하기위한 전반적인 노력에 더 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다. ISO 50001은 조직에 대한 요구 사항 프레임 워크를 제공합니다. -보다 효율적인 에너지 사용을위한 정책 개발 - 정책을 충족하기위한 목표 및 목표 수정 - 데이터를 사용하여 에너지 사용에 대한 결정을 더 잘 이해하고 결정합니다 - 결과 측정 - 검토 얼마나 잘 검토 정책은 작동하며 지속적으로 에너지 관리를 개선합니다.

가장 유용한 리뷰 8 15 건의 리뷰

Shazia Sheikh
6년 전에 – Google


Loved this hotel. Stayed here with my husband and twins (aged 20 months) for a week. Very family friendly hotel, with a working kitchenette for our needs. Our room had a dishwasher, microwave, electric gas stove and a big fridge (not a mini bar). I could easily store all vegetables for my husband's salads and gallon of milk for my kids without any issues.
Check in was a breeze with a very experienced lady (sorry can't recollect her name). She gave us free bottled water and gave us an overview of what to expect. She made it a point to be friendly to us and the kids every time she saw us come in or go out.
They hotel has complimentary snacks every evening from Mon to Thu, though we never got a chance to experience that as we were always out during that time. The agenda for the same is usually taped to the fridge in your room, so you know what to expect on what date.
All guests get to enjoy a free breakfast, which is a decent fare with breads, juices, some hot items, fruits and tea/ coffee. Their fresh waffles are exceptional. The person responsible for the breakfast spread Miss. Sima Mohamed does an amazing job. She makes everyone feel at home by welcoming them herself and making additional stuff if requested.
Another attractive thing about this hotel is their willingness to help you out with grocery shopping during your stay. Every room is equipped with a blank list that you can fill up amd give at the reception by noon and they get it delivered to your room by the end of the day.
The only minor disappointment was the pool which wasn't clean, had dry twigs and a few dead ants floating around (this can also be because we were the first ones that day before it was cleaned).
Would definitely recommend this hotel to all families looking for something in Andover, MA.

Amanda McMeniman
6년 전에 – Google


Always love Hilton hotels, the customer service is great and the hotels are very comfortable! This was my first time traveling with my dog and I'm glad I chose this hotel!

Chris Rose
6년 전에 – Google


Great night, great breakfast

Tulio Santos
6년 전에 – Google


Room was clean and spacious. Very comfortable accommodations. Great breakfast and friendly/ professional staff.

Jesse Reed
6년 전에 – Google


Love this place. I have stayed here multiple times and it never disappoints. The lovely lady who makes the breakfast/dinner is the nicest person ever.

Lindsey Addonizio
6년 전에 – Google


love all the stuff. They make you feel welcome and at home ❤️ It’s a very nice holtell . everyday the fount desk person says good morning ❤️

The manager is very nice and the sale manger is very nice to ❤️ And now for the fount Desk manger love her to Death !! She always talks to me and she says good morning to me every day ❤️

I love Homewood in Andover would highly recommend this place

Lindsey Addonizio ❤️

Justin Mazur
6년 전에 – Google


Great food. POPULAR place. The people are so nice.

Ted LaCrone
6년 전에 – Google


Stayed here for 5 nights. Suite was nice and comfortable, staff pleasant. Location so-so

Andrew Kinley
6년 전에 – Google


The location was convenient to the highway and acted as good home base from which to get around in area. A handful of nearby restaurants are available. Rooms are as described and comfortable and clean. Staff was exceedingly friendly and helpful at all times. The morning complimentary breakfast was the only negative as the selection and quality of the food was subpar when compared to other similar breakfasts at hotels.

6년 전에 – Google


The rooms were nice but the heating system was temperamental. The staff was pleasant. The breakfast was good.

John C. Ellis
6년 전에 – Google


Extremely good room for the price. Big, clean, and very comfortable. The staff was very friendly.

Matthew Barnett
6년 전에 – Google


Stayed one night for business. Staff was friendly, room was clean, and breakfast was decent for being free. I would stay here again.

Ginard Cheever
6년 전에 – Google


Great place to stay for an Extended stay.Daily breakfast not the best but it's free with the rooms stay. Also Monday through Thursday there's a nice evening Finger foods. Nice gym With a nice outdoor basketball court.Customer service is excellent.

