 5 748 отзывов

Embassy Suites by Hilton Birmingham

2300 Woodcrest Place, Birmingham, AL 35209, США доступа

Embassy Suites by Hilton Birmingham

Отель Embassy Suites Birmingham-это отель с полным спектром услуг, а также отель с полным спектром услуг, расположенный всего в нескольких минутах от многих достопримечательностей Бирмингема, штат Алабама. Всего в одной миле от нашего отеля вы найдете бирмингемский зоопарк, Бирмингемский ботанический сад и вулканский парк. Выйти еще в нескольких милях от нашего отеля, и вы, и вы найдете еще больше вещей, которые можно увидеть и чем заняться в Бирмингеме, в том числе: осмотр достопримечательностей в центре города Бирмингем, шоппинг в торговом центре RiverChase Galleria или Brookwood Mall, вдохновляющие выставки Просмотрите в Институте гражданских прав в Бирмингеме, Family Fun в Alabama Adventure (ранее Visionland), отличной музыке в беспроводном музыкальном центре Verizon - Oak Mountain, захватывающих гонках в парке Barber Motorsports или SuperSpeedway, уникальной 50 -тонной железной статуи в Вулканском парке и Музей, расслабляющий раунд гольфа на поле для гольфа Роберта Трента Джонса или в Бирмингемском загородном клубе, красивые произведения искусства в Бирмингеме, музее искусств, практические научные экспонаты в научном центре McWane, выставки или соглашения в Бирмингемском конференц-центре, Игры выпускников или посещение колледжа в Университет Алабамы в Бирмингеме (UAB) - Legion Field. Отель также расположен всего в нескольких милях от международного аэропорта Бирмингема (BHM), поэтому мы находимся в нескольких минутах езды на аэропорт и из аэропорта. Помимо удобства для всего Бирмингема, Ал может предложить, гости отеля останутся в красивых двухкомнатных гостиничных люксах с отдельными спальнями и просторными гостиными. Гости будут иметь свой выбор одного короля или двух кроватей для королевы с постными принадлежностями с 250 нарезами Sleep Essentials ™ и будут наслаждаться такими удобствами, как меблированная гостиная, два телевизора с плоским экраном, два телефона, мини-фридж, влажный бар , микроволновая печь и многое другое. Все гости получат бесплатный горячий завтрак и смогут наслаждаться приемом нашего менеджера с бесплатными легкими закусками и напитками каждую ночь. Наш отель полного обслуживания помогает вам оставаться на связи с домом или вашим бизнесом

Centrally located to all Birmingham's major attractions, the Embassy Suites Birmingham Hotel is close to Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Downtown Birmingham, Vulcan Park, Birmingham Jefferson Convention Center, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and the Summit Shopping Area. Our Birmingham hotel is 3 mi from downtown Birmingham, located off Red Mountain Expressway (Hwy 31). The hotel is accessible from interstate 65 and 20/59 and adjacent to Homewood and Mountain Brook.



Embassy Suites by Hilton Birmingham
2300 Woodcrest Place, Birmingham, AL 35209, США


  • интернет
    Бесплатный Wi-Fi
  • Высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет для ноутбуков в общих помещениях
  • Беспроводное подключение к интернету в общественных местах
  • Транспорт
    Бесплатный трансфер до аэропорта
  • Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Охраняемая парковка
  • Доступ Поезд
  • Транспортные услуги - локальная
  • Транспортные услуги - местное отделение
  • стойка регистрации
    24-часовая приемная
  • Камера хранения багажа
  • Ранний заезд
  • Ускоренная регистрация заезда
  • Экспресс-выезд
  • Рецепция
  • Поздний выезд предоставляется
  • продолжать работать
    Бизнес центр
  • Письменный стол с электрической розетке
  • Фотокопия центр
  • Генеральная
  • Подогрев номера
  • Интерьер коридоров
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Личное ванна или душ
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Услуги в отеле
    24-часовая охрана
  • Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Сухая чистка
  • Пожарная безопасность соответствует
  • Полное уборка
  • Фен
  • Уборка номера ежедневно
  • Гладильная доска
  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
  • Громкая
  • Сейф
  • Безопасность
  • Услуги уборки
  • Услуги же день химчистка
  • Служба пробуждения
  • Магазины
    Подарок / Газетный киоск
  • Разный / магазин
  • Путешествия с другими
    Дети приветствуют
  • Семья план
  • Домашние животные разрешены
  • доступной
    Доступ объекты
  • Лифты
  • Мероприятия
  • Вечерний прием
  • Зеленые объекты
    Участие местного сообщества


