 5 939則評論

Embassy Suites by Hilton St Louis Downtown

610 North 7th Street, Saint Louis, MO 63101, United States 地理位置

Embassy Suites by Hilton St Louis Downtown

大使館套房聖路易斯市中心的酒店位於密蘇里州交通便利,歷史悠久的桂冠大廈聖路易斯市中心的心臟街對面從美國* S會展中心和愛德華瓊斯圓頂體育場 - 到南京外國語學校聖路易斯公羊。從I-70 I-64 I-44和I-55我們的大使套房酒店方便客人是令人振奮的新商品交易所區目前正在開發的核心。蘭伯特聖路易斯國際機場僅14英里和Metrolink輕軌系統,會展中心站不到一個街區之遙。
在Embassy Suites酒店的傳統,我們的酒店提供的所有兩個房間的套房有一張特大號床或兩張大床。每間套房擁有10英尺或更廣泛的天花板和看法聖路易斯市中心的全景。在城市現代化的裝飾您的舒適是有保證有平板電視在臥室和客廳寬敞的工作表面在我們明亮的浴室提供一個最低費用寬敞的梳妝台和有線或無線高速互聯網接入高雅的任命。我們酒店的客人有充分利用我們的許多設施,包括
 - 室內恆溫游泳池和漩渦
 - 先進的健身中心的國家
 - 24小時免費商務中心
 - 在公共場所免費無線上網,整個酒店 您可在我們邀請的中庭熟到訂單的特色早餐每天早晨和經理接待每天晚上。這兩起事件都是免費為我們的客人。便餐也可用於購買日常吃飯以及午餐在周六和周日在心房或通過客房服務。
大使館套房聖路易斯 - 市區提供5000平方英尺的靈活會議和宴會設施和六個行政會議室套房。可用狀態的最先進的視聽設備的創意餐飲服務和專業的人員來預測你的每一個需要將確保您的業務meeti成功

Located in the historic Laurel Building in the heart of downtown St. Louis across the street from America's Convention Center and The Dome at America's Center. With easy access from I-70, I-64, I-44 and I-55, the Embassy Suites is the centerpiece of the Mercantile Exchange District; an urban residential and entertainment neighborhood. St. Louis Lambert International Airport is only 14 miles away and the MetroLink light rail systems Convention Center Station is less than a block away. We are located within easy access to many St. Louis area attractions including the Gateway Arch, City Museum, Busch Stadium – home of the St. Louis Cardinals MLB Club, Enterprise Center – home of the St. Louis Blues NHL Club, Lumiere Casino, and Ballpark Village.



  • 互聯網
  • 免費無線上網
  • 筆記型電腦在公共區域高速上網
  • 高速上網
  • 公共區域無線互聯網連接
  • 互聯網服務
  • 大眾運輸
  • 摩托車停車場
  • 安全停車場
  • 火車通道
  • 代客泊車
  • 前台
  • 行李擱置
  • 提前入住
  • 迅速辦理入住
  • 迅速辦理退房
  • 前台
  • 提供延遲退房
  • 經理招待會
  • 離崗工作
  • 書桌配有電源插座
  • 電話服務
  • 影印中心
  • 一般
  • 空調
  • 連結房
  • 直撥電話
  • 暖氣客房
  • 室內走廊
  • 禁煙客房
  • 私人浴缸或淋浴
  • 公共區域空調
  • 樓梯間
  • 飯店服務
  • 其他服務/設施/設備
  • 取款機
  • 提供印登機證服務
  • 乾洗
  • 消防安全標準
  • 全方位家政服務
  • 吹風機
  • 不提供色情電影/電視
  • 家政服務 - 每天
  • 燙衣板
  • 洗衣/代客服務
  • 公共廣播系統
  • 保險箱
  • 保安
  • 代客清洗
  • 代客乾洗當天取件
  • 喚醒服務
  • 餐廳商店
  • 雜貨便利店
  • 自動販賣機
  • 與他人同行
  • 家庭旅遊計劃
  • 可攜帶寵物
  • 坡道入口
  • 無障礙設施
  • 無障礙客房
  • 視障電梯
  • 電梯
  • 輪椅通道
  • 活動
  • 宴會設施
  • 晚間招待會
  • 會議室
  • 環保設施