Michael West
6년 전에 – Google


Nice rooms, clean. Friendly staff. Descent breakfast in the AM, and they provide a "snack time" in the evenings, comolimentary too. Stayed for 2 nights, and recommended if in the area.

Clarissa Crane
7년 전에 – Google


We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. We got the King Studio Suite and I thought the price was very reasonable - $139/night. It included a kitchenette (with microwave, stove top, full size fridge, sink and dishwasher), king bed, bathroom and pull out couch. It was the perfect "home away from home" during our vacation in Boston. They gave us a porta-crib for our infant which worked out perfect. The staff was very friendly... especially Sima who works in the kitchen. She went above and beyond to look out for us every morning. Our little family was very pleased with our stay and plan on staying here again when we return to visit Boston! It only takes about 35-45 minutes to get from the hotel to downtown Boston. The area surrounding this hotel is quiet, peaceful and safe. (Not to mention BEAUTIFUL...there are a lot of gorgeous scenic routes around the hotel with beautiful homes and foliage!) We were so glad we chose to stay here instead of somewhere super close to Boston where it is much louder and doesn't feel as safe.

Samson Zhang
7년 전에 – Google


Big suite rooms with massive, comfortable beds, pullout couch, full kitchenette with refrigerator. Good service.

Evan Beals
7년 전에 – Google


I read a few reviews and would not have stayed, but price was within given budget and this hotel was comfortable travel distance to where I needed to be. I am used to staying at nicer places within the Hilton brand... this Homewood Suites was okay, but is definitely due for a renovation. The room seemed clean and the bed was comfortable, but I will admit that I looked up other hotel prices while I was in the room here. I would probable stay again if it was the right price point, but this would not be my first choice.

Charlie Muwonge
7년 전에 – Google


We love staying at Homewood suites anytime we are in the area. The stuff are very kind and helpful. The breakfast is the best. Missi, the lady who is in charge of breakfast has the best customer services.

7년 전에 – Google


Place was clean. Workout room nice. Pool nice. Eggs at breakfast disgusting! Jenna at the front desk, AMAZING! Would stay again if there weekly rates went down, but at 175.00 a night, way out of my price range.

Jeremy Ho
7년 전에 – Google


Rooms are on a bit of the smaller side but they're clean and have nicely stocked kitchenware. All the staff here are lovely, especially the overnight check-in counter guy and breakfast lady

Angelica Jusino
7년 전에 – Google


The rooms were very cute and well equipped. The couch was a pull out, the kitchen had some tools already stocked. The free breakfast was very full, and all of All of the staff was overwhelmingly friendly. The rooms were clean. The only complaint was that the shower floor felt loose and as a result was crazy squeaky, like old floor boards.

Luis Bernal
7년 전에 – Google


Really good customer service all around felt right at home really nice suites and bigger than i thought

Christina Ford
7년 전에 – Google


Everything is great. Furniture in room is a bit outdated and has divers from so many people. Pillows are great. Food option is great.

Mike Bergeron
7년 전에 – Google


The staff is very friendly and the decor is up to date. Housekeeping does a terrific job! The rooms themselves are OK, but leave much to be desired. It is an extended stay hotel, so temper expectations.

Brit G
7년 전에 – Google


It was just an overnight stay, but the room was comfortable and homey. Breakfast in the morning was great, largely because Sima, who ran the breakfast area, was amazing and so welcoming!! Thanks Sima!

Jonathan Lewit
7년 전에 – Google


This place was great. The room was cozy and clean. The staff was great, especially Sima, who ran the breakfast area in the morning. We felt like we were visiting with family. Thanks for making us feel so welcome.

Jill Donahue
7년 전에 – Google


Great breakfast, nice rooms, location is secluded, staff are very helpful and friendly.

Jeep Atkinson
7년 전에 – Google


Clean and professional. Housed our birds. Good breakfast. Happy to spend a week here while we look for a house.