  • связь
    Высокоскоростной интернет
  • Многоканальный телефон
  • Громкоговоритель
  • Две телефонные линии
  • Голосовая почта
  • Постельные принадлежности
  • Диван-кровать
  • Особые возможности
    Балкон / Веранда / Терраса
  • ванная комната
    Банные принадлежности
  • Еда и напитки
    Кофеварка / Чайник
  • Полностью оборудованная кухня
  • Кухня
  • Кухонька
  • Микроволновая печь
  • Мини-холодильник
  • Холодильник
  • Мокрый бар
  • Развлекательная программа
    Все новости канала
  • Кабельное телевидение
  • CNN доступны
  • Бесплатные фильмы / видео
  • Газета
  • Бизнес
  • Порт данных
  • Письменный стол
  • Письменный стол с лампой
  • Запасная электрическая розетка доступна на стол
  • Телефоны с автоответчиком
  • Генеральная
    Кондиционер с индивидуальным контролем в номере
  • Будильник
  • Пожарная тревога
  • Железо
  • Не курить
  • Само-управляемая система отопления / охлаждения
  • Детекторы дыма


  • Бассейн
    Внутренний бассейн
  • Пул
  • Велнес
  • фитнес
    24-часовой фитнес-центр
  • Сердечно-сосудистые упражнения
  • Гимнастический зал
  • Фитнес-центр на месте
  • Тяжелая атлетика
  • спорт

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Шведский стол
  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный американский завтрак
  • Особое внимание
    Бесплатные коктейли
  • Бесплатный кофе в лобби
  • БЕСПЛАТНАЯ вечерний прием
  • Бесплатный кофе в номере или чай
  • Лобби кофейный сервиз
  • Приветственный напиток
  • Сервисы
    Обслуживание номеров
  • Зеленая пища
    Местные и сезонные блюда
  • Кухонное оборудование
    Барбекю Грили
  • Выходы типа
  • Бары / бары


  • Бесплатный завтрак
  • Бесплатный американский завтрак
  • Шведский стол

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 16:00
  • Отъезд: 12:00

Отмена политики
Все rservations должны быть cancellationd от 11:59 ночи до времени прибытия хозяина если только депозита REQ. Если эта оговорка была сделана в электронном виде, пожалуйста, отменить его в электронном виде, чтобы избежать путаницы и не-шоу законопроект. Политика для изменения

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Дети до 18 лет и при размещении в одном люксе с родителем.

Размещение домашних животных допускается по запросу.
Домашние животные разрешены. Максимальный размер: средний - 75 фунтов ($ 20 (+ налог) в день, не более $ 100
) 20.00 USD Невозмещаемый взнос

Язык общения

  • Английский

Консьерж советы

If you’re winding down for the day or gearing up for the night, have a more relaxing evening at our complimentary Evening Reception. The complimentary Evening Reception held nightly features free snacks and beverages for guests. Choose from a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages while enjoying light appetizers and great conversation with family or coworkers. It’s more than perfect for adults and kids alike.

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 11
  • Количество спальных комнат: 242
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 4704 sq. ft.


  • Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Охраняемая парковка


  • Охранники
  • Макс вместимость

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Экологические проблемы оказывают влияние на благополучие людей и экосистем по всему миру. Мы стремимся работать как можно более эффективно по всей нашей цепочке создания стоимости. Для низкоуглеродистой будущем, мы уменьшаем и мониторинга использования энергии и воды. В рамках наших обязательств по сокращению наших отходов на свалки, мы создали всеобъемлющую стратегию для отходов и работают с WWF по сокращению пищевых отходов в нашей деятельности и цепочки поставок. Ответственные закупки делает разницу: мы источником товаров и услуг на местном уровне, как это возможно.