  • 通訊
  • 無線互聯網連接
  • 高速無線
  • 語音信箱
  • 寢具
  • 沙發床
  • 浴室
  • 餐飲
  • 微波爐
  • 迷你冰箱
  • 調酒櫃桌
  • 娛樂
  • 有線電視
  • 提供CNN
  • 免費電影/視頻
  • 商務
  • 辦公桌附電源插座
  • 電話附留言燈
  • 一般
  • 鬧鐘
  • 火災警報
  • 熨斗
  • 禁煙
  • 可調節的暖氣/冷氣系統
  • 煙霧探測器


  • 游泳池
  • 游泳池
  • 身心之暢
  • 渦流按摩浴
  • 渦流按摩浴缸
  • 健身房
  • 心血管鍛煉
  • 健身房
  • 健身中心
  • 舉重
  • 運動
  • 遊戲/電影


  • 膳食計劃
  • 豪華歐陸早餐
  • 免費早餐
  • 免費自助早餐
  • 免費全套美式早餐
  • 熱早餐
  • 熱歐陸早餐
  • 特別關注
  • 免費咖啡在大廳
  • 免費晚宴
  • 免費客房內咖啡或茶
  • 大堂咖啡服務
  • 迎賓飲料
  • 服務
  • 綠色食品
  • 廚房設備
  • 製冰機
  • 小廚房
  • 餐廳商店型態
  • 雞尾酒廊-提供輕食
  • 休息室/酒吧
  • 餐館


  • 免費自助早餐
  • 免費全套美式早餐
  • 免費早餐
  • 自助早餐
  • 豪華歐陸早餐
  • 熱歐陸早餐
  • 熱早餐


  • 入住時間: 16:00
  • 退房時間: 12:00

預訂必須在抵達酒店的時間前24小時取消,以避免處罰。 50 USD提前退房費。



$75(1-4n),$125(5+n)2petsMax,dog/cat only


  • 英文


If you’re winding down for the day or gearing up for the night, have a more relaxing evening at our complimentary Evening Reception. The complimentary Evening Reception held nightly features free snacks and beverages for guests. Choose from a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages while enjoying light appetizers and great conversation with family or coworkers. It’s more than perfect for adults and kids alike.


  • 會議室數量: 11
  • 客房數量: 212
  • 最大會議室面積: 3344 sq. ft.


  • 室內停車場
  • 摩托車停車場
  • 安全停車場
  • 代客泊車


  • 黑板
  • 可供晚餐
  • 信差服務
  • 鋼筆/鉛筆/墊
  • 印刷服務
  • 註冊服務
  • 射燈
  • 電視
  • VCR租賃
  • 專用展示空間
  • 電腦費
  • 最大容納人數
  • 在現場的會議服務人員數
  • 35毫米投影機
  • 活動照明服務
  • 在場會議服務
  • T1線路
  • 模擬互聯網連接
  • 可小組會議折扣/套餐
  • 閉路視頻
  • VHS播放器
  • 內部AV部門
  • 允許個人AV設備
  • 無線麥克風
  • 背投
  • 數據投影機
  • 黑板架
  • 可供早餐
  • 可供午餐
  • 公證人
  • 便攜式舞台
  • 背面屏幕
  • 保安人員
  • 提供桌子
  • 電視製作服務提供商
  • 視頻會議服務提供商
  • 視聽傳播供應費
  • 來賓電腦費
  • 會議室數量
  • 大廳公告欄
  • 有證照的婚禮策劃師
  • 活動策劃服務
  • 設備租賃
  • 講台
  • 無線互聯網連接
  • 會議支持服務
  • DVD播放機
  • 會議策劃人員
  • 外部供應商的AV設備
  • 照明控制
  • 後台投影機
  • 豎板
  • 筆記型電腦
  • 35毫米投影機附遥控