Michael Taylor
7년 전에 – Google


The rating provided is not an indication of "style" or "elegance." It is an off-highway longer-stay hotel that is nice enough to get the job done. Staff is friendly and very helpful, and the rooms, while dated/frumpy, serve their intended function. Breakfast is provided downstairs in the morning, as are drinks in the evening (did not stay for that service).

William Fininen
7년 전에 – Google


Very clean and quiet. Staff are very courteous.

John Jaenisch
7년 전에 – Google


Friendly staff, clean rooms with small kitchens, great with kids

Scott P
7년 전에 – Google


A very nice, reasonable priced, hotel. Included are a kitchenette, and breakfast buffet. While very nice, it was obviously designed for the business traveler. There are no two bedroom suites and no full restaurant.

Megan Stewart
7년 전에 – Google


Very friendly and helpful staff; clean, beautiful rooms.

Maureen Palmer-Lavoie
7년 전에 – Google


Very clean! Awesome staff. Highly recommend!

YomaX. dp
7년 전에 – Google


I love this hotel. We don't have such kind of service in Ukraine

Róbert Byssz
7년 전에 – Google


Nice stuff, only thing you might want to make sure it's too not to take room 110 on the ground floor of you don't want to smell the bacon that is served for breakfast all morning.

sam peredo jr
7년 전에 – Google


This place was GREAT!. Me and eight of my guys stayed here for about two months if not a little longer. From day one everyone was very helpful and courteous. The breakfast was great and had a good variety of food. Dinner was good as well. They would even wait for us to get off work and make it back to the hotel before they would put up the dinner. The rooms were great and the kitchen had just about everything you would need. My only complaint was the sofa in the living room was not as comfy but still good. Next time I visit Mass. this is where i will definitely stay. A big thanks to Venice (sorry if its wrong).

Steve Chin
8년 전에 – Google


Location is easy to find. Staff was friendly and helpful. Suite was clean and the bed was comfortable. The sofa was mediocre and WiFi was good enough for Netflix, but only after paying the 4.99/night for high speed service.

Joe Bergeron
8년 전에 – Google


Everything was good. No problems. We were very comfortable

Julius Valdez
8년 전에 – Google


Homewood Suites is a home away from home. The studio suite comes equipped with all the comforts of home and you can even have yourself a home cooked meal with their full kitchen. 10/10

On Tsang
8년 전에 – Google


The hotel room at Homewood was very nice with a comfortable bed and complimentary breakfast. The workout room was clean and well lit and the pool was clean as well. Charcoal grill stations were a nice touch too. Would recommend this hotel to everyone.

Joe Bergeron
8년 전에 – Google


Everyone working at the Suite is nice and professional. I got up early for work and they specially made the breakfast earlier for me when they noticed I was getting ready to head to work. The lobby is very nice. Really like the peace and quiet.

Christopher Ryan
8년 전에 – Google


Check in person was on the rude side of the spectrum. Rooms were very nice and the complimentary breakfast was better than most. Breakfast staff was delightful.

Michael Wolf
8년 전에 – Google


This place made our stay in the Boston area absolutely excellent, thank you!

Bryson Koehler
9년 전에 – Google


Solid hotel. Great staff. Clean. I had to get my key redone after check-in as it wasn't coded to my room, which was annoying, but just a mistake.

Meghan Murphy
9년 전에 – Google


Hotel room was very nice and clean. Lots of extra towels and staff is extremely nice. Sima the breakfast host is so nice and made us feel at home! Love the pool.

Patrick Murphy
9년 전에 – Google


Me, my wife, my daughter and our dog stayed here while having work done to our house. While nothing is as good as home, this place certainly tries their hardest to make it feel that way. Our room was great, and so was the pool, but what really stood out was the staff and cleanliness. Nicole B. Took care of our every need. We look forward to staying here again in the future.

Lauren Scire
10년 전에 – Google


Very clean & roomy! I booked two rooms for my husband & I to get reading in for our wedding day. The wedding was in Pelham, NH & it was a great location. We hand plenty of room for the hair stylists to do our hair & make up & the photographers. The kitchenette was perfect for our pre drinks & snacks!

The price went up considerably the day after I booked the room. I think it's a bit too pricey now for the location. It seems more of
a hotel that careers to corporate clients. Still, not sure if I would stay there again due to the cost unless my company is paying.