  •  Местные и сезонные блюда
  •  Участие местного сообщества


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 является всемирно известным стандартом, в котором описывается, как создать эффективную систему управления окружающей средой. Он предназначен для того, чтобы помочь предприятиям оставаться коммерчески успешными без пропускания экологических обязанностей, таких как: • Постоянно повышать их экологические показатели. Потребление • Содействие утилизации и восстановлению утилизации отходов. • Повышение осведомленности о экологии среди сотрудников и обучение их для принятия хорошей практики в своей деятельности. • Используйте эко-экологически чистые продукты.

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 основана на модели системы постоянного улучшения системы управления, также используемой для других известных стандартов, таких как ISO 9001 или ISO 14001. Это облегчает организациям интеграцию управления энергопотреблением в их общие усилия по улучшению качества и управления окружающей средой. ISO 50001 предоставляет основу требований для организаций для: - разработка политики для более эффективного использования энергии - исправить цели и цели для удовлетворения политики - Используйте данные, чтобы лучше понять и принимать решения об использовании энергии - Измерьте результаты - проверьте, насколько хорошо Политика работает и - постоянно улучшать управление энергией.

Полезности отзывы 7 48 отзывов

Tarria McNeal
4 года назад – Google


This is has to be the OLDEST and WORN-OUT Embassy Suites I've ever stayed in. It's dark and dingy. The staff is nice but the hotel need a serious renovation.

Debra Hawkins
4 года назад – Google


We rented a room for my daughter, her family, and her bridesmaids to use while getting ready for her wedding. The sales manager went above and beyond to accommodate us. The suite was very nice and large enough for all of us.

Joshua McCollum
4 года назад – Google


With a snazzy restaurant like Ruth's Chris as the built in restaurant, I expected more of this place. While it might have been awesome 10+ years ago, the hotel is showing its age. Paint peeling, roof leaking when it rains, some lights not working, doors warped are just some of the issues. But they just renovated the pool! The priorities are backwards IMO. On the positive, happy hour from 5:30-7:30, inclusive breakfast including an omelet station, clean sheets and great service from the front desk. Also, parking is free.

Patrick Roberts
6 лет назад – Google


There is a lot of bang for buck here! Average to slightly above average prices, along with the amenities was great. Free breakfast, free happy hour drinks. Beautiful scenery! Rooms were very cozy, but you could tell they haven't update in a while/need a repair man. Nothing that really stood our or was dangerous, I'm just a meticulous kind of guy and notice small things like temporary repairs. Having the Ruth Chris in the building was great! Employees were very kind as well. Great location to all the shops off hwy 280 and the quaint city of homewood!

Randy Hughes
6 лет назад – Google


The evening "reception" was pathetic. One bowl of Goldfish Crackers and one bowl of potato chips. Only two treadmills in their fitness center and neither one worked. My room was missing the coffeemaker until I requested one. Breakfast was good and I liked the Ruth Chris restaurant in the lobby. Room was clean and mattress was very comfortable.

Mary Bonno
6 лет назад – Google


Room smelled strongly of cigarettes, mildew in grout and on safety handle of bath. Daily maid service did absolute minimum each day. Curtains had large stains, as did the chairs. There was some sort of construction going on somewhere inside, as I could hear the power tools and hammering until 830 pm.

Other than the room, the hotel was nice. Restaurant is very good, but expensive. Daily made to order breakfast and evening social hour are both pretty nice with a good selection.

Casey Glanzer
6 лет назад – Google


Have stayed at this hotel several times over the years, including business meetings. Most recently stayed for a few nights and overall - excellent service, but the hotel needs to be renovated. Great location. For the rate I would expect them to make some updates.

livvy4176 thomas
6 лет назад – Google


Driving home to Kentucky from vacation in Pensacola. Got checked in quickly desire a ton of people here. Room was extremely nice. Big and roomy. Nice friendly staff at every turn. Complimented snacks and drinks down at the lobby in the evenings were a nice surprise, then we even received snacks and drinks delivered to our room. Pool water was a little chilly but a ton of kids were swimming, it was a little loud and hit took was crowded, but there is an adults only swim time between 10 and 11 so you can get a quiet swim in. Definitely a kid friendly hotel. We will be back because everyone was so nice!!! I could go on and on about the service.