  •  在地當季食材
  •  參與當地社區


ISO 14001

ISO 14001是國際公認的標準,概述瞭如何建立有效的環境管理系統。它旨在幫助企業在不忽視環境責任的情況下保持商業上的成功,例如:•不斷提高環境績效•遵守本地和國家法規以及所訂閱的其他要求•防止水,空氣和地面污染危害•控制和優化水和能源消費•促進廢物回收和恢復•提高員工之間的環境意識,並訓練他們在活動中採用良好實踐•使用生態標籤的家政產品•使用可持續林業認證的紙張

ISO 50001

ISO 50001基於持續改進的管理系統模型,也用於其他眾所周知的標準(例如ISO 9001或ISO 14001)。這使組織更容易將能源管理集成到他們改善質量和環境管理的整體努力中。 ISO 50001為組織提供了一個要求的框架: - 制定更有效利用能源的策略 - 修復目標和目標以滿足政策 - 使用數據更好地理解和做出有關能源使用的決定 - 衡量結果 - 審查如何很好地了解該政策有效,並不斷改善能源管理。

最有幫助點評 9 39則評論

Walter Kirslis
4 年 前 – Google


Great location to everything to do in area, as well as excellent service and friendly staff

Amanda Harmon
4 年 前 – Google


Just need to sing Mark‘s praises. Really, all the staff were amazing and happy. Passing through on a cross-country roadtrip, Mark made sure we were comfortable, thoroughly answered all our questions, and helped us with the new parking process (no valet due to COVID.) He saw we were exhausted after a night of driving with a toddler and offered us a little snack and some drinks as we made our way to our room. We felt extremely well taken care of in an unfamiliar city.

Kaycee Mounts
4 年 前 – Google


Breakfast, happy hour and room are amazing! Special thanks to the lady that was assigned to make omelettes has very good customer service, she serves many people and manage to put a smile on her face and provide great customer service at the same time. The lady in front desk not so great and everytime we call front desk nobody answer the phone.

Katlyn Martin
4 年 前 – Google


Nice rooms (we were upgraded to a larger room with a conference table in it... so, way more space than we could ever need), although the cleanliness is a little lacking (hair on the sink, dirt in corners of bathroom floor, carpet in need of a good vacuuming). The location is the absolute key to this hotel - it’s an easy walk to the Convention Center (in this case for a Supercross Race), restaurants and pretty much anything else you would want to do; everything else is a cheap Uber away.

Sara M
4 年 前 – Google


Breakfast was amazing! Me and my husband came down here for a night get away and we were greeted by a guy named Nathan who showed us where everything was and gave us a breakfast tour everyone had a smile, plenty of room to sit and the food was delicious. They had a lot of things to choose from including drinks.

kerri bell
6 年 前 – Google


The valet was friendly and quick and careful with my car. The front desk staff greeted me warmly shortly after I entered the lobby. All the housekeeping staff were amazing and checked to make sure I didn't need towels etc. The lady cooking Omlettes to order was talented she kept 5 different complicated orders going perfectly. The breakfast food selection was varied and good. I will be back.

Adam Ostein
6 年 前 – Google


Great hotel and location, but it will cost you some money for the room and parking. We did really enjoy our time in the city. Our first trip without the kids after 8 years. Certainly one we will remember for many years. Lots of great restaurants nearby. You can easily walk to the water and Arch. Overall great experience.

heather melton
6 年 前 – Google


Very clean, quiet. Staff is friendly. The cocktail hour is nice. The Breakfast is good. Most definitely will stay here again when we're in the area. 👍🏽😊

Laura Hook Pabst
6 年 前 – Google


It was beautiful! The room was so comfortable and big! The staff was so nice! Breakfast was awesome. Parking was pricy but I felt safer with my car there instead of a public lot.