Megan Gray
6 лет назад – Google


The hotel was clean and the staff was nice. The bed was comfortable. The rooms were in need of renovating and there was a huge patch of mold on the ceiling by the air vent in the bedroom. There was a lightbulb out in the already dark bathroom that we told the front desk about, but they did not replace it. The pool was too cold to swim in, which is a bit ridiculous in July. This meant that everyone was trying to get in the spa, including young children. Breakfast was good, but more staff was needed to keep the area clean. More staff is also needed at the front desk. I had to wait in line every time I went up there. Skip Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Its not worth it and don't rely on the accuracy of their online menu.

Ken Keith
6 лет назад – Google


When properly supplied, the breakfast service is the best in the entire county! However the check in time is way to late, 4pm. Better communication between housekeeping and the desk is needed. Also the trash cans out front and in lobby were always overfilled. Needed out front is a covered smoking area with seating. While there we had a problem with the TVs changing channels on their own. On a personal note, James Spann is one of the best, if not the best weatherman in the country. While traveling, keeping track of the weather is very important. This hotel chooses to overlook this.

Fallon olk9
6 лет назад – Google


Beautiful clean dog friendly hotel. However, cleaning services and supplies for premium suites had to be requested multiple times on my last trip, and I had two negative run ins with cleaning staff (one that screamed and ran from my 25 lb mix breed puppy for absolutely no reason and another that entered my suite without warning while I was still in a towel from the shower).

The one saving grace to the stay regarding service though was Amber. She made sure that my room was stocked on her shift and really went above and beyond to make things right.

Please. PLEASE. Give that woman a promotion and let her hire more people just like her. 😊

Travis Prange
6 лет назад – Google


It's an older embassy suites, and while adequate is probably on the lower end of the ones I've stayed at. Nothing is wrong with the hotel but the TV's are old, the appliances are old, and it just feels like it's not a hotel in its prime. The staff are excellent, hence the 4 star review. Fairly clean considering the age, and the area is so-so, not great but not bad. Adequate is the best word for this hotel.

Travis Prange
6 лет назад – Google


It's an older embassy suites, and while adequate is probably on the lower end of the ones I've stayed at. Nothing is wrong with the hotel but the TV's are old, the appliances are old, and it's just feels like it's not a hotel in it's prime. The staff are excellent, hence the 4 star review. Fairly clean considering the age, and the area is so-so, not great but not bad. Adequate is the best word for this hotel.

Diane Willis
6 лет назад – Google


The staff were very helpful and friendly. We ordered room service and it was very good. Spacious room with comfortable furniture. I am disabled and parking was a challenge but once I got into my room I was comfortable.

Patrick B
6 лет назад – Google


I’m a fan of staying at Embassy Suites. However, this location kin of disappointed me. The atmosphere was dark, the decor seems outdated. My room smelled stuffy and the ceiling in my bathroom had pealing paint due to moisture damage. For $199 per night I expected better quality of appearance. The staff was very welcoming and accommodating. 5 stars to the staff. 3 stars to the overall appearance of the hotel.

Rick Wood
6 лет назад – Google


The staff is absolutely great, friendly, and over-worked. Management needs to hire more help to assist the current staff. The cleanliness was sub-par. Looked like the steps and walk ways in the main entrances have not been kept up for over a month. The breakfast staff were busting their butts and could not keep up with the crowd. Very under-whelmed with this particular Embassy Suites. Rooms were old and need updated to include a new HVAC system. However, all that said...You won't find a friendlier staff. Thanks for your assistance.

Stacy Whitehead
6 лет назад – Google


I'm giving this hotel 2 out of 5 stars because my experience there wasn't good at all! The friendliest people were those at the front desk. The bartender was rude and so were the cooks/servers. After one of the female cooks told me to wait in line for an omelette, she took her sign down and said "I'm done, No more! It's 10:30." I was literally the next person in line. The bartender looked and acted as if she were under the influence of drugs. Was very rude and snappy with us. The coy pond is a beautiful set up in the lobby though. Wouldn't recommend this hotel to anyone!!

Ben Huston
6 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel. Check in was very busy but they moved everyone through quickly. Rooms are very large and well maintained. Staff has been excellent. I had a small issue with the room when I arrived and the text message from the manager was extremely easy to reply and they took care of it right away.

Christian Halstead
6 лет назад – Google


Large Rooms. Needs to be cleaned and remodeled. Smells of mildew. Missing shampoo in room. No creamer. These are basics. Staff super friendly! The nicest. Pillows on bed aren't comfortable.

Ryan Guest
6 лет назад – Google


I was impressed by this hotel... very nice grounds inside - almost felt like Hawaii with all the greenery. The rooms were only OK, but fantastic evening reception with free food and drinks, plus amazing morning breakfast. Made to order omelettes!

Traci Gill
6 лет назад – Google


Had a business dinner at the restaurant. It was wonderful. Waitstaff was right on top of everything all night. Afterwards we went and walked through the canter of the hotel which is beautiful. Who knew that a hotel could have such a charming little park set up in the middle of it.

Rahul Ravichandran
6 лет назад – Google


Good location to downtown and lot of good places to eat around. Big enough car parking lot. Clean rooms. Decent breakfast and great happy hour.
It would be even better if they improve the quality of snacks they serve during happy hour.

jeremy bailey
6 лет назад – Google


This is a unique embassy suites! Jungle atrium theme sets it apart from so many other embassy suites. Great staff, very busy happy hour so get there early. Breakfast was nice, but not as outstanding as some others. Rooms were great as usual. Everything you would expect from Embassy Suites.

LJ Swain
6 лет назад – Google


Great service rooms clean. Is just the best man like you can't get no better than that. 10 out 10 it's just the best man. Just the best. Affordable but you get more than what you paid for.

Scott Hanks
6 лет назад – Google


Overall, the room and the hotel were nice. I really enjoyed the koi pond that meandered through the lobby. The free breakfast was also very good. For some reason, there was only one towel in our room, but it was no problem to have more brought up.

andrew rehbein
7 лет назад – Google


Located just of the highway for ease of access. With an Exquisite breakfast buffet and evening cocktail happy hour. Access to a pool is nice for families. The Only Fault worth mentioning is all rooms face the atrium so sounds Associated to evening events tend to carry even to the 8th floor.

Ian Dromey
7 лет назад – Google


It's a large hotel with a Ruth Chris steakhouse inside. The building is nice and it has a large covered atrium that all the rooms face on to. I stayed in a suite. It had a front room with desk and couch. There's a pretty good free breakfast where they'll cook you an omelette and a manager special in the evening with a free drink.
Only 3 stars because I was disappointed how dark the rooms were and the maintenance was substandard. My closet was falling apart and the bathroom ceiling was poorly patched and there was mildew in the bathroom and on the shower curtain. I'll choose somewhere else next time.

William Josten
7 лет назад – Google


Very comfortable. Not right in downtown which is good and bad. Had to take a cab to get to meetings, but it was very quiet. And it honestly didn't take long to get downtown or to other attractions. Extremely friendly and responsive staff.

Lynette Coley
7 лет назад – Google


We evacuated from Florida for hurricane Irma and were able to Bring our dogs. They have free drinks everyday for 2 hours in the evening. Our room was super spacious, king suite. It had a microwave, mini refrigerator in a Keurig coffee maker. There were also two sofas with pull-out beds. Also, every room has a balcony!

Kendra Poe
7 лет назад – Google


Absolutely the best of the best! Its literally like home away from home.. Huge rooms, comfortable beds, indoor pool and hot tub, Big bathrooms, great room service, but the best part is that it is AFFORDABLE! And if there is one around and I have to be out of town, you best believe that's where I'll be staying!

Amber May
7 лет назад – Google


We only had a short night's stay but everything was excellent. Easy check in, very accommodating with our dog & low pet fee. The beds were comfortable & we had a great nights sleep.