Bruce Reyes-Chow
6 年 前 – Google


Stayed here for a recent convention and Embassy, once again, did not disappoint.

The room was what I expect from Embassy Suites, clean, well-kept, functional appliances, etc.

Service was great with all desk folks response, friendly, and professional.

The location was stellar with all one could want for a conference stay within blocks: grocery store, restaurants, theater, etc. Not sure about more touristy things, but it's proximity to the convention center was AWESOME!

The only downside is that the electronic key never got working. Not a huge deal, but would have been great if it had worked.

Nancy Chang
6 年 前 – Google


4 stars for the location. Very convenient for the convention events. Several places to grab a bite within walking distance. Minus a star because the door to the pool was locked for a couple of hours during the day without any signs with reason for the closure. The treadmills in the gym could use a tune-up but nice to have a place to workout.

Kevin Flowers
6 年 前 – Google


The staff was very helpful. And our room was quite larger than I expected (which is great since you have 2 kids). One thing to note is that it is vallet parking only at the hotel.

Molly Sachs
6 年 前 – Google


Attentive door staff and front desk staff-- quick check in to our room. Room was spacious, clean, and inviting-- plenty of room for a family to stay comfortably. Furniture was up to date and beds/linens were comfortable. The happy hour was fine -- variety of snacks each day and many drinks to choose from. Breakfast was great-- many choices and the breakfast staff was very kind and attentive!
Great stay! Would recommend to all.

Charles Murphy
6 年 前 – Google


Probably the nicest Embassy Suites room that I have ever stayed in! Staff is stellar including the nice woman that makes the delicious made to order omelets for the continental breakfast. Evening reception is very nice too. Two chief complaints - 1) The breakfast closes at 9 AM on the dot, so much for sleeping in if you are on vacation. 2) Indoor pool was littered with sand and dirt all around the edges.

Devin Ragghianti
6 年 前 – Google


What a great experience here, and a wonderful first experience staying with Embassy Suites. Hotel was easy to find, staff very friendly and attentive. Evening receptions and free breakfast were fantastic (love that they're included in the nightly rate). This hotel is also convenient to a lot of family activities...20 min drive from Grant Farm, walking distance to The City Museum, Gateway Arch NP. No baseball or hockey during our stay, but hotel is walking distance both stadiums as well. Parking is Valet-only for $30/night, but wifi is free and very good.

Shingo Sean Ishida
6 年 前 – Google


This Embassy Suites location is very conveniently located almost directly above the Convention Center Metro Link station in downtown St Louis. It's 15 stations away from the airport Metro Link station and is about 45 minutes away. It's actually not too bad of a walking distance to Busch Stadium and Scottrade Center. Nice sized rooms and amenities. Or room had no bathtub, though. Overall a nice hotel.

Timothy Horan
6 年 前 – Google


My family stayed from the 28th of March to the 31st, 2018. We enjoyed staying at this Embassy. The staff we encountered were all very nice and accommodating. They were great with the kids and were able to handle the high volume of kids that come with families on spring break. They did a great job! Our kids loved it and so did my wife and I. The location couldn't have been better. This is the place to stay.

Katie A
6 年 前 – Google


The location of this hotel is Downtown St Louis. If it is not raining. You can walk to the Arch, nearby restaurants. Rooms are a good size. Cleaned daily. A little disappointed no nighttime turn down service. However, this is not a big deal. Pool is good for the kids and the free breakfast has everything you can dream about!

Cheri Baker
6 年 前 – Google


We booked last minute & chose this location because we have been to 2 other locations. Also the price was about $30 less than the others. It won't save you any money because it was a little more than that (per day) for parking. The rooms seemed bigger & nicer than any other Embassy that I have reserved. The breskfast could have been better. There were omelets but no pancakes or waffles. Overall it was a great experience.