Darlene Cutler
7 лет назад – Google


Room was very nice! Housekeeping was slamming doors while cleaning and when I mentioned it to them, they continued to do it. Also room only had 2 towels, no floor mat, no hand towels, and had to go to front desk to get. My boyfriend and I have been Hilton Honor members for over 7 years and the front desk wouldn't allow us to use our late checkout and was rude about it. The food was great, and loved the free happy hour!

JD Kwo
7 лет назад – Google


Man I loved it. The breakfast and the food was very delicious. The rooms were very well designed. The beds seems to swallow one up when slept in. Very comfortable stay. When I used their gym I felt absolutely rejuvenated in body and mind. After that, their Jacuzzi help and warmed my sore muscles and body, I felt soaked to the bone!(In a good way) Overall, I would highly recommend this embassy to any traveler. I can GUARANTEE they will have a delightful stay.

Quentin Seaborn
7 лет назад – Google


Great parking, great complimentary breakfast. Rooms were ok. Friendly staff. Absolutely no discounts on group rooms. Attended a family reunion with over 60 members and couldn't or would not let me get the reunion rate. I would still use embassy suites again, a top notch name brand

harry cook
7 лет назад – Google


Not our first stay at an Embassy Suite but never before at this location. Room was difficult to climate control??
Bed leaned to headboard which was really annoying! And pillows were super soft, in this case was bad too!

Food and drinks at supper time were free but they were not good at all!!

Breakfast on the other hand was scrumptious! Hand made omelettes were amazing and fresh fruit. Enjoyed this part of our stay!

Dexter Davis
7 лет назад – Google


My wife and I began our stay at Embassy Suites on Sunday, June 18, 2017. It is now Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Each day we have had to call for towels and for trash to be emptied. There has been no housekeeping unless we requested it. My wife sent a text to the front desk requesting housekeeping and received a text back saying that housekeeping said if we remove the Do Not Disturb sign that they would come in and clean. My wife sent a text back informing front desk that we do not have access to a Do Not Disturb sign. That was housekeeping's excuse for not cleaning our room. It is now 4:30pm on June 21, 2017, an hour since today's request. For the cost of the rooms, the rooms show excessive wear.

Anime Ninja
7 лет назад – Google


I love the idea of the indoor garden! I also like the koi fish river very creative. The people are very nice. Also the breakfast buffet has a wide variety of things to eat! The only thing that I do not like is the thin sheets for the fold out bed. I would suggest asking for extra pillows and 2 blankets because you have better air conditioning in the main room.

Lindsay Metzger
7 лет назад – Google


We stayed in embassy suites Birmingham, in room 607. While the staff was lovely and helpful, and the atrium beautiful, the room was poorly lit. One of the bathrooms had a faulty connection and we had to staff a floor lamp in too have reliable lighting. The air conditioning was incapable of moving air at all. We set it to 68, but I'm certain it was never below 75, making it uncomfortable to sleep. The balconies were tiny, with shaky railings, so I wouldn't let the kids out on them. For what it was supposed to be, the beds were not comfortable at all, but hard and somewhat lumpy. An excellent staff cannot make up for a faulty facility.

Jennifer Manhave
7 лет назад – Google


The service was great and the food was good. They gave the kids fish food to feed the koy. The cooking staff gladly gave us all the information we needed​ to eat gluten free. Our room was spacious. The AC didn't work very well. The light in one bathroom wouldn't turn on. We could only get one TV out of three to work. Overall it wasn't​ a great stay but the service was very polite and helpful.

Tia Wheeler
7 лет назад – Google


Room was well appointed and clean, but ageing. The bathroom needed a deep cleaning. The king sized bed was actually a queen size. Great breakfast. Quiet location.

Briana Simmons
7 лет назад – Google


My son and I stayed here Friday night. I'm 8 months pregnant and I had to walk a long distance because there were no close parking spaces. I think they need to have a few parking spaces for expecting mothers. Also, when my son and I went down to eat breakfast, we got our food set it at a table and then walked about two steps to get our drinks. Some guy ate a piece of bacon off of my son's plate. Like who does that? I was so pissed. Hotel staff apologized and said that they had problems with those same guys the night before and had to call the police. They cursed the police out and the police couldn't do anything because it was private property. The hotel and rooms were very clean and the staff is very professional.