Brandi Guzman
6 年 前 – Google


Our stay was great! From the moment we got there service was perfect. The evening reception was better than other Embassy Suites I have stayed at. Our room was spacious and clean. Breakfast was great and the door men and Valet were extremely helpful and pleasant. I would definitely recommend this hotel.

En Yts
6 年 前 – Google


The Embassy Suites are a good choice for someone looking for a weekend out. They are in a good location. Within walking distance of many nearby businesses and resturant as well as the local casino. The city tram is about a block away for those looking to go to other parts of the city. The breakfast offers free made to order omelets but I personally wasn't impressed as the staff made several mistakes on many orders. The evening special of free drinks is however nice. The hot tub and pool area was clean and nicely uncrowded so we had it just for our group. The hotel is very nice and despite the lacking breakfast I would be happy to go again.

Andrew Yeager-Buckley
6 年 前 – Google


This was a wonderful hotel to stay and meet in for the last 5 days. The complimentary breakfast options were high in quality and the managers reception was always a fun way to end our day. I warn guests to not stay in rooms facing the street in the 220s. These rooms are above a BBQ restaurant that has a larger smoker outside just below these rooms. My room, pillows and clothing regularly included a smell of smoke and BBQ. It wouldn't have bothered me if it happened one day but it was everyday. I also woke up to the restaurant staff getting the fires started in the smoker just about every morning between 4 and 5am.

Walter Goins
7 年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around...

This was a weekend getaway for the family. A bit of a rocky start with the valet, they were down a person unexpectedly and a bunch of us decided to show up at the same time. Anne, the manager at the front desk, was more than accommodating and helped to ease the frustration. We had a 2 bedroom, which was great for the 4 of us. The room was clean. We had an issue with the bar sink, a drip. Called down to let them know. Luckily it started as we were heading out so it was fixed by the time we were back.

The evening reception was really nice. Very friendly staff, a decent selection of snacks and drinks. Breakfast was great as well with a nice selection and very friendly staff.

We visited the pool twice. The kids enjoyed it. It was kept fairly clean and one time when they were out of towels, we called down and they were able to get more brought up.

Overall we had a really nice time and the staff really helped make it.

Jason Turner
7 年 前 – Google


This was a weekend getaway for the family. A bit of a rocky start with the valet, they were down a person unexpectedly and a bunch of us decided to show up at the same time. Anne, the manager at the front desk, was more than accommodating and helped to ease the frustration. We had a 2 bedroom, which was great for the 4 of us. The room was clean. We had an issue with the bar sink, a drip. Called down to let them know. Luckily it started as we were heading out so it was fixed by the time we were back.

The evening reception was really nice. Very friendly staff, a decent selection of snacks and drinks. Breakfast was great as well with a nice selection and very friendly staff.

We visited the pool twice. The kids enjoyed it. It was kept fairly clean and one time when they were out of towels, we called down and they were able to get more brought up.

Overall we had a really nice time and the staff really helped make it.

Katrina Gordon-Jones
7 年 前 – Google


We stayed in 303 and corner room...It was nice the only problem we had was that the heat was blowing out cold air.. Everything else was on point. The complimentary drinks, Breakfast, the hotel was decorated nice. I can't complain the only reason I gave him four stars was because of the Heat.

Charlise Clark
7 年 前 – Google


We loved it! The rooms were spacious and clean, the service was top-notch! The hotel was clean and inviting. The free breakfast is always a plus! I love that Hilton now has self check in AND you can download your roomkey onto your smart phone. We checked in from the road and went straight to our room!! We loved it!

Roberta Wengert
7 年 前 – Google


Nice suites. Located downtown. Free drinks were awsome. Breakfast was really good. Loved inlet bar.

Kat Harrison
7 年 前 – Google


Fantastic staff all the way around. Free breakfast, wifi and drinks at happy hour, comfy beds and spacious rooms. A bit of a walk to my room but worth it for the amenities

Stacy Monroe
7 年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around...