Good Times Panda
7 лет назад – Google


We got checked-in in a flash and made our way to a very spacious room with a neat little balcony on the 4th floor. The room was well laid out, sperating the bedroom and the living room/office type area. We enjoyed a few complimentary drinks from 5:30pm to 7pm, went about our business and went to bed. The bed was nice and soft with excellent sheets. In the morning we had a full breakfast and checked out. The only grievance I would take up with Embassy Suites in Birmingham is the parking... A little in the back a little on the sides and a terrible lady out in the back. 10/10 would stay again!

Erin Hale
7 лет назад – Google


The rooms were very nice! We had a two bedroom suite which had two double beds in one room and a pull-out couch in a separate room. All the rooms opened up to the inside of the atrium, getting it a very classic atmosphere. The breakfast bar was to die for! They had somebody making omelettes and pancakes for us. The staff was wonderful and very helpful.

Stephen Pridgen
7 лет назад – Google


Great hotel! The lobby is beautiful, staff is helpful, and the rooms are clean. Couldn't ask for anything else. I highly recommend this hotel!

Fran Smitherman
7 лет назад – Google


Unfortunately it was not the experience I expected it to be. Checked in, room was ready and appeared to be very nice - we were even given a nice goody bag with bottled waters and snacks upon checkin, so all seemed very promising _ until I had to kill a small cockroach in the slightly-mildewy smelling bathroom. Didn't tell the little guy I was traveling with - decided to let it go. Then a dog started barking incessantly in the room next to ours. I called the front desk, was assured they would take care of it. Called back about 30 minutes because dog had not stopped - they said no one answered. It was getting close to 8:30 at night at this point and the dog kept going (and then I had to kill a SECOND baby roach in the bathroom.) Told my little guy we were packing up and heading to the front desk to request a new room. While we were in the lobby we noticed a large dead roach outside of Ruth Chris that no one was attending to (so three roaches seen in a matter of about 2 hours.) The front desk (Ryan in particular) were VERY nice and did secure us a new room (it even had an air purifier and a coffee pot, something that had been missing in our room.) No barking dog, nicer bathroom, no bugs.

All in all the place i very beautiful but it had a circus like atmosphere and was loud and crowded (it echoes no matter what floor you are on.) The breakfast and evening receptions plus free wifi and free parking were great draws and everything in me wants this to be a hotel I would bring my family back to again - however, overall I would say it was a disappointing experience.

Ingrid Ruiz
7 лет назад – Google


The room was worn and missing things (only one thin extra blanket and no suitcase stand). Breakfast was pretty good, the evening reception was adequate (focus on alcohol, not food, so it was nothing much.) Restaurant staff were lovely; front desk staff were not.

Don Sternhagen
7 лет назад – Google


Updated spacious rooms. Fantastic free breakfast. Friendly Staff. Good Pool Area kids and family all had a great time.

Jaime Davis
7 лет назад – Google


Room was large and clean although somewhat dated. Staff at front desk very helpful at check-in. Pool heater broken so my family unable to use it. Staff at breakfast and reception incredibly rude and bordering on discriminatory. At breakfast we witnessed them asking only people of a certain race for their meal vouchers and at reception I was singled out of the line of 20 people to provide proof I was over 21 (I'm 40 and obviously so) and a guest. It was even implied that I was lying about both. Overall, our stay was okay but I don't know that I would stay again.

Andrew Morgan
7 лет назад – Google


This hotel is in a great location to visit Samford University. The room was clean and staff were friendly. There is free parking. While there isn't a free breakfast there is free coffee in the room. Across the street is a wonderful shopping center and coffee shop called O'Henrys

Lindsay Walsh
7 лет назад – Google


Would have given 5 stars for customer service. Only reason I gave 4 was because we could never get into our room with the keys. Maintenance always had to let us in. Friendly front desk and hot breakfast was a great way to start our day!

Tyler Loyd
7 лет назад – Google


Had a great experience with the restaurant staff. They were very attentive and extremely fast service. I'd give it more than five stars but unfortunately that option doesn't exist yet

Tammy Persky
7 лет назад – Google


Love how open Embassy Suites is, instead of long dark corridors. They have a great breakfast, made to order hot breakfast made on the spot as well as other breakfast foods. There is something to please everyone. Enjoyed our stay.