Wonderful place to stay. Here for a work conference and stayed overnight as well. The rooms are clean and very nice. There is a small refrigerator and microwave in each room. The staff is very friendly and helpful. They will bend over backwards to help you in any way they can. I would highly recommend this hotel and would gladly stay here again.

Charles Greathouse
7 年 前 – Google


Awesome hotel. Great location. Friendly staff. The rooms have super high ceilings and it feels very luxurious. Will definitely be back!

Michael Meadows
7 年 前 – Google


About what you expect from an Embassy Suites. A good place to stay when traveling for business. Pretty good breakfast spread, free alcohol for happy hour, and passably clean rooms. The only real problem I had was with the city of Saint Louis, which thought it was okay to have people rip up the road in the front of a hotel at 2:00 in the morning!

Crystal Stearns
7 年 前 – Google


Wonderful place to stay. Here for a work conference and stayed overnight as well. The rooms are clean and very nice. There is a small refrigerator and microwave in each room. The staff is very friendly and helpful. They will bend over backwards to help you in any way they can. I would highly recommend this hotel and would gladly stay here again.

Bobbi Hughes
7 年 前 – Google


Excellent hotel. Huge and beautiful suites. Comfy beds. Delicious AND FREE breakfast daily. Great place to stay for business or pleasure. Staff is very friendly.

Benjamin McClellan
7 年 前 – Google


Excellence is the standard for an Embassy Suites hotel. This one is perfectly situated between the Convention Center and a row of restaurants and a movie theater. Access to the Metrolink is only a short block walk. Don't worry about "checking in" at the front desk. A smart phone allows you to get a digital key and go straight to your room - a definite plus after a long day traveling.

Siva sidhamalli
7 年 前 – Google


Nice hotel with a good swimming pool. The gym is a bit cramped. Good breakfast is available. The very low noise level was great.

Lauren Anthony
7 年 前 – Google


Location pretty easy to find with close parking options. I parked in a open lot with an electronic prepay walk up machine. The cost was $1.00 per half hour. Hotel staff all seemed nice and friendly and the area I saw was nice and clean and looked upscale. I was only there for a career event so I didn't get to experience much else, however before I hit the road I did use the ladies room which was also nice and clean!

Allison Boyke
7 年 前 – Google


The staff were extremely helpful and polite. They were prompt to answer questions about local places to eat. The location of this hotel is a 15 minute walk to the arch. The amenities provided were more then enough for my family.

John Wrather
7 年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked a room on here and they had the cheapest rates around...

Large breakfast was nice. Unfortunately, several of the "hot" items were cold. Room was nice and comfortable. The pool is small,but enjoyable. The fact that it is only 3ft deep at its deepest was great for my 7yr old who doesn't swim well yet.

Danielle Clark
7 年 前 – Google


Large breakfast was nice. Unfortunately, several of the "hot" items were cold. Room was nice and comfortable. The pool is small,but enjoyable. The fact that it is only 3ft deep at its deepest was great for my 7yr old who doesn't swim well yet.

Peder Reiff
7 年 前 – Google


I really like the accommodations. However, I do feel.that it should have been publicised that the hotel does not provide parking. You either need to pay $20 per night for a public garage with no in or out privileges, or $30 a day for valet that allows unlimited privileges, but that you need to tip every darn time since they don't pool their tips.

Amy Duke
7 年 前 – Google


Wish I could rate this higher. Great location, breakfast, and most staff. Housekeeping loses them 2 stars. We'd be out all day and come back and our room hadn't been cleaned. Frequently did not fill up all the towels. Rarely vacuumed. Had to ask repeatedly to have beds changed (yes. We used their card). Even left a tip at the beginning of the week. I love Embassy Suites, but this one falls below par.