Brian Weintraub
8 лет назад – Google


I work at the hotel as a bellman and absolutely love it. The management is awesome, the building is really pretty, and everyone there is so nice and friendly. It's an awesome place to work! Also it's an awesome place to stay. The beds are very comfy, the breakfast is very good, the evening managers reception is nice, and all the employees want to make sure you are taken care of and hope you have a pleasant stay!

Chris Freeman
8 лет назад – Google


I've stayed there a dozen times. It's always VERY busy on the weekends and can be loud. There are a lot of locals that seem to make it a destination, so plan on a lot of small kids running around and tracking water from the pool. It can also mean long lines at the breakfast buffet. The Manager's Reception is not on the same par with many Embassy Suites. On the upside, there is a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse on-premises.

jane van
8 лет назад – Google


We stopped for the night while traveling. It was a very beautiful hotel. The breakfast was great! They supplied us with a crib for our baby and we had a small dog with us. The cleaning lady gave us treats for him without us asking, which was sweet. The bed was very comfortable! The most comfortable bed and pillows in any hotel we've stopped at. Great sleeping, easy to use coffee machine. Overall we were extremely satisfied customers.

Emilia Anderson
8 лет назад – Google


This hotel is just ok. I only stay here because my company has an office right next door, so I can walk to and from when I'm in Birmingham for work. This place needs a major face-lift. It reminds me of a hotel that you'd find in Disney World...with the rooms surrounding an open atrium area with plants and water. Weird smell as a result. Rooms are hit or miss. One time I had a REALLY dingy room with mystery stains on the floor, but other times it has been better. The breakfast isn't even worth eating. Very standard, unhealthy hotel fare. It does get a point for having a Ruth's Chris in the lobby. Makes dinner pretty convenient, and who doesn't love a Ruth's Chris stuffed chicken breast. Best thing on earth. The service is quite good, so they get another point there. The folks at the front desk have always been friendly and helpful, and I like that they actually text you to make sure you've had a nice stay etc.

Overall, it's a very average hotel. But price is right for what it is. I know I'll be back, so I would love to see it get a makeover in the near future!

Ivan yhbg
8 лет назад – Google


Nice location right off a main thoroughfare.

Rooms were a decent size. Although the toilets required some handle holding in order to flush. Overall though, I would stay here again.

The staff at the front desk were very friendly. My family was approached on more than one occasion, that if our stay was not going well to please let them know. We were greeted with the HHonors bag upon check-in, which was nice.

The breakfast and dinner/snack offerings were really nice. The bartender stole the show though. Great personality, very engaging and provided really good customer service. The other staff were very attentive to keeping the area up so that no one really had to wait for a clean table.

We ate a Ruth's Chris in the facility. It was my birthday. I've never eaten at one before. Although the ambiance was nice and the staff friendly, the steak was just OK. We often eat at J Alexanders in San Antonio, I've never been disappointed with their steaks. No knock on the hotel though, its not their fault.

Jared Powers
8 лет назад – Google


The staff and service was exemplary. The room was extremely clean, however, the facility felt aged. Also, the door bolt was falling off the door when I arrived. Overall, a good stay.

Drew Cunningham
9 лет назад – Google


Great free breakfast and free happy hour. Huge room. Free WiFi. Solid hotel

Julie Khushalani
9 лет назад – Google


We were here only for the weekend but really enjoyed our stay. The breakfast service was very good and so was the social hour in the evening. The rooms are very clean and big. I would have liked a good view out of the window but the way the hotel is built around the center garden... I thoroughly enjoyed stepping out of my room and walking outside around the balcony. Overall highly recommended.

Tony Walters
9 лет назад – Google


Not a true Embassy Suites like others I stayed at. It was a little run down. The rooms were bland and worn out. I was missing a door on my dresser, etc. There is only a Ruth Chris steakhouse in the hotel and its way over-priced for the location. So, the only food to eat is $15-25 appetizers and $40-80 dinners.
There is a pool inside over-run by kids and parking is horrible.
Front desk was nice. I am not returning.