Jennifer Pooler
7 年 前 – Google


Very clean and staff friendly. Our room was located near a busy street during a convention center event. We could hear the road noise and other various activities. It did hinder some sleep, but bed was comfortable. Breakfast and cocktail hour was amazing. Coffee good and omelets super fresh.

Tori Reid
7 年 前 – Google


The suite was spacious and comfortable, the atmosphere was welcoming and homey. I loved the amenities to enjoy, the gym, pool, and free hot breakfast. And despite the noisy downtown street, the beds were so comfortable my friends and i fell asleep quickly and soundly. It was a wonderful stay.

Cheri Foster
7 年 前 – Google


This was an excellent Embassy Suites, close to most attractions in the city. Room was clean and comfortable and we enjoyed the manager reception and cooked to order breakfast. We were pleasantly surprised by the golf cart service to and from the baseball game! The Valet parking was convenient and they retrieved our car quickly upon checkout.

gregory ennis
7 年 前 – Google


Great location. Very nice rooms. Staff is friendly and helpful. Great place to stay for business travel.

Dennis Hood
7 年 前 – Google


Started off with a room that had a broken chain lock less than a roll of toilet paper, and not enough towels. Staff was nice to us, but seemed to be in short supply. While not the fault of the hotel, there were an abundance of young and undisciplined children staying here, all who thought the hotel was their personal playground. Otherwise the stay was comfortable.🎧

Renee Luttrell Huge
7 年 前 – Google


Nearly everything here has been great! Every employee has been very friendly and helpful, the room was clean and fairly well stocked. The pool and fitness center seem to be clean and well maintained. We have had a great weekend and will definitely be back.

Jared Wicklein
7 年 前 – Google


Stayed here two nights. The hotel is upscale and clean. The workers were friendly and free breakfast is very good.

Meghann Neeley
7 年 前 – Google


Nice large rooms with comfortable King suites. Great morning breakfast with made to order omelette. Also a nice touch with the complimentary happy hour in thr hotel bar for guests.

Daniel Goodwin
7 年 前 – Google


Great place to stay. Staff is incredible and extremely helpful. A bit pricy but worth it.

Benjamin Davison
8 年 前 – Google


This was not my first stay at this hotel, I am a repeat customer for a reason. The staff is always kind and helpful. The hotel location is always in a short distance of something to do. The in house restaurants are delecious. The room is always spacious and clean. I love having the extra living room attached to the room. The free happy hour is a nice bonus.I love this hotel and it will always be my go to for St. Louis.

Diana Buie
8 年 前 – Google


Everyone was so incredibly nice to me and my slew of tiny children. The room was awesome, and the evening reception was very appreciated. Every kind of food or drink you could want are a short walk away. We ordered room service as well, but the food was expensive and not amazing. The pool is small and shallow, but perfect for my slew of toddlers. We had a great time.

Daniel Corbett Harmon
8 年 前 – Google


Friendly customer service. It is in a great location next to the convention center and Washington Avenue. The architecture was elaborate and the decorations were elegant. I did notice that unless you valet, parking is difficult however.

Amanda Elder
8 年 前 – Google


The location of the hotel was good! However, I didn't like that they didn't have self parking...and valet was 28 dollars! The breakfast was okay, I wish they had more of a selection of non pork items! Overall, very nice hotel.

Cyrus Byte
8 年 前 – Google


Best rooms around, two room suite with locking door's between them great for kids! My only complaint was that the pool was cold, would be nice if it was a heateddy pool. Breakfast is the best also, large selection!

dimitri willis
8 年 前 – Google


The room itself was great. Nice size and the room quality was superb. breakfast was great as well. I personally enjoyed the omellete and the variety of drink options. The only problem I did have was miscommunication with the valet. They told me I could bill it to the room when I arrived, and then when I went to retrieve the car they forced me to make me pay up front first.

8 年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked this hotel on there and they had the cheapest rates around...

There was a huge issue with the pool. After swimming with my family I ended up with severe pink eye in both my eyes, my wife was wearing a ring that turned completely black, one of my son's ended up with a skin rash, and 2 days later my younger son ended up with an ear infection. We ended up checking out after one day because my double pink eye was so severe we immediately ended our vacation and headed home. I give them 2 stars instead of 1 because they did comp our stay and expenses and even offered us 2 extra nights, but they admitted no wrong doing and told my wife they found nothing wrong with the pool, which I don't believe. I've never had pink eye in my life and the other issues could not be coincidental. I am a Hilton honors member and this is the first issue I have had with one of there properties. I appreciate their gesture to cover our costs, but we won't stay here again.

Josh Acree
8 年 前 – Google


Very nice hotel! From the valets, front desk and the bartender the service was awesome! The bartender reopened the bar to get me a drink and the breakfast attendant went to the back and grabbed us pancakes and bacon for my 3 year old after it was closed. It's located right in downtown St Louis next to the Rams stadium and in walking distance to the arch.

Blake Moore
8 年 前 – Google


Had a brunch appointment with friends in the restaurant. The staff was very friendly, helpful, and kindly. The food was good, and atmosphere easy to connect in conversation. Thanks !

Melisa Mons
8 年 前 – Google


Great location to watch baseball and go to the arch. Wonderful service. Fantastic breakfast. Recommended.

David Petris
8 年 前 – Google


Our two night stay was great from start to finish. A wonderful stay our suite was wonderful. Clean building and professional staff. The cafeteria was excellent. Half of the 4th floor (i think 4th flr) is dedicated to eating. Plenty of room, omelets are cooked to your desire.

Jeff Coloma
8 年 前 – Google


Grand bedrooms with very high cielings and windows. Hallways can be a bit long. Great service and comp breakfasts. Paint scheme could be more bright. Would visit again.

Greg Schmid
9 年 前 – Google


Rooms are huge, staff is super attentive and breakfast/brunch, and the evening happy hour being in dedicated area was great. Close to so much, without it being difficult to get to.

Jeff Gundy
9 年 前 – Google


If any of you guys are looking for dirt cheap hotel deals I would check out HotelRaven. Com I saved a ton of money using that site.

We were there with children and everyone was so kind! Great breakfast, pool, evening reception, and staff. Anytime we asked a question or needed anything we had quick responses.
The information in the room and at check in layer out when the busiest, moderately busy, and least busy times to go to breakfast were. That was super helpful with small children, choosing to go the least busy time. Not to mention, food was great! Loved Helen's made to order and she was so kind too!

David Chase
9 年 前 – Google


Completely mirror Elizabeth's review - broke up our Chicago road trip (from Kansas City) by staying overnight her on the return trip. Not only did our corner room have a sweet view, but the kids pull-out bed was located on the opposite end of the room from Mommy and Daddy's room. AWESOME!

Nicole from Room Service surprised our boys with a sweet surprise after we took the time to stop by the kitchen to discuss our made-to-order pizza! And Chrissy at the bar makes some SUPERB drinks - the happy hour was a nice break up to our day and we almost could have made dinner out of all the great snack options!

It as a little pricier than some of the competition, but the accomodations are money well spent - we spent $50 less at another hotel and were miserable in our cheap bed. We slept like babies at the Embassy Suites!

Elizabeth Shotkoski
9 年 前 – Google


We were there with children and everyone was so kind! Great breakfast, pool, evening reception, and staff. Anytime we asked a question or needed anything we had quick responses.
The information in the room and at check in layer out when the busiest, moderately busy, and least busy times to go to breakfast were. That was super helpful with small children, choosing to go the least busy time. Not to mention, food was great! Loved Helen's made to order and she was so kind too!

Kendra Castelow
9 年 前 – Google


From the customer service of the Bellhops and Valets to the cooked-to-order breakfast, my family and I were extremely pleased! The comfortable stay was topped by the complimentary drinks at the Evening Reception! Stay at the Embassy Suites in Downtown Saint Louis. You'll be glad you did!